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Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
ISSN : 25805657     EISSN : 26217341     DOI : -
Jurnal ICMES is published by the independent research institute, Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies (ICMES). This journal seeks to publish balanced writings that enlightens the public and provides appropriate information about the Middle East in various aspects ranging from politics, economics, military, energy, culture, and history.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 70 Documents
Kerja Sama Uni Eropa dan Libya Dalam Penanganan Perdagangan Manusia Terhadap Migran 2017-2020 Shofy Ufairoh Syarifah; Hasan Sidik
Jurnal ICMES Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v6i2.135


Libya is a transit country for migrants from the Sub-Saharan region, North Africa, and the Middle East, while Europe was the main destination for migrants and refugees. In 2016 a wave of migration occurred in Europe, especially from North Africa to Italy. Migration waves caused other problems, including human trafficking that occurred among migrants, so the European Union and Libya cooperate. This study aims to find out how cooperation between the European Union and Libya can deal with human trafficking in the period 2017-2020, as well as find out about the flow of migrants. To answer this, the author uses the concept of international cooperation and human rights used qualitative methods. In the process, the researcher conducted interviews with experts. From this research, it was found that both of them had a role. Several points of cooperation could be overcome, but they still could not be resolved in the case ofhuman trafficking
Krisis dalam Konflik Ghita Fadhila Andrini
Jurnal ICMES Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v6i2.137


Abstract Yemen is one of the most volatile countries in the Middle East. The civil war that is taking place in Yemen has worsened the country's internal conditions with many threats to human security. Various threats to human security have become increasingly apparent since Operation Decisive Storm in 2015. This study aims to discuss the humanitarian condition in Yemen in 2015-2021 using the human security concept. The method used is qualitative with literature study data collection. The data obtained were collected and analysed using Atlas.ti software. The results showed that Yemen experienced insecurity in the seven dimensions of human security (economic, food, health, environment, personal, community, and political), which are interrelated. Various factors cause insecurity in Yemen, including attacks by weapons of war, limited access, and climate change. However, these causes arise because of the continuation of the war. Therefore, the cessation of war is the main thing that needs to be done to prevent a continuing threat. Keywords: civil war, human security, humanitarian crisis, Yemen Abstrak Yaman merupakan salah satu negara dengan instabilitas tinggi di Timur Tengah. Perang saudara yang berlangsung di Yaman telah memperburuk kondisi dalam negeri negara tersebut dengan banyaknya ancaman terhadap keamanan manusia. Berbagai bentuk ancaman terhadap keamanan manusia semakin jelas terlihat sejak Operasi Badai yang Menentukan (Operation Decisive Storm) pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas kondisi kemanusiaan di Yaman pada tahun 2015-2021 dengan menggunakan konsep keamanan manusia. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data studi literatur. Data yang diperoleh dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan perangkat lunak Atlas.ti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Yaman mengalami ketidakamanan pada ketujuh dimensi keamanan manusia (ekonomi, pangan, kesehatan, lingkungan, personal, komunitas, politik) yang saling berkaitan satu sama lainnya. Terdapat berbagai macam faktor yang menyebabkan ketidakamanan di Yaman, di antaranya adalah serangan senjata perang, keterbatasan akses, serta perubahan iklim. Akan tetapi, berbagai penyebab tersebut sejatinya muncul karena adanya keberlangsungan perang. Oleh karena itu, berhentinya perang menjadi hal utama yang perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah ancaman yang berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: keamanan manusia, krisis kemanusiaan, perang saudara, Yaman
Pragmatisme Kebijakan Luar Negeri Mesir dalam Menyikapi Konflik Rusia-Ukraina Putri Padmi Nurwijayati; Yon Machmudi
Jurnal ICMES Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v6i2.139


