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Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja
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Articles 103 Documents
Peluang dan Ancaman Otonomi Desa Pasca Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa Muhadam Labolo
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (853.416 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i2.42


The changes about Village policy provide both opportunities and threats to the development of village autonomy. Opportunities for the development of village autonomy are at least normatively gaining a foothold from two important principles of recognition and subsidiarity. The first principle as a form of recognition of village existence in various forms has actually been introduced through Law Number 22 Year 1999 and 32 Year 2004 which corrects efforts to uniform the lowest government entity of the village under another name. The second principle is the juridical consequence of the 1945 Constitution article 18B paragraph (2) where the state not only recognizes, also respects special and special units as long as it is still there and well maintained. This principle allows the state to allocate resources to the village even though the village is no longer subordinate to the state (mini bureaucracy) as the practice of Law 5/1979 through local state government paradigm. With the resources referred to the village at least have the opportunity to develop the original autonomy (self governing community) and not solely under the control of local governance system (local self-government). The allocation of resources from the government, provincial and district / city and the opening of access in the effort of developing village autonomy is not impossible to increase the tension in the village through abuse of authority and the potential of horizontal conflict. Village autonomy can ultimately contain threats if a number of important requirements can not be fulfilled given the culture, structure and environment that affect the village is much more dominant than the supradesa itself is quite distant with the community.Keywords: village autonomy, opportunities, threats
STRATEGI PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (Studi Kasus Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka Barat) Rina hermawati; nunung runiawati; elisa susanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.881 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i1.54


West Bangka is the district with the highest level of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in Bangka Belitung Province. However, the average contribution of local own-revenue to local revenue over the last three years was 6.57% and 93.43% still depended on intergovernmental (IG) fiscal transfers (transfers from central government), transfers from the provincial government and other legal local revenues. This study focuses on identifying the challenges faced by local government in enhancing local own-revenues by using qualitative research methods. The results shows that 1) taxpayers who provide the biggest contribution to local revenues derived from state-owned enterprises, while the taxpayer derived from the local population is still low. Residents prefer to spend their money in other regions, such as Bangka Induk. 2) local government has not been able to optimize existing potential, and 3) there is dependence on tin as one of the main sources of livelihood of local residents. The suggestions in this research are as follows: to encourage local government to make urban-biased policies and also to enhance public education in order to create diversified livelihood and to provide insight to the public about the importance of participation in development.
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.549 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i1.65


Crisis can occur in all organizations and institutions both private and government. It can be caused by many factors, both internal and external, which one of which is the environmental changes that requires an institution to adapt. National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) is a governmental institution that has successed in the socialization of Family Planning Program in the 1960s-1990s by reducing the rate of population growth. After post-reform era happened in Indonesia, Total Fertility Rate (TFR), children average number from childbearing age couples stagnant in 2,6. Environmental changes marked by Regional Autonomy Regulations (OTDA) arrangement in January 2004 where authority of the Central Government including FP Program is devolved to Local Governments. OTDA associated with political and economic policies impacts on institutional, budget, and personnel availability.This article is using qualitative method, explaining BKKBN as a government institution in organization communication crisis after OTDA enactment. The FP Program that proven improved society welfare is no longer a priority. Communication was only one command from Central Government to Local Government, in post-reform era it hampered, as most District Heads are more concerned with short-term development because of their short tenure. The budget support even personnel for the socialization of FP Program is reduced and some have none at all. There are four important stages in the crisis by Steven Fink, prodromal stage, the acute stage, chronic stage, and resolution stage. There must be different communication strategies at each stage. BKKBN need to regain public trust to overcome the crisis. According to Hardjana, reputation is crisis antithesis and the crystallization of the image. Determining the right communication strategies is needed by BKKBN as a strategic institution in improving society welfare to regain their confidence to achieve institution’s goal, decrease TFR which impact the declining rate of population growth in Indonesia.Keywords: Crisis, Communication Management, Reputation, Government
IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL REGULATIONS NUMBER 5 2016 IN BANTUL Kurnia Rifqi Febrian; Dwian Hartomi Akta Padma Eldo; Sakir Sakir
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.017 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i1.67


