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SAWERIGADING is a journal aiming to publish literary studies researches, either Indonesian, local, or foreign literatures. All articles in SAWERIGADING have passed reviewing process by peer reviewers and edited by editors. SAWERIGADING is published by Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan twice times a year, in June and December.
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PORTRAYING NATURE BY THE FOOT OF THE CIBALAK HILL: THE IDEOLOGY AND STRATEGIES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF SELECTED AHMAD TOHARI’S WORKS (Representasi Alam dalam By the Foot of the Cibalak Hill: Ideologi dan Strategi dalam Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Karya Ahmad Tohari) Almira Ghassani Shabrina Romala
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1657.264 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v28i2.1055


Identity is an essential part of an entity that can be reflected by distinctive tradition, culture, nature, and language found in literary works. In the issue of identity, there are some challenges, mainly if the discussion covers translated literature or literary translation, i.e. maintaining the identity in a translated literary work. Therefore, to answer this problem, this research is aimed at investigating the ideology, i.e., Venuti’s domestication and foreignization, and strategies of translation using Baker’s theory in representing the identity depicted in culture-specific items, mainly nature terms, of selected Ahmad Tohari’s works, Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak (ST) and its English translation, By the Foot of the Cibalak Hill (TT). All nature terms in the objects were collected based on Newmark’s ecology classification of culture-specific items. Besides, it further unravels the characteristics of the nature terms in Tohari’s Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak and how the ideology and strategies applied can maintain the identity contained in the works. This research was conducted through a descriptive qualitative approach with nature terms collected through document analysis utilizing content and thematic analysis. This study concludes that in the English translation of Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak, the ideology of domestication is aimed to ease the readers’ understanding of the story in English by using the translation with a cultural substitution strategy. In contrast, foreignization by loan words employed by the translator to maintain the identity in the works aims to introduce and promote local Indonesian culture seen from the translation, to show the Indonesian-ness in the English translation, i.e. portraying the richness and diversity of Indonesian nature to a broader audience.
Struktur Penyelesaian Konflik dalam Cerita Legenda Wajo: Paradigma Masyarakat Bugis dalam Prespektif Levi-Strauss (The Structure of Conflict Resolution in the Legend Story of Wajo: The Buginese Community Paradigm in Levi-Strauss Perspective) Andi Herlina; Abdul Rasyid
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1654.231 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v28i2.924


abstracLegend as part of folklore is a story that comes from the community and developed in society in the past, storing the values and views of the supporting community. One of them is the legend about Arung Malasa olie. This paper aims to obtain a picture of the community in resolving conflicts contained in the legend of the Wajo community by using the Levi-Strauss structuralism theory. The research data is the story book Hikayat Sultanul Injilai dan Pao-pao Rikadong. This research is qualitative by using description method. The study begins with reading the text to understand the content of the text. The presentation is directed to find the relationship between characters and events in a syntagmatic and paradigmatic way. Next, find the structure of conflict resolution in the story. In the final stage, the structure is interpreted based on the internal structure that exists in Bugis society. The results of the analysis show that there are three forms of conflict resolution including; (1) use power, to decide something. (2) make marriage to unite the parties; (3) the last to negotiate to appoint another party as an intermediary. The three patterns of decision making refer to the structure in Bugis society, namely the concept of tellu cappa (three ends). This philosophy is one of the principles of the Bugis people in achieving their goals, establishing good interactions with the social environment that upholds the dignity of individuals and social beings.Abstrak Legenda sebagai bagian dari folkor merupakan cerita yang berasal dari masyarakat dan berkembang dalam masyarakat pada masa lampau, menyimpan nilai dan pandangan masyarakat pendukungnya. Salah satunya legenda tentang Arung Malasa olie.