Abstract Russia's invasion of Ukraine resulted in the impact of the global economic crisis in various parts of the world, especially those who depend on imports of natural resources and energy from the two countries in conflict. As a country whose food staple is wheat, Egypt felt the economic impact of this military invasion because most of the country's grain imports came from Russia and Ukraine via the Black Sea trade route. The disrupted supply chain caused the price of bread to rise, a situation that had not occurred since the days of President Anwar Sadat. Egypt must take the right attitude in making foreign policy and choose between the great powers controlled by America and its allies or Russia and its allies. This article aims to analyze the steps taken by Egypt in dealing with this dilemma. Using a qualitative method, the author finds that Egypt's foreign policy is pragmatic, in which El Sisi's government supports countries that help him. The authors also provides several recommendations related to principles and steps that can be taken by Egypt. Keywords: Egypt, foreign policy, geopolitics, pragmatism, Russia, Ukraine Abstrak Invasi Rusia ke Ukraina mengakibatkan dampak krisis ekonomi global di berbagai dunia terutama mereka yang menggantungkan impor sumber daya alam dan energi dari kedua negara yang berkonflik. Sebagai negara yang berbahan pokok pangan gandum, Mesir merasakan dampak ekonomi akibat invasi militer ini sebab sebagian besar impor gandum negara ini berasal dari Rusia dan Ukraina, melalui jalur perdagangan Laut Hitam. Rantai pasokan yang terganggu menyebabkan harga roti naik, sebuah situasi yang tidak pernah terjadi sejak zaman Presiden Anwar Sadat. Mesir harus mengambil sikap yang tepat dalam pengambilan kebijakan luar negeri dan memilih antara kekuatan besar yang dikendalikan oleh Amerika dengan sekutunya atau Rusia dan sekutunya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis langkah yang dilakukan Mesir dalam menghadapi dilema ini. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penulis menemukan bahwa kebijakan luar negeri Mesir adalah pragmatis, dimana pemerintahan El Sisi mengambil sikap untuk mendukung negara yang membantunya. Penulis juga memberikan beberapa rekomendasi terkait dengan prinsip dan langkah yang bisa diambil oleh Mesir. Kata kunci: geopolitik, kebijakan luar negeri, Mesir, pragmatisme, Rusia, Ukraina
Peningkatan Hubungan Bilateral Sudan-Indonesia Melalui Diplomasi Budaya Alnour Abobaker Mohamed Musa; Arry Bainus; Dina Yulianti
Jurnal ICMES Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v6i2.140


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran mahasiswa Sudan di Indonesia dalam memperkuat hubungan diplomasi di antara kedua negara. Konsep yang digunakan dalam menganalisis adalah beasiswa sebagai instrumen diplomasi budaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan sejumlah mahasiswa Sudan penerima beasiswa dari Indonesia di beberapa universitas di negara ini, dan juga wawancara dengan perwakilan kedutaan Sudan dan Indonesia untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang hubungan antara dua negara melalui beasiswa sebagai diplomasi budaya. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Beasiswa menciptakan kepercayaan antara Indonesia dan Sudan; karena melalui beasiswa, orang-orang dari dua negara dapat membangun kepercayaan dengan memahami pola pikir penduduk setempat, mendobrak batasan bahasa, dan membangun persahabatan dengan keluarga dan akademisi. (2) Beasiswa menciptakan hubungan internasional antara dua negara karena mahasiswa dapat memahami budaya tuan rumah yang berkontribusi pada transfer dan partisipasi budaya dalam jangkauan luas kedua masyarakat. Adaptasi tersebut akan memfasilitasi pemahaman, membuka jalan bagi implementasi perjanjian kerja sama, dan membangun hubungan yang mencapai kepentingan kedua negara. (3) Beasiswa adalah cara untuk memahami nilai dan gagasan; dimana mahasiswa Sudan memahami nilai-nilai bangsa Indonesia, dan mahasiswa Sudan melakukan kegiatan budaya di perguruan tinggi yang mengenalkan masyarakat Indonesia pada nilai dan budaya Sudan. Jika ada seratus mahasiswa Sudan di Indonesia, artinya ada seratus duta yang tersebar di berbagai kawasan Indonesia, dan mereka memahami nilai-nilai dan perilaku masyarakat setempat.
Upaya Pembentukan Palestinian Unity Government Abdullah Abdullah; Mohammad Ihza Fahirdan
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.136


This article discusses the long efforts of reconciliation in Palestine between Hamas and Fatah that have been going on for the last decade but have not yet achieved the expected results. The agreed-upon agreements become formalities that stop at the negotiation stage, not yet at the implementation stage. This research focuses on efforts to form a Palestinian Unity Government after the 2017 Cairo Agreement during the 2017-2020 period. The concept used in the analysis is the concept of transitional justice, which is closely related to the issue of human rights. This study uses a descriptive-analytic method to examine variables relevant to the research objectives. The results of this study indicate that among the obstacles to establishing a Palestinian Unity Government is the incomplete accountability for human rights violations committed by the two groups against each other, the existence of mutual distrust of one another, and the exclusion of other factions from the reconciliation efforts.
Masa Depan Demokrasi Mesir Pasca-Arab Spring Ahmad Baihaqi Maskum; Yon Machmudi
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.143


