Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga

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Jurisdictie: Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah Jurisdictie: Vol. 9, No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j.v9i2.5592


In public courts, the litigation of civil case is under civil law procedure. This is a legal regulation to maintain material civil laws. The procedural law is also a way to file a particular civil case to civil court and to organize judges’ ways in making judgment toward legal subject. Civil law procedure prevents any vigilante actions that creates public legal order. Judiciaries provide protection for legal subject in preserving their rights and prevent any arbitrary actions. After case investigation process set under procedural law, a court judgment is made to judge and solve case. Legal actions are subsequently conducted to reach fixed legal judgment (inkracht van gewijsde). Some executions for civil cases in Indonesia is suspended since the object is different from reality or non-executable. Furthermore, civil case judgment is sometimes contradictory to criminal cases, although the objects are similar. Either litigant and/or defendant files request to the Supreme Court to have a legal protection or the chairman of district court requests for an instruction from the Supreme Court, may suspend court judgment. Therefore, the implementation of court judgments with legal power is still undeniably problematic. If the execution is suspended or not allowed, it may disadvantage “the justice seekers”; public society. The suspended or non-executable judgment should be immediately addressed on its implementation, instead of its law.Di pengadilan umum, proses kasus perdata berada dalam prosedur hukum perdata. Ini adalah peraturan hukum untuk mempertahankan hukum sipil material. Undang-Undang prosedural ialah cara mengajukan kasus perdata ke pengadilan sipil dan mengatur cara hakim memutuskan subjek hukum. Prosedur hukum perdata bertujuan mencegah tindakan hakim-sendiri sehingga tercipta tatanan hukum publik. Peradilan memberikan perlindungan bagi subjek hukum dalam melestarikan haknya dan mencegah kesewenang-wenangan. Setelah proses penyelidikan kasus sebagaimana diatur dalam hukum prosedural, putusan pengadilan dibuat untuk menilai dan memecahkan kasus. Tindakan hukum selanjutnya dilakukan hingga mendapat keputusan hukum tetap (inkracht van gewijsde). Beberapa putusan kasus perdata Indonesia ditangguhkan karena objek berbeda dari kenyataan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi. Selanjutnya, putusan kasus perdata terkadang bertentangan dengan kasus pidana, meskipun objeknya sama. Baik penggugat dan/atau terdakwa mengajukan permintaan ke Mahkamah Agung untuk memiliki perlindungan hukum atau ketua dari pengadilan distrik meminta instruksi dari Mahkamah Agung, bisa menangguhkan keputusan pengadilan. Karenanya, pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan dengan kekuatan hukum masih bermasalah. Jika eksekusi ditangguhkan atau tidak diizinkan, tentu dapat merugikan “para pencari keadilan”; masyarakat umum. Putusan yang ditangguhkan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi harus segera ditangani pada pelaksanaannya, bukan hukumnya.
Law Number 9 of 2017 as Automatic Financial Information Exchange and Comparison with Malaysia Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono; Agus Yudha Hernoko; Zahry Vandawati Chumaida; Asri Wijayanti
Justitia Jurnal Hukum Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Justitia Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1023.36 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/justitia.v3i2.3628


Taxpayer data and information from banking and finance institution could be guidance on any development. Therefore, it could be a corrective act to do the law enforcement on increasing Inland Revenue. Financial information exchange regarded to tax interests, besides by demanding way also could automatically way done (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information/AEol). Indonesia commitment was manifested by Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement signed after AEOI on 3rd June 2015. Indonesia agreed to start the financial information exchange automatically on September 2018. The followed-up Indonesia government commitment was on 8th May 2017. It had approved the financial information access no.1 2017 legislations as to tax interests. Then, one year later was set to be no.9 2017 legislations.Keywords : Automatic, Exchange, Financial Account
A Comparative Study on Automatic Financial Exchange between Indonesia and Malaysia Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono; Agus Yudha Hernoko; Zahry Vandawati Chumaida
Rechtsidee Vol 6 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.2019.6.69


Taxpayer data and information from banking and finance institution could be guidance on any development. Therefore, it could be a corrective act to do the law enforcement on increasing Inland Revenue. Financial information exchange regarded to tax interests, besides by demanding way also could automatically way done (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information/AEol). Indonesia commitment was manifested by Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement signed after AEOI on 3rd June 2015. Indonesia agreed to start the financial information exchange automatically on September 2018. The followed-up Indonesia government commitment was on 8th May 2017. It had approved the financial information access no.1 2017 legislations as to tax interests. Then, one year later was set to be no.9 2017 legislations.
Keabsahan Lelang Non Eksekusi Sukarela Secara Online Tanpa Pejabat Lelang Vina Putri Salim; Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono
Notaire Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): NOTAIRE
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ntr.v5i1.33641