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran masyarakat dalam penyelesain konflik yang terkandung dalam legenda masyarakat Wajo dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme Levi- Strauss. Data penelitian adalah buku cerita Hikayat Sultanul Injilai dan Pao-pao Rikadong. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi. Penelitian diawali dengan pembacaan teks untuk memahami isi teks tersebut. Pemaparan diarahkan untuk menemukan hubungan antara tokoh dan peristiwa secara sintagmatik dan paradigmtik. Selanjutnya menemukan struktur penyelesaian konflik yang ada dalam cerita. Pada tahap akhir struktur tersebut diinterpresikan berdasarkan struktur dalam yang ada di masyarakat Bugis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya tiga  bentuk penyelesaia konflik  antaranya; (1) menggunakan kekuasaan,  untuk memutuskan sesuatu.(2) menjadikan pernikahan untuk  menyatukan pihak-pihak; (3) terakhir berunding untuk mengangkat pihak lain sebagai penengah. Ketiga pola pengambilan keputusan tersebut merujuk pada struktur dalam masyarakat Bugis yakni konsep tellu cappa (tiga ujung). Filosofi tersebut menjadi salah satu prinsip orang Bugis dalam mencapai cita-cita, menjalin interaksi yang baik dengan lingkungan sosial yang menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat sebagai individu dan makhluk sosial. 
FITUR AKUSTIK PADA POLA INTONASI ANAK AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER DAN KONTROL MENGGUNAKAN FONETIK EKSPERIMENTAL (Measurement of Acoustic Features on Intonation Pattern in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Control Using Experimental Phonetics) Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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This study aimed to analyze prosodic elements of speech segments of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and compare with the control group (typical development children); 9-10 years  old.. The instrument of the research was used as script, which contains interrogative and declarative sentences. Data were analyzed using the PRAAT software. The acoustic features of the measured are the value F0, the mean value of F0, the initial pitch, the pitch range, the final pitch, and the temporal aspect. The results showed that acoustic measures in speech produced by ASD children tend to vary so that it is difficult to establish intonation patterns. The children produce intonation patterns with sloping contours in declarative and interrogative sentences, and tend to make the final pitch lengthening so that speech tends to show inclination patterns. The dominant variation occurs in the initial F0, there is a tendency for the initial F0 production to be higher compared to the second pitch.  Although the intonation patterns of ASD and typical development are different, there is a tendency for the same pattern, namely the lengthening of the pitch in the final speech which has an impact on increasing the total duration or temporal aspect.
PENGARUH FAKTOR INTERNAL TERHADAP KEMAHIRAN BERBAHASA INDONESIA PESERTA DIDIK PADA JENJANG SEKOLAH MENENGAH DI DKI JAKARTA (The Influence of Internal Factors towards Indonesian Language Proficiency of Students at the High School in DKI Jakarta) Dwi Wahyuni; Denny Adrian Nurhuda; Harini Harini
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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Indonesian language proficiency is a person's ability to use Indonesian, both orally and in writing, as measured by a test instrument called Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI) Adaptif Merdeka. UKBI Adaptif Merdeka is a user-friendly application that has been tested en masse to 160,450 junior and senior high school students through Giat UKBI Adaptif Merdeka program in 2021. UKBI scores and predicates achieved by students indicate their level of proficiency in Indonesian. This study aims to examine the influence of internal factors on the scores and predicates of Indonesian language proficiency for junior and senior high school students who are participants in Giat UKBI Adaptif Merdeka in DKI Jakarta. The method used is quantitative method. The instruments used are UKBI Adaptif Merdeka and questionnaire about internal factors that affect language proficiency. The results showed that UKBI scores and predicates obtained by students varied. A total of 1.3% of participants obtained scores and predicates above the standard, 46.3% according to the standard, and the rest below the standard. The results also show that internal factors, namely interest, motivation, and talent have a simultaneous effect on the score/predicate of Indonesian language proficiency of students in DKI Jakarta.Keywords: Indonesian language proficiency, UKBI Adaptif Merdeka, Giat UKBI Adaptif Merdeka, internal factors