This research discusses the progress of democracy in Egypt after the Arab Spring. When the Arab Spring expanded in the Middle East to Egypt, it was considered the beginning of a transition towards a country managed by the concept of democracy. The Arab Spring, which has been in turmoil since early 2011, has become the beginning of the rise of a mass movement to demand changes in the socio-political order. The Arab Spring in Egypt was initially expected to create a democracy that guaranteed equality and social justice. However, Egypt has failed to implement democracy and is left behind in almost all sectors of life, including economy. Instead of democracy, what is happening in Egypt is praetorianism, namely the military that dominates state decision-making, and frozen democracy, namely the freezing of a democratic political system that has developed due to various existing restrictions.
Normalisasi Hubungan Uni Emirat Arab-Israel dan Dampaknya Terhadap Palestina Baedt Giri Mukhoddam Billah; Moh. Junaidi Mohtar Hakim; Uril Bahruddin
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.147


Normalizing relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel is a new history for the Arab World-Israel connection. The normalization agreement, the Abraham Accord, occurred in 2020 with the mediator of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. This study aims to map the forms of normalization of the UAE-Israel, the factors that support normalization, and their impact on Palestine. This study uses a qualitative method by coding and analyzing online news using various related literature. This study's results show three forms of normalization between the UAE and Israel: diplomatic by opening embassies and visa exemptions, tourism, and trade-economic; two factors driving normalization, namely economic and ideological factors. The impact of normalization for Palestine is to further weaken the solidarity of the Arab world in helping Palestine achieve independence from Israeli occupation
Krisis Pendidikan di Palestina Tahun 2022 Idha Ismalia Rohmatika
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.149


Education is a mean of empowerment for a nation, and the Palestinian nation is no exception. However, since the beginning of colonization in 1948 until today, Palestinian nation has experienced a crisis in education, and the main victims are children. One of the international organizations working to help children victims of conflicts and disasters worldwide is UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). In this article, the author analyzes the role of UNICEF in resolving the Palestinian education crisis using a postcolonialism approach, specifically Spivak's subaltern concept. The findings of this research are that UNICEF -as a party that voices subalterns- tends to bring their narratives and interests so that the programs they implement align with these interests. As a result, the educational crisis in Palestine continues to occur along with the ongoing occupation of the nation.
Pemikiran Geopolitik Islamic State of Irak and Syria (ISIS) Prihandono Wibowo; Renitha Dwi Hapsari; Muchammad Chasif Ascha
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.150


Geopolitical studies developed significantly. While classical geopolitical studies focus on interactions between countries in controlling areas considered strategic, contemporary geopolitical studies open up studies on how non-state actors also embrace geopolitical thinking. Contemporary geopolitical studies include the use of geopolitical elements by terrorist groups. Regarding actual developments, ISIS is different from other terrorist groups. ISIS proclaimed itself as a caliphate, controled a large territory, and acted like a state. In the 2013-2017 era, before finally being defeated by the Iraqi and Syrian militaries and their coalitions, ISIS controlled strategic areas, including several cities in Iraq and Suriah. This study aims to understand the construction of geopolitical thinking developed by ISIS. The method uses in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing various documents published by ISIS
Analisis Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Pada Demokratisasi Irak Melalui Program USAID 2021 Fanessa Syailirrahmah Mahfud; Teuku Rezasyah
Jurnal ICMES Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ICMES: The Journal of Middle East Studies
Publisher : Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35748/jurnalicmes.v7i1.153


Since 2003, the United States has focused its foreign policy on Iraq to democratize and create peace. However, until 2021, Iraq has yet to become a democratic country and remains a conflict-ridden region. In an effort to democratize Iraq, US provides assistance to the country, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The findings of this research indicate that the US government's agenda in Iraq has experienced failures, evident, for example, in the 2021 general elections where Iraq still faced a political crisis and numerous human rights violations. Additionally, corruption and armed conflicts continue to occur in Iraq. It can be concluded that Iraq has not yet become a democratic country. It was found that the reasons behind this situation include human rights abuses and coercion by the United States itself in its efforts to spread liberal democracy.