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Prof. Dr. Nuryani Y. Rustaman, M.Pd.
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Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education
ISSN : -     EISSN : 26217260     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
AIJBE published a scientific paper on the results of the study/research and review of the literature in the sphere of biology education includes: learning strategy, learning media, assessment, teaching materials, curriculum, and teacher professional development. AIJBE covers many research in all level of education (primary, secondary, and higher education). The publication frequency is twice a year in March and September.
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019" : 7 Documents clear
Pengaruh Discovery Learning terhadap Kesadaran Metakognisi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pangestuti, Dini Aji; Marpaung, Rini Rita T.; Hasnunidah, Neni
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19267


This study was conducted to find out the effect of discovery learning on student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement. The population of this research was all of the 11th grade MS (Mathematics and Science Program) students of Sumberejo 1 Senior High School. The research sample were students of 11th MS-1 and MS-3 class taken by cluster random sampling technique. This study was quasi-experimental with Pretest Post-test Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. In this study, student’s metacognitive awareness was measured by using MAI (Metacognitive Awareness Inventory) and SEMLI-S (Self-Efficacy and Metacognition Learning Inventory—Science). Meanwhile, student’s cognitive learning achievement was measured by using cognitive test. The data were analyzed statistically by independent sample t-test respectively at 5% significance level. The results showed that the discovery learning model significantly influenced student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement with significant value of each were 0,000. Through this research, we found that the discovery learning model significantly influenced student’s metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning achievement rather than discussion method.
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Demonstrasi Interaktif terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Dasar Siswa SMA pada Materi Perubahan Lingkungan Noviani, Dwi Rahayu Lestari
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.20249


The achievement of students science process skills in Indonesia is relatively low, this is partly because learning has not yet explored and facilitated students science process skills. This study aims to identify the effect of interactive demonstrations to basic science process skills of senior high school students in environmental change concept, with global warming sub concept. The subjects of this study were X grade of science in second semester, academic year 2017/2018. The method used in this research was quasi experiment with non equivalent pre-test post-test control group design. The research data was collected by using basic science process skills test, observation form, and questionnaire. The results of data analysis using the Mann Whitney test with a significance level of 0,05 to the value of the post-test of basic science process skills showed a significant difference in basic science process skills of students between experimental group and control group. N-gain of basic science process skills in the experimental group is 0,56, while in the control group is 0,43. Improved basic science process skills in the experimental group and control group are in the medium category. Neverthless, the average of N-gain in the experimental group is higher than the control group. The results of this study indicate that 97,5% of learning activities performed well. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the interactive demonstrations learning trains to improve students basic science process skills.
Implementasi HOTS-AEP pada Siswa SD dan SMP: Profil Gender Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Lingkungan Ichsan, Ilmi Zajuli; Sigit, Diana Vivanti; Miarsyah, Mieke; Prayitno, Trio Ageng; Ali, Ahmad; Arif, Wiwin Pramita; Dewi, Aryani Kadarwati; Iriani, Enin; Hermawati, Farah Muthi
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19054


In the 21st century learning the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is very necessary especially in Environmental Learning. The problem is the unavailability of students' HOTS profiles. The purpose of this study was to describe the HOTS profile of elementary and junior high school students based on gender using Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment based on Environmental Problems (HOTS-AEP). The study was conducted in July 2019. The sample used was 130 students, consisting of 14 male students and 18 female students at the elementary level. Then, 29 male students and 69 female students for junior high school. The results showed that the overall HOTS score of students were in very low category with the average score of junior high school for male students (17.70) and female (21.10) while elementary school students for male (20.70) and female (23.60). There were differences in scores between elementary and junior high school based on gender. This showed that the ability of HOTS students in environmental learning still needs to be improved. The conclusion was HOTS of female students still higher than male students at the elementary and junior high school. Besides that overall students HOTS are still very low and need to be improved.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Awetan Basah Filum Moluska dan Echinodermata dengan Inquiry Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Siburian, Isyulianto Andika Tua; Sikumbang, Darlen; Yolida, Berti
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19173


This study aims to determine the effect of use of wet preservation Phylum of Molluscs and Echinoderms with Inquiry Learning on student learning outcomes. The method of this study was quasi-experimental with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The research samples were students of class X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 which were to 56 students that were selected by the Total Sampling technique. The type of data used were quantitative data and qualitative data. The instrument used in this study was in the form of multiple-choice questions, with the independent sample t-test SPSS 17.0 data processing technique. The results showed that the use of wet preservation Phylum of Molluscs and Echinoderms differed significantly on student learning outcomes in the experimental class with the control class. The average N-gain in the experimental class was 0.58, while the control class was 0.39, while the results of student responses to wet preservation Phylum of Molluscs and Echinoderms with Inquiry Learning have a good (78,57%) and very good (84,78%).
Instrumen Penilaian untuk Pembelajaran Ekologi Berorientasi Literasi Saintifik Setiawan, Adib Rifqi
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19250


The aims of this cross-sectional survey research was to find the validity and reliability of assessment instruments for ecological learning scientific literacy oriented’s. Determination of the sample used purposive sampling of 4 experts and 122 high school level students. To reveal validity is assessed based on obtain judgment expert and reliability measured by internal consistency. It was gained that the validity is 7 items very feasible and 3 item quite feasible with reliability’s value is 0.763. It showed that all items can be used to analyzing the difficulties of students for designing ecological learning scientific literacy oriented’s lesson plans.
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis STEM terhadap Literasi Teknologi dan Keterampilan Pengambilan Keputusan Siswa SMA Luthfiyani, Siti Halimatusya’diyyah; Widodo, Ari; Rochintaniawati, Diana
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19251


This study aims to analyze the effect of STEM-based biology learning on technological literacy and students’ decision making skills in senior high school. The sample used in this study were X grade students from two classes in one of the senior high school in Bandung. Determination of the research subject was carried out as a convenience sampling technique from recommendation teachers and studying the activities of students who had not learned about environmental pollution material. This study used a quasi-experimental method through a non-equivalent control group design. Student’s technological literacy in this study was measured by using several aspects of technological literacy while student’s decision making was measured by using open-ended questions that are relevant to socio-scientific issues. Student’s decision making analyzed based on the basic categories of decision making and the level of argumentation as a reasoning process in decision making. This study shows that STEM-based biology learning does not affect technological literacy and decision making in high school students. This was done on statistical tests on technological literacy and decision making skills tests results that showed no significant difference between students in STEM classes with non-STEM classes.
Buku Ajar Berbantuan Model Pembelajaran Everyone is A Teacher Here: Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Calon Guru Biologi Sadikin, Ali; Hakim, Nasrul
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19249


This research is a classroom action research, which aims to improve the teaching skills of students of biology education. The study consisted of two cycles each consisting of three meetings. To measure basic skills, an observation sheet was used which was used from a peer teaching assessment sheet developed by UPT PPL FKIP Jambi University. The results showed 65,2% of the basic facts included in the category enough. Percentage of teaching basic skills before the action of 65,2% included in the category enough. The percentage of basic learning scores increased in the first cycle to 70,6% included in the good category and in the second cycle increased to 77,1% included in the good category. Based on the research data it can be concluded that the learning textbook used by everyone's learning model is a teacher here who can improve the student basic teaching skills.

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