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Resilience as a Mediator of the Relationship between Stress Levels and Adaptive Performance in the Outer Islands TNI-AL (Indonesian National Army Navy) Bantam, Dian Juliarti; Yanto, Agus Dwi; Syach, Muhammad Erwan
GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/gdn.v11i1.3587


This research aims to test the relationship between stress level and adaptive performance TNI-AL (Indonesian National Army Navy) and the impact of resilience as a moderator variable. The measures applied a 4‐point scale response ranging from 1 (very inappropriate or strongly disagree) to 4 (very suitable or strongly agree). Respondents were 71 TNI-AL assigned to the Outer Islands of Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative method with Moderated Regression Analysis technique (MRA) for data analysis. The analysis results show a B value of -1.104 and a significance value of 0.000 (p<0.05), which means a negative relationship between stress level and adaptive performance. Meanwhile, the moderator variable shows a significance value of 0.904 (p>0.05), which means that the resilience variable cannot explain the relationship between stress levels and adaptive performance of TNI-AL assigned to the Outer Islands of Indonesia.
Survey Leading Organization Pada Organisasi Islam Dian J. Bantam
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi Vol. 20 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/psikologika.vol20.iss2.art6


Islamic University is islamic organization that care with public's need, especially for education. One of the vision of Islamic Universities is leading and islamic, to bravely innovate and develop education based on islam. The aim of this study examined one models of Four God-Guided Organizations, there are leading organization. Sample included Islamic universities in Yogyakarta with 112 employees. MANOVA and descriptive test is used to analyze the data. Results showed approximately 48% of Islamic organizations including very low category and 6.3% very high category. In addition, results showed significant differences in the important component of leading organization (F (df22, 89) = 3.55, p < 0.05). Behavior aspects are very effective in Islamic organizations (M=11.44, SD=1.55) and last aspect are products (M=5.58, SD=1.01).Keyword: Four God-Guided Organizations (FGGO), Leading Organization (LO), Organisation Innovativeness, Survey.
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Knowledge Management pada Perusahaan Pengguna Sap Dian J. Bantam; Dimas A. Nugraha; Nailis Sa'adah
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi Vol. 21 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/psikologika.vol21.iss1.art2


 System Applications and Products (SAP) is system of information that integreting and involving many fungtions. Many organizations use SAP in Indonesian, but some of people don't know about the system. This research measured impact of organizational commitment and organizational culture on knowledge management in SAP company. The participant of this study is 32 employees that including 2 companies in Yogyakarta that using SAP. Research used quantitative approach with the help of multiple regression analysis to show impact of organizational culture and organizational commitment on knowledge management. The result showed organizational culture and organizational commitment giving impact to knowledge management (p=0.007, p<0.05; R=0.287, R=28.7%). So, hipothesis of this research is received, that there is impact of organizational culture and organizational commitment on knowledge management in company that using SAP. Keywords: Knowledge management (KM), Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, SystemApplication and Product (SAP).
Efektivitas Goal Setting untuk Peningkatan Career Efficacy pada Remaja di Bawah Asuhan Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kulon Progo Dian Juliarti Bantam; Arini Mifti Jayanti; Muhammad Erwan Syah
The Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment (JICE)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/jice.v4i1.713


Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan Goal Setting, guna meningkatkan career efficacy pada Forum Anak Kulon Progo, khusunya Remaja di bawah asuhan/ naungan Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kulon Progo Dinsos (PPPA Kulon Progo). Pengabdi pada PkM ini adalah dosen Prodi Psikologi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta dan mahasiswa dengan jumlah total pengabdi adalah 4 (dua) orang. Peserta yang mengikuti PkM berjumlah 10 orang. Pengumpulan data career efficacy menggunakan kuesioner CDMSE (Career Decision Making Self Efficacy Scale Short Form) dari Betz dan Taylor (2012), berjumlah 25 aitem, yang terdiri dari 5 aspek yaitu accurate self-appraisal, gathering occupational information, goal selection, making plans for the future, dan problem solving. Sedangkan modul pelatihan goal setting ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan modifikasi dari prinsip goal setting dari Moran (Singgih-Salim & Sukadji, 2006) dan komponen goal setting dari Locke dan Latham (2013). Rancangan pengambilan data menggunakan Pre-Experimental Design, dengan bentuk One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0.037 (p<0.05). Dimana Mean rank prates (7.75) lebih kecil dari mean rank pascates (13.25). Oleh karena itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa pelatihan goal setting efektif untuk meningkatkan career efficacy pada remaja di bawah asuhan/ nauangan Dinsos PPPA Kulon Progo.
Survei Pilihan Karir Ditinjau dari Profil Kepribadian DISC Pada Calon Karyawan PT. X Indonesia Dian Juliarti Bantam
Publisher : Mata Pena Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51849/j-p3k.v1i3.50