AbstractAuction basically adopts the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement (1457 BW), where the elements of price and goods are important elements. The difference is that auctions require the presence of an Auction Officer, especially for execution auctions and mandatory non-execution auctions. The auction has special regulations (Lex Specialis) namely Vendu Reglement, Vendu Instructie, and PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines. The implementation of online auctions is carried out through the e-Marketplace Auction Platform where the implementation is usually carried out without an auction officer, for example auctions on eBay. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of voluntary non-execution auctions conducted online without auction officer and protection for parties who suffered losses due to default. This research is a legal research with a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. The results of the research are the validity of online voluntary non-execution auctions in the absence of an auction officer is valid by adopting the characteristics of a sale and purchase agreement. And for the legal protection, parties can take legal remedies for dispute resolution by choosing a settlement either through courts, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (conventionally/ online) in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.Keywords: Online Auction; Default; Auction Officer.AbstrakLelang pada dasarnya mengadopsi karakteristik dari perjanjian jual beli (1457 BW), dimana unsur harga dan barang merupakan unsur penting. Perbedaannya adalah pada lelang mengharuskan kehadiran seorang Pejabat Lelang, terutama untuk lelang eksekusi dan lelang non eksekusi wajib. Lelang memiliki peraturan khusus (Lex Specialis) yaitu Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie sebagai peraturan lelang yang masih berlaku hingga saat ini. Selain itu pelaksanaan lelang juga diatur dalam PMK 213/PMK.06/2020 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Pelaksanaan lelang secara online dilakukan melalui Platform e-Marketplace Auction dimana pelaksanaannya biasa dilakukan tanpa pejabat lelang, contohnya lelang di eBay. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela yang dilakukan secara online tanpa pejabat lelang dan bagaimana perlindungan bagi para pihak yang mengalami kerugian akibat wanprestasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah keabsahan lelang non eksekusi sukarela secara online tanpa adanya pejabat lelang adalah sah dengan mengadopsi karakteristik perjanjian jual beli. Dan perlindungan bagi para pihak adalah dengan melakukan upaya hukum penyelesaian sengketa dengan memilih penyelesaian baik melalui pengadilan, arbitrase ataupun lembaga penyelesaian sengketa alternatif lainnya (secara konvensional/ online dispute resolution) sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci: Lelang Online; Wanprestasi; Pejabat Lelang.
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 28, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.753 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jmh.15864


In order to application of judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost is to reduce accumulation of cases in the Supreme Court especially at the level of Cassation. Along with the increasing number of incoming cases, and was sentenced in the District Court and Court of Appeal, the amount of the proposed decision legal remedy of Cassation to the Supreme Court also increased and began to be a serious problem. For that we need to do some research on role of Judiciary in Legal action restrictions in order to reduce the accumulation of civil cases. Penerapan asas peradilan yang sederhana, cepat dan biaya ringan bertujuan untuk mengurangi penumpukkan perkara di Mahkamah Agung, terutama pada tingkat Kasasi. Seiring dengan makin meningkatnya jumlah perkara yang masuk, dan diputus di PN dan PT, jumlah putusan yang diajukan upaya hukum Kasasi ke MA juga semakin meningkat dan mulai menjadi masalah serius. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian tentang Peran Lembaga Peradilan dalam Pembatasan Upaya Hukum dalam rangka mengurangi penumpukkan perkara perdata.
Yuridika Vol. 25 No. 2 (2010): Volume 25 Nomor 2 Mei 2010
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.081 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v25i2.251


A group of consumers who suffered losses from the use or the use of the product, whether goods or services may lawsuit Class Action, taking into account some with principles in the context of the submission and examination. Inspection mechanism should be adjusted in accordance with the provisions contained in the entire Supreme Court Rules No. 1 of 2002 on Class Action Procedures.
KAJIAN PENERAPAN ASAS ULTRA PETITA PADA PETITUM EX AEQUO ET BONO Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono; Johan Wahyudi; Razky Akbar
Yuridika Vol. 29 No. 1 (2014): Volume 29 No 1 Januari 2014
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.562 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v29i1.360


