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PARENTING PATTERNS AND STUNTING EVENT RATE IN RANDUAGUNG VILLAGE, KEBOMAS DISTRICT, GRESIK REGENCY Kurniawan, Freddy; Grace, Paulina Holy; Arjuna, Sansan Rollens; Cahyani, Ni Putu Novi; Raharja, Davin; Benevitto, Axel; Silva, Theodora Emanuella da; Aranda, Biembee Nayoan Cosa; Setiadi, Rocky; Hamdani, Delincia; Ekaristy, Mergivia; Winarjo, Givenchy Angela; Rihadi, Lukas Slamet; Wattimena, Inge; Sustini, Florentina; Wijono, Steven; Dewi, Dewa Ayu Liona; Sincihu, Yudhiakuari; Puspitasari, Dyan Eka
JOURNAL OF WIDYA MEDIKA JUNIOR Vol 5, No 4 (2023): October

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jwmj.v5i4.3861


Background: The high number of stunting cases in Randuagung Village, Kebomas District in Gresik Regency requires a case analysis to determine the risk factors for stunting, as well as the relationship between parenting and the risk of stunting in Randuagung Village in an effort to properly overcome this stunting cases.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between parenting in children and the incidence of stunting in Randuagung Village, Kebomas District in Gresik Regency.Method: This research is an analytical study with a case control research design which is a form of observational study that has the aim of analyzing the association between the incidence of stunting (dependent variable) and the type of parenting (independent variable) in Randuagung Village, Kebomas District in Gresik Regency.Result: The results of a study of 85 respondents conducted in April 2022 concluded that there was an association between parenting in children and the incidence of stunting in Randuagung Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency. Conclusion: There is an association between parenting in children and the incidence of stunting in Randuagung Village, Kebomas District, Gresik Regency.
Identifikasi Kelimpahan Partikel Mikroplastik pada Gula Pasir di Indonesia sincihu, yudhiakuari; Morina, Shella; Sudewi, Ni Putu; Mulyasari, Tri Marthy; Ningrum, Prehatin Trirahayu; Steven; Dewi, Dewa Ayu Liona
CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Februari
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Kedokteran Komunitas dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (PDK3MI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/comphijournal.v3i3.123


Microplastics (plastic particles <5 millimeters in diameter) have become a novel food contaminant for humans.Microplastics was estimated that children consume 106-113 microplastics per day and 126-142 particles in adults.The main prevention effort is to identify the presence of plastic particles in food, one of which is sugar. Microplasticsthat are in the digestive tract can enter the bloodstream and distributed to other parts of the body. These particlescannot be destroyed by the body's cellular mechanisms, thus triggering inflammation, genotoxicity, hypersensitivity,oxidative stress, and cell death. The aim of the study was to measure the number of particles, shape and diameter ofplastic particles as contaminants in refined sugar produced in Indonesia. Quantitative descriptive research using 16sugar brands that are produced, known and widely consumed in Indonesia. The research was carried out at theClinical Pathology Laboratory, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University. Quantification of the number, shapeand diameter of plastic particles using a microscope. The examination results showed that all sugar samples containedplastic particles between 5-100 MPs/50 gram of sugar, most of the contaminants were in the form of pellets, and thelargest particle diameter was 367µm.
GAMBARAN KEPATUHAN MINUM OBAT PENDERITA HIPERTENSI DUSUN SUMBERAME, KECAMATAN WRINGINANOM Cahyadi, Ranita Ivana; Wijono, Caroline Octaviana; Adithia, Felix Kurniawan; Sani’ah, Ni Luh Sita Rupini,; Sincihu, Yudhiakuari; Wijono, Steven; B, Lukas Slamet; Wattimena, Inge; Dewi, Dewa Ayu Liona
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Volume 5 No. 2 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v5i2.27357


Latar Belakang: Sekitar 71% penyebab kematian di dunia berdasarkan data tahun 2016 disebabkan Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) yaitu 35% diantaranya karena penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2023, hanya 19% penderita hipertensi di Indonesia yang melakukan pengobatan dan hanya 4% yang mencapai target tekanan darah yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan rekapitulasi Indikator Keluarga Sehat (IKS) di puskesmas Wringinanom tahun 2022, persentase penderita hipertensi yang minum obat rutin di desa Sumberame adalah 39,9%. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran tingkat kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi di dusun Sumberame, desa Sumberame, kecamatan Wringinanom.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif observasional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 40 responden dan dilakukan wawancara serta pengisian kuesioner untuk mendapatkan data. Hasil penelitian akan dianalisis menggunakan tabulasi silang dengan aplikasi SPSS.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 57,5% dari responden tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi obat hipertensi dengan alasan terbanyak adalah pengetahuan tentang hipertensi yang kurang. Sebanyak 55 % responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah terhadap hipertensi dan 68,2% di antaranya tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi obat. Sebaliknya 55,6% responden dengan tingkat pengetahuan tentang hipertensi yang tinggi patuh dalam pengobatan. Simpulan: 57,5% dari responden mempunyai tingkat kepatuhan minum obat hipertensi yang rendah dan 42,5% dari responden mempunyai tingkat kepatuhan minum obat hiperrtensi yang tinggi.
REPORTING THE DETECTION RESULT OF SARS-CoV-2 ANTIBODY RAPID TEST OF COMPANY’S EMPLOYEES IN SURABAYA AND PASURUAN, INDONESIA Dinata, Mulya; Tulus, Angelina; Ongkodjodjo, Evelyn; Rihadi, Lukas Slamet; Dewi, Dewa Ayu Liona; Joewana, Gabrielle Tjipta; Wulansari, Nurlita
JURNAL WIDYA MEDIKA Vol 9, No 1 (2023): April

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33508/jwm.v9i1.4631


Background: Coronavirus (CoV) is a large family of viruses that causes illnesses ranging from mild to severe symptoms. Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) is a new type of virus that has never been indentified in humans before. Methods: All antibody test methods and RT-PCR tests have an optimum time window in the incubation period or infection of a person. The antibody test method cannot be used as an early detection tool for people who are still on the first day of the incubation process. IgG and IgM antibody levels are still low on the first day of infection, even though the number of viral particles is very high at the beginning. Result: Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) antibody examination sample was taken from Main Clinic of Sentra Medika Surabaya, from May to August 2020, with the age range of 18-65 old amounted to 1015 people. The number of samples with the age range of 40-49 is 404 people (39,90%), Production Department has 773 samples of people (76,16%), the number of security samples is 39 people (3,84%), and others have 109 samples of people (10,74%). The number of male samples is 666 people (65,62%) more than female 349 people (34,38%). Positive Covid-19 Antibody examination results for Office Department are IgM 3 people, IgG 3 people, and the total numbers are 6 people (21%). Positive Covid-19 Antibody examination results for the production department are IgM 14 people, IgG 1 person. So, the total numbers are 17 people (59%). The most positive Covid-19 antibody examination result is the production department namely 59% and including positive results for IgM and IgG. The condition above the production department has the most frequent because of the condition of employees including some companies which had overtime work or 2 shifts. Conclusion: The highest number of Positive Covid-19 antibody examination result. The most department is the production department. The age range of 50-59 years old has a small number. At the time of being infected with Covid-19, IgG and IgM are negative, it needs time to get a positive examination result of IgG or IgM or both. The antibody examination method cannot be used as an early detection tool for Covid-19.