Galuh Chandra Irawan, Galuh Chandra
Institut Kesehatan Immanuel

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Underweight increases the risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in adult Irawan, Galuh Chandra; Margawati, Ani; Rosidi, Ali
Universa Medicina Vol 36, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2017.v36.4-10


BackgroundTuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in middle- and low-income countries. The risk of developing TB may be related to nutritional status. Socioeconomic and behavioral factors are also shown to increase the susceptibility to TB infection. The objective of this study was to determine nutritional factors as risk factors of pulmonary TB in adult.MethodsThis was an observational study of case control design. The study subjects were community members consisting of 19 adult cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 38 controls. Data on nutritional intakes were obtained by semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), while smoking behavior, history of DM, body mass index, education, and income were obtained by structured interviews. The data were analyzed by independent t-test and logistic regression for calculation of the odds ratio (OR).ResultsThe bivariate test showed that the adequacy levels for energy (OR=6.8; 95% CI: 1.51-30.54), protein (OR=5.1; 95% CI: 1.52-17.14), vitamin A (OR=4.2; 5% CI: 1.31-13.54), vitamin C (OR=3.8;95% CI: 1.21-12.36), selenium (OR=4.2; 95% CI: 1.34-13.58), body mass index (OR=4.4; 95% CI: 1.32-14.35) and smoking behavior (OR=3.7; 95% CI: 1.15-11.9), were significant risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis. Multiple logistic regression test showed that low body mass index (<18.5 kg/m2) (OR=6.0; 95% CI: 1.32-27.18) was a the most influential risk factor of pulmonary tuberculosis.ConclusionLow body mass index is the most influential risk factor for pulmonary tuberculosis incidence in adult. Nutrition profile in adult is an important determinant of TB incidence.
Faktor Resiko Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru Pada Masyarakat Pedesaan Di Kabupaten Banjarnegara Galuh Chandra Irawan; Ani Margawati; Ali Rosidi
Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical Medicine Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Med Hosp
Publisher : RSUP Dr. Kariadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.091 KB) | DOI: 10.36408/mhjcm.v5i2.354


Latar Belakang: Prevalensi penderita tuberkulosis paru di Jawa Tengah menduduki peringkat ke-5 yaitu 0.4% menurut Riskesdas tahun 2013. Kabupaten Banjarnegara pada tahun 2013  dengan prevalensi kecenderungan 0,3 % per 100.000 penduduk. Menurut data profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banjarnegara tahun 2014 prevalensi tuberkulosis paru yaitu 180 per 100.000 penduduk. Jumlah penderita  tuberkulosis paru pada tahun 2014-2016.  di Kecamatan Karangkobar mengalami pasang surut yaitu 14 kasus pada tahun 2014, 123 Suspek dan 30  kasus pada tahun 2015 dan pada bulan Mei 2016  terdapat 19 kasus. Selain faktor kesehatan lingkungan rumah, status gizi juga berhubungan dengan kejadian tuberkulosis paru. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan disain case control. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah masyarakat yang terdiri dari 19 kasus (tuberkulosis paru) dan 38  kontrol (bukan Pasien Tuberkulosis paru). Data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan metode Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) semikuantitatif,data riwayat pendidikan, pendapatan dan perilaku merokok diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi Square dan Regresi Logistik untuk menghitung Odds Rasio (OR).Hasil: Uji regresi logistik menunjukan bahwa tingkat konsumsi protein yang kurang (OR=6,5 ; 95%CI: 1,6-26,6) dan pendidikan rendah ((OR=9,5 ; 95%CI: 1,5-60,5)   merupakan faktor resiko kejadian tuberkulosis paru.Simpulan: tingkat konsumsi protein yang kurang dan pendidikan rendah  merupakan faktor resiko kejadian tuberkulosis paru di Kecamatan Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Kata Kunci: Faktor Risiko, Tuberkulosis Paru, Masyarakat Pengunungan  
Jurnal Ilmiah Gizi dan Kesehatan (JIGK) Vol 4 No 01 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46772/jigk.v4i01.783


UNICEF Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa pada saat ini, sebesar 48 % bayi berusia di bawah enam bulan gagal menerima ASI eksklusif. Alasan utama praktik tersebut adalah adanya pengaruh budaya berkaitan dengan ASI eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tempat tinggal di wilayah Pulau Jawa dan di luar Pulau Jawa dengan praktik pemberian makan prelakteal serta jenis makanan prelakteal yang diberikan di kedua wilayah geografis tersebut. Studi ini merupakan penelitian dengan studi pustaka dari data sekunder yaitu SDKI Tahun 2017. Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 8841 subjek. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi kendall tau. Sebesar 46,7% bayi mendapatkan makanan prelakteal. Usia ibu, usia ayah, jumlah anak, jumlah anak balita, persalinan terakhir melalui operasi caesar, tempat tinggal di luar Pulau Jawa, indeks kekayaan, dan frekuensi menonton televisi merupakan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian makanan prelakteal pada penelitian ini (p<0,05). Adapun pekerjaan ayah, pekerjaan ibu, frekuensi membaca majalah/surat kabar, dan frekuensi mendengarkan radio tidak berhubungan dengan pemberian makanan prelakteal. Setelah dikontrol dengan variabel lain (usia ibu, usia ayah, jumlah anak, jumlah anak balita, persalinan terakhir melalui operasi caesar, indeks kekayaan, dan frekuensi menonton televisi), tempat tinggal di luar Pulau Jawa tetap merupakan salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian makanan prelakteal pada penelitian ini (p<0,05).
Comparative Study of Residence Demography With The Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Infants Galuh Chandra Irawan; Rachma Purwanti
Insights in Public Health Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Insights in Public Health Journal
Publisher : Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.iphj.2022.3.2.6939


