Layyinatus Syifa, Liftia
Department Of Guidance And Counseling, UNNES

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SMART DENT’S PRO: SOLUSI TEPAT SNELLI DOKTER GIGI HEBAT Layyinatus Syifa, Liftia; Prabawati, Henida; Kumala Sari, Intan; Rizauan, Ijal
Proceeding SENDI_U 2016: SENDI_U
Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (871.406 KB)


Dokter gigi melakukan pelayanan kesehatan memerlukan tenaga fisik cukup banyak. Sedangkan penggunaan ototdan tulang berperan penting dalam pergerakan anggota tubuh. Otot alat gerak aktif bekerja kontraksi dan relaksasi.Sehingga fisik dan otot baik menjadi faktor utama pusat kegiatan. Namun, jika otot menerima beban statis berulangdalam waktu lama menyebabkan gangguan muskuloskeletal. Gangguan muskuloskeletal merupakan rasa sakitdikaitkan dengan pekerjaan seseorang disertai adanya rasa tidak nyaman pada tangan, lengan, bahu, leher dan tulangpunggung akibat postur tubuh statis selama bekerja. Dokter gigi diasumsikan memiliki gerakan yang statik,awkward, repetitive saat bekerja dan membutuhkan >50% otot tubuhnya untuk berkontraksi. Sehingga prevalensigangguan muskuloskeletal pada dokter gigi berkisar antara 63-93% (Rabiei dkk, 2012). Pekerja yang mempunyairiwayat penyakit musculoskeletal disorders melakukan berbagai cara untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut. Sebagianbesar dari mereka melakukan pijatan dan istirahat yang cukup untuk mengatasinya. (Handayani, 2011). Melihatfenomena tersebut, dibutuhkan inovasi berupa alat yang dapat membantu meminimalkan gangguan muskuloskeletalpada dokter gigi saat melakukan tindakan medis kedokteran gigi. “Smart Dent’s Pro: Solusi Tepat Snelli DokterGigi Hebat” inovasi dari jas dokter yang didesain dengan penambahan alat pijat penggetar dan sifat portable,Sehingga dapat meminimalkan musculoskeletal disorder pada dokter gigi serta dapat mudah dilepas pasang pada jasdokter.Kata Kunci: musculoskeletal disorders, static, awkward, repetitive, portable
Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Lembaga Kemahasiswaan dari Segi Konsep Diri dan Regulasi Emosi Syifa, Layyinatus; Sunawan, Sunawan; Nusantoro, Eko
Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Department of Guidance and Counseling, UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dan regulasi emosi dengan prokrastinasi akademik lembaga kemahasiswaan baik secara parsial maupun bersama-sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif kolerasional. Sampel yang digunakan 169 dari populasi 365 mahasiswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel cluster sampling. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara konsep diri dan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R = 0,394, F(4,164) = 7,523, p = <0,01), kemudian antara regulasi emosi dan prokrastinasi akademik juga memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R =0,129 , F(3,161) =8,756  p = <0,01). Begitu pula dengan konsep diri dan regulasi emosi dengan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R =0,523 , F(7,161) =8,661  p = <0,01). This study aims to determine the relationship between self-concept and emotion regulation with academic procrastination in student institutions either partially or jointly. This research uses correlational quantitative design. The sample used amounted 10 169 of the population 365 student with cluster sampling technique. The data analysis technique regression. The results showed that between self concept and academic procrastination have significant relation R = 0,394, F(4,164) = 7,523, p = <0,01), then between emotion regulation and academic procrastination also have significant relation (R =0,129 , F(3,161) =8,756  p = <0,01). Similarly, between self concept and emotion regulation with academic procrastination also have a significant relationship (R =0,523 , F(7,161) =8,661  p = <0,01).
Dampak Penggunaan Gadget terhadap Perkembangan Psikologi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Syifa, Layyinatus; Setianingsih, Eka Sari; Sulianto, Joko
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar Vol 3, No 4 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.779 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jisd.v3i4.22310


