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Jurnal Jalan Jembatan
ISSN : 19070284     EISSN : 25278681     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan adalah wadah informasi bidang Jalan dan Jembatan berupa hasil penelitian, studi kepustakaan maupun tulisan ilmiah terkait yang meliputi Bidang Bahan dan Perkerasan Jalan, Geoteknik Jalan, Transportasi dan Teknik Lalu-Lintas serta Lingkungan Jalan, Jembatan dan Bangunan Pelengkap Jalan. Terbit pertama kali tahun 1984, dengan frekuensi terbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan April, Agustus, dan Desember. Mulai tahun 2016 terbit dengan frekuensi dua kali setahun, edisi Januari - Juni dan edisi Juli - Desember, dalam versi cetak dan versi elektronik.
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Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Liquefaction is a process or event that changes its nature from a solid to a liquid state, which is caused by cyclic loads during an earthquake. Various methods have been developed by experts to analyze the potential of liquefaction, both through investigations in the laboratory (sieve analysis test and unit weightl) and in the field, SPT and CPT. This study uses the results of SPT field tests and laboratory tests on the coast of Oba island, in the North Maluku Packing Plant building to evaluate the potential liquefaction that occurrs at that location because based on the 2017 Earthquake Map Book the study area is an earthquake-prone with a bedrock earthquake 0,4 – 0,5 g. Calculation of liquefaction potential using the deterministic method of Idriss-Boulanger and Koester & Tsuchida, the maximum acceleration of the land surface is calculated based on the 2010 Indonesian Earthquake Hazard Map. Calculation results show that liquefaction potential in location studies occurs at depths that have low soil density and in water saturation conditions. Soil that has a liquefaction potential occurs when the soil strength is less than the earthquake load (CRR <CSR), indicated by the safety factor value, FK < 1 and based on laboratory tests this soil is classified as poorly graded soil. Analysis of liquefaction potential related to the thickness of the layer approved by the liquefaction varies between 6 and 14 meters when an earthquake occurs with varying minimum magnitude values.Keywords: liquefaction, SPT, deterministic, idriss-boulanger, tsuchida.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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The quality of original soil in the Hambalang area of Citeureup - Bogor, virtualy shows low density mainly the unsoaked CBR value therefore unusable for subgrade stucture, and can cause road construction to be easily damaged. Soil stabilization conducted in this research is chemical stabilization using the selected mixture was rice husk ash (ASP) and lime. This test carried out with clayey by adding a mixture of rice husk ash and lime in a variation of clayey weight percentage of 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% of the dry weight of the soil, where the ratio between lime and rice husk ash is 50%: 50% and each mixture made as many as 3 samples. Water content in the original soil was 75.2 % decreased to 49.5% at 12% variation. The mixture of rice husk ash and lime ash makes the value of the liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), and shrinkage limit (SL) decrease. This shows that the effect of rice husk ash and lime as added material in soil improvement has changed the technical properties of expansive clay for the better. CBR soil test increases significantly. CBR in the original soil of 1.9% increased to 8.0% in the rice ash husk plus lime mixture 4%, then experienced a significant increase in the 8% rice ash husk plus lime mixture that is 30.1%, and in the rice ash husk plus lime mixture 12% decreased to 10.7%. it can be concluded that the optimum undistrube CBR obtained at mixing with a percentage of 8% is 30.1%.Keywords: Stabilization, road, clay soil, mixture, optimum, CBR
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Value of CBR is important in the planning of road pavement. Meanwhile, the CBR value of a material is very diverse and not necessarily the landfill material with a CBR value that meets specifications available easily and quickly. Therefore results of this study are expected to be a reference in determining which sand should be used for a road foundation if mineral content is known. This study was conducted by taking 3 sand samples from 3 different locations (Depok, Indramayu, and Tangerang). These samples were tested to determine physical properties, mechanical properties and mineral content. Based on the results of the particle size distribution analysis, we can see the effect between the percentage of clay and silt with the CBR value of each sand sample. The less the clay and the silt content in the sand sample, the smaller the CBR value obtained. While based on the results of x-ray diffraction testing, it can be concluded that the dominant SiO2 and Fe2O3 minerals can be approved to increase the CBR value. This is consistent with the level of Mohs hardness of these minerals, because the level of hardness of two minerals is the highest among other minerals contained in all samples. So, it can also be concluded that if a sand contains minerals with a high level of Mohs hardness, the greater CBR value of sand can be obtained.Keywords: soil investigation, sand, CBR, mineral content, x-ray diffraction.