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Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Published by IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
ISSN : 08523185     EISSN : 26571803     DOI : -
Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Jurnal PARADIGMA menerbitkan artikel ilmiah dalam cakupan bidang pendidikan dalam lingkup Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya. Artikel yang dimuat adalah artikel hasil penelitian, kajian atau telaah ilmiah kritis dan komprehensif isu terkini. Paradigma mengundang para peneliti dan praktisi pendidikan untuk turut mengkaji isu-isu tersebut.
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Onomatopoeias and Word Play Found in Bilingual Children Story Books of Little Abid Series in Spiritual and General Values and Dongeng Dunia Binatang (Analysis of Translation Methods and Procedures) Enis Fitriani; Trisnian Ifianti
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1184


The bilingual children story books have distinctive characteristics, one of them is having onomatopoeia. This qualitative descriptive study aimed to determine the translation method and procedure used in translating onomatopoeia and word play in Little Abid Series in spiritual and general values (11 books) and Seri Dongeng Dunia Binatang (7 books). In Little Abid Series in spiritual and general values the onomatopoeias or word play were expressed in the book Jujur Itu Hebat (1), Aku Bangga pada Mereka (1), and Aku Rajin Mengaji (1). In Dongeng Dunia Binatang they were expressed in the book Bebek dan Burung Hantu (2), Semut dan Lebah (1), and Rusa yang Sombong (2). The translator of Little Abid Series and translator of Dongeng Dunia Binatang in translating onomatopoeias and word play used semantic method and functional equivalence procedure because the translators wanted to emphasize the understanding of the early age readers by using words that are simple and easy to understand. Therefore, the researchers suggests that the adaptation translation method can be used to translate children’s books since in order to give maximum benefit to the readers. It means that the translators must be more creative in arranging words in the target language.
Makna Simbolik Tokoh Gareng Bagi Masyarakat Milenial Edwardus Bernard Elvis Berty; Denny Firmanto
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1197


The focus of this study is to explore the richness of symbolic meanings in Gareng figures for the Millennial community. Gareng is one of the figures from the Punakawan group. Punakawan is a group of puppet characters whose role is less visible when compared to the famous Five Pandavas. Because Gareng's role is not very visible, the philosophical meanings of Gareng are somewhat "vague", especially in the Millennial era, which emphasizes individualism and wants to win alone. The method used in this paper is to observe the symbols in the Gareng character, especially from the perspective of Ernst Cassirer's symbol theory. This review has very rich meaning for the Javanese themselves, especially for the Millennial community. Through the character Gareng who is full of wisdom, he is always able to bring happiness to others. He is also believed to be a royal advisor, because of his wisdom. In a state of limbs which can be said to be "imperfect", he is always able to be a carrier of perfection through his nature, words of wisdom, and so on. Here it can be seen that the Gareng figure has a value that is so noble for community, especially the Millennial community.
Menerapkan Etika Tanggung Jawab Hans Jonas dalam Membangun Kesadaran Ekologis Masyarakat Sekitar Sungai Bengawan Solo Albertus Agung CP; Deny Firmanto
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1199


Disasters and environmental crises threaten the sustainability of life on earth. All living things, including humans, must face rapid and significant climate change. Indonesia as an agricultural and maritime country faces difficult challenges. The life of the Indonesian people still depends a lot on the natural resources available in the archipelago. However, the lifestyle of the people has not shown the existence of an ecological awareness. Environmental destruction activities continue to occur in the country to this day. One of the damaged ecosystems is the Bengawan Solo river. The result is a decrease in water quality and biodiversity in the Bengawan Solo river. The surrounding community needs to be aware of the importance of an ecosystem that supports life together. Hans Jonas offers a new form of ethics that can be a trigger for human consciousness. He found an ethics of responsibility that is oriented not only to the present but also to the future. The starting point of his ethics is the heuristic of fear. The purpose of this study is to apply the ethics of Hans Jonas in fostering the community around the Bengawan Solo river. This study proves that Hans Jonas' ethical responsibility is relevant to building community awareness around the Bengawan Solo river towards ecological living.
Akurasi Servis pada Permainan Bola Voli Antara Pengguna Teknik Servis Atas dan Servis Bawah pada Anggota IPPMASTI Malang Tria Muhamad Aris; Yulianto Dwi Saputro
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1273


