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Baja Tulangan pada Bangunan Gedung Dharma, Budhi
METANA Vol 3, No 2 (2006): Juli 2006
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5838.336 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v3i2.1859


Abstract In a building structure, concrete need addition capable to arrest, detain attractive force to arise in the system that is bone steel. Bone steel can in the form of weaved steel strand of metal network or bar and cross of matting, and use by plate construction, other structure and listplank, Interesting strand of metal minimum ultimit become militant 170 = 1700 Mpa, and strand 180=            1800 Mpa. Nature of physical become militant bone that is tension melt, and elastic modulus, can be seen by tension diagram and steel bone bar strain, and specification for iron used by standard of JIS nad PBI 197l. For the iron of artless iron and also thread of quality determined by nature of ats chemical formation and physical installation of bone have to fulfill economic and technical requipment, because concrete iron reprsent costly shares at reinforce concrete system. Extention out down by place which shouldering smallest momen effect of encumbering, by tacking on gasses and mechanic. Depository of bone steel conducted in such a manner to be able to prevent distortion, corrosion, damage and contamination.   Key word : bone steel.
Efektifitas Pemakaian Solvent Sebagai Pelarut Formula Insektisida Dalam Membasmi Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Guna Mencegah Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Supriyo, Edy; Nugraheni, Fransisca Sri; Broto, R.T.D. Wisnu
METANA Vol 14, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (520.11 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v14i2.21389


Formula yang ada dipasar bebas hanya dapat membunuh nyamuk saja, maka dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan  Produksi formulasi insektisida sebagai insektisida alternative pembunuh nyamuk dan jentik, dimana agrisol dan dodecyl benzen sulfonat merupakan emulsifier nonionic dan anionic sert bersifat hydrophilic. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi emusifier yang tepat dalam proses formulasi insektisida, sehingga kestabilan emulsi antara minyak dengan air dalam waktu yang cukup lama Pada percobaan pembuatan emulsifier konsentrat kemudian dilakukan uji kestabilan emulsi antara minyak dan air serta uji effikasi Maka dapat diproduksi formula yang digunakan sebagai bahan dasar insektisida dalam membasmi nyamuk dan jentik nyamuk Aedes aigepty. Disamping itu juga dapat menjadi formula obat nyamuk (insektisida) alternatif yang mudah diaplikasikan oleh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa emulsifier concentrat yang terbaik adalah pada percobaan dengan formula komposisi: 17,38% propoxure; Malathion 17,39% agrisol; 13,01%  DBS, 47,83 % Xyline dan 4,35% additive dalam % berat. Dengan total emulsifier yang digunakan 30,5 % w/w  equivalent dengan 30 EC  Dari uji kestabilan antara minyak dan air didapat pelarut yang terbaik adalah thiner, dengan membentuk micro emulsi pada lapisan air sampai 12 minggu lebih, kestabilan emulsi tercapai pada CMC 0,42 % v/v pada lapisan minyak. Dari uji effikasi dengan pengencer thiner sebanyak 10x setelah dianalisa profitabilitas sesuai LD 50, didapat dosis . 0,025 -0,25 % (v/v), baik untuk telur nyamuk maupun jentik Aedes aegypti dengan prosentasi kemation 45-90%  Effectiveness of Solvent Usage as a Solvent for Insecticide Formula in Eradicating Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes to Prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Pesticide formulation which are available in market are only killed the mosquitos but not the larvae. Therefore Production formulation of insecticide as inscticide alternative to eridicate mosquitos and its larvae with agrisol and dodecyl benzen sulfonat as emulsifier nonionic and anionic hydrophilic. The reseach work was aimed to determine the best emulcifier concentrate in pesticide formulation  so that the emulsion of oil and water will be stable for a long time.  In reseach work the emulsifier concentrate was made, than emulsion stability test between oil and water as well as its effectivity were condected. This formulation could be used as active engridient for insecticide to kill Aedes aigepty mosquitos and its larvae and could be applied in the community.  The research showed that formulation consist of komposisi: 17,38% propoxure; Malathion 17,39% agrisol; 13,01%  DBS, 47,83 % Xyline dan 4,35% additive dalam % berat. Dengan total emulsifier yang digunakan 30,5 % w/w  equivalent 30% w/w.  Stability test of oil and water showed that the best solvent is thiner,  and formed micro emulsi on water film for more than 12 week.  Emulsion was stable by CMC 0,42 % v/v on oil film. From effication test and than analysis profitability revealed that LD 50, was . 0,025 -0,25 % (v/v), both for larvae and mosquitos presented dead 45-90%. 
METANA Vol 3, No 2 (2006): Juli 2006
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4396.6 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v3i2.1804


