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Journal of Health (JoH)
ISSN : 23558857     EISSN : 24076376     DOI : 10.30590
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Journal of Health (JoH) (p-ISSN 2355-8857 | e-ISSN 2407-6376) publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies (See Focus and Scope). The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on January and July (2 issues per year), and published by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Indonesia. Journal of Health (JoH) is a semiannual journal, published in July and January, first publication is in 2014. The journal contents are managed by the health analyst (medical of laboratory technology) study program/department, midwifery department, nursing department, technology of blood transfusion department, and technology of radiodiagnostic, STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta. The objective of the journal is to provide a forum for lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners to present their ideas, concepts, and new theories in health and to disseminate theory, research, and teaching reviews to the academic community of health studies in Indonesia and abroad. Journal of health presents articles based on research in the study of health. Focus of Journal of Health (JoH) publishes articles based on research from researchers, lecturers, students, and education observers. Scope of Journal of Health (JoH) are: 1. Hematology 2. Clinical chemistry 3. Bacteriology 4. Parasitology and mycology 5. Toxicology 6. Immunoserology 7. Cytohistology 8. Emergency midwifery 9. Management in midwifery clinical practice 10. Management in midwifery education 11. Safe pregnancy and normal childbirth 12. Adolescent health 13. Reproductive and development health 14. Community in midwifery 15. Family planning 16. Menopause 17. Psychosocial and ethical aspects of women’s health 18. Maternity and neonatal health 19. Technology in midwifery care 20. Complementary therapies in midwifery 21. Serology 22. Blood transfusion technique 23. Transfusion transmitted disease 24. Biology cell and molecular 25. Epidemiology 26. Radiology basic science 27. Radiation protection 28. Radiology management 29. Basic radiotherapy 30. Radiology technique 31. Basic MRI & CT-Scan 32. Basic nuclear medicine techniques
Articles 189 Documents
Hubungan Usia Hamil dengan Kejadian Abortus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2012 Yustina Ananti; Muh. Hanafi; C.H. Sri Susilowati
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.506 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p1-5


Background : Abortion is more common in women aged over 30 years and increases at the age above 35 years. There is a relationship with the incidence of maternal age abortion (miscarriage) is one of the causes of bleeding that occurs in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Objective : Determine the relationship of maternal age with the incidence of abortion. Method : This research is the type of analytical survey, using a case-control design. The number of samples in this study were 77 respondents. Results : There are maternal age relationship with the incidence of abortion in Puskesmas Mungkid Magelang Regency in the results of the x2 count of 41.627 41.627> 3.841 (Table x2) and Contingency Coefficient is equal to 0.592. Conclusions : There are maternal age relationship with the incidence of abortion.
Gambaran Faktor-faktor Ibu Mengikuti Kelas Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tempuran Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2013 Nova Wijanarko; Siti Fadhilah; Dusi Catur Susiwati
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.895 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p6-11


Background : The maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) is an indicator of success in the development of the health sector. One of the new breakthroughs in the health section of the family in an effort to lower the maternal mortality rate is to establish Pregnancy Class. Pregnancy class is a means to learn together about the health of pregnant women, in the form of face-to-face in a group that aims to increase knowledge, change attitudes and behaviors in order to understand the mother's pregnancy, the body changes and complaints during pregnancy, prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, KB postpartum, newborn care, myths, beliefs, local customs, infectious diseases and birth certificates. Objective : Knowing description of the factors pregnant mothers attend classes. Method : This study is the descriptive type, using cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling with a sample size in this study was 57 respondents. Results: Most of the mothers knowledge level of pregnant women who attend classes are good that as many as 45 respondents (78.9%). Most of the mothers who attend classes pregnant women have high levels of basic education (elementary and secondary) as many as 44 respondents (77.2%). Most have the attitude agrees with the class of pregnant women as many as 46 respondents (80.7%). Most of the husband to provide support to mothers who attend classes pregnant women as many as 44 respondents (77.2%). Conclusions : The level of knowledge of mothers who attend classes either pregnant women, the level of basic education, has agreed attitudes toward classroom activities pregnant women, and the husband's mother gave support to pregnant mothers to attend classes.
Efektivitas Perlakuan Pijat Effleurage pada Kala I Fase Aktif Persalinan untuk Mengurangi Rasa Nyeri pada Ibu Bersalin di BPM Yusnaeni Bulan Mei Tahun 2013 Iswari Paramita; Mustika Pramestyani; Fisna Fitriannisa
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.633 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p12-17