Teknik dasar bola voli salah satunya adalah servis, yang berguna sebagai pukulan pembuka dalam pertandingan, namun servis yang efektif juga bisa menjadi serangan awal bagi tim pelaku servis. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui akurasi penggunaan servis atas dan servis bawah pada permainan bola voli. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif desain one-shot case study. Seluruh pemain bola voli putra dalam Ikatan Pemuda Pelajar Mahasiswa Sumba Timur (IPPMASTI) Malang, yang berjumlah 22 orang dijadikan populasi sampel. Observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi merupakan cara yang digunakan peneliti untuk mengumpukan data penelitian. Teknik analisis data meliputi uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan pengujian hipotesis (uji Independent Sample T-Test). Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Dari hasil uji Independent Sample T-Test diketahui nilai Sig. 2-tailed (0,002) < 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan jika terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan akurasi pada permainan bola voli antara yang menggunakan teknik servis atas dan servis bawah pada anggota IPPMASTI Malang
Struktur Kepribadian pada Aspek ID Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Di Balik Kabut Amnesia Karya Mira W. ARTIFA SORRAYA; Anita Kurnia Rachman
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1287


Abstract: Novel is one of the literary genres. Novels are in great demand by various groups. One of them is written by a senior author, the novel by Wira. W. Wira. W one of the Indonesian female novelists. One of Mira's romance novels. W, which was published on November 18, 2019, is a novel entitled Behind the Fog of Amnesia. This novel tells the story of a woman who experiences dissociative amnesia. This disease occurs because of an incident that makes the child disappear. The main character has difficulty distinguishing between his imagination and his religious life. During the experience of dissociative amnesia, his reality life is influenced by his imagination, when in fact it is not what the main character thinks. Therefore, the researcher chose to analyze the Id aspect in the main character. This research is a descriptive qualitative study using the psychoanalytic approach of Sigmund Freud.
Kontribusi Islam Terhadap Perkembangan Sains dan Teknologi Abad 21 Puji Rahayu; Mercy Aprilia Dyah Arini; Masyhuri Machfudz
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1318


ABSTRAK Islam merupakan agama yang dipilih oleh Allah sebagai agama terakhir dan sebagai rahmatan lil al-‘amin. Dalam konsep agama islam, Ilmu pengetahuan lahir sejak diciptakannya manusia pertama yaitu Adam AS. Dari rentetan sumbangsi ilmuwan-ilmuwan Muslim, mulai ilmu agama sampai kepada ilmu pengetahuan alam dari sini terlihat bahwa Islam sangat berjasa dalam rangka menyatukan akal dengan alam, menetapkan kemandirian akal, menetapkan keberadaan hukum alam yang pasti atas kehendak Allah SWT, serta telah mampu mendamaikan akal dengan iman dan filsafat dengan agama sedangkan bangsa Barat masih membuat stereotip yang memisahkan antara akal dan iman serta filsafat dengan agama. Bahkan di dunia ilmu hukum, hukum Islam juga tidak dapat dibantahkan turut serta memberikan kontribusi dalam pembentukkan dan perkembangan hukum di zaman modern saat ini. Kaitannya dengan pengembangan sains dan teknologi, Islam dengan al-Qur'an-nya merupakan induk dari semua sains dan teknologi yang telah berkembang, maupun yang belum ditemukan oleh manusia. Kata Kunci: Kontribusi, Islam, Sains, Teknologi
Hakikat Perkembangan Ontologi Pendidikan Aqidah dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu Dita Aulia Rahmah; Izzatin Nisa'; Masyhuri Machfudz
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1337


