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Jurnal Ilmiah “SEMIOTIKA” diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi – Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (FISH), Universitas Bunda Mulia secara rutin dan berkala sesuai dengan periode terbit per semester (6 bulan), yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember. Redaksi jurnal “SEMIOTIKA” membuka peluang seluas-luasnya kepada para dosen pengajar maupun peneliti pada 19 bidang yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan kajian ilmiah SEMIOTIKA menurut Eco (1979:9-14), antara lain: Semiotika binatang (zoomsemiotic) Tanda – tanda bauan (olfactory signs) Komunikasi rabaan (tactile communication) Kode – kode cecapan (code of taste) Paralinguistik (paralinguistics) Semiotika medis (medical semiotics) Kinesik dan proksemik (kinesics and proxemics) Kode – kode musik (musical codes) Bahasa – bahasa yang diformalkan (formalized languages) Bahasa tertulis, alfabet tidak dikenal, kode rahasia (written languages, unknown alphabets, secret codes) Bahasa alam (natural languages) Komunikasi visual (visual communication) Sistem objek (system of objects) Struktur alur (plot structure) Teori teks (text theory)1 Kode – kode budaya (culture codes) Teks estetik (aesthetic texts) Komunikasi Massa (mass comunication) Retorika (rhetoric) Di luar bidang-bidang yang dijabarkan oleh Umberto Eco di atas, perkembangan kajian semiotika menunjukkan kemajuan yang menggembirakan. Berbagai kajian membuka kesempatan pada istilah lain yang mengacu pada diseminasi bidang dalam jurnal ini, antara lain: Semiotika Komunikasi, Semiotika Media, Semiotika Tanda, Semiotika Produk, Semiotika Desain Kemasan, Semiotika Desain Visual, Semiotika Arsitektur, Semiotika Pemasaran, Semiologi Linguistik, Hermeunetika, dan Biosemiotika.
Articles 172 Documents
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v13i2.1938


ABSTRACTMoney has become the blood for the lives of political parties nowadays. Amid public perception that political parties are entities that cannot be separated from money, the Democratic National Party (Nasdem Party) launched the jargon "Politik Tanpa Mahar". That is, a person who is nominated to be a regional head or a member of the legislature does not need to pay any costs to the party in the nomination process. This study examines how the jargon process was formulated at the internal party level, how the impact on candidates proposed by the party when they conducted political communication, and how the public perceives the jargon and its relation to the assessment of the Nasdem Party. This study uses a qualitative approach with the Roland Barthes semiotic method. The results of the study revealed, first, this jargon itself was born based on the constraints of politics in Indonesia which abort people with good and integrity. With the enactment of jargon, which is also interpreted as a policy, Nasdem also contributed to the eradication of corruption on the internal side. Secondly, the promotion of this jargon caused several legislative candidates to move to the Nasdem party as capital in the interests of raising public votes. Finally, the community considered that this jargon was quite realistic and under the vision and mission of the Nasdem party to provide a positive image in the eyes of the community.Keywords: Jargon, Political communication, Political parties, Community perception, Semiotics ABSTRAKSaat ini, uang telah menjadi darah bagi kehidupan partai politik. Di tengah persepsi masyarakat bahwa partai politik adalah entitas yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari uang, Partai Nasional Demokrat (Partai Nasdem) meluncurkan jargon “Politik Tanpa Mahar”. Maksudnya, seseorang yang dicalonkan menjadi kepala daerah atau anggota legislatif tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya apapun kepada partai dalam proses pencalonannya. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana proses jargon tersebut dirumuskan pada tingkat internal partai, bagaimana dampaknya terhadap para kandidat yang diajukan partai ketika mereka melakukan komunikasi politik, serta bagaimana publik mempersepsikan jargon tersebut dan relasinya dengan penilaian terhadap Partai Nasdem. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan, pertama, jargon ini sendiri terlahir atas dasar kendala dari politik di Indonesia yang menggugurkan orang-orang baik dan berintegritas. Dengan diberlakukannya jargon, yang juga diartikan sebagai kebijakan, Nasdem turut berkontribusi dalam pengentasan korupsi di pihak internal. Kedua, diusungnya jargon ini menyebabkan beberapa calon legislatif, untuk berpindah ke partai Nasdem sebagai modal untuk kepentingan menaikkan suara publik. Terakhir, masyarakat menilai bahwa jargon ini cukup realistis dan sesuai dengan visi misi partai Nasdem sehingga memberikan citra yang positif di mata masyarakat.Kata kunci: Jargon, Komunikasi politik, Partai politik, Persepsi masyarakat, Semiotika
PEMAKNAAN PRODUK KONDOM SUTRA BAGI PEKERJA DAN PELANGGAN SEKS (Suatu Tinjauan Semiotika berdasarkan alur pemikiran Roland Barthes) Daesy Ekayanthi
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Semiotika
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v9i1.2


