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SEPAKAT-Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Vol 4, No 1 (2017): MENGHIDUPI PLURALISME

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The purpose of this paper is to find the meeting point of Neo-Confucianphilosophy concept of Great Harmony with the philosophy of Paul Ricoeurabout human existence. The notion of Great Harmony in the Neo-Kunghucuismphilosophy will be explored in the thinking of Chou Tun-I, Cheng and ChuHsi philosophers. These three philosophers initiated the concept of GreatHarmony by displaying different characteristics and characteristics. Thoughthey are different, , the direction of the three talks leads the reader to discoverthe meaning and meaning of human existence which Paul Recoeur referredto as a hermeneutic creature. In an attempt to elaborate the idea of GreatHarmony and human existence, the author uses the hermeneutic method. Theconclusion is that human existence has a double meaning (plural) and notsingular. This is where the importance of language hermeneutics to interprethuman existence, especially in relation to God as the Supreme Reality.
Memaknai Doa Bersama dalam Komunitas sebagai Dasar Pelayanan Pastoral oleh Pengasuh bagi Kaum Disabilitas Fabianus Selatang; Melfiani Merlin; Witria Wanda; Theresia Mando Tato
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik Edisi Maret 2022
Publisher : Perkumpulan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Katolik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52110/jppak.v2i1.44


Surviving and gathering healthily every day, living in communion, eating together, and praising God (Acts 2:41-47) is the way of life of the Early Church. What we want to highlight in this article is a common prayer in the community and how it animates caregivers in all parenting patterns to children/people with special needs. Prayer and community life are typical of Catholics, especially caregivers of the community of ALMA. The aim of the study is to explore the influence of shared prayer in caregiver communities on pastoral care for children/people with special needs. The method used is quantitative inferensial. Quantitative approach used as a step to prove the relationship between variables. Free variables are the common prayers in society, while bound variables are the caregiver services. The population is all caregivers / nurses of children with special needs in Komplek Dieng No. 40, Malang (30 children). Sampling technique used is non probability sampling technique, meaning the entire population was sampled for the study. SPSS version 16 software is used by authors to process data and see the influence between two variables. The level is significant at 5%. The results obtained: 1) The r-table value of 30 samples for free and bound variables is 0.361; 2) free variable reliability test results 0.797>0.6 Cronbach alpa value; while the variable is bound to 0.672; 3) The r-calculated value is v-free and v-bound 0.138931> r-table 0.361. So, H0 was rejected and H1 accepted. As such, there is a positive and significant relationship between shared prayer in the community and caregiver services; 4) Based on a simple linear regression analysis, the constant value of the non-standard coefficient is 32.188, while the regression coefficient value is 0.073. In conclusion, prayer together in the community has a positive effect on caregiver services in the community.
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