ABSTRACT  Bantul local regulation number 5 of 2016 about village official has already explained the detail of recruitment mechanism of village servant in Bantul district. This regulation aims to become guidance for head of village that in recruiting village servant it is not directly appointed by village head anymore yet through open selection system by which public can participate.This research employs two methods; First, observation. Second, interview with selection committee of Tirtonurmolo village and the third party—academicians—who were directly involved in the selection. This research aims to explore how extend the local regulation has worked in each village in Bantul district. The selected village to be reviewed is Tirtonirmolo village that has just finished its village servant selection in 2016.Tirtonirmolo is one of villages in Bantul district that has openly conducted village servant selection in 2016. The selection aims to fill some positions; village secretary and head of governmental affair. The applicants were very enthusiastic in which the test was followed by both young man and woman and adult from various education backgrounds. Generally, the majority of the applicants were Tirtonirmolo resident yet there were several applicants from other village.This open selection is a manifestation of Good Local Governance in which transparancy and accountability is prefered in the process—start from the begin until the announcement of the result. During the selection, the committee involved third party—academician from university. By this selection last year, the position of village secretary and head of governmental affair is now filled by competent human resource in its field.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (790.528 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i1.72


The development of e-Government in Indonesia is increasingly growing in an attempt to give the public services based on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). E-Government policy is in accordance with the Instructions of the President of Republic Indonesia number 3 in 2003 about policy and national strategy for the development of e-Government in an effort to facilitate the interests and demands of the society. The development of e-Government needs to be planned and implemented through measureable goals for public service in Indonesia. e-Government is one of the principal dimensions of the system of state administration. The implementation of the concept of information technology by the government to make the state administration system to be more effective, efficient, and transparent. One of the city in Indonesia which try to implement e-Government in improving public service is Makassar. This study aims to examine the opportunities and challenges of Makassar government towards improving services for public complaints based on e-Government. One of the strategy and innovation is undertaken by the Makassar government by way of creating e-aspiration. To examine the opportunities and challenges of Makassar Government to improve services for public complaints which based e-Government, we conducted literature study on relevant with previous research and statistical data. Makassar government has shown its enthusiasm surrounding the use of information and technology in many occasions. However, the use of e-aspiration by the government and society are still limited. Therefore, despite that e-aspiration may bring greater benefit in improving good governance. However, this issue of e-aspiration remains difficult in Makassar and in general for Indonesia due to many challenges and obstacles on several dimensions. In consideration of the opportunities and challenges of e-Government is also to be seen from the aspect of society participation in the use of technology and responsiveness of the Government in the development of e-Government services.
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i1.88


Indonesia is a unitary state consisting of clusters of large and small islands connected by wide oceans and has the potential to support the development of local and national economies to increase foreign exchange earnings, employment, and incomes of the population. One area in Indonesia that utilize the results of the sea is Sumbawa regency of West Nusa Tenggara. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. KEP.32 / MEN / 2010 on Establishment of Regions Minapolitan as amended by Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. KEP.39 / MEN / 2011, Sumbawa as the one Minapolitan of 179 Minapolitan in Indonesia by commodities seaweed seed. Minapolitan is the conception of economic development of region-based marine and fisheries based on the principles of integration, efficiency, quality and speed. There are 6 sub-district as a point of land development seaweed in Sumbawa, one of which is the village of Labuhan kuris District of Lape with seaweed production reached 29.436 tonnes with utilization area growing as many as 1328.51 hectares. Given these commodities, Sumbawa opportunity to step forward does not seem difficult. However, the potential of it did not make the state of the local community shifted from the poverty line. To overcome this, the need for conductor linking between education, technology, and labor market through the application of the theory of the Triple Helix. The main thinking triple helix theory is the importance of synergy between academic, business, and government. This paper intends to elaborate on the opportunities and challenges minapolitan as a form of education and technology alignment and an application of the theory of the triple helix in improving community development and regional competitiveness. The results of this research that needed collaborate academic, business and government to seaweed cultivation development and make empowerment and welfare local community.Keywords: Empowerment, Minapolitan, Triple Helix, Education, Technology
The Influence of Work Culture on Work performance of Employees in Department of Transportation, Communication and Informatics of West Sumatera Aldri Frinaldi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.203 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i2.90


