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Sistem Pengontrol Pintu Pagar Dengan Voice Control Berbasis Mikrokontroler ahmad ihsan; Abdul Zain; Sri Handani
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Nopember
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.867 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v3i2.2009


Kegiatan membuka dan menutup pintu pagar secara manual di setiap tempat tinggal adalah kegiatan yang sering dilakukan setiap orang ketika ingin masuk dan keluar rumah. Cara manual ini tentunya membuat orang menghabiskan  waktu dan tenaga yang cukup banyak dalam melakukan kegiatan membuka dan menutup pintu pagar. Selain itu pintu pagar tidak dapat diawasi dengan baik dikarenakan sistem keamanan pada pintu pagar masih dikerjakan secara manual. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah prototipe sistem pengontrol pintu pagar dengan voice control, aplikasi yang dirancang dalam penelitian ini menggunakan smartphone berbasis android. Adapun cara kerjanya menggunakan Google Asisten pada smartphone sebagai pengontrol gerak pintu pagar yang kemudian perintah tersebut diteruskan ke node mcu yang mana node mcu tersebut memberikan perintah kepada arduino nano, perintah yang didapatkan dari node mcu tersebut di berikan ke driver motor untuk membuka dan menutup pintu pagar. Selain itu arduino nano juga memproses sistem keamanan prototipe ini yang mana triger alarm dikirimkan ke node mcu dan diteruskan ke akun Gmail. Prototipe ini sangat mudah digunakan sehingga ini menjadi solusi bagi manusia dalam membantu membuka dan menutup pintu pagar serta menjaga keamanan tempat tinggal
Prototipe Pengaman Peralatan Instalasi Listrik dan Tegangan Sentuh Bagi Manusia dengan ELCB ( Earth Leakege Circuit Breaker ) Frely Didit Sukardi; Abdul Zain; Arief Muliawan
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Nopember
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.984 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v3i2.2010


Bahaya listrik merupakan ancaman yang tidak terlihat namun dapat menghilangkan nyawa manusia dan menyebabkan terjadinya kebakaran. Keselamatan faktor penting yang harus diterapkan dalam pemakaian tenaga listrik. Manusia hanya dapat merasakan sengatan listrik dengan maksimal arus yang melalui tubuh 30 mA. Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) pada suatu sistem instalasi listrik merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi dari bahaya tegangan sentuh. Melakukan uji coba menggunakan sumber fasa dan netral sebagai media pengaktifan ELCB dan resistor sebagai pengganti tahanan tubuh manusia serta grounding sebagai media gangguan pentanahan. Dengan membandingkan arus masuk dan keluar pada fasa dan netral inilah sistem kerja ELCB. Waktu pemutusan tegangan dan arus listrik pada ELCB adalah 19.60 mS. Dengan Pengaplikasiaan ELCB dalam sistem instalasi listrik diharapkan bahaya yang  diakibatkan oleh tegangan sentuh dapat dibatasi sehingga sistem aman bagi manusia.
Kendali Sistem Tegangan Baterai Peralatan 20 kV PT PLN Bontang Abdul Zain
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v6i1.2807


The protection system is essential in the 20 kV distribution network system. The 20 kV equipment control system is supplied from 2 sources: PT (Potential Transformer) and DC voltage supply (Battery). If the protection relay and mechanics do not get a DC voltage supply, it will have an impact on the equipment not being able to trip when there is a disturbance in the network. There is no DC voltage supply due to battery failure or damage. For this reason, it is necessary to operate the tool manually, which results in the normalization process taking longer because it takes time and long distances, so the duration of outages is even greater. In this study, a monitoring system for the battery of the equipment will be made where previously observations were made about the need for this tool. The method used by the tool uses the blynk application as a receiver of direct voltage and temperature measurement reports that are connected to the gsm module. As a microcontroller processes, Arduino Nano commands from intelligent phones, generating a measurement report from the battery. GSM SIM 900 module as a data receiver and sender in the system. This tool is easy to apply to the system because it does not require a sufficient additional voltage source from the battery. The results of this study become a solution for companies to improve their 20 kV. distribution network system. 
Analisa Perawatan Diesel Engine Generator (DEG) Tunu South Production Platform Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Abdul Zain; Wildan Alif Imam Putra
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Sinergi Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.411 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v18i2.1581