Abstract Tuna waste still have a valuable substance that is fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 is polyunsaturated fatty acid, consist of two acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and  dokosahexanoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 fatty acid has many usefulness for human’s health, related to heart, retina, and brain function. This research is done to get omega-3 fatty acid from tuna waste by extraction method using n-hexane. The purposes of the research are to learn about variables that affect the product and decide the condition to get optimal product. The research method is making table and chart from the variables. The condition of the operation are : temperature ± 30oC, solvent n-hexane, KOH concentration is 40 gr/liter, and concentration of oil in feed is 0.068 gr/cc. The variables are : comparison of solvent and feed (10:4; 15:4; 20:4; 25:4; 30:4; 35:4) at period 1,5 jam, and period of extraction (0,5; 0,75; 1; 1,25; 1,5; 1,75 jam) at comparison of solvent and feed 30:4. The result shows that the optimal condition is reached at comparison of solvent and feed 30:4 and period of extraction 1,5 hour. The rendement is 24,76%. Key words : tuna, omega-3, extraction
Kandungan Antioksidan pada Kubis Merah (Brassica oleracea L.) Dan Aplikasinya Pada Pembuatan Kerupuk Putri, Aldila Sagitaning; Kristiani, Endang i Bekti; Haryati, Sri
METANA Vol 14, No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (987.583 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v14i1.19162


Kubis Merah (Brassica oleracea L.) merupakan salah satu hasil pertanian yang mengandung kandungan antosianin yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali potensi kubis merah sebagai antioksidan alami pada kerupuk kubis merah. Tahapan dari penelitian ini adalah pembuatan kerupuk kubis merah dengan berbagai formulasi tepung tapioka dan kubis merah, uji organoleptik serta penentuan aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar antosianin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan dari kubis merah dan kerupuk kubis merah sebesar. Dari uji organoleptik yang paling disukai panelis adalah perlakuan T2K1 yaitu 150 gram tapioka dan 50 gram kubis mera yang memiliki kadar air sebesar 15,49%, kadar abu 1,18%, kadar protein 1,48%, kadar lemak 16,55%, antosianin 1,31% dan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 23,93%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kerupuk kubis merah memiliki potensi sebagai sumber antioksidan. Antioxidant content  in Red Cabbage  (Brassica oleracea L.) and Application In The Making of Crackers Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) is one of the agricultural products containing anthocyanin content that has potential as antioxidant. The purpose of  this study was to explore the potential of red cabbage as a natural antioxidant in red cabbage crackers. The stages of this research are the manufacture of red cabbage crackers with various formulations of tapioca flour and red cabbage, organoleptic test and the determination of antioxidant activity and anthocyanin levels. The results showed that antioxidant activity of red cabbage and red cabbage cracker amounted to. The most preferred organoleptic test of panelist is T2K1 treatment which is 150 g tapioca and 50 g of red cabbage which has water content 15,49%, ash content 1,18%, protein content 1,48%, fat content 16,55%, antocyanin 1.31% and antioxidant activity of 23.93%. Thus it can be concluded that red cabbage crackers have the potential as a source of antioxidants.
METANA Vol 7, No 01 (2011): Juli 2011
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.062 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v7i01.4755