AbstractThe goals of bureaucratic reform were to increase the service quality provided for society and stakeholders and to enhance the work performance in order to be able to carry out their duties and functions. Bureaucratic reform needs alteration of work culture which is not only addressed to the employees but also to the functionary as the leader in government or local government. The problem in this research was whether there was influence of work culture among civil servant on work performance in Department of Transportation, Communication and Informatics of West Sumatera Province or not. This research was a quantitative research and consisted of work culture as the independent variable and work performance as the dependent variable. The number of the sample was 87 apparatus. The data were taken by using a questionnaire with Likert scale and were analyzed by using study documentation and simple regression technique. The research found that; (1) The influence of work culture on justice was 0,265; (2) The influence of work culture on decency and fairness was 0,048; (3) The influence of work culture on work quantity was 0,189; (4) The influence of work culture on discipline was 0,460; and (5) The influence of work culture on work performance as a whole was 0,285. The conclusion was work culture of the employees of Department of Transportation, Communication and Informatics of West Sumatera Province positively influenced work performance as a whole and also influenced each indicator of work performance significantly. Department of Transportation, Communications and Information Technology of West Sumatera province have to pay attention to the work culture in its office to enhance the performance of the employee by improving the positive work culture, encouraging the noble value in workplace and improving work performance indicators other than discipline, namely justice, decency and fairness, and quantity of work. Keywords: Work culture, Work Performance, Government Employees.
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.935 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i2.94


The crucial issues face by Jokowi – JK  Administration is the poor performance of Indonesian civil state apparatus. The main objective of this research is to identify the main factors that lead to hamper the Indonesian civil state apparatus performance and to suggest recommendation on how to overcome the problem. Data is gathered from responses of selected informants through an interviewed and data analysis by triangulation analysis. The research finding the authority arrogance, intervention from others parties and managerial inability as a main factor of poor performance of Indonesian civil servant. This research highlights the importance of having strong commitment of manager, individual readiness, a good collaboration (solid team work) and independence of the state apparatus commission as a way out to overcome the problemKeyword: reform, performance,  state apparatus
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.415 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i2.96


ABSTRACT West Java provincial animal husbandry department reported that since 2012 s / d 2015 milk production in West Java has decreased on average by 4.58%. This is due to breeding patterns are not optimal and the reduced population of dairy cows.The business scale dairy farmers in Lembang district mostly small ie 2-3 individuals per household. This study aims to determine how much influence population characteristics (age, education and experience breeding) on the pattern of a dairy farm in Lembang district. Residents were used as the respondents in the study of 90 people who have dairy cattle business. Sampling was done by cluster method is simple and random gradually perfect. Statistic data analysis used was chi square test to see how the social economic correlate with the scale and financial management. The entire calculation of statistical tests using SPSS (Statistical Program For Service and Solution) version 17.0. Based on the research results of research that the business scale dairy cattle in Lembang district, Bandung regency is 2-4 tails, due to the capital factor and price competition so that farmers only assume the dairy farm as a sideline; social economic factors were correlated with the scale and pattern of financial management of dairy cattle Lembang district, West Bandung regency significantly are education, whereas age and breeding experience did not correlate significantly. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Bhakti Praja Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan IPDN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.436 KB) | DOI: 10.33701/jiwbp.v7i2.112


