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Jurnal Airaha
ISSN : 23017163     EISSN : 26219638     DOI : -
Jurnal Airaha terbit 2 (dua) kali setahun (Juni, dan Desember) dengan Nomor ISSN 2301-7163 (media cetak) dan Nomor E-ISSN 2621-9638 (media online). Jurnal Airaha memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kupasan (review) orisinal Jurnal Penelitian yang Berkaitan dengan Disiplin Ilmu Bidang Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan, Permesinan Perikanan, Budidaya Perikanan, Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Pengolahan Perikanan, Wisata Bahari, Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan Hasil Tangkapan.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue " Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016" : 5 Documents clear
Kajian Sumberdaya Lobster yang didaratkan di Kota Sorong, Papua Barat Sururi, misbah; Simau, Silvester; Sudirman, Sudirman; Gunaisah, Endang; Sumbung, Sepri; Suryono, Muh; Muhamad, Samsul; Gofir, Abdul
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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This paper describes the state of lobster resource which landed in Sorong, including species, fishing season, and the analysis of weight-length relationship. The measurements were carried out by using randomized sampling in three (3) lobster shelter in Sorong from September - November 2015. Total of 1.316 lobster were observed during this research. The data observed were species, carapace length (mm), weight (g) and gender. The aspects of fishing technique, season, marketing and lobster types were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, whereas the measurement data was analyzed by using  linear allometrik model to see the weight-length relationship with the equation of W = a Lb . The result showed that there are six types of lobster which landed in Sorong namely are; Panulirus ornatus, P. versicolor, P. longipes, P homarus, P penicillatus, and Thenus orientalis. Fishing season was carried the whole year which consists of the peak season (June, November, December), middle season (March-July, September-October) and bad season (August, January, February). The whole lobster observed in this research have negative allometric growth pattern which indicates that the lobster are in growth stage.
Analisa Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Teripang (Holothuroidea) di Distrik Samate, Kabupaten Raja Ampat Ratna, Ratna; Suruwaky, Amir M
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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The cultivation of sea cucumbers in Samate District, the Raja Ampat is highly potential due to sufficient conditions of waters which is protected from the influence of currents, waves and a storm. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of sea cucumber cultivation in Samate districtRaja Ampat, referring to the prospect of future development. Data was collected in Samate district, Raja Ampat in November 2015 - February 2016. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method from representatives of farmers with consideration of the same level of diversity of sea cucumber cultivation area. Data analysis was performed by using financial feasibility analysis of sea cucumber cultivation with calculation of profit / loss, R-C ratio and BEP. The results showed that the earned profits in a year is amounted to Rp 25.388.000, while the value of B / C (Benefit Cost Ratio) is 3.25 or B / C > 1 which indicates that the business is feasible to be developed. BEP analysis is amounted of 4.6 kg, with the price of Rp 307.500 / kg, which means that the minimum production should be 4.6 kg at a price of Rp 307.500 /kg to achieve the capital return conditions.
Tingkat Pemanfaatan Ikan Layang (Decapterus Spp) Berdasarkan Hasil Tangkapan Pukat Cincin di Perairan Timur Sulawesi Tenggara Bubun, Rita L; Mahmud, Amir
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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Application of the rules of the Decapterus spp fishing in east coastal Southeast Sulawesi has not been implemented in full. This is not available information about utilization extent Decapterus spp. When these condition do not get attention and management wisely, so can trigger exploitation arrest that exceeds maksimum suistanable yield Decapterus spp. The Research purposes is determines the  utilization extent of resources Decapterus spp in east coastal  Southeast Sulawesi. The method of this research is survey. Schaefer Model was used to estimate the utilization extent Decapterus spp based on the data time series from year 2007 to 2013.  The research results show : the average of utilization extent of Decapterus spp in east coastal of Southeast Sulawesi is 89,04 % and the category of the utilization extent is high fishing level.
Struktur Komunitas Lamun di Perairan Distrik Salawati Utara Kabupaten Raja Ampat Hoek, Franklyn; Razak, Abudarda; Hamid, Hamid; Muhfizar, Muhfizar; Suruwaky, Amir M; Ulat, M Ali; Mustasim, Mustasim; Arfah, Arhandy
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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This study aims to analyze seagrass community structure in North Salawati District, Raja Ampat. The scope of research is limited to identification of seagrass biodiversity, analyzing the overrune level of seagrass type covering the area, analyzing the densities types of seagrass important value index frequencies, water parameters and seagrass area. Research method was purposive sampling by using transects with dimensions of 1 x 1 meter with a total of seven stations along 100 meters of seagrass area. The acquired data was analyzed by using analysis of closure type, density type, frequency type, and important value index. Results of biodiversity identification showed that there are two families of seagrass,      Eight species of seagrass covering the area. The overrune of seagrass covering the area in both stations is very high. The area of coverage in the both areas is above 60% (> 60%), which classified as "healthy". The density of the species in both stations is very high which classified as medium dense. Temperature, pH, DO, salinity and turbidity are in the optimum level which classified as "good". The area which overrune by Seagrass in the waters of northern Salawati District is amounted to 5.7 km2.
Study of Season with Fishing Pole and Line Skipjack Fishing Base in PT. Radios Apirja, Sorong-West Papua mustasim, mustasim
Jurnal Airaha Vol 5 No 1: Juni 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong

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This study aimed to analyze the index skipjack fishing season which fishing base in PT Radios Apirja, Sorong-Papua Barat. Analysis of the data used is to use Presentation Methods average based on time series analysis that Determine the total catch per effortfor each month for cascading data researched, created the series order CPUE per month for five years from 1 to 60, adding up the five CPUE each of the 12 months in five years, summing 60th CPUE, then a total of 60 CPUE divided by 12 to get an average per monthin these five years. Total each CPUE respectively 12 months reduced by an average CPUE to get the index of catching season, and by using a chart or graph. The index value indicates that more than one fishing season, while the value of the index is less than 1 indicates no fishing season. The results showed that the business of catching skipjack by pole and line in the waters of Papua bird's head is done throughout the year, and catches fluctuate on a monthly basis, while the fishing season occurs from February to April and July to August.

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