Routinely, oil and gas activity at PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam has been supplying electric power by Diesel Engine Generator (DEG). Writer takes this research object because Diesel Engine Generator is one of the critical asset with intention of understand preventive maintenance procedural steps, frequent faults occur during electrical generation system. Writer takes this analysis based on operational history from least one year occured fault auxiliary system frequently. Such as current transformer and magnetic pick-up which involving a process shutdown and loss electrical power causes less contribution on Tunu South Production Platform. And other reason cause unplanned shutdown were during maintenance on 6 monthly nor Yearly didn’t checking on auxiliary system, The procedure wasn’t update causes unplanned shutdown possibility in the further.
Analisis Gangguan Arus Hubung Singkat Trafo Distribusi 48-PT-33-7 Menggunakan ETAP (Studi Kasus Di Perumahan PT. Badak NGL) Abdul Zain; Rifki Chairul Afwan
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Sinergi Vol 17, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1458.795 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v17i2.2073


The high frequency of short circuit current fault in power grid PT. Badak NGL Bontang in 2017 becomes a serious problem. One of them is the Short Circuit at Distribution Transformer 48-PT-33-7 which resulted in a feeder 48-FDR-33 trip and cut off the power to all connected loads. This research is conducted to know the value of short circuit current fault by manual calculation and compared with the simulation software ETAP 12.6 which made system modeling refers to real network configuration in the field. After that, ETAP conducted simulation and short circuit analysis in transformer 48-PT-33-7. The calculation result is known that the short circuit current value between manual calculation and ETAP simulation is relatively same, ie 553,8 A / 555 A (one phase to ground), 891,47A / 885 A (two phase), 918,16 A / 950 A (two phase to ground), 1029.41 A / 1022 A (three phases). From the simulation also known the coordination sequence of the protection system works properly when the fault occurs. So from these two results indicate that the installed protection system is in accordance with the standard in securing the power grid from short-circuiting current fault.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Sinergi Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.118 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v15i2.1192


Perancangan sistem pengaman trackundercarriage pada bulldozer berbasis mikrokontroler bertujuan meningkatkan pengaman pada bulldozer sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya kerugian yang besar terhadap jiwa manusia. Alat ini bekerja setelah sensor PIR KC7783R mendeteksi gerakan manusia, PIR sensor KC7783R akan mengirim sinyal ke mikrokontroler, mikrokontroler akan menyalakan driverrelay sehingga trackundercarriage tidak dapat berputar. Sistem ini telah terealisasi pada bulldozer. Jika ada seseorang mendekati bladebulldozer dan terdeteksi oleh sensor PIR KC7783R, maka track akan berhenti berputar selama 5 (lima) detik. Meskipun demikian, sistem ini masih mempunyai kelemahan yaitu hanya bisa dilaksanakan pada siang hari. Sensor mendeteksi adanya yang panas berlebihan sehingga sensor akan aktif dengan sendirinya, akan t etapi kondisi ini hanya berlaku apabila panas yang masuk ke sensor lebih dari 70º C.
Analisa Penurunan Susut Non Teknis Dengan AMR PLN (Studi Kasus PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Bontang Kaltim) Abdur Rachman Tanjung; Abdul Zain; Herri Susanto
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Sinergi Vol 17, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.41 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v17i1.1586


One of the problems faced by PLN is the high non-technical shrinkage of potential AMR customers due to installation and maintenance errors. This problem certainly has a solution that can be used so that non-technical losses can be suppressed. Based on the theory of electric energy calculation, from the voltage, current and power factor, it can be seen that the energy consumption is calculated or paid every month. Then done using the AMR application to monitor and analyze the use of electrical energy to potential customers with known data sources. Monitoring with this AMR application can make it easier to determine electrical energy deviations that have not been measured by the kWh meter, so as to accelerate normalization in case of errors or anomalies in the kWh meter. The results of the study explained that an abnormality was found due to the reverse polarity of the CT causing losses to the PLN which resulted in a subsequent bill of PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Bontang Kaltim Rp. 134,902,352.00.
Publisher : Program Studi D-IV K3