Background : At the first active phase is currently the most tiring and heavy. In this phase, most women feel intense pain due to uterine activity began to be more active. Increasing number of women who want to give birth with the birth process that takes place without pain cause a variety of methods are used to reduce pain in childbirth. The most frequently performed to reduce pain is to massage method. But sometimes the method of massage that is done not in place so that the result is inefficient. Objectives : To examine the effectiveness of effleurage massage treatment at the first stage of the active phase of labor to reduce maternal pain in BPM Yusnaeni. Methods : The study was a Quasi Experiment with One Group Pre-test Post-test. Respondents in this study were all mothers delivered at the first stage of the active phase in the BPM Yusnaeni by the number of study subjects were 10 mothers were taken by way of Non-Probability sampling technique with saturated. Results : Statistical test Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test showed Ztest at -2,873 with Zstaistic value for (p <0.05) is equal to -1.96. From the results of calculations using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test is also known that Ztest> Zstatistic (-2,873> -1.96). It means that Ho is rejected or there is a difference of pain before and after the effleurage massage. Conclusion: There is a massage treatment effectiveness eflleurage the first stage of labor to reduce maternal pain
Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Terhadap Perkembangan Bayi Usia 6-9 Bulan di Desa Podosoko Kecamatan Sawangan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2013 Siti Fadhilah; Yustina Ananti; Puji Rahayu
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (132.57 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p18-22


Background : Breastfeeding is a natural process and is very beneficial for the baby. Babies who are breastfed are generally grown rapidly in the first 2-3 months of life, but more slowly than infants who are not exclusively breastfed . Mother's Milk can satisfy all the basic needs of the child to grow and develop, both physical-biomedical needs (Foster) ,the need for affection/emotion (compassion), and the need for stimulation (teaser). Objective: To determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months. Methods: The research method used is analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach. The sampling method in this study is purposive sampling with a sample size of 80 respondents. Results : There is a corelation between exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months at the Podokoso Village Sawangan District of Magelang 2013 with a p value of 0.000 ( 0.000 < 0.05 ). Conclusion : There is a corelation between exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months.
Gambaran Anemia pada Lanjut Usia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Abiyoso Yogyakarta Tahun 2013 Hieronymus Rayi Prasetya; Sistiyono Sistiyono; Maria Elisabeth Enjel Naur
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.638 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p23-28


Background: Anemia is a main health problem of elderly. The aging process causes many psychological changes in nearly all body systems of elderly that causes many kinds of processes of nutrient absorptions in the body disturbed. There is an opinion says that generally elderly has lower hemoglobin levels compared to the younger people. Other research showed that elderly often suffered from calorie and protein malnutrition and micronutrient. It happened because the HCL and pepsin secretion was reduced. Consequently, the absorption of Vitamin B12 and iron decreased that causes Anemia. Method: It was a descriptive analysis with laboratory tests. The sample of this research was 60 year-old and older patients in TresnaWerdhaAbiyoso Nursing Home Yogyakarta. There were 96 patients. The data of research results were analyzed descriptively and presented in the forms of tables and graphs. Results: Of the 96 old patients, there were 31 patients suffered from anemia that consisted of 27 patients with mild anemia and 10 patients with moderate anemia. Based on the morphology of erythrocytes in elderly, there were two kinds of anemia. They were normocytic-normochromic anemia with 84 patients and microcytic-hypochromic anemia with 12 patients. Conclusion: The description of anemia in elderly who stayed in TresnaWerdhaAbiyoso Nursing Home Yogyakarta showed that 32.29% of the elderly suffered from anemia. 72.97% suffered from mild anemia. 27.03% suffered from moderate anemia. The anemia classifications based on morphology in elderly in Tresna Werdha Abiyoso Nursing Home Yogyakarta were 87.5% normocytic-normochromic anemia and 12.5% microcytic-hypochromic anemia.
Pengaruh Infusa Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Shigella dysenteriae Secara In Vitro Fitri Nadifah; Siti Fatimah; Indah Yuliana Barekola Lamablawa
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.963 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p29-31


