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Journals Mining Engineering : Bina Tambang
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Atas dukungan dari jurusan Teknik Pertambangan dengan Penanggung Jawab Dekan Fakultas Teknik UNP (Drs. Ganefri,MPd, P.hd) bekerjasama dengan Ketua Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan (Drs.Bambang Heriyadi,MT) dan seluruh Dosen Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang. Jurnal ini terbentuk dan didukung penuh untuk sarana kretifitas Dosen dan Mahasiswa Teknik Pertambangan.
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Articles 549 Documents
Kajian Geometri Peledakan untuk Menapatkan Fragmentasi yang Optimal Pada Penambangan Batu Andesite PT. Koto Alam Sejahtera, Kabupaten 50 Kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat Mia Fazira; Dedi Yulhendra
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Andesite Stone Mining at PT. Koto Alam Sejahtera with an open mining system using the Quarry mining method. The percentage of boulder-sized blasting fragmentation produced currently in the field is ± 35% as a result the diggability of the loading and unloading equipment is not maximal and the planned productivity of the loading and unloading equipment planned by the company at 100 bcm / hour is not achieved. This study aims to design a new blasting geometry to obtain optimal fragmentation results so that loading activities are effective and productivity targets are achieved. The research method was carried out by giving recommendations on blasting geometry based on R.L.'s theory. Ash and C.J. Konya and carried out the application of one of the blasting geometry designs in the field so that the optimum blasting geometry design from one of the blasting geometry designs can be applied in the future for the company. Basic results of field application to one of the blasting geometry design proposals are: burden: 2 m, space: 2 m, stemming: 1,4 m, subdrilling: 0,6 m, level height: 6 m, depth of blast hole 6,5 m, powder colomn: 5,1 m, and powder factor: 0,68 kg / m3 where the boulder size fragmentation resulting from the desktop split software analysis is 0%. The digging time produced is 9,23 seconds, the bucket fill factor is 60%, and the productivity of the digging tool is 108,54 bcm / hour.Keywords: Blasting Geometry, Blasting Result Fragmentation, Digging Time, Bucket Fill Factor, Productivity of Digging Tools
Pemetaan Kualitas Airtanah Berdasarkan Parameter Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) dan Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) dengan Metode Ordinary Kriging Di Kec. Padang Barat, Kota Padang, Provinsi Sumatera Barat M Asy Ruseffandi; Mulya Gusman
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstarct. The overuse of groundwater with the management of water sourcesthat ignores the environment can decrease the quantity and quality ofgroundwater. In the area of West Padang, groundwater quality degradation iscaused by the dynamics of development West Padang towards the profile ofMetropolitan City. The purpose of this research is to make the water quality zonemap based on DHL and TDS parameter, zone map based on decrease ofgroundwater level and predict the occurrence of seawater intrusion in the WestPadang. The research method used is to identify the quality groundwater and adecrease of groundwater level from water analysis using Kepmen ESDM Nomor1451.K/10/MEM/2000 and make the distribution of water quality and a decreaseof groundwater level using the software SGeMs and ArcMap GIS 10.5, andpredict patterns spread of seawater intrusion from water quality analysis usingthe regression equation. From the identification result and analysis of waterquality, West Padang is categorized as a safe zone. Safe zone is the area thatmeets one of decrease criteria on groundwater quality which are characterizedby the increase of TDS that is less than 1,000 mg/l or less than 1,000 DHLμmhos/cm.Keywords:.TDS, DHL, Safe Zone, Groundwater Quality
Optimasi Pencampuran Batubara Beda Kualitas Dengan Metode Trial And Error untuk Memenuhi Kriteria Permintaan Konsumen di CV. Bara Mitra Kencana Kota Sawahlunto Sumatera Barat Muhammad Divo; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. CV. Bara Mitra Kencana Is one of the mining companies engaged in coal mining, located in the city of Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. Coal produced by CV. Bara Mitra Kencana consists of various types which are grouped based on their calorific value from different pits. These coal calories are influenced by the geological conditions of a mining location, including high quality coal, medium quality, and low quality (low quality) to determine the quality of the coal, the company interpreted the coring correlation from the results of geophysical well logging.The results of calculations using the Trial and Error Method using four parameters of coal quality and consumer demand Calculation using the Trial and Error Method approaches consumer demand (can be fulfilled).With the results of calculations using the Trial and Error Method from researchers there is a GCV 6297 Cal / gr better than the results of the Laboratory blending analysis that is 6000 Cal / gr and can approach consumer demand with GCV 6300 Cal / gr. Besides TM, ASH and TS also affect consumer demand. with TM the results of researchers 10.6% ar can be accepted because consumer demand for TM 10% ar because of the smaller quality of water contained in the coal, the better, ASH researchers' results 17.32% adb can be accepted because ASH consumer demand is 15% adb because the smaller the ash quality, the better, so is the TS where researchers get a 0.8% adb TS smaller than 0.8% adb.Keywords: Blending, Tiall and Error Method, Total Moisture, Ash, Sulfur, Calorie Value
Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Area Highwall Section B Tambang Batubara PT. Manggala Usaha Manunggal Jobsite Pt. Banjarsari Pribumi, Kecamatan Merapi Timur, Kabupaten Lahat, Sumatera Selatan Ade Elsa Marini; Yoszi Mingsi Anaperta; Tri Gamela Saldy
Bina Tambang Vol 4, No 4 (2019): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. — PT. Manggala Usaha Manunggal is a contractor company that trusted to do coal mining by PT. Banjarsari Pribumi in Merapi Timur, Lahat Regency, South Sumatera. PT. Manggala Usaha Manunggal using open pit mining method. At the crest area of highwall section B there is the pile of overburden materials. Slope stability analysis using the Monte Carlo probabilistic method, the factor of safety and probability of failure for the recommendation of  slope geometry will be obtained using Bishop Simplified method. As the results are the result of slope stability analysis on highwall section B shown that there is no decrease in slope stability where the value of factor before and after being given additional load is the same, that is 3,017 and the probability of Failure is 0% .
Analisis Biaya Pemboran Inpit Drill di Front X PT. ANTAM Tbk. Unit Bisnis Penambangan Nikel Sulawesi Tenggara Najmi Hayati; Murad Murad
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. In the use of mineral or food resources for community welfare and the development of an area, a mining business is needed. For the mining business to run and make a profit, the potential of mineral resources or existing minerals must be known with certainty, as well as the existing risks, which can be specified as geological risks, economic-technological risks, and environmental risks, must be eliminated or at least minimized.At this time, PT. ANTAM Tbk. UBPN Southeast Sulawesi is carrying out stages, one of which is mining, namely detailed exploration or also called inpit drill drilling. This is very dependent on the nickel diarea that does not have the potential for high grade Ni from initial exploration results and determines whether inpit drill drilling activities are economical to do so that it is in accordance with the circumstances of the company that still maintains inpit drill activities despite initial exploration activities.Get the annual Cost Ratio value from inpit drill activities. Calculating the value of the benefits obtained from inpit drill activities carried out by PT. ANTAM Tbk. Southeast Sulawesi UBPN.Kata Kunci : Inpit drill, Top soil, Limonit, Saprolit, and Cost Ratio
Analisis Penentuan Waktu Standar Operasi Pemboran dan Produktivitas Jumbo Drill pada Pembuatan Lubang Ledak Menggunakan Metode Analisa Elemen Kerja dan Waktu Baku di Tambang Emas Bawah Tanah PT. Cibaliung Sumberdaya, Kabupaten Pandagelang, Provinsi Banten Jevindo Ornandi Gemvita; Mulya Gusman
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya is a gold mining company that implements an underground mining system. PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya is a subsidiary of PT. Aneka Tambang (Antam) located in Cimanggu District, Pandegelang Regency, Banten Province. In the production activities, the drill tool used for the activity is the Atlas Copco Boomer 282 with R32 drilling bit diameter 43 mm for drilling holes for split sets in supporting mesh and 51 mm diameter for explosive hole drilling using rotary-percussive drilling methods and burn cut drilling patterns . In August 2019 PT. CSD 14,397.6 wmt / month and actually reached 12,893.4 wmt / month. Based on the calculation, the actual productivity of the calculation results obtained 18.29 wmt / hour or 164.56 wmt / day which after the reduction of the tool productivity increased from 164.56 wmt / hour to 246.85 wmt / day. The Standard Time obtained from the calculation results is in the Drill Face Drilling of Class IV Rocks = 6.21 Minutes and Class III Rocks = 6.66 Minutes. On the Hole Drilling for Split Set and Wiremesh Installation the Class IV Rocks in Hole Drilling for Split Set = 5.87 Minutes and Wiremesh Installation = 7.39 Minutes, while those for Class III Rock in Hole Drilling for Split Set = 5.65 Minutes and Wiremesh Installation = 5.35 MinutesKeywords: Jumbo Drill, Productivity, Drill Face, Supporting, The Standard Time
Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Nilai Parameter Batubara Alwa MHD Tanza Al-alang; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. PT. Allied Indo Coal Jaya is a mining company engaged in coal mining located in the town of Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. The coal produced consists of various types originating from different seams. At present coal mining activities are less effective because the company does not utilize low quality coal. The low quality coal is piling up in stockpiles and is not sold because of the low quality , it is necessary to improve the quality of coal or processing so that it can be utilized. Research by this method aims for low quality coal mixed with palm shells can be used, the purpose pen mixture of palm kernel shells with coal in order to know the calories, sulfur, ash, total moisture and volatile matter and how it compares that low quality coal can be utilized. Comparison of coal blends with shells of coconut adalah 12,5gr coal: 2,5gr shell of the coconut, 12,5gr coal : 5 gr shell of coconut , 12,5gr coal: 7, 5 grams of shell of coconut , 12,5gr coal : 10gr shell coconut palm , and 12,5gr coal : 12,5gr shell of the coconut palm . Based on the results of the research of mixing coal with a shell of coconut oil can affect the quality of the coal as calorie, the levels of ash , lowering the volatile matter, and lower the sulfur from the coal.Keywords: Quality of coal, shell of coconut, calorie, ash, volatile matter
Optimalisasi Produksi Alat Gali Muat dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) pada Pada KegiatanOre Getting di PT. Bhakti Karya Mandiri Jobsite KM. 17, Kecamatan Toba, Kabupaten Sanggau – Kalimantan Barat Jefri Julianda Putra; Mulya Gusman
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Based on data from bauxite production in April 2019 at PT. Bhakti Karya Mandiri, bauxiteproduction did not reach the target. the production target is 25000 bcm. but the production achieved wasonly 16,916 bcm. This is caused by wasted work time and disruption time which causes operating timeand productivity to be low. To determine the potential for improving the production process and theeffectiveness of using equipment, an analysis using the overall shipping effectiveness (OEE) methodneeds to be done. After analysis and improvement methods were carried out, the production of KobelcoSK 330 exceeded the planned target which was previously 16,916 bcm to 25,629 m³. But the OEE valueis still <61% not yet achieved the world class OEE> 85%, it can be concluded that the use of equipmentis not optimal. Better to make improvements to reduce wasted working hoursKeywords: Bauxite Mining, Overall Shipping Effectiveness (OEE) Method, Production, Excavator, and Dump Truck
Analisis Potensi Batuan Trass (Pozolan) Untuk Bahan Baku Pembuatan Semen di PT. Bumi Hijau Citra Andalas Site Batu Hampar, Kecamatan Akabiluru, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Fajri Hafiz Nurzam; Yoszi Mingsi Anaperta
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. This research was conducted at PT Bumi Hijau Citra Andalas site Batuhampar Akabiluru district fifty district cities. In this study, the method used is descriptive method that is a research method that evaluates the condition of the object as it is in a situation that is being the object of research. This research is more focused on pozolan quality analysis by testing sambal in the laboratory using XRF with a total sample of 7 sampling points (description of sampling by drilling)After being analyzed, it can be concluded that the average values of (Fe2O3), (SiO2), (Al2O3) obtained in the polls of laboratory test results using XRF are (2.590%), (70.107%), (14.297%) In this test, all of the samples analyzed almost all met the standard according to ASTM C618-92a, only 1 sample did not meet the standard so that when examined in quality the pozolan really met the ASTM C618-92a standard, therefore it was seen in quantity, pozolan resources exist in the area is very potential.Keywords: Pozolan, Kab. 50 cities, Quality Analysis, Cement Raw Materials
Optimasi Penggunaan Koagulan PC300 dan Flokulan A100 untuk Proses Pengolahan Air Limbah Tambang di WWTP01 PT. Mitrabara Adiperdana,Tbk Riyadil Afdal; Fadhilah Fadhilah
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. PT. Mitrabara Adiperdana, Tbk is a company engaged in coal mining which was established in Kec. South Malinau in Kab. Malinau Province of North Kalimantan. To support coal production activities, PT. Mitrabara Adiperdana, Tbk has to pump the water in the sump and then process it to be released into the river. During the first semester of 2018, the average air processed by PT. MItrabara Adiperdana, Tbk in WWTP01 is 1,600,000 m3/month. The dose of coagulant use is 173 ppm and flocculant 44 ppm to produce outlets 130-140 mg / l. After optimizing the dosage, an optimal dosage is obtained, namely 160 ppm coagulant dose and 40 pm flocculant dose to produce final tss 190 mg / l, still included in the Environmental Quality Standards. After that the dose optimization is done, the chemical needs of PT. Mitrabara Adiperdana, Tbk in each month is 256,000 kg of coagulant and 64,000 kg of flocculant.Keywords: Waste Water Treatment,Optimasi, Koagulasi, Flokulasi, Total suspendi solid

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