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Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.936 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.554


: Workload Indicator Staffing Need (WISN) merupakan metode perhitungan kebutuhan tenaga perawat berdasarkan beban kerja nyata di setiap unit kerja fasilitas kesehatan. Metode WISN dapat mengetahui unit kerja dan kategori SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA nya, waktu kerja tersedia tiap kategori SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA, standar beban kerja, standar kelonggaran, kuantitas kegiatan pokok dan akhirnya dapat mengetahui kebutuhan SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA pada unit kerja tersebut. Metode WISN sangat tergantung pada ketepatan keakuratan dan kelengkapan data beban kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan tenaga perawat di ruang rawat inap dewasa dan ruang rawat inap anak RS. Gotong Royong. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah menghitung jumlah perawat di rawat inap RS. Gotong Royong dengan menggunakan metode WISN, kemudian melakukan perbandingan dengan jumlah perawat yang ada. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan jumlah perawat dengan metode WISN lebih banyak dibanding di ruang rawat inap dewasa (10 perawat) dan 8 tenaga perawat di ruang rawat inap anak. hal ini dapat terjadi karena terdapat keakuratan dan kelengkapan data yang berkaitan dengan beban kerja yang teridentifikasi pada metode WISN. Kesimpulan: Metode WISN dapat digunakan dalam menghitung kebutuhan jumlah tenaga prawat sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan masyarakat dan perawat, tetapi terdapat hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan perhitungan yaitu   benar-benar tepat dalam mengidentifikasi kelengkapan data beban kerja. Dapat disimpulkan metode WISN tidak selalu menjadi pilihan untuk menentukan jumlah kebutuhan tenaga perawat. Saran: Metode yang digunakan rumah sakit harus disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi serta karakteristik rumah sakit.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.363 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.576


ABSTRACT: At present there is very little attention regarding visual impairment, especially in school children, whereas a poor learning environment is one of the triggers for a decrease in visual acuity in children. Myopia is one of the causes of decreased visual acuity in children, while good vision is very important in the teaching and learning process. This study aims to determine the relationship of family support in maintaining eye health with visual acuity in primary school-aged children in RW 10 Desa Kramat Jegu Taman Sidoarjo. The design of this research using a cros-sectional approach. The sample in this study were 22 elementary and sixth grade elementary school children and their mothers as many as 22 pairs. Sampling by total sampling method. Data analysis using Rank Spearman statistical test with a significance level of 5% (0.05). The results showed that of the 22 respondents most (61.18%) had good family support and from 22 respondents most (63.63%) had normal visual acuity. Spearman rank correlation test results, obtained ? = 0.032 <? = 0.05 so that H0 is rejected which means that there is a relationship between family support about maintaining eye health with visual acuity in primary school-aged children. Good family support for maintaining eye health can improve children's visual acuity. It is expected that nurses can use the results of this study as a guide in providing nursing services for patients with eye refraction disorders. Keywords: family support, visual acuity
Analysis of Factors Affecting Sexual Behavior in Adolescents in the Porong Health Center Work Area Rizki, Lailatul Khusnul; Amalia, Rizki
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.584 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.809


  ABSTRACT   Teenagers are part of a population that has an age range between 10-19 years. Based on the 2010 Population Census the number of adolescent groups was 43.5 million or around 18% of the total population in Indonesia (WHO, 2014). Adolescence is a period where physical and psychological growth and development are so intellectual that development is quite rapid. Having a great curiosity causes teenagers to fall into risk and may have to be associated with various physical and psychosocial health problems. Therefore, it must issue health care for adolescents who can meet the health needs of adolescents who are needed to avoid premarital sex obligations at risk for adolescents. The purpose of this study was to analyze factors that influence premarital sexual behavior in adolescents.This study is a descriptive analytic study using cross sectional. The research subjects were 100 students consisting of 50 students and 50 female students. Data collection was done directly by filling out the questionnaire and analyzed using bivariate using chi square and then refined. In the knowledge variable obtained x2 count of 38.74, attitude variable x2 counted 76.07, variables supporting media x2 count 17.29, peer role variables x2 count of 56.58, the variable has a value of p 0.000 (value p <0.05) significant for premarital sex behavior in adolescents in the Porong Health Center area. As for the variable role of parents x2 count of 0.26 with a p value of 0.614 (p value> 0.05) which means there is no relationship with premarital sex in adolescents in the work area of Porong Health Center. There is a significant positive relationship between knowledge, attitude, media discussion and peer role with premarital sex in adolescents in the Porong Health Center area.     Keywords: Premarital Sexual Behavior, Adolescents
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.216 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.812