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AbstrakPraktik upacara teing hang kepada leluhur atau orang meninggal sudah membudaya dalam masyarakat Manggarai. Meskipun praktik upacara ini sudah membudaya, tetapi masih menyisahkan banyak persoalan. Pertanyaan yang seringkali muncul adalah apakah ini bentuk sinkretisme? Apakah ini penghayatan iman yang dualistis? Apakah ini tidak bertentangan dengan isi dan inti iman Kristiani? Apakah ini bentuk penyembahan berhala? Beragam pertanyaan ini mendorong penulis untuk menelisik kedalaman makna dan pesan di balik upacara teing hang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat relasi orang hidup dan mati dalam bingkai tradisi lisan upacara teing hang. Secara konseptual, gagasan relasi yang dimaksudkan di sini didasarkan pada konsep kelahiran. Dalam bingkai konsep kelahiran ini, kemudian orang Manggarai membangun pola relasi dengan leluhur atau orang yang sudah meninggal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik analisa data menggunakan analisa struktur dan semiotika. Data diperoleh dari tokoh adat di desa N Kecamatan Macang Pacar, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik upacara teing hang kepada leluhur atau orang yang sudah meninggal bukanlah bentuk sinkretisme atau penyembahan berhala. Praktik upacara teing hang sesungguhnya sarana pewartaan iman yang kontekstual. Dengan adanya upacara teing hang, Gereja menyadarkan umatnya (masyarakat Manggarai) akan dunia yang bersifat adikodrati yang tidak tuntas dijelaskan oleh akal budi. Dengan demikian, upacara teing hang memberikan pemaknaan baru terhadap pengungkapan iman yang ditandai dengan bahasa-bahasa simbolik. AbstractThe teing hang, a traditional ceremony in honour to the ancestors or the deceased is deeply rooted within the  culture of the Manggarai society. Although this ritual  is part of the local culture it still has many unresolved issues. The questions that often arise are: is teing hang a religious syncretism? Is it a dualistic faith practice? Does this not contradict to the content and the essence of Christian faith? Is this a form of idolatry? These  questions encourage writers to explore the depth of the significance and the message of the teing hang ceremony. This study aims to explore the relationship between the living and the dead based on the oral tradition of the teing hang ceremony. Conceptually, the idea of the relationship meant here is based on the concept of birth. In the frame of the birth concept, the Manggarai has built a pattern of relationship with the ancestors or deceased people. This research is carried out through the use of qualitative methods. The data is analysed through structural and semiotic studies. The data is taken from a traditional figure in village N Sub-district Macang Pacar, West Manggarai regency. The results of this study show that the practice of  the teing hang ceremony in honour to the ancestors or deceased people is not a form of syncretism or idolatry. This is actually a way of proclaiming faith. The Church wants to say to the Manggarai society that by the teing hang ceremony there is a supranatual power that isn’t enough explained by reason completely. The Church wishes to show to its believers that the message of the teing hang ceremony is far beyond what is visible to the human eyes. It is a spirituality rich ceremony that envelopes supernatural realities. Thus, the teing hang ceremony provides a new means of expressing faith through symbolic languages.
Atma Reksa : Jurnal Pastoral dan Kateketik Vol 2, No 2 (2017): KERJA SAMA IMAM DAN AWAM DALAM MEMBANGUN TATA DUNIA
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Atma Reksa Ende, Jalan Gatot Subroto, KM 3. Tlp./Fax (0381) 250012

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53949/ar.v2i2.49


Tujuan tulisan ini ialah untuk melihat konsep Paroki, kaum awam, pelayanan dalam paroki, persoalan-persoalan serta tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Paroki sebelum Konsili Vatika II sampai sekarang. Kemudian, bagaimana kita menghidupi Paroki dan saran-saran pastoral kontekstual yang diperlukan zaman sekarang. Metode yang dipakai oleh penulis adalah studi literer atau kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari sumber yang ada, penulis mendeskripkan secara tekstual mengenai paroki dalam menghadapi persimpangan baru. Setelah penulis menggali, meneliti dan merumuskan dari berbagai sumber, maka ada beberapa temuan penting. Pertama, Gereja adalah umat Allah. Konsep ini membawa pengaruh positif yang besar terhadap umat Katolik terutama dalam kaitan dengan panggilan untuk menjadi pelayan. Hidup matinya sebuah Paroki bukan semata-mata di tangan pastor Paroki, tetapi ada di tangan semua umat yang dibaptis. Kedua, semua orang dipanggil pada tugas yang sama yakni melanjutkan karya penebusan Kristus dan menguduskan dunia. Panggilan ini berkat rahmat Sakramen Pembaptisan. Ketiga, Gereja dan karya-karyanya mesti terbuka terhadap perubahan dan perkembangan serta tuntutan dunia. Gereja dihadapkan pada persimpangan baru dengan segala tuntutan dunia yang termanifestasir dalam kerinduan umat. Di sinilah diperlukan sebuah pola pendekatan dan pendampingan yang bijaksana agar tidak ada yang diabaikan dan yang lain merasa diperhatikan. Oleh karena itu, saran-saran pastoral tetap terbuka terhadap situasi dan kebutuhan sebuah medan pastoral paroki.
Pendidikan yang Berkeadilan: Menakar Mutu Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Fabianus Selatang; Adison Adrianus Sihombing
ISJN Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Volume 3 Issue 2, 2021
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38026/journalhsj.v0i0.59