Latar belakang dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap penggunaan gadget (dampak positif maupun dampak negatif) terhadap perkembangan mental anak usia sekolah dasar di SD Muhammadiyah 11 Semarang terutama di kelas V. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dampak penggunaan gadget terhadap perkembangan psikologi anak usia sekolah dasar di SD Muhammadiyah 11 Semarang.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sehingga data yang dihasilkan berupa kata dan kalimat. Oleh karena itu peran orang tua terhadap anak-anaknya harus selalu dilakukan. Jangan sampai orangtua mengandalkan gadget untuk menemani anak, dan orangtua membiarkan anak lebih mementingkan gadget supaya tidak merepotkan orangtua. Dengan cara mengontrol setiap konten yang ada di gadget anak-anaknya. Orangtua harus bisa mengajak diskusi dalam arti adanya tanyajawab mengenai isi dari semua gadget yang dimiliki anak-anaknya. Ini artinya waktu bermain adalah waktu yang bermanfaat. Anak bisa belajar lewat waktu bermain. Selama waktu itu anak bisa meniru tingkah laku orang dewasa, mengembangkan daya imajinasi dan kreatifitasnya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa memberikan gadget pada anak tanpa adanya pengawasan orang dewasa atau orang yang lebih tua memang akan cenderung menimbulkan beberapa dampak negatif.Kata Kunci: Dampak, Perkembangan Psikologi anak Sekolah Dasar, GadgetThe background in this research is to find out whether there is an impact on the use of gadgets (both positive and negative impacts) on the mental development of elementary school-age children at SD Muhammadiyah 11 Semarang, especially in class V. The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of the use of gadgets on the psychological development of elementary school age children at SD Muhammadiyah 11 Semarang. This research method uses a qualitative approach, so that the data generated in the form of words and sentences. Therefore the role of parents towards their children must always be done. Do not let parents rely on gadgets to accompany their children, and parents let children prioritize more on gadgets so that they do not bother parents. By controlling every piece of content in their children's gadgets. Parents should be able to invite discussion in the sense of question and answer about the contents of all the gadgets that their children have. This means playing time is a useful time. Children can learn through play time. During that time children can imitate adult behavior, develop their imagination and creativity. So it can be concluded that giving gadgets to children without adult supervision or older people will indeed tend to cause some negative impacts.Keywords: Dampak, Perkembangan Psikologi anak Sekolah Dasar, Gadget.  
Classroom Guidance Strategy with Flipped Method in Guidance and Counseling Services at Indonesia Schools in the Digital Era Mulawarman, Mulawarman; Susilawati, Susilawati; Syifa, Layyinatus; Rifani, Endang
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung in collaboration with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (978.346 KB) | DOI: 10.25217/igcj.v3i2.646


The demand for a better education system will result in not only a better academic achievement but also students with better character. Particularly in this digital era, it is very important to integrate technology in the process of guidance and counseling services at schools. This article aims to provide a critical review of implementation and application of classical guidance with format flipped classroom in coping with the advance of technology as an effort that can be made by school counselors in order to make innovation in guidance and counseling service at schools. This research method is a literature study. This study collected and analyzed relevant journals related to the use of flipped classroom. Class guidance with flipped classroom format has the potential to help school counselors to manage classical guidance and stimulate students to be active, communicative, and contributive to the process of guidance so that the topic presented can be addressed directly. In addition, by doing this, it is expected that students can develop themselves well in their social, academic, and career life. School counselors can use flipped classroom guidance to make innovation in performing classroom guidance services. The steps to perform flipped classroom guidance, in brief, are determine the topic to be discussed based on the need of the student, creating service program plan, then setting up the activities that the students will do in pre-class activity and inside the class, the implementation of the activities and evaluation, and follow up.
Students Perception about Counselors Communication Skills: The Differences Based on Gender and Grades in Junior High Schools Awalya, Awalya; Suharso, Suharso; Rifani, Endang; Syifa, Layyinatus; Saputra, Fikie; Susilawati, Susilawati; Anggraini, Weni
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung in collaboration with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (830.564 KB) | DOI: 10.25217/igcj.v3i2.847


Individual counseling services which are not in line with the procedures and goals may lead to students’ negative perceptions. To know this, there are several indicators to be examined whether the services have been in line with the procedures or not, such as listening skills, techniques used, goal setting, and others. Regarding these preliminary findings, this study aimed at describing students’ perceptions of individual counseling services provided by counselors in Semarang, Indonesia and its differences in terms of counselor communication skills based on genders and grades. Survey method with cross-sectional technique (n=709) was employed to investigate this issue. To determine students’ perception of the implementation of individual counseling by the counselor, the authors used MANOVA and multidimensional descriptive analysis. The findings showed that according to gender, male students had lower perceptions of the individual counseling given by counselors than female students. Further, differences in perceptions based on grades are also discussed in this article.
SMART DENT’S PRO: SOLUSI TEPAT SNELLI DOKTER GIGI HEBAT Layyinatus Syifa, Liftia; Prabawati, Henida; Kumala Sari, Intan; Rizauan, Ijal
Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Dokter gigi melakukan pelayanan kesehatan memerlukan tenaga fisik cukup banyak. Sedangkan penggunaan ototdan tulang berperan penting dalam pergerakan anggota tubuh. Otot alat gerak aktif bekerja kontraksi dan relaksasi.Sehingga fisik dan otot baik menjadi faktor utama pusat kegiatan. Namun, jika otot menerima beban statis berulangdalam waktu lama menyebabkan gangguan muskuloskeletal. Gangguan muskuloskeletal merupakan rasa sakitdikaitkan dengan pekerjaan seseorang disertai adanya rasa tidak nyaman pada tangan, lengan, bahu, leher dan tulangpunggung akibat postur tubuh statis selama bekerja. Dokter gigi diasumsikan memiliki gerakan yang statik,awkward, repetitive saat bekerja dan membutuhkan >50% otot tubuhnya untuk berkontraksi. Sehingga prevalensigangguan muskuloskeletal pada dokter gigi berkisar antara 63-93% (Rabiei dkk, 2012). Pekerja yang mempunyairiwayat penyakit musculoskeletal disorders melakukan berbagai cara untuk mengatasi penyakit tersebut. Sebagianbesar dari mereka melakukan pijatan dan istirahat yang cukup untuk mengatasinya. (Handayani, 2011). Melihatfenomena tersebut, dibutuhkan inovasi berupa alat yang dapat membantu meminimalkan gangguan muskuloskeletalpada dokter gigi saat melakukan tindakan medis kedokteran gigi. “Smart Dent’s Pro: Solusi Tepat Snelli DokterGigi Hebat” inovasi dari jas dokter yang didesain dengan penambahan alat pijat penggetar dan sifat portable,Sehingga dapat meminimalkan musculoskeletal disorder pada dokter gigi serta dapat mudah dilepas pasang pada jasdokter.Kata Kunci: musculoskeletal disorders, static, awkward, repetitive, portable
The Development of Student Team Achievement Division Online Learning Tools to Improve Students' Analytical Ability Syifa, Ummi Layyinatusy; Utami, Nur Rahayu
Journal of Biology Education Vol 10 No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v10i3.46266