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Tanah gambut memiliki daya dukung yang rendah ketika menerima beban timbunan dan beban lainnya pada konstruksi jalan. Kombinasi grid bambu dengan tiang beton berpotensi meningkatkan daya dukung dan memperkecil penurunan, untuk itu perlu penelitian seberapa besar pengaruh panjang dan jarak tiang dalam mengurangi penurunan akibat beban timbunan. Perkiraan penurunan dalam waktu yang lama perlu dilakukan dengan metode hiperbolik dan simulasi numeris dengan Plaxis 2D sebagai dasar perancangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengamatan melalui model skala kecil di laboratorium pada tanah gambut dengan perkuatan grid bambu dan tiang beton yang dibebani dengan model beban timbunan. Analisis penurunan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode hiperbolik dan simulasi numeris dengan Plaxis 2D untuk mengetahui perilaku deformasi tanah dan distribusi tegangan akibat beban timbunan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkuatan grid bambu dengan tiang beton dapat mengurangi penurunan akibat beban timbunan. Analisis penurunan metode hiperbolik mendekati sama dengan data pengamatan, sedangkan simulasi numeris dengan Plaxis 2D lebih besar daripada metode lainnya. Perilaku deformasi tanah dan distribusi tegangan akibat beban timbunan dapat diketahui dari simulasi numeris dengan Plaxis 2D.Kata Kunci: tanah gambut, penurunan, deformasi, pemampatan, distribusi tegangan, grid bambu dan tiang beton.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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ABSTRACT Designing the width of the vehicle lane must consider the type of vehicle that passes through it. This is obtained by knowing the dimensions of the vehicle and the vehicle's wheelbase. From these two data we can find out the wheel tracks and the outer size of the vehicle body (sweeping path). This paper is intended to determine the turning radius of a design vehicle for the geometric design of the road. The design vehicles in question are the vehicles whose dimensions are mentioned in various regulations and vehicles which are the dominant results of research on the Road and Bridge Research and Development Center. The method used is a literature study of the rules and research results of the Road and Bridge Research and Development Center. Determination of the turning radius of the vehicle is done using the Autoturn software application with the assumption: flat pavement surface, the tire does not slip, the vehicle steering lock is 40o, the steering angle is 31.6o, the U-turn maneuver is 180o. The results showed that there were 17 vehicles that became design vehicles equipped with a turning radius. There are 2 vehicles that have 2 vehicles that have a turning radius of more than 12 meters. Keywords: vehicle turning radius, vehicle trail, vehicle design, vehicle dimensions, road geometric procedures.
ANGKA EKIVALEN MDP-2017 Tjan, Aloysius
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Angka ekivalen sebagai perbandingan tingkat kerusakan sumbu tertentu terhadap beban sumbu standar adalah usaha menyederhanakan proses desain. Tiap metode desain dapat mempunyai nilai ekivalen yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan metode lain. MDP 2017 yang mengacu pada Austroads 2008 membedakan angka ekivalen untuk penggunaan tertentu, seperti ESA4 untuk perkerasan dengan beton aspal kurang dari 100 mm dan berpondasi material berbutir, dan ESA5 untuk lapis permukaan beton aspal lebih dari 100 mm dan berpondasi berbutir. ESA4 juga digunakan untuk desain lapis tambah dengan kriteria deformasi permanen, sedangkan ESA5 untuk desain tebal lapis tambah dengan kriteria retak lelah. Berdasarkan pendekatan mekanistik empiris dan transfer function yang dipakai oleh MDP pada berbagai model tebal struktur yang dianalisis, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai angka ekivalen bersifat unik tergantung pada beban, jenis sumbu, tebal struktur perkerasan, dan modulus tanah dasar, yaitu EALF Austroads. Tidak diperlukan pembedaan angka ekivalen dengan ESA4 atau ESA5. Baik ESA4 maupun ESA5 tidak sama dengan EALF Austroads, sehingga tidak dapat menjadi substitusi EALF Austroads.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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The hot mix asphalt recycling design and construction will be successful if it is proven by the good performance of the asphalt mixture in the laboratory and in the field. The performance hot mix asphalt recycling (ACWCRAP) tested was Marshall properties, deformation resistance, and fatigue resistance. The test objects used are those that have been conditioned in a heating oven and standar speciment according to the AASHTO R30-02 procedure. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of conditioning on the performance of the hot mix asphalt recycling with high RAP. High RAP is the use of RAP material in a hot mix asphalt recycling with 3 variations of the used RAP material (60%, 80% and 100%). The conclusion of this experiment is that all the properties of the asphalt mixture meet the requirements. The ACWCPolymer stability value is equivalent to ACWC with 100% RAP, but for the stability value with the conditioned specimen (STOA), the ACWC with 100% RAP stability is higher. The stability of ACWC with 60% RAP and 80% RAP is lower than the stability of ACWCPolymer. Stability the ACWCPolymer with STOA test specimen is equivalent to ACWC with 80% RAP, while for ACWC with 60% RAP it is still lower than the stability of ACWCPolymer. All dynamic stability hot mix asphalt recycling has meet requirements. With the use of higher RAP, ACWCRAP is more resistant to deformation, both for fresh and STOA specimens. ACWC with 100% RAP is higher than ACWCPolymer deformation resistance, but for STOA specimens, the deformation resistance of ACWCPolymer is higher than other asphalt blends. Based on these facts, the deformation resistance performance of ACWCPolymer is better than ACWCRAP. With the tensile strain reference of the asphalt mixture permit of 100 µɛ, the ACWCRAP mixture, both fresh and STOA specimens, is more fatigue resistant than ACWCPolymer. Comparing between the three ACWCRAP that used 100% RAP was the most fatigue resistant.