NARASI KEJIWAAN DALAM PUISI REFLECTION DAN ANXIENTY KARYA LANG LEAV (Psychological Narrative of Lang Leav’s Two Poems Reflection and Anxiety) I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini; Ni Komang Arie Suwastini; Ronald Umbas
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1707.857 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v28i2.928


Poetry as a literary work may carry various messages of humanity and mental conditions. This study compares two poems entitled Reflection and Anxiety, which are inspired by psychological aspects of human being. The poems were written by Lang Leav, a female writer who gained popularity as International Bestselling Author through her poetry and prose. By applying the descriptive method in literary research, the comparison of the two poems’ narratives resulted in two findings. First, the similarities of the poems can be identified from the psychological themes expressed by distinctive diction, namely suggestive words, the use of parallelism and repetition to strengthen the expression as well as antithesis to delineate the contradictory situation. Second, the difference was identified from the psychological theme showing the feeling established in the poem. The poem “Reflection” shows that when a person can feel calmness, he/she is able to advise himself/herself to face various life’s obstacles. On the other hand, the poem “Anxiety” describes the psychological disorder that often exists and must be faced by compromising the weaknesses and strengths of anxiety.
MENGINTROSPEKSIKAN KEMUNCULAN DAN SIFAT ALAMI BERITA PALSU SEBAGAI GENRE DENGAN PARAMETER TEKSTUAL: PEMROSESAN TEKS SEMIOTIKA KOGNITIF (Introspecting the Emergence and Nature of Fake News as A Genre with Textual Parameter: Cognitive Semiotics Text Processing) Thafhan Muwaffaq; Lusi Lian Piantari
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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Dalam makalah ini, kami mengintrospeksikan berita palsu sebagai genre yang pemroduksiannya diasumsikan sebagai terhubung dengan sosio-tekstual dinamik; parameter; dan intensionalitas tindak tutur. Literatur berita palsu sejauh ini belum menjelaskan secara terperinci bagaimana sifat alami dan dinamika teks berita palsu sebagai genre. Sebagai bagian dari kerangka kerja pemrosesan teks semiotika kognitif, kami menerapkan metode introspeksi atas 57 teks yang dilaporkan Kemenkominfo sebagai berita palsu pada bulan April 2020 dan Juni 2020. Sebagai tambahan, pesan terusan media whatsapp dan unduhan video media sosial yang telah diteruskan secara frekuen juga dijadikan objek introspeksi. Beberapa argumen hipotetikal yang kami ajukan adalah (1) kemunculan berita palsu sebagai genre adalah hasil dinamika sosio-tekstual yang meliputi penerimaan dan penolakan sosial terhadap teks yang kami sebut sebagai “berita rumor”. Kemunculan berita palsu sebagai genre mempercontohkan stabilitas genre, sementara proses dinamik yang mengubah berita rumor menjadi berita palsu adalah perkembangan genre. Selanjutnya, (2) tekstualitas berita rumor maupun berita palsu dikonstitusikan oleh unsur-unsur linguistik dan non-linguistik yang mengaktivasi bingkai pemberitaan. Aktivasi bingkai pemberitaan dalam berita rumor secara hipotetikal memberi efek penyita atensi pembaca, sehingga melemahkan daya kognitif yang dibutuhkan untuk bersikap kritis. (3) Kami memproposisikan terdapat perbedaan parametrik antara genre berita rumor dengan genre berita palsu, sekalipun keduanya termanifestasikan sebagai teks yang sama. Perbedaan parametrikal tersebut kami anggap sebagai ilustrasi perkembangan dinamik genre, teks, dan sosial yang dapat mengubah jenis teks seperti dicontohkan genre berita rumor dan berita palsu. (4) Terkait intensionalitas, kami menklaim pembuat teks (penutur) berita palsu melanggar aturan-aturan semantik dan pragmatik dalam prinsip illocutionary acts (selanjutnya tindakan-tindakan ilokusioner) dengan intensi deseptif dan penggunaan tuturan serius. Anonimitas pembuat teks senantiasa menyelamatkan pembuat teks dari intensionalitas tersebut, sementara menaruh penyebar teks naif atau propagator sebagai pengemban tanggung jawab dari fabrikasi dalam teks. Signifikansi penelitian kami adalah proposisi yang dapat dijadikan landasan untuk merumuskan hipotesis untuk pengujian di penelitian mendatang. Dengan poin-poin substansial yang kami paparkan, makalah ini menyediakan penggambaran sifat alami dan dinamika berita palsu sebagai genre secara komprehensif. 