ABSTRAK Negara kita termasuk negara penghasil minyak jeruk purut dan minyak ini juga merupakan komoditi yang menghasilkan devisa negara. Oleh karena itu pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini, minyak jeruk purut mendapat perhatian yang cukup besar dari pemerintah Indonesia.  namun ketersediaan bahan baku secara berkelanjutan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar masih mengalami hambatan. Oleh sebab itu budidaya tanaman secara intensif diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Untuk itu, digunakan destilasi vakum dalam meningkatkan kualitas minyak sereh wangi. Keunggulan dari destilasi vakum tidak mengakibatkan dekomposisi komponen minyak atsiri sehingga mutu rendemen yang dihasilkan akan lebih baik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses penyulingan yang menggunakan bahan baku daun jeruk purut dan pelarut aquadest. Proses distilasi menggunakan jenis distilasi vakum dengan variabel yang berpengaruh adalah waktu (2, 3 dan 4 jam). Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil yang maksimal pada penyulingan 3 jam dengan variabel bahan baku dan pelarut 1:4. Analisa produk dari minyak jeruk yang didapatkan adalah sebagai berikut pH 5, densitas 0,86 gr/ml, viscositas 0,31 Cp, indeks bias 1,46, volume minyak jeruk 11 ml, angka asam 2,805 mg-KOH/gr dan angka penyabunan 61,71 mg-KOH/gr. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan lama waktu penyulingan akan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah minyak jeruk purut yang dihasilkan dan dapat berpengaruh juga pada komposisi dari minyak jeruk purut. Kata kunci : minyak jeruk purut, distilasi vakum dan pelarut aquadest.   ABSTRACT Our country including kaffir lime oil producing countries and oil is also a commodity that generates foreign exchange. Therefore, in recent years, the kaffir lime oil received considerable attention from the government of Indonesia. but the continuous availability of raw materials to meet the needs of the market is still experiencing barriers. Therefore, intensive cultivation is needed to resolve the issue, both in quantity and quality. To that end, vacuum distillation is used in improving the quality of scented citronella oil. The advantages of vacuum distillation does not result in decomposition of volatile oil components so that the quality of the resulting yield will be better. In this study the distillation process that uses raw materials lime leaves and the solvent distilled water. Distillation process using this type of vacuum distillation with an influential variable is the time (2, 3 and 4 hours). From the research results obtained maximum results in 3 hours with a variable refinery feedstock and solvent 1:4. Analysis of orange oil products obtained are as follows pH 5, the density of 0.86 g / ml, 0.31 Cp viscosity, refractive index 1.46, the volume of kaffir lime oil 11 ml, 2.805 mg-KOH/gr acid number and saponification number mg-KOH/gr 61.71. From the research we can conclude a long time refining oil will affect the amount of lime produced and may also affect the composition of kaffir lime oil. Key words: kaffir lime oil, vacuum distillation and solvent distilled water.
METANA Vol 9, No 02 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.517 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v9i02.7615


Abstract The use of synthetic dyes for food in Indonesia reached 88%, this figure is quite alarming considering the health effects of synthetic dyes. So that needs to be made of natural dyes to replace the synthetic dyes. Like the natural pigments bixin of the annatto seed can give a yellow color to red. This study was conducted to determine how to produce natural pigments bixin from annatto seed using extraction process and how the optimum conditions and their application in food.Factors affecting the extraction process among other types of solvents, the size of the material to be extracted, temperature and extraction time, the ratio of material to solvent and stirring speed. Bixin will be degraded when heated and will turn into norbixin when there is excess salt sodium (Na) or potassium (K). Bixin extraction from the seeds annatto using a solvent acetone (CH3COCH3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with variations in concentration, extraction temperature, stirring speed and the ratio of material to solvent. For bixin analysis using UV-Vis spectrophotometer, bixin will produce a maximum absorbance at a wavelength of 470 nm and using FTIR spectrophotometer to determine the group of bixin.The water content in the seeds kesumba is 37% and has a total of 10% bixin content. The optimum conditions of the extraction process of seed kesumba bixin is the type of solventNaOH with a concentration of 0.25 N, extraction temperature of 60 oC, 400 rpm stirring speed and weight of material to solvent ratio 1:20 by weight 2192 mg extract. Keywords: Extraction, bixin, annatto, bixa orellana, sodium hydroxide
METANA Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Juni 2007
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4184.782 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v4i1.1722