Analytical skills are thinking to solve issues with reasons and relate problems that arise with previous issues. This capability is one of the focus goals of 21st century education. A Covid-19 pandemic causes learning to take place online and remotely. Automatically learning devices must be made conditionally and accordingly. Teachers need to apply a learning model with appropriate learning resources, not only with conventional methods (lectures), to analyze the biology material presented. The learning model chosen to improve students' analytical skills was the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). This study aimed to describe the characteristics and analyze the feasibility level of developing the STAD Model online learning tool. The research design used a modified Research and Development (R&D) method. The research was carried out online at the Odd Semester of the Academic Year of 2020/2021. The subjects in this study were 15 students of twelve graders of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. They have received material on Human Reproductive Systems and 2 Biology Teachers at SMA N 1 Dempet. The research’s object was online learning tools in the form of syllabus, lesson plan one sheet, and worksheets based on the STAD learning model of Human Reproductive System Material. The data analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, and quantitatively. Data analysis techniques included validation questionnaires by validators and analysis of students’ and teachers’ readability of learning devices. The results showed that the characteristics of the learning tools developed in this study were online syllabus, lesson plans, and worksheets; STAD Model-Based; RPP one sheet. The materials presented were Human Reproductive System Material; The learning objectives were equipped with audience and behaviour elements and had a mission to improve students' analytical skills. The analysis results showed that the developed syllabus and lesson plans were considered very valid, with a percentage of 94.2% and 95%. The student worksheet (LKS) was included very valid criteria in terms of material with a percentage of 89% and terms of media by 85%. The readability questionnaire results showed that the average percentage of teacher’s responses was 93% and student’s responses were 79%. It concluded that the STAD Model online learning tool to improve students' analytical skills was included in the very valid criteria and very suitable for use in the biology learning process of Human Reproductive System Material.
Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Lembaga Kemahasiswaan dari Segi Konsep Diri dan Regulasi Emosi Syifa, Layyinatus; Sunawan, Sunawan; Nusantoro, Eko
Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Maret 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijgc.v7i1.18167


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dan regulasi emosi dengan prokrastinasi akademik lembaga kemahasiswaan baik secara parsial maupun bersama-sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif kolerasional. Sampel yang digunakan 169 dari populasi 365 mahasiswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel cluster sampling. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara konsep diri dan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R = 0,394, F(4,164) = 7,523, p = <0,01), kemudian antara regulasi emosi dan prokrastinasi akademik juga memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R =0,129 , F(3,161) =8,756 p = <0,01). Begitu pula dengan konsep diri dan regulasi emosi dengan prokrastinasi akademik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan (R =0,523 , F(7,161) =8,661 p = <0,01). This study aims to determine the relationship between self-concept and emotion regulation with academic procrastination in student institutions either partially or jointly. This research uses correlational quantitative design. The sample used amounted 10 169 of the population 365 student with cluster sampling technique. The data analysis technique regression. The results showed that between self concept and academic procrastination have significant relation R = 0,394, F(4,164) = 7,523, p = <0,01), then between emotion regulation and academic procrastination also have significant relation (R =0,129 , F(3,161) =8,756 p = <0,01). Similarly, between self concept and emotion regulation with academic procrastination also have a significant relationship (R =0,523 , F(7,161) =8,661 p = <0,01).