Background this study discusses about Messages and Meaning in Social Semiotics, Semiotics of Roland Barthes an analysis of the messages in the Sutra Condoms Products have an impact on how the message recipient receives the message of Sutra Condom Products. In general, this thesis discusses about the connotations omessages on Sutra Condoms Products. For this study using the framework Semiotics of Roland Barthes as a theoretical framework, including about signified, signifier and denotation meaning on messages of Sutra Condoms Products. Beside that, the color of the Barker analysis is also used to assist the analysis in this study. This study uses Interpretive Paradigm. This paradigm is used departs from an attempt to find an explanation of the phenomenon of social events based on the interpretation and experience of those studied. Nature of the research is explorative aimed to explore and understand the significance of a reality that is stored in the mind or understanding of the subject / object. The method used is qualitative used was text analysis Semiotics of Roland Barthes with nature Single Case Single Analysis. Text has been created is certainly not independent of the context around it, so the interpretation is also studied customers and sex workers on text of Sutra Condom Product. Is this study it was found that: Obtained several texts that have been experienced in the context of a symbol to interpret the message on Sutra Condom Products is Sutra is a condom, Red is Condom of Sutra, Condom of Sutra is smooth and soft, Sutra condoms to prevent HIV / AIDS; Much of the information contained in packaging of Sutra Condom Products into the consumer's right to know as a user, actualy many are not interested in knowing more; Meaning connotation of more interest to consumers to use the products offered. Keyword: Messages and Meaning, Semiotics of Roland Barthes, Sutra Condoms Products, HIV/AIDS
Representation of Women in Javanese Patriarchal Culture in the Performance of Teater M. Ridwan Hakim
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 14, No 2 (2020): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v14i2.2318


This research attempts to analyze the representation of women in the Javanese patriarchy in a theater performance entitled 'Archeology of Beha' by Benny Yohannes, performed by the Ukm Teater Gabung Unsika. This research uses the theory of semiotic analysis (study of signs) by Roland Barthes. Barthes argues that the sign system is divided into denotations, connotations and myths. This research uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive and uses text research techniques. Thus, this study only describes the situation, makes descriptive, and illustrative, systematically. Based on the discussion, the results of the study show that the representation of women in the Javanese patriarchy in theater performances entitled 'Archeology of Beha' by Benny Yohannes performed by the UKM Theater Gabung Unsika, includes: Women experiencing sexual objectification; Women in the feminine role get weak views; Women experience injustices related to the dichotomy of domestic and public work; Women in the role of mothers have a very noble view; Women as Wives Experiencing Difficult Positions. Keywords: Women; Patriarchy; Semiotics; Theater.
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 10, No 2 (2016): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v10i2.944


This study was conducted to determine the meaning of what is entailed and what message to be conveyed to the magazine cover photo Tempo 23 February-1 March 2015. Data collection techniques are from raw data/archive, observation and documentation. By using political communication and theories of Charles Sander Pierce as the basic theory, this study reveales signs of icons, index, and symbol. Icon is a sign that is similar to the object it represents. Also, a sign has characteristics similar to what was intended. The index is a sign that has a causal relationship with what it represents. Symbol is a sign that convention, regulations or agreements agreed refers to the theory of meaning as a concept. Key Informants in this study is Eko Punto as Design Editor of Tempo magazine. From the cover of ‘Tempo’ magazine (23 February-1 March 2015 edition), featuring characters who are in the vortex of cases Budi Gunawan.Key words: Icon, Index, symbol
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 11, No 2 (2017): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v11i2.1164


