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Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi
Published by Universitas Terbuka
ISSN : 14111934     EISSN : 24429147     DOI : -
Merupakan media informasi dan komunikasi para praktisi, peneliti, dan akademisi yang berkecimpung dan menaruh minat serta perhatian pada pengembangan Matematika, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Terbuka.
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Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 18 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Inflation is a problem which haunts the economy of each country. Its development is which continually increasing make a drag on economic growth to a better direction. Inflation tends to occur in developing countries like Indonesia which is an agricultural country. To overcome the instability of inflation, one way to do is to predict the time series data. Methods Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) has the ability to capture the necessary information about the wood as well as able to cope with the instability of inflation of inflation. This is because ARIMA is a method of forecasting time series are suited to predict the number of variables in a fast, simple, inexpensive, accurate, and only requires the data variables to be predicted. Inflasi merupakan suatu masalah yang menghantui perekonomian setiap negara. Perkembangannya yang terus-menerus mengalami peningkatan menjadi hambatan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi ke arah yang lebih baik. Perubahan laju inflasi cenderung terjadi pada negara-negara berkembang seperti halnya Indonesia yang merupakan negara agraris. Untuk menanggulangi terjadinya ketidakstabilan laju inflasi, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meramalkan data time series. Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) memiliki kemampuan untuk menangkap informasi-informasi yang diperlukan mengenai laju inflasi serta mampu menanggulangi ketidakstabilan dari laju inflasi. Hal ini dikarenakan ARIMA merupakan suatu metode peramalan time series yang cocok digunakan untuk meramal sejumlah variabel secara cepat, sederhana, murah, dan akurat serta hanya membutuhkan data variabel yang akan diramal.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 9 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The purpose of the research is to investigate the phenotypic performances as qualitative assessment characters of three potato clones resulted from protoplasm fusion (A5) and two clones from botany seeds (PAS3063 and PAS3064) which had been identified to be resistant from bacterial wilt disease (Ralstonia solanacearum). The commercial potato varieties (Granola and Atlantic) were used as a comparison varieties. All five varieties were produced from mini graft. The result of qualitative performance that more prominent were on A5 clone with the characters that the branch was red, tuber skin was purple/violet and its ability produce flowers. Meanwhile, the branch of another clone was green, tuber skin was yellow/brown, and it does not produce much flowers. The color of tuber flesh were white except on Granola which was yellow. The result of cluster analysis that based on the morphologic character from each plant showed that PAS3063 was closed to Atlantic variety characteristic, PAS3064 was closed to Granola variety, and A5 different from both commercial varieties.There fore, it is proposed that PAS3063 and PAS3064 can be used as substitutes for commercial cultivars, while further consideration should be made for A5 since it is signifoutly different with the familiar cultivars.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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In line with the spirit of decentralization and national development, the demands on agricultural extension agents is focused on farmer empowerment so they can improve their quality of life independently. These efforts need to be supported by a professional agricultural extension agent. This study aimed to determine the competency of agricultural extension agents in empowering farmers. The research was conducted through a survey on government employee who work as agricultural extension agents in paddy farming area in Karawang district and in vegetable farming area in Garut district of West Java. Samples were taken randomly. The results demonstrated that the competency of agricultural extension agents were low, especially in the dimensions of entrepreneurial management, renewal management, and network system guiding. Competency dimensions in fair category were understanding the potential of the region, training management, learning management, communication management, and innovation. The t-test showed that there was no significant difference between the competency of agricultural extension agents who served in the rice agricultural area and those who served in the vegetables farming. There was also no significant difference between agricultural extension agents who continued their formal education in public universities and those who continued there formal education in private universities. The low competency of agricultural extension agents became a challenge to all parties, especially the government (central and local), education institutions, colleges that prepare extension workers and extension staff concerned.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jmst.v8i1.608.2007