Abstract Iron is mineral that cause staining of plumbing fixtures  and laundered clothes as wall as produce distinct taste and odors in a drinking water. Aeration is alternative processes for the removal of iron. Sedimentation and filtration will remove the iron precipitates formed in the aeration device. This research uses 2 stages in testing; they are the batch filter and the column filter. On each of the stages we try using activated  sand media. This media is known to able to decrease the Fe2+.The water  spring is from the 2nd deep well at the Prambanan water treatment facility. The goal from this research is to find the criteria design on surface loading and to find out the effectiveness in reducing Fe2+ that is in the water by using the media of activated sand. From this experiment we found that the maximal filtration speed on activated  sand is 11,05 m/hour. Calculation analysis shows that the coefficient. Figure of Fe2+ in the batch filter on Ngrenehan beach ocean sand filter is λ1=0,40± 0, l0 m -1 with the average on reducing Fe2+ 21,37%. This figure is small if it is compare to the coefficient figure of Fe2+ in the batch activated sand filter is λ1=0,92± 0, l6 m -1  with the average on reducing Fe2+ 42,27%. Keywords : Ngrenehan beach ocean sand filte, rapid sand filter. Activated sand, filtration speed. removal coefficient
Pengaruh Suhu Terhadap Kadar Air Dan Aktivitas Air Dalam Bahan Pada Kunyit (Curcuma Longa) Dengan Alat Pengering Electrical Oven Leviana, Wilandika; Paramita, Vita
METANA Vol 13, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1174.163 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v13i2.18012


Kunyit merupakan tanaman obat berupa semak dan bersifat tahunan (parenial). Kandungan air yang cukup tinggi membuat kunyit harus diolah sebelum disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Pada penelitian ini pengeringan kunyit dengan menggunakan electrical oven. Proses pengeringan kunyit dilakukan dengan variabel berubah seperti jenis bahan, suhu, dan ketebalan irisan. Jenis bahan yang digunakan yaitu kunyit orange dan kunyit putih, variabel suhu pengeringan 700C, 800C, 1000C serta variabel irisan 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, dan 4mm. Uji analisa pada penelitian ini meliputi analisa kadar air, aktivitas air, dan organoleptik seperti uji warna, aroma, dan penampakan fisik. Pada penilitian tersebut didapatkan variabel optimal pada jenis kunyit orange dan putih yaitu pada variabel suhu pengeringan 800C dengan ketebalan irisan 3mm waktu pengeringan selama 135 menit untuk kunyit putih dan 150 menit untuk kunyit orange. Kadar air sebesar 3,515% dan 0,11 aktivitas air pada kunyit putih, aroma dan bentuk yang khas warna dan kunyit serta tidak berubah bentuk, sedangkan pada kunyit orange kadar air sebesar 2,741% dan aktivitas air sebesar 0,061 aroma yang sedikit khas kunyit dengan warna putih kekuningan. Effect of Temperature on Water Content And Water Activity In Material On Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) With Tools Electrical Oven Dryer Turmeric is a medicinal plant of bush and annual (parenial). The water content is high enough to make turmeric should be processed before being stored for long periods. In this research drying turmeric using electrical oven. The process of drying turmeric by changing variables such as material type, temperature, and slice thickness. Type of materials used are orange turmeric and white turmeric, drying temperature variables 700C, 800C, 1000C and variable slices 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, and 4mm. Test analysis in this study include water content, water activity, and organoleptic analysis such as color, aroma, and physical appearance. In the research, the optimum variables on turmeric and white turmeric were varied in drying temperature 800C with 3mm slice thickness drying time for 135 minutes for white turmeric and 150 minutes for turmeric. Water content of 3,515% and 0.11 of water activity in white turmeric, aroma and shapes typical of color and turmeric and unchanged, while in turmeric orange moisture of 2.741% and water activity of 0.061 a slightly turmeric-white scent with white Yellowish. 
METANA Vol 6, No 02 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (93.375 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v6i2.3854