One of the fundamental problems that undermine education during the pandemic Covid-19 is quality educational services that are accessible to all students. Quality education services relating to issues of ownership and control technology. The use of digital technology with accessibility, connectivity, and flexibility is often seen as a learning solution during a pandemic. This perception is mistaken when used for understanding reality. Educational services limitation and lack of understanding in learning application/platform is a problem that is still concerning for teachers, students, and parents. This has an impact on the formulation of problem-solving action plans that are faced during a pandemic. This paper aims to show the other side of those perceptions that can be perceived as an opportunity and also a challenge. The method used in this research is the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The type of research is library research. The author collected relevant library data. Data was collected in form of both national and international journal articles reviewing education and the impact of a pandemic on the education system. Collected data were analyzed using restatement, description, and interpretation stages. The result of this research shows that learning difficulties tend to be caused by the lack of technology-based learning essence. This result also takes effect on mindset-changing attitude, paradigm, and viewpoint towards learning reality during Covid-19 pandemics. Finally, learning during the Covid-19 pandemic reflects two things: First, learning practices must be relevant, futuristic, responsive to the context of the times. Second, socio-cultural transformation becomes a precondition for a system change in the learning process so that education takes root and becomes a new tradition that applies in society and becomes best practices.With this understanding, not only pandemic reality can be contextually well-understood but also problem-solving actions can be formulated precisely.
BIAK: Ruang Interaksi Sosial Antar Penyandang Disabilitas Fabianus Selatang; Jenitriana Neonbasu
Jurnal Pelayanan Pastoral Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (UPPM), STP-IPI Malang.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (127.483 KB) | DOI: 10.53544/jpp.v1i1.139


This research aims to describe the effect of BIAK implementation on social interaction between people with disabilities in Seruni Complex. This type of research is non-experimental research using a descriptive quantitative approach. The population in this study was 46 people with different types of limitations. The determination of samples using purposive sampling techniques, so the samples in this study were 10 children with disabilities classification of the deaf. The data was collected through an indirect closed questionnaire technique in which the questionnaire contained a list of statements about others and was filled in by respondents who knew about the person. Analyze data using spss software program version 16. The results showed that the hypothesis test using the t test analysis, obtained t count by 2,800, so that t count > t Table (2,800 > 1,812) which is statistically 49.5% Biak implementation affects social interaction between people with disabilities. This research illustrates that there is a positive and significant influence of BIAK implementation on social interaction between people with disabilities in Komplekss Seruni. In conclusion, through the implementation of BIAK, social interaction between people with disabilities will be better.
BUDAYA LOKAL : MODAL HIDUP BERAGAMA DAN BERMASYARAKAT Fabianus Selatang; Yuliana Eni Yuliati; Maria Vianti Desa; Maria Dara Sintani
Lumen: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Desember : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katekese dan Pastoral
Publisher : Publisher STPKat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (105.697 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/lumen.v1i2.42


Diversity in culture, ethnicity, language is not only a wealth or treasure in living together, but can also threaten unity, harmony and harmony. Conflicts between cultures, ethnicities and languages ​​often occur in social life. This had a negative impact not only on inter-ethnic life, but also on religious life. The purpose of this research is to examine the threat aspects of cultural diversity, as an opportunity to build and strengthen a sense of brotherhood, love for one another and uphold mutual respect and respect for differences as a capital of religious and social life by students of SMAK Bhakti Luhur Malang. The method used by researchers is a qualitative method. Researchers use a descriptive approach. Data sources are students of grades 1, II and III. The researcher chose 3 students as representatives of the population. In addition, data was also taken from teachers and school principals. The technique of determining informants uses purposive sampling technique. Researchers also refer to research results that have been published in national journals in order to map the novelty of this research. The data collection technique is an open interview. The instrument used by the researcher is a list of questions. The analysis technique goes through three stages namely reduction, display and data verification. The author concludes that tensions and conflicts are caused by low understanding and awareness in responding to differences in ethnicity, language and culture. Development of local culture in schools as a constructive step in developing religious values. Therefore, it is necessary to revive local cultural values ​​as a living laboratory for students so that they can be used as a basis for developing an attitude of religious moderation in the wider community.
Kontekstualisasi Teologis Sakramen Tobat dalam Tradisi Sob Lor pada Masyarakat Kei Provinsi Maluku Bernard Antonius Rahawarin; Fabianus Selatang; Ignasius S.S. Refo
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi) Vol 7, No 01 (2021): Jurnal SMaRT Studi Masyarakat, Religi dan Tradisi
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.042 KB) | DOI: 10.18784/smart.v7i01.1246