This study aims to identify the career choice of prospective employees at PT. X Indonesia, which is reviewed by the personality profile mapping. This research is a survey that involving 211 subjects, in which the personality profile is measured using the DISC test. The results showed that prospective employees of PT. X Indonesian who have dominant personality type D are 15 subjects (7,11%), dominant personality type I are 13 subjects (6.16%), dominant personality type S are 92 subjects (43.60%) and the last personality dominant type C as many as 91 subjects (43.13%). In addition, the results also show that there are 17 career choices and dominant personality types. Account Managers, Contact Centers, Drivers, Online Sales Officers and Receptionists have the dominant type S. Admin, Branding and Communication Manager, Finance and Accounting, Web Developers, and Human Resources Operations, have dominant type C. There are also Business Development, Graphic Designer, Office Boy, Telemarketing and Recruitment Staff have dominant type S and type C. Meanwhile, Chemist Assistant has dominant type D and C, and Sales Manager with dominant type D, type S and type C.
Pelatihan goal setting sebagai upaya meningkatkan keputusan karier siswa kelas XII SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin Gunungkidul Dian Juliarti Bantam; Muhammadh Erwan Syah
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v3i1.20358


One of the problems faced by class XII students of SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul is confusion in determining career choices, such as majoring in college or going straight to work. Reinforced by the results of a questionnaire conducted by counseling teachers on January 13, 2020. The results showed that 35% of students were able to make career choices, while 55% of students had not been able to make career choices, and 15% were hesitant in making career choices. Departing from this, the service team consisting of 2 lecturers and 2 students of the Psychology Study Program, Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta University, conducted a Goal Setting Training (GST), in order to improve career decisions for students. Participants who took part in the training totaled 23 students of class XII SMA. GST is given to participants online through a zoom meeting with a duration of 4 hours. Data analysis used Parametric Paired Samples Test which shows that Goal Setting Training can improve students' Career Decisions (t = -2.832, p = 0.016 <0.05). The conclusion of the training is that GST can improve the career decisions of class XII students of SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul.
Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Islam Sebagai Learning Organization: Survei Berdasarkan Persepsi Pegawai Dian Juliarti Bantam; Dewi Tri Resky Yanti
Journal of Psychological Perspective Vol 3, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jopp.321492021


Learning Organization is an organization that has the capacity, strength, and flexibility (Ivancevich, Konopaske Matteson, 2014). The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey on employees of Learning Organization in the Islamic-based Universities. The subject of this study amounted to 112 employees in the college environment A, X, Y, and Z in Yogyakarta. The data collection is done by providing a scale of Learning Organization. Analysis of the data used is descriptive data analysis. Th4e results showed that there were 8 people (7.14%) subjects were categorized as very low, 25 (22.32%) subjects were categorized as low, 57 (50.89%) subjects were categorized as moderate, 14 (12.5%) subjects who were high, and 9 (8.03%) subjects were categorized as very high. The results also show that there is a perception that varies on a learning organization on the employees in the Islamic-based Universities. It is influenced by individual characteristics are different from each other, including age, gender, position, institution, period of employment, and education.Learning Organization merupakan organisasi yang memiliki kapasitas, ketangguhan, dan fleksibilitas (Ivancevich, Konopaske Matteson, 2014). Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan survei pada pegawai tentang Learning Organization  di Perguruan Tinggi berbasis Islam. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 112 orang pegawai di lingkungan perguruan tinggi A,X,Y, dan Z di Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan skala Learning Organization. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 orang (7,14%) subjek yang termasuk kategori sangat rendah, 25 (22,32%) orang subjek yang termasuk kategori rendah, 57 (50,89%) orang subjek yang termasuk kategori sedang, 14 (12,5%) orang subjek yang termasuk kategori tinggi, dan 9 (8,03%) orang subjek yang termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat persepsi yang bervariasi pada pegawai di Perguruan Tinggi berbasis Islam mengenai learning organization. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik individu yang berbeda satu sama lain, meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, jabatan, instansi, masa kerja, dan pendidikan terakhir.
Differences in Work Engagement Between Civil Servants, Private Employees, Indonesian National Armed Forces And Employees Under Military Foundations Dian Juliarti Bantam
Journal of Research and Measurement in Psychology: JPPP Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Journal of Psychological Research and Measurement
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNJ dan Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPPP.111.02