Abstract Vegetable oil is one of plantation commodity and used as food source and oleochemical. One of the connection between vegetable industry and oleochemical industry is the conversion of vegetable oil into fatty acid. Indonesia is one of major producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) and Cocos Nucifera Oil (CNO), but Indonesia is also import fatty acid in the application of paint, plastics, cosmetics, detergent and soap industry. These facts show a pityfull condition of vegetable oil industry. Therefore, it is neccesary to take an effort in order to fulfill our domestic demand of fatty acid. Up to now, the fatty acid is produce by converting CPO into fatty acid, which provide high cost production due to the expensive process of CPO production. An alternative process was proposed by cutting the two stages of fatty acid production into one stage. This stage covered the direct enzymatics production of fatty acid from fresh fruit of palm oil. The lipase of palm oil is inactivated in a microwave based-enzymatics hydrolysis bioeractor. The research objectives was developing the fatty acid production through microwave biochemical process by activate the lipase enzyme of the fresh fruit of palm oil. The parameters examined were including pH, ratio of water-fruit, and the milling of the palm oil as time function. The lipase activity as a result of microwave tunning up process was increasing along with the increasing of the reaction temperature. Without the addition of buffer, the acidity of the system decreased along with the production of fatty acid. Along with the increasing of the water concentration, the fatty acid produced was also increased.   Key Words: fatty acid, lipase, microwave
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Komposit dari Styrofoam Bekas dan Serat Ijuk Aren Purbasari, Aprilina; Darmaji, Timothius Adrian Christantyo; Sary, Cindy Nella; Kusumayanti, Heny
METANA Vol 15, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.957 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/metana.v15i2.25794


Komposit merupakan gabungan dari dua atau lebih bahan yang menghasilkan efek sinergis. Komposit dapat dibuat dari polimer sebagai matriks dan serat alam sebagai bahan penguat. Pada penelitian ini komposit dibuat dari styrofoam bekas dan serat ijuk aren. Styrofoam merupakan salah satu jenis polimer yang sulit terdegradasi secara alami, sedangkan serat ijuk aren merupakan serat alam yang mudah diperoleh di Indonesia. Pembuatan komposit dilakukan dengan alat hot press pada berbagai perbandingan massa styrofoam dan serbuk ijuk aren (10:90; 20:80; 30:70; 40:60; dan 50:50). Karakterisasi komposit yang dihasilkan meliputi uji kekuatan mekanik, kerapatan, daya serap air, mikrostruktur, dan gugus fungsional. Komposit mempunyai kekuatan mekanik tertinggi sebesar 90,26 kgf/cm2 pada perbandingan massa styrofoam dan serbuk ijuk aren 30:70. Semakin tinggi kandungan styrofoam dalam komposit maka kerapatan komposit akan semakin meningkat dan daya serap air komposit semakin menurun. Komposit mempunyai struktur yang homogen dan gugus fungsional yang berasal dari styrofoam dan serat ijuk aren.Composite is a combination of two or more materials that produce a synergistic effect. Composite can be made from polymers as matrices and natural fibers as reinforcing agents. In this study, composite were synthesized from used styrofoam and sugar palm fiber. Styrofoam is one type of polymer that is difficult to degrade naturally, whereas sugar palm fiber is a natural fiber that is easily obtained in Indonesia. Composite synthesis was done using hot press equipment at various mass ratio of styrofoam to sugar palm fiber powder (10:90; 20:80; 30:70; 40:60; and 50:50). Characterization of obtained composites covered tests of mechanical strength, density, water absorption, microstructure, and functional groups. Composite had the highest mechanical strength of 90.26 kgf/cm2 at the mass ratio of styrofoam to sugar palm fiber powder of 30:70. The increase of the styrofoam content in composite caused the increase of composite density and the decrease of composite water absorption. Composite had homogeneous structure and functional groups derived from styrofoam and sugar palm fiber.  

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