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Jurnal PG-PAUD Trunojoyo : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini
ISSN : 24074454     EISSN : 25283553     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
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Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 7, No 1 (2020)" : 8 Documents clear
Manajemen Strategi Pembelajaran dalam Membentuk 9 Pilar Karakter di Playgroup MILAS Anaas Ridlo Yuliana; Aflaha Rara Wurinta
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.26 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6833


This study aims to analyze the learning strategies management in forming the 9 Pillars of character in the MILAS Playgroup Yogyakarta. The subjects of this study were the principal and educators. Data collection has done by observation and interview methods. After that, the data validity test was carrying out by means of triangulation. Then the data analysis technique has done by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The results showed that the 9 pillars of character through the learning strategies management learning strategies departing from vision and mission to evaluation. The learning strategies applied to create the 9 pillars of character in the MILAS playgroup are: (1) Love of God and the universe and its contents, (2) Responsibility, Discipline, and Independence, (3) Honesty, (4) Respect and Courtesy, (5) ) Compassion, Concern, and Cooperation, (6) Confidence, Creative, Hard Work, and Never Give Up, (7) Justice and Leadership, (8) Good and Humility, and (9) Tolerance, Peace Love, and Unity.
Efektifitas Penggunaan Buku Cerita Bergambar terhadap Kecerdasan Visual Anak Prasekolah Eka Mei Ratnasari
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.242 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.4287


Multiple intelligences must be optimally stimulated. Its development will be very good for the development of early childhood abilities. This research will discuss the effectiveness of the use of picture books on preschool children's visual intelligence. The research aims to look for the effectiveness of the use of picture books on children's visual intelligence aged of 4-5 years. This study used quasi-experiment method. The subjects were children of TK-KB ABA Pringwulung, Yogyakarta. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, including two groups, A1 as the experimental group and A2 as the control group. The subjects used in this study examined 40 children. The data analysis technique used a t-test using the SPSS for Windows version 16 computer program to see children's visual intelligence between the two cohorts. The results indicated that there was a significant impact on children's visual intelligence through the use of picture book media in group A at TK-KB ABA Pringwulung Yogyakarta. It can be used by parents, educators, and educational practitioners so as to build an appropriate strategy in developing early childhood visual intelligence.
Pengembangan Lampu Warna terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Kelompok A di TK PGRI 1 Bancaran Nurul Kholidiyah; Dwi Nurhayati Adhani; Siti Fadjryana Fitroh
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.02 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6979


Researchers used a development model Borg Gall. Steps to be taken include the research and data collection, planning, early product development, initial test, revise the initial product, the main field testing and revision of the final product. Research and development is carried out through four stages of a trial that is testing subject matter experts, instructional media expert testing, field trials beginning, and major field trials. The subject of research and development that children in group A or 4-5 years in kindergarten PGRI 1 Bangcaran totaling 21 children. The data collection technique using a questionnaire (questionnaire subject matter experts, instructional media expert questionnaire, and the questionnaire responses of children) and documentation. The results showed that the values obtained from the color light matter experts for86.11% with the title of "high", 76.67% of instructional media expert with the title of "high", the initial field trials 83.9%with the title of "high", and the main field trials 86.9%with the title of "high". Based on the results of research and development has been done can be concluded that the media color lights as stimulationability to recognize the concept of color in group A at TK PGRI 1 Bancaran fit for use
Egosentrisme Anak pada Perkembangan Kognitif Tahap Praoperasional Yesi Novitasari; Danang Prastyo
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.364 KB)


Egocentric thinking is the inability of children to see the perspective of others in seeing problems and prioritizing their own perspectives. Egocentric many appear at an early age. Related to this, this research purpose to analyze the egocentrism of children in cognitive development, in the preoperational stage.This research is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach. The sample of this research was 30 children aged 4-6 years. The research sample was taken with a total sampling technique. The results of the analysis data showed that the children's egocentrism in cognitive development in the preoperational stage reached 76.33% with a very high category. Each aspect value are imaginative thinking amounted to 72.08%, egocentric language amounted to 82.92%, had a high I amounted to 74.58%, high curiosity amounted to 80.42%, and language development began rapidly amounted to 71, 67%.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Media Realia pada Siswa Kelas 2 SD Annisa Herlida Sari
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6835


The aim of this research is to improve the results of learning math students second grade through the application of media realia. The research was implemented on SDN 1 Kalianda, South Lampung. This study used class action research conducted through two cycles, a cycle of comprising planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject of research is a whole number of second  grade student SDN 1 Kalianda having the mathematical value helpdown KKM totaled 12 student. Analysis of the percentage  data used in this study was based on an agreement with a researcher and collaborator is using percentage increase reched 71% atthe end of the cycle. Analysis of data obtained from the result of percentage increase at the end of the cycle reached 84,33%. The end result of a whole analysis percentage data is an inrease more than 71%. Based on an increase in the percentage of this research, all student have reached percentage inrease reahed 71%, the can be expressed that hypotesis accepted. It could be concluded that the use of the media realia can enchange the results of learning math student second grade of elementary school student. 
Persepsi Orangtua tentang Bermain Berisiko pada Anak Usia Dini Baiq Nada Buahana
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.623 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6834


Risk play is outdoors play which involves a lot of physical activity. Parents' concerns will limit the range of movement to explore when playing risky. This research explores parents 'perceptions about playing risk as viewed from the child's age, gender, and reviews parents' knowledge about playing risk. The study was conducted in Purbalingga, Indonesia. The research subjects involved 33 mothers and 33 fathers of preschool children with ages ranging from 4 to 6 years. The study findings show that mothers and fathers have the same risk playing perception. Parents provide the highest support for children's play activities at risk such as climbing and jumping from a height. As for other activities, parents have concerns about the safety of children during these activities. Judging from the age of the father and mother allow children aged 4 years with 40%, 5 years 45% and 6 years 50% while seen from jrniskelmin, parents allow boys more than girls to play at risk with percentage of 55% compared to 40%. Perceptions of parents have an impact on providing risky playing opportunities.
Meningkatkan Kosakata Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan Chinese Whispers Eva Roswati
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.3 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6420


Vocabulary are words that someone has to socialize with other people. The process of acquiring a child's vocabulary can be influenced by external factors as well as from factors within the child itself. The topics contained in this article include the game Chinese whispers to improve vocabulary in children. Chinese whispes game is a game that is done in groups, by whispering to convey messages in sequence until the last player. In principle the game Chinese Whipers is able to train children in improving vocabulary, because in this game the child will mention the words instructed by the teacher or friend.
Peran Lingkungan Sosial terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Anak Usia Dini di Jogja Green School Shofiyatuz Zahroh; Na'imah Na'imah
PG-PAUD Trunojoyo Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.074 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/pgpaudtrunojoyo.v7i1.6293


This study aims to examine the role of the environment on the formation of children's character in Jogja Green School. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used interviews with school principals and class teachers, observations of children in Caterpillar A and Caterpillar classes as well as documentation studies such as daily plain activity, weekly plain activity, daily notes, and children's work documented in the classroom. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, then all data are presented with perfect and good exposure, and make conclusions and verify data. The results showed that the social environment significantly influenced the formation of children's character through learning strategies and methods. Jogja Green School together with parents and the community creates a conducive environment in forming good character of children. The school always communicates with the family through diary or meet directly related to the child's development, so parents understand that the education provided at home must be in accordance with the education available at the school, besides that the school or family has the task of providing stimulus to the community. The community does not teach children with negative words, does not scold the child when the child accidentally destroys neighboring plants but rather gives an understanding to the child, so the child must apologize when making a mistake. 

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