In judicial practice, that more than likely a lawsuit granted by the court , it often demands the principal ( the primary petition ) is accompanied by replacement demand ( petitum subsidiary ). The contents of the demands it usually reads : " ex aequo et bono " or " please take decisions based on fairness and propriety " . The goal is not to be denied that the primary demand is still possible granting of a lawsuit based on the freedom of judges and justice , in a decision handed down by the judge . Independence of judges in adjudicating the petition accompanied lawsuit subsidiary limited by a principle , namely that : a. Judge shall adjudicate all claims section ( vide Article 178 paragraph ( 2 ) and Article 189 paragraph HIR ( 2 ) Rbg ). b. Judge barred verdict on the case is not prosecuted or granted more than required ( vide Article 178 ( 3 ) HIR and Article 189 ( 3 ) Rbg ). This principle is sometimes called the principle of ultra petita the judge's decision, that in the application raises a particular problem when judges have ruled on the petition relating to the subsidiary, then the research we are doing to provide additional insight for all those who want to understand about the application of the principle in the imposition of ultra petita subsidiary petition or petition of ex aequo et bono.
Yuridika Vol. 30 No. 1 (2015): Volume 30 No 1 Januari 2015
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.967 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v30i1.4875


The most important thing for any regulation judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost is to reduce the accumulation of cases in the Supreme Court. That is because, line with the increasing increasing number of incoming cases, and also that successfully terminated in the District Court and Court of Appeal, then the incoming number of decisions in the Supreme Court also increased and began to be a serious problem. In this regard, People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) seriously consider this and responded by provisions, that is TAP MPR No. VIII/MPR/2000 about of the Annual Report of State High Institutions at the Annual Session of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia in 2000 which one substance recommend that the Supreme Court immediately resolve pending lawsuits by increasing the number and quality of decisions and that the Supreme Court makes the rules o restrict the entry of cassation cases. Following up on the existence of the MPR decrees, he Supreme Court has issued several provisions n order to limit legal action in order to realize judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost, either in the form of the Supreme Court Rules (Perma) nor Supreme Court Circular Letter (Sema). This article is useful for know and understand how much has been the implementation judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost, in order to reduce the buildup of civil cases. 
Perlindungan Konsumen Muslim atas Produk Halal Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono; Trisadini Prasastinah Usanti; Zahry Vandawati Chumaida; Fiska Silvia; Indira Retno Aryatie
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 20 ISSUE 2
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v20i2.82


Every religious adherent is guaranteed to choose and practice his religion, so the state is obliged to provide protection and guarantee regarding the halalness of the products used and used by the community. Whereas in society there are still many conclusions about various products that have not been guaranteed their halalness and regulations have not provided legal certainty and guarantees for Muslim communities. So to provide legal certainty the promulgation of Law number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee. The guarantee for the implementation of Halal Products is aimed at providing comfort, safety, and certainty of information on Halal Products for the public in consuming and using Products, as well as increasing added value for Business Actors to produce and sell Halal Products. The halal certificate must be submitted by the business actor in writing to BPJPH while the determination of the halalness of the product is still carried out by MUI through the Halal Fatwa Session. This research is a normative legal research that uses a statute approach and a conceptual approach.
Enforcement of Consumer Rights Through Dispute Settlement Resolution Agency to Improve the Consumer Satisfaction Index In Indonesia Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono; Zahry Vandawati Chumaida; Mochamad Kevin Romadhona
Yuridika Vol. 37 No. 3 (2022): Volume 37 No 3 September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v37i3.34943


Legal protection of consumer rights in essence is the role of the government to protect the interests of consumers in the framework of trade. Violation of consumer protection norms can only be enforced if business actors are willing to voluntarily fulfill consumer demands for the fulfillment of consumer rights that have been violated by business actors. However, if the business actor is not willing to carry it out voluntarily, while the consumer assumes that the business actor concerned has violated the consumer protection norms stipulated by the UUPK and is detrimental to the consumer, then the enforcement of the consumer protection norms can only be prosecuted through a dispute specified resolution process in the UUPK. The purpose of establishing the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) is to protect consumers and business actors by creating a consumer protection system that contains elements of legal certainty and information disclosure. This study is to analyze the implementation of consumer rights enforcement through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Board in order to increase the consumer satisfaction index, as well as to analyze the obstacles and barriers to consumer rights enforcement through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Board.