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EQUILIBRIUM: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya
ISSN : 23031565     EISSN : 25021575     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
EQUILIBRIUM The scientific journal Economics and Learning has P-ISSN: 2303-1565 & E-ISSN: 2502-1575 which is published twice a year, in January and July. Focus and scope on EQUILIBRIUM The scientific journal Economics and Learning:Economic Learning Media, Planning Economic Learning, Learning and Learning Economics, Public Economics, Community Economics, Economic development, Regional Economics, Taxation, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship, Economic Sociology, Social Economics, Financial management.
Arjuna Subject : -
Articles 226 Documents
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (112.124 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v4i1.626


This study aims to: 1) determine whether there is a significant influence on the effectiveness of the compensation of employees in the batik industry Goddess Brotojoyo2015; 2) determine whether there is a significant influence on the effectiveness of work motivation of employees at Industry batik Dewi Brotojoyo 2015; 3) determine whether there is a significant effect compensation and work motivation on the effectiveness of employees in the batik industry Goddess Brotojoyo 2015. The population was are all employees of Industry Batik Dewi Brotojoyo in Masaran, some 225 employee. Method sampling technique used is produce random sampling proportional sample of 45 responden. Method analysis used in this study is the linear regression analysis ganda. Result tests performed showed that percentage physical work environment at PT. Batik Dewi Brotojoyo Masaran2015 amounted to 76.8%, the compensation amounting to 76.98%, and the effectiveness of employees amounted to 78.43%. From the calculation, the regression equation 9.766 + 0.228X1  + 0.345 X2. This means that the average effectiveness of employees (Y) is expected to increase or decrease by 0.228 for every one unit increase or decrease in the work environment and would have increased or decreased by 0.345 for every one unit increase or decrease the compensation.
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 4, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.237 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v4i2.651


This study aims to determine whether there is (1) Effect on Teacher’s Competence towards Their Professionalism (2) Influence of School Organizational Climate on Teacher’s Professionalism, and (3) Attitude towards Teacher’s Professionalism. Sample in this research is all teachers in State MTS in East Balikpapan. Technique for collecting the data were using questionnaires and documentation. Results of this study are teacher’s competence, organizational climate and attitudes simultaneously influence professionalism of teachers in State MTS in East Balikpapan. We can conclude that School Organizational Climate has a dominant influence on the professionalism of teachers in East Balikpapan.
Pengaruh terpaan iklan televisi dan persepsi merek terhadap minat beli (Studi pada produk Blackberry di kalangan mahasiswa FE Universitas Islam Lamongan) Luluk Nur Azizah
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (100.966 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v5i2.1539


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the positive and significant influence between the exposure of television advertising Blackberry products and brand perception of Blackberry products on the interest of buying Blackberry products on FE Students of Islamic University of Lamongan. The method used is survey method that takes a sample of 76 respondents FE Students of Islamic University of Lamongan. Data analysis techniques used are Product Moment Correlation analysis, multiple correlation, Linear Regression and Multiple Regression with SPSS V.13.0 for windows program. The results of research conducted, it can be seen that there is a positive and significant influence between the exposure of television advertising and brand perception of Blackberry products to the interest in buying Blackberry products. The results of the analysis show that this study supports the S-O-R theory in the Student FE population of Lamongan Islamic University.
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.29 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v1i1.546


This study aimed to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return On Assets (ROA) of stock returns on consumption listed companies on the Stock Exchange during the years 2006-2008. Purposive sampling technique with sampling and eventually acquired 29 companies that meet the criteria to be used as the study sample. The analysis model used in this study is the linear regression that aims to discover whether there is any empirical evidence of the influence of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return On Assets (ROA) to stock return. The analysis showed that the simultaneous EVA and ROA significantly α = 5% of the stock return, but partially EVA no significant effect on stock returns. While ROA partially significant effect on stock returns. For regression coefficients show negative EVA while ROA is positive.
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.989 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v4i1.614


This study aims to: 1) the effect of teachers’ perceptions of transformational leadership principals to the transparency of financial management of the school; 2) knowing effect perseptions teacher of transformational leadership principals to the accountability of financial management school. Population this research is all public school teachers SMA/SMK/MA in Madiun city. Method sampling technique used is sampling produce purpusive sample of 120 responden. Method analysis used in this study is the linear regression analysis simple. Result tests performed showed that perseption head teacher of transformational leadership school dan positive effect on the transparency of financial management of the school; 2) teachers’ perceptions of transformational leadership principals positive effect on financial management accountability school.
Pengaruh tingkat suku bunga SBI terhadap nilai tukar rupiah studi pada Bank Indonesia Melinda Puspita Ayu Kirana
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.917 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v5i1.1007


This study describes the influence of SBI interest rate on the rupiah at Bank Indonesia studies. The method in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach. Determination of the sample is based on time series data 2009-2015 period by using saturation sampling methods as many as 84 samples. This research was conducted at Bank Indonesia has the sole purpose of achieving and maintaining stability in the rupiah. This study uses simple linear regression analysis which includes the classical assumption and hypothesis testing in the form of the coefficient of determination (r2) and the partial test (t test). The results showed that the interest rate significantly influence the exchange rate. This is shown by the results of the t test T_hitung amounted to 9.745, while T_ (table) amounted to1,989. This means T_ (count) > T_tabel (9.745 > 1.989) it can be concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Group Investigation Dengan Pendekatan Problem Based Learning Pada Mata Kuliah Sistem Akuntansi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Efa Wahyu Prastyaningtyas, Hestin Sri Widiawati
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.909 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v6i2.2935