Gaya hidup seseorang adalah gaya hidup yang diekspresikan oleh aktivitas, minat, dan opini seseorang. Dalam studi ini, fokus pada studi VALS tentang Konsumsi barang mewah (merek mewah). Penghapusan uang adalah masalah besar untuk produk dan merek mewah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengenalan merek, kategorisasi merek dan minat pembelian responden pada produk smartphone dan parfum yang dirancang pada nama atribut dan tampilan menggunakan pendekatan semiotik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental. Data yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner online dibagikan kepada 120 responden. Hasil responden direkapitulasi dan ditabulasikan kemudian diuji oleh model penelitian menggunakan Two-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan minat beli yang signifikan pada nama produk yang identik, mirip dan berbeda pada produk dan parfum smartphone. Temuan-temuan ini memberikan beberapa implikasi teoritis dan praktis yang penting dalam bagaimana minat beli yang berbeda terhadap barang-barang mewah dipalsukan. Kata Kunci: VALS, Pemalsuan, Semiotik, Pengakuan merek, Niat membeli
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v12i2.1720


ABSTRACTThis study aims to critically analyze Axe ads presented on television. Departing from the assumption that advertising messages package the sense of nationalism through the advertisement of Karya Indonesia adalah Kita by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. The results of the study shows that an advertising message implicitly about the sense of nationalism through the advertised campaign products. That way the advertisement becomes very persuasive affecting the audience.Keywords: semiotics, Peirce, advertisement, nasionalism, IndonesiaABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara kritis iklan Axe yang disajikan di televisi. Berangkat dari asumsi bahwa pesan iklan mengemas rasa nasionalisme melalui iklan Karya Indonesia adalah Kita oleh Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara tersirat pesan iklan mengenai rasa nasionalisme melalui produk kampanye yang diiklankan. Dengan cara itu iklan menjadi sangat persuasif mempengaruhi penonton.Kata kunci: Semiotika,Peirce, Iklan, Nasionalisme, Indonesia
ANALISIS PERJUANGAN PEREMPUAN DALAM MENOLAK BUDAYA PATRIARKI (Analisis Wacana Kritis – Sara Mills Pada Film “Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak”) Victoria Philly Juliana Sumakud; Virgitta Septyana
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 14, No 1 (2020): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v14i1.2199


ABSTRACTMarlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak is a story that is reconstructed from the reality that happened to produce a story like the real one in Sumba in 2017. Departing from the social phenomenon of Yappa Marrada namely the abduction of women as a way of forcing men to have women, this film clearly shows how the struggle of women to carry out acts of anarchy for the sake of fighting the Patriarchs. The topic of Women's Struggle draws the attention of researchers to provide information to the public about the existence of gender-biased behavior through this film, and to help the community to be more aware of the presence of women in the community. Researchers used a qualitative approach with the analysis of Sara Mills's critical discourse based on its shape divided into 3 namely the position of the subject, the position of the object, the position of the audience. The results of the research show that the struggle of women in rejecting patriarchal culture is in accordance with the analysis proposed by Sara Mills. The subject showed that the act of women's struggle in rejecting patriarchal culture was represented by the discourse and movements carried out by subjects where women committed acts of anarchy such as poisoning food, cutting their heads, threatening with machetes. The position of the object is described as an actor supporting the movement of the subject, as the party controlled and controlled by the subject.Keywords: Women's Struggle, Patriarchy, Film, Discourse Sara Mills. ABSTRAKMarlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak merupakan cerita yang direkonstruksi dari realitas yang terjadi sehingga menghasilkan cerita seperti yang sesungguhnya di Sumba tahun 2017. Berangkat dari fenomena sosial Yappa Marrada yaitu penculikan perempuan sebagai cara paksa kaum laki-laki untuk memiliki perempuan, film ini terlihat jelas bagaimana perjuangan perempuan hingga melakukan tindakan anarki demi melawan Patriaki. Topik Perjuangan Perempuan menarik perhatian peneliti untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang masih adanya perilaku bias gender lewat film ini, dan untuk membantu masyarakat agar lebih menyadari kehadiran perempuan di tengah masyarakat. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis wacana kritis Sara Mills yang berdasarkan bentuknya dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu posisi subjek,posisi objek,posisi penonton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tindakan perjuangan perempuan dalam menolak budaya patriarki sesuai dengan analisis yang dikemukakan Sara Mills. Subjek menunjukan bahwa tindakan perjuangan perempuan dalam menolak budaya patriarki terepresentasikan dari wacana serta gerakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek dimana perempuan melakukan tindakan anarki seperti meracuni makanan,menebas kepala,mengancam dengan parang. Posisi objek tergambarkan sebagai aktor pendukung pergerakan subjek,sebagai pihak yang dikontrol dan dikuasai subjek.Kata Kunci: Perjuangan Perempuan, Patriarki,Film,Wacana Sara Mills.
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 10, No 1 (2016): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v10i1.27