Contextualization of theology is no longer optional but is the essence of theology itself. One of the contextualization spaces is the cultural tradition of the community. In the Kei community in Maluku Province, various traditions contain theological elements that form theological contextualization. This study aims to find the theological aspects of the Sacrament of Penance in a Kei cultural practice known as Sob Lor. The method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method with a semiotic approach. The data described were collected through literature review and in-depth interviews at Kei. This study succeeded in finding a meeting point between the sacrament of penance and the Sob Lor tradition in the Kei community. The sacrament of penance aims to improve the sinner's relationship with the Church due to sin. At the same time, the Sob Lor tradition or village cleansing rite is primarily a cleansing due to violations of customary law. This study found four theological elements of the Sacrament of Penance contained in the Sob Lor ritual: Allah, Sin, the conditions of forgiveness, and the results of participation in the rite. These four things meet each other between the theological concept of the sacrament of penance with the Sob Lor tradition. Thus, the meeting point of the Catholic faith tradition and the Kei culture can be material to deepen and increase the Catholic faith. 
Spiritualitas Pelayanan dalam Model Kepemimpinan Pastoral Romo Janssen, CM Fabianus Selatang; Tomas Lastari Hatmoko; Gregorius Kukuh Nugroho
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik Edisi Maret 2023
Publisher : Perkumpulan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Katolik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52110/jppak.v3i1.57


Spirituality concerns two things: what one does and what one believes others should do. The first part relates to the act of object, and the second relates to the subject of service. This paper aims to describe the spirituality of service in the pastoral leadership model of Fr. Janssen, CM. The method of research used is qualitative, while the method of data gathering is through focus group discussion, interviews, and documentary studies. Focus groups are seen as an appropriate method because discourse and 'shared opinion' will make the validity of the results of this research more secure. Focus groups and shared opinions utilize the perceptions, experiences, and profound relationship between the sources and Fr. Janssen, CM. The researcher interviewed five key informants. Meanwhile, the documentary study deals with documents that support the interview data. Saldaña's coding method is utilized in data analysis. The data will be processed based on six coding steps. The results of this study show that the spirituality of the ministry of Fr. Janssen, CM is reflected in the transformational leadership model. Transformational leadership gives birth to beliefs that are the basis for pastoral ministry. The leadership model of Fr. Janssen, CM's is a set of values. These values are revealed in service and manifested in a definite way of life. This research significantly contributes to the science of ecclesiology in Indonesia and pastoral leadership in general.
Unisitas Dan Universalitas Keselamatan Yesus Dalam Konteks Pluralitas Agama Di Indonesia Fabianus Selatang
Jurnal Masalah Pastoral Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Masalah Pastoral (JUMPA)
Publisher : STK St. Yakobus Merauke

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60011/jumpa.v4i1.19


Konsep keselamatan dalam Katolik jelas berbeda dengan pengertian keselamatan dalam agama-agama lain. Konsep keselamatan yang diwartakan oleh Yesus mampu dipahami oleh umat Katolik. Akan tetapi, bagi umat non Katolik, konsep keselamatan Yesus Kristus tidaklah mudah diterima apalagi diakui. Pertanyaannya ialah bagaimana mungkin umat non Katolik bisa menerima Yesus yang datang ke dunia, mengalami penderitaan, sengsara dan wafat di salib dapat menyelamatkan semua orang? Bagi umat Katolik, unisitas karya keselamatan Yesus bersumber pada persekutuan keallahan, pada hidup dan karya Tritunggal. Pengakuan orang Katolik terhadap unitas dan universalitas keselamatan Yesus merupakan bentuk pengakuan eksplisit. Bagaimana dengan konsep universalitas keselamatan Yesus bagi orang beragama bukan Katolik yang tidak secara eksplisit menyatakan iman akan Dia sebagai Sang penyelamat. Letak universalitas keselamatan Yesus sebagai kebenaran iman Katolik, bahwa kehendak penyelamatan universal Allah yang Satu dan Tritunggal disajikan dan dicapai sekali untuk selamanya dalam misteri inkarnasi, wafat dan kebangkitan Putera Allah. Misteri inkarnasi, wafat dan kebangkitan Yesus serta melalui komunikasi Roh Kudus, orang bukan agama Katolik menerima universalitas keselamatan Yesus.