FUNGSI PELAKU VLADIMIR PROOP DALAM CERITA RAKYAT TORAJA SADOQDONGNA (Vladimir Propp›s Dramatis Personae Functions in Torajan Oral Literature Sadoqdongna) Murmahyati Murmahyati; Amriani H
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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AbstractThe story of Sadoqdongna is one of the Torajan folk tales that need to be preserved. Many values can be taken from the functions of the dramatis personae or actors who play a role in the story. The method used is descriptive method with structuralism analysis developed by Vladimir Propp which examines the function of dramatis personae, schemes, story patterns, and how to identify personae. The purpose of this writing is expected to provide an overview of the functions of the dramatis personae in the Sadoqdongna story. The functions of dramatis personae found in the Sadoqdongna story are eleven functions and eight circles of action. The eleven functions involve one pattern, namely Sadoqdongna, a young man who aspires to marry a beautiful princess. Because of this dream, Sadoqdongna dared to leave his hometown. He kept trying until the end of the story Sadoqdongna got what he wanted.Keywords: Vladimir Proop, function of dramatis personae, Torajan Oral Literature AbstrakCerita Sadoqdongna merupakan salah satu cerita rakyat Toraja yang perlu dilestarikan. Banyak nilai-nilai yang dapat dipetik manfaatnya melalui fungsi-fungsi para tokoh atau pelaku yang berperan di dalam cerita.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan analisis struturalisme yang dikembangkan oleh Vladimir Propp yang mengkaji tentang fungsi pelaku, skema, pola cerita, dan cara pengenalan pelaku. Tujuan penulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberi gambaran tentang fungsi-fungsi pelaku dalam cerita Sadoqdongna. Fungsi pelaku yang ditemukan dalam cerita   Sadoqdongna ini adalah sebelas fungsi dan delapan lingkaran aksi. Sebelas fungsi tersebut melibatkan satu pola yaitu Sadoqdongna seorang pemuda yang bercita-cita memperistrikan  seorang puteri raja yang cantik jelita. Karena cita-citanya ini sehingga Sadoqdongna berani meninggalkan kampung halamannya. Dia terus berusaha sampai pada akhir cerita Sadoqdongna mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya.Kata kunci: Vladimir Proop, Fungsi Pelaku, Cerita Rakyat Toraja
PALI DALAM AKTIVITAS SEHARI-HARI SUKU DAYAK NGAJU DESA MANTANGAI HULU KABUPATEN KAPUAS (Pali in the Daily Activities of Dayak Ngaju Village of Exgai Hulu Kapuas Regency) Lastaria Lastaria; Lailatul Fithriyah Azzakiyah
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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Dayak Ngaju tribe is a tribe rich in ancestral heritage so that it has a culture that is quite adhered to by the owner of the culture itself. However, the culture is only inherited from oral to oral so that the form of cultural writing of the Dayak Ngaju community is very minimal. Pali or pamali is also included in the oral tradition of Dayak Ngaju which is almost extinct due to the development of the times. However, if you investigate further that behindthe word "pali" or abstinence there are educational values contained in it. The method used in this study is an exploratory method used to explore various events related to activities or activities that are prohibited by the Dayak Ngaju tribe. As for data collection techniques by way of direct observation to the field as well as interviews with community leaders and surrounding youth as comparison data. Based on the results of the study there are several abstinences classified into the prohibition of the Dayak Ngaju tribe, namely: (1)  pali related to oneself and others; (2)  pali related to the behavior towards the parents, related to the ethics and behavior of a person towards the older person must respect each other so that bad luck will be experienced by the person who violates it; (3)  palis  related to homework; and (4)  palis  related to supernatural beings.
ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS KEPUTUSAN BERSAMA TENTANG PEDOMAN IMPLEMENTASI ATAS PASAL TERTENTU DALAM UNDANG-UNDANG INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK (UU ITE) (Critical Discourse Analysis of Joint Decisions on Implementation Guidelines on Certain Articles in the Law on Electronic Information and Transaction) (Ite Law) Saefu Zaman
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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Keputusan Bersama tentang Pedoman Implementasi atas Pasal Tertentu dalam UU ITE yang  ditandatangani Menkominfo, Kapolri, dan Jaksa Agung 23 Juni 2021 merupakan upaya pemerintah meminimalisasi pasal multitafsir pada UU ITE. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengungkapkan muatan ideologi pada isi Surat Keputusan Bersama Pedoman Implementasi UU ITE dan implikasi penerapan Keputusan Bersama tersebut. Data penelitian ini adalah isi Keputusan Bersama Pedoman Implementasi UU ITE yang terdiri atas delapan hal pembahasan berupa penjelasan atas istilah dalam pasal ujaran kebencian, penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, pengancaman, SARA, dan penyebaran konten asusila (pasal 27, 28, 29). Data diunduh melalui laman resmi Mahkamah Agung Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis wacana kritis dengan model AWK  Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wacana Keputusan Bersama dibuat dengan ideologi memberikan kejelasan hukum pelaksanaan UU ITE serta meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada penegak hukum. Wacana tersebut muncul karena banyaknya keluhan dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat dan teks-teks lain yang mengkritik penyelenggaraan hukum dengan UU ITE. Implikasi terbitnya wacana tersebut adalah adanya aturan penegakan hukum yang bisa dijadikan acuan pada penanganan pasal yang multitafsir dan kontroversi. Masih ada potensi perbuatan orang yang bisa merugikan pihak lain dan bahkan memicu konflik SARA yang tidak ada delik hukumnya dalam teks Keputusan Bersama tersebut.
REPRESENTASI KEKERASAN SIMBOLIK TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DALAM TAYANGAN FILM TELEVISI SUARA HATI ISTRI (Representation of Symbolic Violence against Women in the TV Movie Suara Hati Istri) Dita Amelia; Sonya Puspasari Suganda
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

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Kajian ini merupakan penelitian yang berbasis pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) Siegfried Jäger (2009). Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari tiga episode FTV Suara Hati Istri (disingkat SHI), yaitu episode Sakitnya Hatiku Tak Pernah Mendapat Cinta Suami (disingkat SHTMCS), Pernikahan Yang Dipaksa Pasti Akan Penuh Air Mata (disingkat PDPPA), dan Istri Bayaran (disingkat IB). Untuk mengungkap bagaimana tayangan FTV SHI menampilkan kekerasan simbolik terhadap perempuan melalui bahasa, peneliti menganalisis konteks diskursif (diskursiver Kontext), melakukan analisis struktur (Strukturanalyse), menganalisis posisi wacana (Diskursposition), dan melakukan analisis rinci (Feinanalyse). Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian ini terlihat bahwa kekerasan simbolik terhadap perempuan, yang merupakan sarana untuk melanggengkan ideologi patriarki, ditampilkan dalam tayangan FTV SHI melalui variabel-variabel linguistik, yaitu kosakata (verba, nomina, adjektiva, adverbia), modalitas, idiom, implikasi, dan tindak tutur.

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