Background: Bacteria Shigella dysenteriae is pathogenic bacterium which cause diarrheal diseases that enter into inside the body through intestine. Shigella dysenteriae constitute one of the gram negative bacterium which causes inflammation on intestinal, pain abdominal, tenesmus, and a bowel movements which accompanied with blood and mucus. Bad impact irational use of synthethic drugs and antibiotics can cause organ damage and germs resistance. Utilization of herbs as traditional medicine evolving rapidly and alternatively used by most. Traditional medicine has relatively low of side effect and affordable prices. Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) is a plant which is ordinary used as a traditional medicine that can easily found around Indonesian islands. Sambiloto constitute one of the medicinal plants which is allegedly has the antibacterial effect because its chemical content of flavonoid saponins and tannin. The objective of this study is to know the influence of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) leaves infuse against the growth of Shigella dysenteriae bacteria. Method: This is an experimental research using diffusion method. Statistical test who used namely analysis of variant one road (One Way anova). Analysis data were done descriptively and statistically and presented with of tables or graphs. Results: There is influence of sambiloto leaf infusa (Andrographis paniculata Nees) against the growth of Shigella dysenteriae bacteria in vitro with a mean diameter zone of radical on concentrations the smallest 20% is 12 mm and the greatest concentration 100% is 24.3 mm. Conclusion: Infuse leaf has a strong and positive influence in inhibit the growth of bacteria Shigella dysenteriae bacterium.
Penetapan Kadar Klorida pada Air Sumur di STIKes Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Tahun 2013 Dian Wuri Astuti; Siti Fatimah; Rausyanah Fikriyyah
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.858 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p32-35


Background : STIKes Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta was a health college which used well water as source of clean water for many needs, one of them use as drinking water. Contamination the source of water in STIKes Guna BangsaYogyakarta can occur cause activity of waste disposal directly into the land so that can give effect to quality of the water source well. The good water must be having four criteria or parameter. The first is physic parameter involve dissolved solid, turbidity, smell, taste, colour and temperature. Second parameter, biology parameter was involved type and contents of microorganism. Third parameter is radioactive was involved radioactive substance. The fourth there’s chemical parameter, it was involved many types of ion, dissolve oxygen or toxic compounds likes chloride. Chloride ions in the form of inorganic anion Cl- is a lot there in the water. The presence of excessive chloride in water can cause interference with the physical properties of water, disruption of metal pipes, and health problems. Lack of chloride element in body will be bring about the fall in value of the extracellular fluids osmotic and if excess, will be damage the kidney. Therefore, the writer interested to know of chloride rate in well water and choose title “Penetapan Kadar Klorida pada Air Sumur di STIKes Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta”. Examination of chloride in well water conducted to determine howlarge concentration of chloride content in well water, drinking water requirements are allowed in PerMenKes RI No. 492/MenKes/Per/IV/2010. Method : Chloride concentration in well water determined by Argentometry Mohr with standard solution of AgNO3 and K2CrO4 indicator, the titration end point is marked with red brick precipitation of Ag2CrO4. This research was descriptive research laboratory test. The sample in study was well water in Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta’s STIKes. Data analysis result of research done descriptively in table or graphic form. Result : Chloride concentration in well water of Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta’s STIKes with sample as many as 9 sample showed that accordance with PerMenKes RI 2010 were not exceed the maximum limit was 250 mg/L. Conclution : The sample of well water in Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta’s STIKes had chloride concentration were according with allow quality of clean water in accordance with PerMenKes RI No. 492/ Menkes/ Per/ IV/ 2010.
Pengaruh Lama Pengasinan Terhadap Kadar Protein Putih Telur Itik Siti Fatimah; Muji Rahayu; Siti Aminah
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.227 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p36-39