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/identifikasi.v8i2.247


Warehousing or warehouse is a very important part to support the smooth operation of the upstream oil and gas industry. Work accident is one of the risks that can cause operational disruptions in the warehouse and can cause delays in the process of supplying and delivering tools and materials needed for oil and gas production activities. More than 145,000 people work in 7,000 warehouses, where the fatal injury rate for warehousing is higher than the average for all industries (OSHA, 2004). Therefore companies are required to have a system that regulates hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control or commonly known as Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC). Currently, PT Borneo Mitra Bersama currently has a project at PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, namely the Warehouse Support Project. Based on PT BMB's preliminary observations there has been no HIRARC implementation related to the project's operational activities, while the project has a high risk value based on the tender documents. In this study using a qualitative approach. The study design in the research used was based on the ISO 31000: 2018 standard with a semi-quantitative risk analysis technique, by taking informants using a purposive sampling technique, totaling 6 people. The research results show that the risk assessment in PT Borneo Mitra Bersama's warehousing operations has 33 risks identified with the results of the risk evaluation level obtained at the initial risk, namely 6 (18.18%) risk priority level 3, 34 (72.72%) substantial level risk and 11 (33.33%) very high level risk, while the risk evaluation results obtained for residual risk are 24 (9.09%) acceptable level risk and 9 (27.27%) priority 3 or tolerable level risk risk.
Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Library pada Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bontang Berbasis Android Hardianto; Abdul Zain
Politeknosains Vol 16 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Politeknosains Volume 16 Nomor 2 - September 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1283.157 KB)


Library is one of the supporting facilities that help in the provision of information resources in the education process, because the library provides facilities for lending books without burdened with any cost. To facilitate the process of searching and lending services by the borrower against the library, it takes a system that allows library members to access library services, especially the process of borrowing books online using aplicasimobile librarybased android. The success and development of android is currently able to occupy the highest position of the market gadgets and computers, this is certainly thanks to the sophistication of technology systems and applications that exist in it which is currently a trend among mobile phone users because it can help all areas of work so it becomes easier . The advantages of this android is located in an opensource license so it is possible for anyone who has android programming capabilities to create or develop various applications to run on android based gadgets. This application is one of the technological development that is very helpful in facilitating library services based on mobile android course with android gadget device that has been installed this application.
Analysis of the Effect Emotional Intelligence on Understanding Level in Programming Algorithm Learning Sri Handani Widiastuti; Nur Imansyah; Abdul Zain
Journal of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (JOSEIT) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/joseit.v2i1.4996


The course Algorithms and Programming in the Informatics Engineering study program is given in the first and second semesters, as this course is a scientific course that serves as a basis for advanced programming courses in higher semesters. It is often the case that intelligent graduates obtain good academic grades during their studies and become outstanding students, but when working in their field of expertise, their performance is not as good as graduates who had lower academic grades. Success is not only determined by intellectual intelligence (IQ), but also by other types of intelligence. Intellectual intelligence or cognitive intelligence is one type of intelligence, while non-intellectual intelligence includes other types of intelligence outside of cognitive intelligence. One of this non-intellectual intelligence is emotional intelligence. Intellectual intelligence and non-intellectual intelligence play equally important roles in supporting individual success. This research discusses the analysis of the effect of emotional intelligence on the level of understanding of algorithms and programming using the linear regression method implemented with an application. The sample taken is students of the Informatics Engineering study program in the third and fourth semesters. With the results of the influence of emotional intelligence on the understanding of Algorithms and Programming, it can provide a solution to improve students' understanding of the Algorithms and Programming course and other computer courses in the scientific field of the Informatics Engineering study program. The application is created using the Python programming language.