ABSTRAK : Anemia dalam kehamilan masih merupakan masalah kronik di Indonesia terbukti dalam prevalensi pada wanita hamil persentase mencapai 63,5%. Dalam empat tahun terakhir prevalensi anemia tidak menunjukkan penurunan yang cukup berarti. Anemia pada kehamilan dapat berpengaruh buruk terutama saat kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil TM III. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi dan Sampel adalah ibu hamil TM III yang periksa di BPM Kusmawati Surabaya selama 3 bulan. Sampel di ambil menggunakan total sampling sebesar 45 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer berupa kuesioner dan data sekunder berupa buku register PWS KIA, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil uji statistic, didapatkan tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara umur ibu dengan kejadian anemia (p = 0,358), ada hubungan signifikan status gizi dengan kejadian anemia (p = 0,000), tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara paritas dengan kejadian anemia (p = 0,222), ada hubungan signifikan antara frekuensi antenatal care dengan kejadian anemia (p = 0,000), ada hubungan signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan kejadian anemia (p=0,034) dan ada hubungan signifikan antara kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe dengan kejadian anemia (p=0,024). Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil TM III di BPM Kusmawati adalah faktor status gizi, frekuensi antenatal care, tingkat pengetahuan dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe. Diharapkan bagi petugas kesehatan agar terus meningkatkan penyuluhan dan konseling bagi ibu hamil untuk mencegah terjadinya anemia
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.794 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.825


Sibling rivalry adalah permusuhan dan kecemburuan antara saudara kandung yang menimbulkan ketegangan diantara mereka. Hal ini terjadi apabila masing-masing anak berusaha lebih unggul dari yang lain.  Persaingan antara dua saudara kandung dalam memperebutkan kasih sayang dan perhatian orang tua. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektifitas Permainan Assosiative play terhadap Sibling Rivalry di PAUD Kasih Ibu Karangrejo VI Wonokromo Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Anak Sibling Rivalry  yang bersekolah di PAUD Kasih Ibu Karangrejo VI Wonokromo Surabaya sebesar 32orang.Besar sampel 30 anak Sibling Revalry, dibagi 2 kelompok yaitu 15 kelompok perlakuan dan 15 kelompok kontrol yang diambil dengan cara probability sampling teknik simple random sampling. Variabel independen Permainan Assosiative play) dan variabel dependen Sibling Rivalry. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan yaitu permainan Assosiattif Play  Pengolahan data meliputi editing, coding, procesing, cleaning, dan tabulating. Data dianalisa dengan uji Mann-Whitney dengan ? < 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok perlakuan (dilakuakan permainan Assosiative  sebagian besar (80%) mengalami penurunan Sibling Rivalry, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol yang tidak di lakukan assosiave Play   dari responden mengalami sebagian besar(53,3 %) peningkatan Sibling Rival.  Hasil analisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney Test didapatkan ? = 0,001 < ? (0,05), sehingga H0 ditolak artinya. efektifitas permaianan  Associative play  terhadap Sibling Rivalry di di PAUD Kasih Ibu Karangrejo VI Wonokromo Surabaya. Assosiative Play  efektif menurunkan Sibling Rivalry, sehingga disarankan agar orang mampu  memperlakukan anaknya dengan baik dan bijak agar sibling bisa teratasi. 
Analisis Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Volume Asi Perah Ibu Menyusui Selama Bekerja Di Lingkungan Universitas Nu Surabaya Rahayu, Esty Puji; masruroh, nur
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.643 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.834


Makanan yang paling ideal untuk bayi adalah air susu ibu, namun demikian karena beberapa hal bayi tidak dapat memperoleh air susu ibu karena beberapa alasan seperti kesehatan ibu dan bekerja di luar rumah. Faktor-faktor yang menghambat keberhasilan menyusui pada ibu bekerja adalah pendeknya waktu cuti kerja, kurangnya dukungan tempat kerja, pendeknya waktu istirahat saat bekerja (tidak cukup waktu untuk memerah ASI), tidak adanya ruangan untuk memerah ASI, pertentangan keinginan ibu antara mempertahankan prestasi kerja dan produksi ASI. Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi ibu-ibu yang hendak menabung ASIP adalah hasil perah/pumping yang kurang memuaskan. Pada penelitian menjelaskan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi volume ASI Perah menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif  dengan pendekatan crosectional dengan sample ibu bekerja yang memompa ASI di lingkungan UNUSA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan volume ASI perah adalah paritas (p value 0,012), keyakinan ibu untuk bisa memberikan ASI (p value 0,009) dan frekuensi memerah (p value 0,041). Usia ibu, indeks massa tubuh ibu, alat yang digunakan untuk memompa, tempat memompa dan alat kontrasesepsi tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan volume ASI Perah Kata Kunci: faktor, ASI Perah, ibu bekerja.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.462 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.887