Sumbawa Regency has the potential of superior livestock in the form of local buffalo Sumbawa which has a large enough posture and has the potential to become a center of national buffalo cattle that can be a main source of national animal protein. But in reality in the field, buffalo breeders in Sumbawa regency is a society that has not been empowered, indicated by the low income of the farmer. While one of the duties of local government is to do empowerment for the people who are less empowered, therefore it is important to examine how the implementation of empowerment has been done by the Government of Sumbawa Regency to buffalo breeders in Sumbawa regency, especially in Maronge subdistrict as one of the districts that have been established UPTD specifically to handle the affairs of buffalo cattle and the only district that has center of buffalo cattle breeding in Sumbawa Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the empowerment of Sumbawa buffalo breeders that have been done by the Government of Sumbawa Regency, especially in Maronge District, Sumbawa Regency.The research method used was descriptive qualitative research, with the operationalization of the concept of empowerment used is adopted from Mardikanto's view (2015) which states that empowerment scope is at least 4 dimension, those are human development, bussiness development, environment development, and Institutional Development. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation and documentation. In the interview technique, the selection of informant sample with purposive sampling technique. His analytical technique uses narrative descriptive analysis techniques and triangulation of sources as well as triangulation of data collection methods. The results show that empowerment has been implemented but not yet optimal because there are still some weaknesses, such as: 1) less intensive in knowledge, skill, and attitude building and still need a continuous ecompaniment; 2) lack of access to information and technology; 3) lack of construction of other supporting infrastructure due to budget constraints; and 4) weak institutional and partnership networks in micro farmers and lack of farmer initiatives due to stimulation of government programs. It is recommended to Sumbawa Regency Government to: 1) increase training frequency and in specific form; 2) improved access to information and technology; 3) budget allocation for construction of supporting infrastructure and maintenance of buildings; as well as raising awareness and initiative of breeders for institutional improvement and self-reliance. atau dalam Bahasa IndonesiaKabupaten Sumbawa memiliki potensi ternak unggul berupa kerbau lokal Sumbawa yang memiliki postur yang cukup besar dan memiliki potensi untuk menjadi sentra ternak kerbau nasional yang dapat menjadi sumber protein hewani nasional. Namun kenyataannya di lapangan, peternak kerbau di Kabupaten Sumbawa merupakan masyarakat yang belum berdaya, ditunjukkan oleh masih kecilnya rata-rata pendapatan peternak tersebut. Sementara salah satu tugas Pemerintah daerah adalah untuk melakukan pemberdayaan bagi masyarakatnya yang kurang berdaya. Oleh karena itu penting untuk diteliti mengenai bagaimana  pelaksanaan pemberdayaan yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumbawa terhadap peternak kerbau di Kabupaten Sumbawa, khususnya di Kecamatan Maronge sebagai salah satu kecamatan yang telah dibentuk UPTD khusus untuk menangani urusan terkait ternak kerbau dan satu-satunya kecamatan yang memiliki pusat pembibitan ternak kerbau di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang pemberdayaan kepada peternak kerbau Sumbawa yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten  Sumbawa, khususnya di Kecamatan Maronge Kabupaten Sumbawa. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan operasionalisasi konsep pemberdayaan yang digunakan diadopsi dari pandangan Mardikanto (2015) yang menyatakan bahwa lingkup pemberdayaan itu paling tidak mencakup 4 dimensi yaitu Bina manusia, Bina Usaha, Bina Lingkungan, dan Bina Kelembagaan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pada teknik wawancara, dilakukan pemilihan sampel informan dengan teknik purpossive sampling. Teknik analisismya menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif naratif dan triangulasi sumber maupun triangulasi metode pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan telah dilaksanakan namun belum optimal karena masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan, seperti: 1) pembinaan pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan sikap kurang intensif dan masih perlu pendampingan yang kontinyu; 2) kurangnya akses informasi dan teknologi; 3) kurangnya pembangunan prasarana pendukung lainnya karena keterbatasan anggaran; dan 4) lemahnya kelembagaan dan jejaring kemitraan pada peternak mikro dan kurangnya inisiatif peternak akibat stimulasi program pemerintah. Direkomendasikan kepada Pemkab Sumbawa untuk: 1) meningkatkan frekuensi pelatihan dan dalam bentuk yang spesifik; 2) peningkatan akses informasi dan teknologi; 3) pengalokasian anggaran untuk pembangunan prasarana penunjang dan pemeliharaan bangunan; serta peningkatan kesadaran dan inisitaif peternak untuk peningkatan kelembagaan dan kemandirian

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