Background : Egg is one of the animal protein source, which has delicious taste, easy to digest and highly nutritious. Besides its affordable price, its supply availability is unquestionable as well. However, due to its short storability, it requires special treatment, such as preserving, to store it for long period. One way to preserve the egg is by pickling egg, which generally requires seven to ten days of marinating. During the process of marinating, there will be a visual change of egg white and yolk. Their structures will be more solid (the occurrence of thickening process) because salinization will lead to protein denaturalization. Consequently, it has an influence as well towards the content of egg white protein of duck egg. This study is aimed to explore the impact of various time of pickling egg towards egg white protein of duck egg. Method : The study where takes place in a laboratories, is a true experimental study for the reason that the researcher must provide intervention, hence all of potentially confounding variables are manageable. Samples that had been used in this study are duck eggs which were bought from North Brebes. This study is expected to generate data from four various time of pickling egg and control (no treatment). Since there are four samples, accordingly the number of data resulted are twenty. The resulted data will be descriptively presented in table, graph, presentation, and narration. Result : Protein level examination within duck white egg shows changes in protein levels that occurs in every variation of pickling egg time, where the average results of the assay of duck egg white protein is 14.94% without treatment (control), in five days of pickling time is 13.68%, in seven days of pickling time is 13.29%, in nine days of pickling time is 12.87% and eleven days of pickling time is 12.78%. Conclusion : There is a significant impact among the period of pickling time to the protein level degradation of duck white egg. Keywords : Duck egg, period of pickling time, level protein of duck white egg.
Evaluasi Diri Perilaku Profesional di Institutsi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Widuri Widuri; Amitya Kumara; Tridjoko Hadianto
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.546 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p40-45


Background: Education world has a very important role in improving the quality of human resources, as it is the environment in which the process of the formation of professional behavior through a series of teaching and learning process. Professional behavior should be clearly seen as an aspect of personal identity and character developed over time. Based on this, the focus of professionalism began to shift from individual to the institution and stated that professionalism must be embedded in an educational institution with a complete integration of the culture of professionalism that involves the institution leader, staffs, lecturers, and students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the professional behavior of the institution of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta. Methods: This study is a descriptive qualitative research. Subjects were the institutional leader, lecturers, staffs and students are determined by purposive sampling. Interview instruments include altruism, honor and integrity, caring and compassion, respect for others, responsibility and accountability, excellence and scholarship, and leadership. Participant at the data collection focused group discussion (FGD) is 10 persons and on interview data collection is 21 persons. Efforts to achieve the credibility of the informant are done by triangulation and discussions with colleagues. Research supervisor role as auditors, maintain dependency and certainty degree of this research. Results: Participants considered that the lecturers, staffs, students and institutional leader have done with the guidance of a good, high integrity, good communication, mutual respect, responsibility and provide exemplary. However, some behavioral components still require improvement such as the level of lecturers’ discipline, staffs’ job and responsibility distribution, student discipline and responsibility, and supervisor leadership patterns. Conclusion: As there are still some components of professional behavior that needs any improvement, requires institutions to increase self-understanding and awareness to professional behavior. Institutions need to consider any strategies to be taken to overcome any problems faced by the institution to achieve professional behavior.
Perbedaan Self Assessment dan Peer Assessment Terhadap Kompetensi Pemasangan Infus Ditinjau dari Motivasi Aan Devianto; AA. Soebiyanto; Hari Wujoso
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.47 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p46-53


Background: There are different assessment methods that aim to evaluate the learning process of students, such as formative or summative methods. The assessment methods that are still rarely used in nursing education are self-assessment and peer assessment. Therefore, in order to determine whether these methods have advantages or disadvantages, investigation is needed. The research that is conducted with these methods is a research on the competencies on infusion installment that is also assessed from the students’ motivation to follow the learning process. Subjects and Methods : This research is a quantitative research using true experimental approach. The population is the students. The samples are obtained by using random sampling. The independent variables in this study are a self -assessment, peer assessment and motivation, while the dependent variable is the infusion installment competency. There are three purposes of this study. The first is to analyze the differences in self-assessment and peer-assessment of infusion installment competence. The second is to analyze the differences of motivation on infusion installment competence. The last is to analyze the interaction between the assessment of the competence models and the level of motivation on infusion installment. Two-path analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test statistical data. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences between self-assessment and peer-assessment of competence on infusion installment with the results of p= 0.000. Other results also showed a significant difference between high motivation and low motivation on infusion installment competence with the results of p= 0.002. In addition to that, the statistical test also showed the interaction between the models of the assessment and the motivation on infusion installment competence with p = 0.000. Additionally, there are also some treatment groups that were not significant with p= scores > 0.05.

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