ABSTRACT Background: Competency issues and the lack of implementation of an orientation program with the preceptorship method are problems and require solutions / solutions. New nurses need the right information and well-structured learning to improve basic skills in implementing appropriate nursing care standards. The purpose of the study explained the influence of the preceptorship method to the achievement of new nurse competencies. Method: The design of this study used quasy-experiment by conducting the pre-test and post-test stages in the treatment and control groups. The design of the analysis variable was obtained by twenty new nurses from different units in RSIS Jemursari and RSI Surabaya using total sampling. The independent variable is the preceptorship method and the dependent variable is the achievement of new nurse competencies. The research instrument uses a checklist of competencies for new nurses based on basic competencies according to SKKNI. Data analysis using Paired Sample t Test and Independent Sample t Test with ? = 0.05. Results: achievement of the competency of new nurses before and after intervention in the treatment group obtained Paired Sample t Test value = 0,000 <0,05 and the control group obtained the value of Paired Sample t Test = 0,000 <0,05 means that there is a significant influence before and after it is done the method of preceptorship towards achieving the competence of new nurses. Before the intervention in the treatment group and the control group, the Independent Sample t Test = 0.139 <0.05 means that there is no difference between the treatment group and the control group, whereas after intervention in the treatment and control groups obtained Independent Sample t Test = 0,000 <0.05 means that there is a difference between the treatment group and the control group after the preceptorship method is done. Discussion: The preceptorship method is a determinant variable that influences the achievement of new nurse competencies. Suggestions for hospitals to improve the quality of HR (preceptor) and the competence of new nurses, it is necessary to provide training in CE / preceptor.   Keywords: Preceptorship, achievement of competence, new nurses.
Self Efficacy Nenek dalam Pemberian ASI eklusif pada Ibu Menyusui Bayi usia 1-6 Bulan dengan Pendekatan Health Promotion Model wibowo, Heri; probowati, Ririn; muhith, Abdul; Savitri, Monika; khamidah, khamidah
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.389 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.892


The importance of grandmother's competence in breastfeeding also greatly influences the success of mother's breastfeeding to her baby. Yukensi (Paguyuban Kakek Nenek ASI) is an association or association that has members consisting of Grandparents and Grandmothers who are in charge of ASI support groups   The study design was cross sectional. Research variables: grandmother's self efficacy, grandchild age, number of children, number of grandchildren and grandchildren age. Active grandmother sample came at POSYANDU elderly Ngelele village, Sumobito sub-district, Jombang regency 2018 number 68 using simple romdom sampling and analyzed by Chi-square test with ? = 0.05 . Data collection from September to October 2018.   The results of the study almost half (47%) had sufficient self efficacy, some at the age of 40-65 years. Most (87.5%) self efficacy is enough with the number of children> 2-4 children. Most (78.1%) self efficacy is enough with the number of grandchildren 2-4 children. Most (78.1%) self efficacy is enough with grandchildren> 6 months. All variables have a strong influence on self-efficacy on the variable number of children and grandchildren. Other variables have a weak relationship.   Variable number of children and the age of grandchildren who live in the house. Self efficacy is influenced by personal experiences that have been traversed in the form of success and failure. A grandmother who has experience in caring for her child can provide exclusive breastfeeding will increase her self efficacy in providing assistance to her child (mothers who are breastfeeding) so that their children provide exclusive breastfeeding with more than one child and grandchildren more than 6 months will make a grandmother have self good efficacy. Besides self-efficacy experience can be improved through Verbal persuasion that can be done repeatedly.   Keywords: grandmother's self-effecacy, exclusive breastfeeding
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.292 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.908


Malnutrition cause disturbance of processes such as production energy and growth on children. Chidren with age 6-12 years old prefer to watch television. They spend their time more than one hour to watching television and playing a game. The situation caused reducing energy, so can cause overweight.  The purpose of this study was analized the correlation of nutritional status with physical activity. The method of this study used analytic with cross sectional approach. The sampel of this research were 6th grade students at SDN banyu Urip III Surabaya which amounts to 35 students. The sampling technique was simple random sampling. Physical activity was measured with questionnaire and nutritional status used body weight according to age curve from NCHS. The statistic used spearman rho correlation test. The result showed that p value = 0,00 with ?=0,05. It means there is a correlation of nutritional status with physical activity. That situation described about the lack of nutritional status can cause lack of production energy so can cause less agile physical activity and look weak. The recommendation from this study are increasing physical activities beyond study time and increasing the variation of the menu in canteen, so that students can choose nutritious food.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.826 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.996


Abstract :Among preschoolers,  illness is  a scary thing. Children have limitations in coping mechanisms to overcome the crisis. Audiovisual intervention in watching cartoons is a distraction technique to reduce anxiety in children. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of audiovisual cartoon movie on anxiety levels during injection procedures in preschool children. The design of this study was using Pre-experimental pretest and posttest one group design. The research collecting the data using purposive sampling technique on 28 respondents. Independent variable audiovisual watching cartoons, while dependent variable is anxiety level. The instrument used is SOP and HAR-S anxiety scale. Statistical tests using the Paired Sample T-Test, with significance p <0.05. From the results of the statistical analysis, the sig value was obtained (p = 0.001, t=11.71) which means an audiovisual intervention by on watching  cartoons movie was effective to reduce  anxiety levels during the injection procedure in preschool children. We suggest that audiovisual intervention by watching cartoons movie  can be applied as one of the nursing interventions to reduce anxiety during injection procedures in preschool children.   Keywords: Anxiety, Audiovisual, Injection Procedure, Preschool Children

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