Newspaper and advertising is an integral and inseparable. Most of the audience considers the obituary is an ad in the newspaper. This is because, to buy the obituary columns in newspapers can inform proclaim the death of the family. And the use of these columns is Chinese citizens. As well known community, which in modern society and the election of the trend of using the mass media reflects the status of their lives. Mostly, in their real live, the Chinese community use obituary to deliver message using newspaper. This study discusses the representation of the Chinese Ethnic identity herald in Kompas. Obituaries not only contains a message that informing about obituary and feelings over the death of a family bereavement. However, the ad represents the identity of Chinesse community, so as to eliminate the descrimination over Chinesse community, such as the use of Chinesse letter also Chinesse name in public area. Chinese cultural identity represent various kinds of ornaments used in reporting the death in the newspaper. Roland Barthes semiotic method is used to analyze the obituary in the section on Media Kompas Klasika. Representation of Chinese culture through two levels of analysis, the first order of denotation and the second level is at the level of meaning, which means a second connotation and myth. Through this analysis knife, can find the deep process of obituary found in Kompas. The order of denotatif shows the history of the circle that indicates the ethnic Chinese through Chinese writing and the name written. In order of connotation, myth represented the culture and rituals of death. Conclution is mediated behaviors related to cultural identity which is looks from many aspects such us: photo, written, religion, culture and economic. The media type selected is the tendency of newspapers collaborative , fast and global. Keywords : Mediated Behaviors, Identity of Chinese Culture, Obituary, Print Media
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Semiotika
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v7i2.966


Disaster often come in Indonesia extend widely effect to society especially to escalate solidarity within Indonesia’s nation. Media as part of society, is take part to alleviate burden from the victim of disaster with establish activity of facilitation fund raising from audience. The fund is managed until arrive at victim of disaster which need aids quickly, appropriately and accountable. Managing the facilitation of humanity fund raising which done correctly, transparent and accountable will elevate the company image on society. Related with that, in this article, will be analyzed about strategy is done in managing the facilitation of humanity fund raising. This article showing that what media done through CSR activity really influence society perception towards media itself. A media is not assumed same with other media which publish or broadcast news and entertainment, instead of as media that care about society of disaster-stricken. This concern is present positive image for media at public.Keywords: Image, CSR, Media Management
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v12i1.1545


ABSTRAK Media massa cenderung dijadikan alat provokasi untuk memanasi situasi dinamika politik. Tak sedikit media memberikan pendidikan politik yang seharusnya membuat masyarakat khususnya pemilih menjadi cerdas dan kritis. Fenomena ini yang terjadi ini di Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 putaran kedua yang di mana terdapat dua kandidat, yakni Ahok sebagai petahana dan Anies sebagai penantang. Harian Republika salah satu media yang memberitakan kontestan politik petahana versus penantang dan memiliki ideologi Islam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Republika dari segi ideologi memberitakan Ahok dan Anies di Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 putaran kedua. Metode penelitian adalah analisis wacana kritis. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Anies Baswedan sebagai penantang direpresentasikan anti-tesis dari petahana, image ini kemudian ditampilkan sosok pemimpin yang santun, tidak memaki-maki di depan publik, dan dekat dengan umat Islam. Sementara, Ahok sebagai petahana direpresentasikan pemimpin penistaan agama Islam. Kata kunci: Ideologi Media, Berita Politik, Komunikasi Politik, dan Analisis Wacana Kritis

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