Lecture accounting system is a course that must be taken by students of economiceducation. Initial observations made by the researcher show that the textbooks owned by thestudents are still not adequate, so the learning process can not be maximized, especially theteaching materials in the form of print. The research and development of this accountingsystem module aims to realize the practical learning materials, effective and has relevance tothe needs of students. Learning accounting system module developed based on groupinvestigation as research product. The model used in the development of this learning tool isBorg and Gall Model. Broadly speaking step development research consists of three stages:1) Preliminary study phase, 2) Development study phase 3) Evaluation Phase. The data havebeen analyzed descriptively quantitatively using inferential statistics using control groupand experimental group. The results obtained that the learning-based group investigationmodule with a problem-based learning approach in the course of effective accounting systemis reviewed from the results of understanding the concept and test results of students. This isbecause the module developed is made interesting with communicative and simple languageso that it can be understood by the student.
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1291.729 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v4i1.642


This study aims to determine the quality of the product in Counter Andris Reload Cellular  Madiun,  to determine  the level  of customer  loyalty  in Counter Andris  Reload Cellular Madiun, and to know is there any effect of product quality on customer loyalty in Counter Andris Reload Cellular Madiun, The samples in this study using saturated sample as many 45 people without regard to existing strata in the population.  Data collection using questionnaires  and documentation. The research design used in this study was a descriptive correlational  design. In the statistical methods used to analyze the data with the regression formula and product moment  correlation. The results showed that the quality of products have influence at the same time a positive relationship to customer loyalty in Counter Andris Reload Cellular Madiun. It is derived from the value  of 0.724 while the value rcount and rtable 0.294 (0.724 > 0.294). By this means Ha acceptable product quality has a relationship with customer loyalty in Counter Andris Reload Cellular Madiun, It also obtained the value of the F test, Fcount at 47,372 while Ftable  of 4.06 (47,372 > 4.06). This means that there is rejection of HO which indicates that there are significant between product quality on customer loyalty in Counter Andris Reload Cellular Madiun. By this Ineans Ha received no difference between the effect of product quality on customer loyalty in Counter Andris Reload Cellular Madiun.
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.221 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v3i2.665


Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) untuk mengetahui biaya promosi di Putra Rama Jaya Honda Dealer Ponorogo di 2011-2012. 2) untuk mengetahui tingkat penjualan di Putra Rama Jaya Honda Dealer Ponorogo di 2011-2012. 3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara biaya promosi terhadap kelas dijual di Honda Putra Rama Jaya Dealer Ponorogo di 2011-2012. Sampel pada penelitian ini, yaitu mengambil berdasarkan semua anggota populasi sebagai sampel. Untuk mengambil adalah biaya promosi dan nilai penjualan selama 24 bulan, yaitu pada 2011-2012, pengumpulan laporan menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Untuk analisis laporan ini menggunakan tes sederhana dari regresi linier, tes korelation dan uji t. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa biaya promosi tidak ada pengaruh sekaligus koneksi positif terhadap tingkat penjualan di Putra Rama Jaya Honda Dealer Ponorogo. Intinya didapatkan dari nilai rtabel  = 24-2 = 22 adalah 0.404; Namun jenis tes adalah jika rhitung  > rtabel maka Ha adalah diterima dan Ho adalah ditolak dan jika saya menghitung < I tabel atau, 0244< 0404 itu berarti Ha ditolak dan Ho adalah diterima, yang tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan antara biaya promosi dan tingkat penjualan di Agen Honda Putra Rama Jaya Ponorogo Ttabel = 24-2 = 22 adalah 4.300; Namun jenis terbaik adalah jika Fhitung > Ftabel maka Ha ditolak dan Ho adalah diterima. Berdasarkan jenis tes menjelaskan yang Fhitung < Ftabel atau,1.394 < 4.300 itu berarti Ha adalah ditolak dan Ho adalah diterima, yang tidak pengaruh signifikan antara biaya promosi dan nilai penjualan di Agen Putra Rama Jaya Honda Ponorogo. Ttabel = 24-2 = 22 adalah 1.717; Namun jenis tes jika thitung > ttabel maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak dan jika thitung > ttabel maka Ha ditolak dan Ho adalah diterima. Berdasarkan jenis tes menjelaskan bahwa thitung  > ttabel  atau 1.223 < 1.717 itu berarti Ha ditolak dan Ho adalah diterima, yang tidak pengaruh yang signifikan antara biaya promosi dan nilai penjualan di Dealer Honda Putra Rama Jaya Ponorogo dan pengaruh oleh faktor lain. 
Pengaruh Media Sosial dan Teman Sebaya terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Kadeni , Ninik Srijani
EQUILIBRIUM : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.846 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/equilibrium.v6i1.2186


The purpose of this study are: 1) to determine the influence of social media on student consumptive behavior; 2) to know the influence of peers against student consumptive behavior; 3) to know the influence of social media and peers against the behavior of consumer consumptive STKIP PGRI Blitar. Type of correlational research with a sample of 95. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression. The results showed 1) there is a social media influence on student consumptive behavior; 2) there is influence of association of peer to student consumptive behavior and 3) there is influence of social media and peer to student's consumptive behavior.

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