The IDEF0 (Integration Definition Language 0) developed by Douglas T.Ross and SoftTech.Inc is a procedure for modeling functionality as part of the Air Force programmed on computer-aided-manufacturing which based on SADT (Structured Analisys and Design Technique). Wang and Smith (1988) suggested that IDEF0 could be combined with SSM. IDEF0 is used to analysis manufacture systems, in this case OHMS. Data from research (Budiarto, 2005) on Division of General Engineering at PT.PAL use OHMS further analyzed in this study. Data analysis shows that IDEF0 can be used to mapping activity system, both at the global as well as detail views, and performance indicators for each detail activities can be developed trough IDEF0. In addition IDEF0 can be used as a tool in providing recommendation of performance improvement of manufacturing systems.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Traditionally refined coconut oil processed by farmers is less durable than the factory processed. Addition of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) in the coconut oil was known to decrease its rancidity due to prolong storage and to increase its durability. With a variety of treatments it was expected that coconut oil processed by farmers can be stored up to 3 months. The purpose of this study is to recommend the use of BHT in precise concentration by farmers to inhibit rancidity of the refined coconut oil. The study was consisted of three treatments, namely control, addition of BHT 0.01%, and 0.02%. Analysis of the three treatments showed significant difference in the degree of rancidity for the addition of 0.01% and 0.02% BHT compared to the control. Therefore, addition of 0.01% BHT treatment can be recommended to farmers to extend the storage life of the refined coconut oil. Minyak kelapa olahan petani lebih pendek masa simpannya dibandingkan minyak hasil olahan pabrik. Penambahan Butil Hidroksi Toluen (BHT) pada minyak kelapa diketahui dapat mengurangi ketengikan dan memperpanjang masa simpan minyak. Dengan berbagai perlakuan diharapkan minyak kelapa hasil olahan petani dapat disimpan hingga 3 bulan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merekomendasikan penggunaan BHT dengan konsentrasi yang tepat bagi para petani untuk menghambat ketengikan minyak kelapa. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yaitu kontrol, penambahan BHT 0,01%, dan 0,02%. Hasil analisis ketiga perlakuan menunjukkan beda nyata pada derajat ketengikan untuk penambahan BHT 0,01% dan 0,02% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Dengan demikian, perlakuan penambahan BHT 0,01% dapat direkomendasikan kepada petani untuk memperpanjang masa simpan minyak.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 15 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Konsumsi ikan laut makin meningkat di masyarakat, tetapi beberapa jenis penyakit zoonosis yang berasal dari ikan laut telah ditemukan, salah satunya anisakiasis. Anisakiasis adalah salah satu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi larva stadium III cacing nematode anisakis, dan dapat menginfeksi manusia (zoonosis). Transmisi larva stadium III Anisakis sp. ke manusia terjadi ketika manusia mengkonsumsi ikan laut mentah. Anisakis sp. menyebabkan penyakit granuloma eosinofilik dalam usus manusia. Penemuan larva Anisakis sp. dalam beberapa ikan laut dapat digunakan sebagai indikator kualitas daging ikan berdasarkan nilai intensitas parasit. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Anisakis sp.pada beberapa ikan laut di 3 tempat pelelangan ikan (TPI) Cilacap. Metode penelitian adalah survei dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Area sampling di 3 TPI yaitu: Pelabuhan Samudra, Teluk Penyu, dan Lengkong. Ikan sampel berupa kembung, selar, dan ikan tengiri swanggi. Pemeriksaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Parasitologi dan Entomologi, Fakultas Biologi Unsoed, yang meneliti organ internal, tubuh, dan daging ikan. Identifikasi Anisakis sp. dilakukan berdasarkan Moller dan Anders, 1986. Larva Anisakis sp. ditemukan dan diidentifikasi adalah larva stadium III Anisakis sp. Jumlah Anisakis sp. tertinggi ditemukan pada ikan selar. Nilai Prevalensi larva Anisakis sp. yang ditemukan di selar, kembung, dan ikan tengiri swanggi dapat menunjukkan bahwa ikan-ikan tersebut memiliki kualitas daging yang relatif buruk.