This study aims to determine differences in work engagement between Civil Servants, Indonesian National Armed Forces, Private Employees and Employees under the Military Foundation. Work engagement is a positive state of mind and feeling that directs an employee's actions to solve problems or tasks within the scope of his work optimally and is characterized by enthusiasm (vigor), dedication (dedication), and absorption of work (absorption). In revealing the work engagement of research subjects, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale 9 version (UWES-9) from Scaufeli and Baker was used which was adapted by Kristiana, Fajrianthi, and Purwono (2018). Analysis using Non-Parametric Kruskal Walling test. The results showed that there was no difference in work engagement between Civil Servants, Indonesian National Armed Forces, Private Employees and Employees under the Military Foundation (p = 0.187; p > 0.05). The mean rank for civil servants is 30.75, the mean rank for private employees is 44.21, the mean rank for employees under the military foundation is 47.29, and the mean rank for the military is 48.43. Based on the mean rank value for the profession category, it can be seen that the TNI has higher work engagement than other professional categories, and civil servants have lower work engagement than the other three. In general, the data shows that work engagement in these professions is in the 'High' category (43.02%; N=86).
Academicians’ Perception of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Character Education in Higher Education Dian Juliarti Bantam; Adlia Nur Zhafarina
Journal An-Nafs: Kajian Penelitian Psikologi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Journal An-Nafs: Kajian Penelitian Psikologi
Publisher : Islamic Psychology Department, Dakwah Faculty of Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33367/psi.v7i1.2150


The study aimed to analyze the implementation of anti-corruption character education in tertiary institutions. The participants of this study were 1218 academicians consisting of students (1118 people), lecturers (75 people), and education staff (25 people) in the universities across Yogyakarta. Data collection was conducted online for approximately 3 months via Google form, using the Anti-Corruption Character Building Questionnaire (ACCBQ) scale. Based on the collected data, the coefficient of Cronbach Alpha reliability was 0.948. The data analysis used descriptive data analysis divided into five categories, including very low, low, medium, high, and very high. The results of the study generally indicated that there were 5 (0.4%) participants who were in the very low category, 22 (1.8%) participants who were in the low category, 81 (6.7%) participants who were in the moderate category, 629 (51.6%) participants in the high category, and 481 (39.5%) participants in the very high category. This means that the academic community perceived the implementation of anti-corruption character education in universities in Yogyakarta as the 'high' category (51.6%; N = 1218, µ = 4.28, σ = 0.702). Further analysis was also carried out using nonparametric statistical analysis of the Kruskal Wallis test showing that there were significant differences between cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects (p <0.05). The results also showed that there were varying perceptions among the academic community regarding anti-corruption character education. This was influenced by individual characteristics, including gender (male and female), higher education classification (private and state universities), study program clusters (humanities and social sciences and natural sciences and technology), and classification of academicians (lecturers, education staff, and students).
Pelatihan Goal Setting untuk Meningkatkan Pemilihan Karir Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Muhammad Erwan Syah; Dian Juliarti Bantam
PLAKAT : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Volume 4, Nomor 1 Juni Tahun 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/plakat.v4i1.7828


Career selection is a decision-making process that is quite important in an individual's life, including the decision to choose a series of college majors, jobs, positions, and positions. Seeing the characteristics of adolescents who have conflicts and the desire to try and determine career choices that are not yet strong, it is better that decisions in career choices must start from school, namely high school. One of the problems that occur in high school students, one of which is the decision to make a career choice or college major for students. The purpose of this service is to provide an overview and additional skills for students in determining or choosing an appropriate and appropriate career. This service will be held on March 15, 2020. While the place of service will be held at SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul. Participants in this service are students of class XII science at SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul for the 2019/2020 academic year with a total of 20 students. The results achieved in this service include goal setting training that is able to improve career choices for students of class XII science at SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul. In addition, through this training, students are able to understand, define and make future career plans in each goal in accordance with SMART principles. Pemilihan karir merupakan suatu proses pengambilan keputusan yang cukup penting dalam kehidupan individu, termasuk keputusan pemilihan rangkaian jurusan perkuliahan, pekerjaan, jabatan dan kedudukan.Melihat ciri-ciri remaja yang memiliki pertentangan maupun adanya keinginan mencoba serta penentuan pilihan karir yang belum kuat, maka sebaiknya keputusan dalam pilihan karir harus dimulai dari bangku sekolah yaitu SMA. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi pada siswa SMA salah satunya adalah keputusan dalam membuat pemilihan karir atau jurusan kuliah siswa. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan gambaran dan penambahan keterampilan bagi siswa dalam menentukan atau memilih karir yang sesuai dan tepat.Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan pada 15 Maret 2020. Sedangkan tempat pengabdian akan dilaksanakan di SMA Muhammadiyah Al MujahidinGunungkidul. Peserta dalam pengabdian ini adalah siswa kelas XII IPA SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul tahun ajaran 2019/2020 dengan jumlah 20 siswa. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pengabdian ini diantaranya pelatihan goal setting mampu meningkatkan pemilihan karir siswa kelas XII IPA di SMA Muhammadiyah Al Mujahidin Gunungkidul. Selain itu, melalui pelatihan ini para siswa mampu memahami, menetapkan dan membuat perencanaan karir ke depannya di setiap tujuannya sesuai dengan prinsip SMART.