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Journal : Jurnal Sains Natural

JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.799 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v2i1.36


Percentage Total  Activities of Antioxidant of Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate Using Spectrofotometric          Chocolate is loaded with various properties, one of them as an antioxidant because it contains katetin, polyphenols, flavonoids that can prevent premature aging. The content of antioxidants in chocolate was varied, dark chocolate (DC) of at least 70 %, while milk chocolate (MC) is was lower. The compound of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) was a stable free radical compounds that would neutralize each other if treated with antioxidant compound. Percentage of total activity was calculated by the reaction between DPPH compounds and chocolate spectrophotometrically at λ 520nm. The results showed that the DC brand A was 59.19 % , 17 : brand B 16 % and brand C 8.80 % , while the MC was 11, 07 % brand A, brand B 7, 00 %  and brands C 5.84 %. Comparison of DC percentages was higher than MC because the DC contains catechins, riboflavon, vitamin E and vitamin C or minerals Mg and Cu that reacted with DPPH, so that DC could be used as one source of antioxidants.Keywords : antioxidants, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, DPPH . ABSTRAK          Cokelat sarat dengan berbagai macam khasiat,  salah satunya sebagai antioksidan karena mengadung katetin, polifenol, flavonoid yang dapat mencegah penuaan dini. Kandungan antioksidan dalam coklat bervariasi Dark chocolate (DC) minimal 70% sedangkan Milk chocolate (MC) lebih rendah. Senyawa 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) merupakan senyawa radikal bebas stabil yang akan saling menetralkan jika direaksikan dengan senyawaan antioksidan. Persentase total aktifitas dihitung melalui reaksi antara senyawa DPPH dengan cokelat secara spektrofotometri pada λ 520nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DC merk A sebesar 59.19%, merk B 17.16%, dan merk C 8.80%, sedangkan MC merk A sebesar 11.07%, merk B 7.00%, dan merk C 5.84%. Perbandingan persentase DC lebih tinggi dibanding MC karena DC mengandung katekin, riboflavon, vitamin E, dan vitamin C, serta mineral Mg dan Cu yang berekasi dengan DPPH, sehingga DC dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumber antioksidan.Kata kunci : antioksidan, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, DPPH.
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.588 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v4i1.70


Study of manure amount for kutu air (Daphnia sp.) reproduction in green house as natural food in fish culture          Daphnia sp. is zooplankton used as natural food fish that have a complete nutrient content and easily digested in the gastro intestinal tract because it is solid and has a thin wall, otherwise it does not cause a decline of water quality and can improve the durability of fish seed to disease or changes in water quality, because it is always in living conditions. Levels of nutrient content consists of 42.65% protein, 8% fat, fiber and ash 4%. In the farming activities either fish growth or fish hatcheries 2.58%  and ornament fish consumption, the daphnia is very desirable as a source of natural food and fresh for fish.The research result showed that the treatment with fertilizer concentration of 3 g / l gave  the highest average number of Daphnia sp. on the sixth day. The highest was 344,000 head in the water volume of 30 liters using aquariums in the greenhouse environment. Water quality during the study was an average water temperature of 33 ° C and an average pH of 6.45 and the water quality was an optimum condition for the growth of Daphnia sp. There was a negative correlation significantly between the average member of Daphnia sp. with a concentration of manure and pH, but there was no correlation between the member of Daphnia sp. with the water temperature.Keywords : Daphnia sp., manure amount, natural food, fish culture ABSTRAK         Daphnia sp. adalah zooplankton digunakan sebagai pakan alami ikan yang mempunyai kandungan gizi yang lengkap mudah dicerna dalam saluran pencernaan karena isinya padat dan mempunyai dinding yang tipis, selain itu tidak menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air dan dapat meningkatkan daya tahan benih ikan terhadap penyakit maupun perubahan kualitas air karena selalu dalam keadaan hidup dan kadar kandungan gizi terdiri dari protein 42,65 %, lemak 8 %, serat 2,58 % dan abu 4 % (Darmanto, dkk., 2000). Didalam kegiatan usaha budidaya atau pembenihan ikan baik ikan konsumsi maupun ikan hias, pakan alami ini sangat diperlukan sekali sebagai sumber makanan dari alam karena segar sesuai kesukaan ikan. Hasil penelitian bahwa perlakuan menghasilkan rata-rata jumlah Daphnia sp. pada fase stasioner hari keenam dengan konsentrasi pupuk 3 g/L merupakan perkembangbiakkan  Daphnia sp. tertinggi yaitu 344.000 ekor dalam volume air 30 liter menggunakan akuarium di dalam lingkungan rumah kaca. Kualitas air selama penelitian adalah rata-rata suhu air 33 °C dan rata-rata pH 6,45 dan kualitas air ini merupakan kondisi optimum untuk pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. Ada korelasi negatif (berlawanan) secara nyata antara rata-rata perkembangbiakkan Daphnia sp. dengan konsentrasi pupuk kandang dan pH, tetapi tidak ada korelasi antara perkembangbiakkan Daphnia sp. dengan suhu air.Kata kunci: Daphnia sp., Konsentrasi Pupuk Kandang, pakan alami, budidaya ikan
KECERNAAN PROTEIN BIJI KAPUK (Ceiba petandra G) SECARA IN VITRO UNTUK PAKAN IKAN Fitry Primadona; Supriyono Eko Wardoyo; O. D. Subhakti Hasan
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.096 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v3i2.61