The duration of breastfeeding is influenced by sociodemographic, biomedical, and psychosocial factors. This study aims to analyze the comparison of the duration of breastfeeding for 6-month infants between rural and urban areas in Indonesia using data from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2017. This study analyzes secondary data from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) with a sample of namely infants aged 6 months as many as 15316 subjects. The independent variable in this study is the sociodemographic characteristics of the place of residence (rural/urban). The dependent variable in this study is the duration of breastfeeding. Data processing and analysis was carried out using the Chi Square Test. Chi square test showed the value of p = 0.00 (p <0.05). This shows that there is a significant difference between the duration of exclusive breastfeeding in urban and rural areas. There are differences in the demographic factors of rural (rural) and urban (urban) residence with the duration of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months for infants.
Determinan Durasi Pemberian ASI: Analisis Data Sekunder Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2017 Rachma Purwanti; Desi Nurfita; Galuh Chandra Irawan
Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijhn.2022.009.02.5


Faktor sosiodemografi, biomedis, dan psikososial mempengaruhi durasi menyusui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan lama pemberian ASI pada anak usia 24 bulan di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI-2017). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional yang menggunakan data sekunder SDKI-2017 dengan sampel anak usia 24 bulan sebanyak 226 subjek. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah karakteristik sosiodemografi dan biomedis, sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah lama menyusui. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman (berdasarkan normalitas data) untuk data numerik dan uji Chi-Square untuk data kategorik. Analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Variabel yang menjadi prediktor utama lama ASI <24 bulan adalah minum menggunakan botol/dot dan tinggal di perdesaan. Minum per botol merupakan faktor risiko lama ASI <24 bulan dengan OR=4,610 (2,482–8,563). Tinggal di pedesaan merupakan faktor protektif masa menyusui < 24 bulan dengan OR=0,488 (0,272-0,875). Temuan kami menyimpulkan bahwa durasi menyusui diprediksi oleh kebiasaan minum menggunakan botol/dot dan tinggal di pedesaan.
Praktik Pemberian Makan Prelakteal di Daerah Urban dan Rural Indonesia: studi data Survei Dasar Kesehatan Indonesia 2017 Rachma Purwanti; Ayu Rahadiyanti; Dewi Marfu'ah Kurniawati; Galuh Chandra Irawan
Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36990/hijp.v14i2.495


Based on WHO data, globally, the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding is still relatively low (<50%). Pre-lacteal feeding is a challenge for the success of exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to analyze the relationship between residence in rural and urban areas with the practice of pre-lacteal feeding and the type of pre-lacteal food given. The study use secondary data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS)-2017 with a cencus block sample frame from the results of the 2010 population cencus. The variables studied were the subject's residence (rural-urban), pre-lacteal feeding, and the type of pre-lacteal food given. The subjects of this study were 8841 subjects. Data analysis carried out included univariate and bivariate analysis. There was no relationship between residence in rural/urban areas and the practice of pre-lacteal feeding (p>0.05). There was a relationship between residency in rural/urban areas and the type of pre-lacteal food given, namely milk other than breast milk, plain water, sugar water, formula milk, honey, coffee, and other fluids (p<0.001; p=0.003; p<0.001 ; p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.011; p<0.001). Water, sugar water, honey, and coffee are pre-lacteal foods frequently given in rural areas. Milk other than breast milk and formula milk is pre-lacteal food frequently given in urban areas. Residency in rural/urban areas is not related to pre-lacteal feeding practices but is related to the type of pre-lacteal food given. Suggestion: it is necessary to conduct a national study to analyze the factors related to the types of pre-lacteal food given in rural and urban areas.
Early Detection to Determine the Health Status of RW 09 Community in Margahayu Utara Village, Bandung City Fahmi Fuadah; Imelda Sianipar; Ira Ocktavia Siagian; Galuh Chandra Irawan; Lidya Maryani; Anni Sinaga; Reynaldi Tresnajaya
Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan (Abdigermas) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan (Abdigermas)
Publisher : CV Media Inti Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58723/abdigermas.v1i2.21


The pandemic of the Covid-19 Virus in the past few years has become a major global problem, because everyone can be infected with the virus. is a major problem in the world, because everyone can be infected with the Corona Virus. covid also affects Non-Early Diseases. This community service aims to provide early detection training to determine the health status of the RW 09 community of North Margahayu Village, Bandung City. The materials provided include health related to pulmonary TB, stress management in women, handling stunting in children, and detecting and preventing breast cancer. This community service activity is carried out through a planning, implementation and evaluation process. With direct implementation in the field in the form of knowledge improvement education activities on September 14 and September 29. Data collection techniques using documentation. The community service carried out went well. It can be seen from the enthusiasm of cadres, mothers and children during the activity.