ESTIMASI NILAI PENURUNAN KESEHATAN AKIBAT POLUSI GAS NOX DI UDARA DKI JAKARTA Listyarini, Sri; Tarumingkeng, Rudy C; Fauzi, Akhmad; Hutagaol, Parulian
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 8 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The aim of this research is to estimate the value of health degradation caused by nitrogen oxide (NOx) gas as one of the air pollutions in Jakarta Province. The economic growth in urban area may affect lifestyle which will increase the energy demand. Fossil fuel as the main energy emitting some gases to the ambient, one of them is NOx gas.  In this research analysis of factors that influenced NOx ambient concentration is based on the socials, economics, and meteorological data from Indonesia Statistics Center (BPS) and Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMG). The prediction of the cost that has to be paid by the persons who are exposured by NOx gas and will get respiratory symptomps is done by developing the dynamic simulation model. The result of this research is by 2025 the Jakarta residences that will have respiratory symptomps caused by the NOx air pollution should pay about 1 trillion (1012) rupiahs. To reduce this pollutant it is recommended to develop public policies based on the economic and environmental concern.
Kajian Beberapa Uji Kenormalan dan Kaitannya dengan Asumsi Kenormalan pada Beberapa Uji Statistika Santoso, Agus
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 6 No 1 (2005)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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T-test is proposed as a parametric test to evaluate mean of population(s).  Therefore, it is assumed that the data are normally distributed. Recently simulation based research reveal that t-test are robust against non-normality assumption, as long as the distribution of the data are symmetric. For that reason, it is interesting to evaluate the normality test that commonly used before the t-test is applied, particularly on its power and its suitability on symmetrical assumption of t-test on distribution of the data.  On this research, the evaluation on normality test was focused at several tests, which are Anderson Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Ryan-Joiner, and normality test based on skewness and kurtosis, wether the t-test was restricted in evaluation of mean of one population. The simulation reveals that, in general, Anderson-Darling has greater power than the other test in evaluating the normality of the distribution of the data, wether the normality test based on skewness and kurtosis have greater suitability on symmetrical assumption of t-test on distribution of the data. Hence, it is recommended that the normality test based on skewness and kurtosis are used to evaluate the symmetrical assumption of t-test on distribution of the data.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Corals is the one of typical ecosystem that is at tropic waters that tremendously necessary for directness biodiversity at coast and ocean area. Teluk Cenderawasih National Park having corals more or less 80.000 hectares. But such data and information about corals condition stills less in particularly at Core Zone. One of Core Zone that needs to be done to inventory and identification activity is Matas Island and its vicinity. Executed research with Manta Tow and Line Intercept Transect (LIT) Methods. Result of the observation by use of Manta Tow method can be categorized that medium corals category, with life corals cover as big as 46.25 % of 24 observing trajectories. Observation in LIT Method on depth 3 meters, it has been very good corals cover area (91.02 %), and on depth 10 meters, it has been medium category (39. 48 %). Corals Mortality Index is little relative ranging from 0.03-0.06, thats the mean condition of ecosystem in Matas Island is healthy.
Jurnal Matematika Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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There are many methods for finding option pricing. In this paper, two mehods will be presented, Black-Scholes model and binomial model. For the number of time periods increases to infinity and the length of each time period is infinitesimally short, option pricing from the binomial model converges to the Black-Scholes model. Terdapat beberapa metode untuk menentukan harga opsi. Dalam artikel ini dibahas dua metode, yaitu model Binomial dan model Black-Scholes. Dengan semakin meningkatnya periode waktu maka harga opsi juga akan semakin meningkat dengan perbedaan yang cukup kecil, secara analisis model binomial harga opsi akan konvergen ke model Black-Scholes.  

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