Protein Digestibility of Kapok Seeds in Vitro for Fish Feed        Kapok seeds is a by-product of agricultural industry having potential to be used as raw material for fish feed as a source of protein and essential fats. The content of the protein in the kapok seed  flour is 28 – 34 % that is an overwhelming amount to be a great source of protein for fish feed. Feasibility studies are needed, however, the use of kapok seed based on the digestibility of the protein. Pepsin with concentrations of 0.02; 0.2; and 2 % (in 0.075 N HCl solution) kapok seed flour added in three repetitions to test the digestibility of kapok seed invitro. Undigested protein was then analyzed using the kjeldahl method. Determination optimal concentration of pepsin was calculated based on the remaining undigested proteins (pepsin indigest) and compared the amount of protein digestibility of proteins obtained before (pepsin digest). The research results revealed that to digestibility of protein on concentration of 0.02; 0,20 and 2,0 % was 64,43; 68,42; 65,33%. Statistical test Anova revealed any significant differences of treatment respectively of  protein digestibility. Test of Least Square Difference (LSD) stated that each  treatment significantly different. Concentration optimum of enzyme that givethe best digestibility value was 0.20 % digestibility values 68,43% in the level of  error 0.05.Keywords : Kapok seed flour, protein, pepsin, invitro, optimum digestibility, proximate analysis ABSTRAK          Biji kapuk merupakan hasil samping industri pertanian yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan bahan baku pakan ikan sebagai sumber protein dan sumber lemak esensial. Komposisi protein pada tepung biji kapuk sebesar 28‑34% adalah jumlah yang sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sumber protein bagi pakan ikan. Akan tetapi diperlukan kajian kelayakan penggunaan biji kapuk berdasarkan kecernaan protein.Pepsin dengan konsentrasi 0,02; 0,2; dan  2%(larutan dalam HCl 0,075 N) ditambahkan pada tepung biji kapuk dengan tiga kali pengulangan untuk menguji kecernaan biji kapuk secara invitro. Protein yang tercerna kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode kjeldahl. Penentukan konsentrasi  pepsin optimal dihitung berdasarkan sisa protein yang tidak tercerna(pepsin indigest) dan dibandingkan jumlah protein awal sehingga didapatkan kecernaan protein (pepsin digest).Hasil penelitian menyatakan kecernaan protein pada  konsentrasi 0,02;0,2%;dan 2%  berturut turut 64,43; 68,42; 65,33%. Uji statistik Anova menyatakan setiap perlakuan memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kecernaan protein. Uji Least Square Difference (LSD) menyatakan setiap perbandingan perlakuan berbeda. Konsentrasi enzim optimum yang memberikan nilai kecernaan terbaik adalah 0,20% (68,43%) pada tingkat kesalahan 0,05.Kata kunci: Tepung biji kapuk, protein, pepsin, invitro, kecernaan optimum, proksimat