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 38 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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In general, existing bridges in Indonesia that were built in the 1980s do not take into account the morphological shape of the river flow. This has an impact on the bridge that was built at the river's location to collapse due to damaged pillars. Damage to the pillar was caused by scouring of the river flow that occurred during a certain period and the collapse did not occur suddenly. This research was conducted to determine the potential occurrence of river flow scouring on the existing bridge pillars that occurs within a certain time period. Scour depth analysis was carried out using several empirical methods and using the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) program. Case studies were carried out on the Cipamingkis Bridge (after retrofitting) and the Cipunegara Bridge. In the case study, the depth of the scour that occurred in each bridge pillar will be compared for the 100 year return period of flooding. Based on the results of the analysis, the scour depth of the Cipamingkis bridge pillars (after strengthening) for the 100 year return period of flooding is 5 m. While the scour depth for the Cipunegara Bridge for the 100 year return period of flooding is 7 meters. The scour depth of the Cipunegara bridge pillar is greater than that of the Cipamingkis bridge. Mitigation technology to avoid the collapse of the pillars of the Cipunegara and Cipamingkis bridges is to construct a river flow protection structure and construct a pillar protection structure. Making rip-rap around bridge pillars is one type of prevention that is done so that the bridge pillars don't suddenly collapse. Reinforcement of rip-rap on the pillars of the Cipunegara and Cipamingkis bridges can reduce the occurrence of scouring processes by 60% for the 100 year return period of flooding. Keywords: bridge, pier, existing, scourings, Hec-ras, rip-rap
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Bottleneck is a phenomenon of reduced vehicle speed caused by narrowing of road, reduction of lanes, accidents or existence of a slow-moving vehicle. In general, these phenomena can be approached with the Shock Waves Analysis. This study aims to determine the Value of Shock Waves, Value of Queue, and Value of Delay ​​that occur because of the bottleneck. The location of the study was conducted on the Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road Station 26. The road has four lanes but there are side barrier so that only three lanes operate. The study was conducted in 120 minutes from 09.00 until 11.00. The relationship of traffic characteristics will be tested using three approaches namely, Greenshields Linear Model, Greenberg Logarithmic Model, and Underwood Exponential Model. The statistical test results from three approaches show that Greenshields Model results better Correlation Analysis and Significance Tests than Greenberg Model and Underwood Model. Shock Wave Analysis using approach the Greenshields Model results formulation, if Demand of Flow (V) = 5292 pcu/hour/4-lane with Density (D) = 121.56 pcu/km/4-lane, then the Backward Forming Shock Wave (ωAB) = -116.56 km/hour, Backward Recovery Shock Wave (ωBC) = -74.33 km/hour, and Forward Forming Shock Wave (ωAC) = -23.98 km/hour. Based on Value of Shock Wave and Demand of Flow that, will inflict Queue (N) = 155 pcu/3-lane and Delay (T) = 77.62 pcu.minute/3-lane. Keywords: shock wave, Greenshields, Greenberg, Underwood, queue, delay.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 37 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Salah satu permasalahan di bidang geoteknik adalah stabilitas lereng. Pada lereng timbunan, khususnya pada oprit jembatan, pengaruh tekanan lateral terhadap abutment harus diperhatikan. Timbunan pada oprit biasanya menggunakan material pilihan yaitu timbunan tanah dengan berat jenis antara 1,6 – 1,8 t/m3, yang mana semakin tinggi timbunan maka semakin besar tekanan lateral yang terjadi. Penggunaan timbunan ringan mortar busa dapat mereduksi pengaruh tekanan lateral, bahkan secara teoritis dapat mereduksi tekanan menjadi hanya sebesar 0,1 kPa. Studi kasus dilakukan pada oprit Jembatan Randu Merak, Probolinggo. Pada lokasi tersebut dipasang instrumen pressure cell untuk memantau tekanan lateral yang terjadi. Pressure cell terpasang pada dasar timbunan dan pada sheet pile. Metode yang digunakan adalah membandingkan besarnya tekanan lateral yang terjadi pada timbunan oprit jembatan dengan menggunakan tanah sebagai timbunan dan material ringan mortar-busa sebagai pengganti timbunan tanah. Tekanan lateral pada timbunan tanah dihitung secara teoritis, sedangkan tekanan lateral pada timbunan ringan didapatkan dari hasil bacaan pressure cell. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tekanan lateral maksimum yang ditimbulkan akibat timbunan tanah adalah sebesar 29,58 kPa, sedangkan dari hasil bacaan pressure cell besarnya tekanan lateral yang ditimbulkan akibat timbunan ringan sebesar 1,37 kPa. Sehingga didapatkan bahwa penggunaan timbunan ringan mortar-busa dapat mereduksi nilai tekanan lateral hingga sebesar 97,35 % . Kata Kunci: tekanan lateral, material ringan, mortar-busa, oprit, lereng

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