The islamic creed is based on faith and monotheism in Allah SWT. Noble morals come from faith, and if someone's faith is good, then noble morals will be awakened so that one's religious behaviour will be good. Education of aqidah is closely related to student behaviour levels, for example, the subject matter of speaking ethics, so in this material, students are taught how to speak to teachers, parents, and fellow friends. Thus, with regard to student discipline, students are accustomed to asking permission from the teacher when leaving or entering the classroom during the teaching and learning process. This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. The data source is taken from the documentation. In this study, the teacher applies the curriculum with programmed material and carries out evaluations to measure how much students understand the material taught.
Soekarno's Rhetorical Style Munawwir Hadiwijaya
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1346


This research looks at the rhetorical methods utilized by Soekarno, Indonesia's first president, at the "15th United Nations General Assembly on September 30, 1960, in New York." The goal of this research is to (1) determine which of Soekarno's speech methods he used., (2) the messages that he sends forth. To aid in data analysis, a descriptive qualitative design is used. The theories of Kenneth Burke and Aristotle are employed to comprehend and interpret the evidence. The precise information comes from Soekarno's speech, "To Build a New World." The data demonstrate that Soekarno employs both Burke's and Aristotle's beliefs. Soekarno employs the "pentad," which includes agent, scene, act, agency, and purpose, based on Burke's theory. Soekarno employs logical, emotional, and ethical appeals in accordance with Aristotle's theory.
Peremajaan Etika Keutamaan Aristoteles Yohanes Theo
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1348


Contemporary philosophy is known for its nuances of “the breakdown of the great narratives.” The thinkers of this era rejected ontotheology. An idea about the most basic and the highest in the discourse of logos. In other words, the contemporary era leads us to the nihilism, there is no moral values anymore, thereby rejecting ethics. However, Alasdair MacIntyre tried to dispel this notion byx rejuvenating a great ethical understanding of Aristotle, which he believes still has relevance for today's conditions. Maclntyre discusses three human characteristics that need to be used as a framework for understanding humans. The three understandings are practice, the characteristics of which must be carried out in the form of cooperation, contain internal values, have high standards, and can be expanded. Narrative order of a single human life, meaning the unity of a person’s life that shapes his life story and makes the activities he does throughout his life meaningful. The unity of the narrative does not causes fragmentation or detached phases without connection to one another in the conditions of modern enlightened society. Moral tradition, that everyone finds himself as part of a history. The tradition that Maclntyre refers to is not just a legacy of a dead past, but a tradition that is continuously lived through debate and discourse. Maclntyre pays attention to the qualities of the human person who want to be better. This self-quality is based on the narratives and traditions of each community.
Nilai Keislaman Dalam Tradisi 'Kenduren' Bagi Masyarakat Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang risda sufidiana; Izzatin Nisa'; Masyhuri Masyhuri
Paradigma: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya Vol 27 No 1 (2021): PARADIGMA: Jurnal Filsafat, Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Budaya
Publisher : IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33503/paradigma.v27i1.1351


Religion is a symbol of the value of obedience to the God. Culture also contains value and symbol so that humans can live in. According to Ahlusunnah Wal-jama'ah, the values of tradition and cultural is a character that have social attitudes in culture (socio-cultural); Tawassuth (moderate), Tasamuh (tolerant), and Tawazun (harmony). 'Kenduren’ is an annual tradition to express gratitude for blessing of the Bido Durians’ harvest in Wonosalam, Jombang. This study used descriptive qualitative research method and three approaches; data approach, the researcher perspective approach, and theoretical approach. It is found that the attitudes of Tawassuth, Tasamuh, and Tawazun are implemented in the tradition of 'Kenduren'. The indicators are all the people are welcome, respecting each other for the people who conducted grave pilgrimages, a good relationship between the government and the people in respecting the issues of status, position or group, that all of them are in the corridor of maqasid al-shariah.

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