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JURNAL EDUCAZIONE : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling
ISSN : 23546263     EISSN : 26544814     DOI :
Jurnal ini dikelolah oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Jember. Jurnal ini menerbitkan hasil-hasil karya inovasi dosen guru di Indonesia dalam mempublikasikan produk ilmu pengetahuan, pembelajran dan bimbingan dan konseling bagi masyarakat luas membutuhkan kemajuan kehidupan melalui sharing knowledge antara para akademisi. Jurnal educazione dilengkapi dengan ISSN: 2354-6263.
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Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei" : 9 Documents clear
Mengatasi Perilaku Maladjusment Melalui Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Pribadi Sosial (Studi Deskriptif SMA Darus Sholah Jember) Sitti Ernawati
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This research is based on the phenomenon that exists in SMA Darus Sholah Jember which shows a high level of maladjustment. The purpose of this study was to determine the forms of student maladjustment behavior. This research is descriptive qualitative which produces descriptive data as it happens in the field. By using the technique of observation, interviews, and documentation. Subjects in the study were students who experienced maladjustment. The data analysis technique used is interactive and takes place continuously. The implementation of personal social guidance and counseling includes basic services, individual planning, responsive services, system support. Student responses are positive, most students feel a slow but sure change towards well adjustment, although there are students who have not felt a significant impact. Keywords: Behavioral Maladjustment, Social Personal Guidance and Counseling
The Eighth Grade Students’ Writing Ability of Descriptive Text at SMPI Nurusshobah Mumbulsari Aan Nuriyandani; Imam Ghozali; Ribut Sabartono
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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Teaching writing is an important way for communication and also it helps us develop, organize and reinforce our thoughts. This research reports on an analysis of the eighth-grade students’ writing ability of descriptive text at SMPI Mumbulsari. 24 students were chosen as the sample. The method used in this study was descriptive research. The data from this research was collected from a writing test. It was found that the ability of the students in writing the descriptive text was in a fair category from the score. Based on the result, 1 student (Excellent), 7 students (Good), 10 students (Fair), 5 students (Poor), 1 student (Very Poor). Meanwhile, having to Analyze the students’ ability in each aspect of writing, it can be said was not quite satisfying. It can be know from the students’ mean score categorized as fair, and the students’ score based on the five aspects of the mechanic was low. Keywords: ability, descriptive text, writing skill
Penerapan Model Core untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Materi Balok Di MTs Miftahul Ulum Ita Ela Rizqiyatil Izza; Tri Novita Irawati; Sholahuddin Al Ayubi
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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The goal of this study was improving student activities and learning outcomes through the CORE learning model in block material for class VIII MTs Miftahul Ulum in the 2019/2020 school year. The type of research that researchers used was classroom action research. Which was the subject in this research were 22 students of class VIII MTs Miftahul Ulum Banyuanyar. Cassical initial observations of student learning outcomes only reached 59%, in cycle I, the percentage of classical student learning activities was 77% in the fairly active category and learning outcomes reached 77%. In cycle II, the percentage of classical student learning activities was 85% in the fairly active category, and the learning outcomes achieved 90% completeness. Of these success indicators, it could be concluded that learning with CORE model of student learning activities and student learning outcomes has increased for class VIII students of MTs Miftahul Ulum. Keywords: CORE model, activities, learning outcomes
Profil Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Daring pada Materi Matrik Laila Faiqotul Jannah; Sholahudin Al Ayubi; Muhlisatul Mahmudah
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This study aims to determine how the profile of students' mathematical communication skills in class XI IPA MA Ma'arif Ambulu in the online learning process on matrix material. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were 35 students of class XI IPA MA Ma'arif Ambulu. Whereas for a sample of 9 students. The data from this research were taken using interview, documentation and test methods. The results showed and proved that from a sample of 9 students of class XI IPA MA Ma'arif Ambulu regarding students' mathematical communication skills there was an increase after the online learning process. From the high level which initially had 3 students to 4 students, 3 students with moderate abilities increased to 4 students, and 3 students with low abilities decreased to 1 student. The online learning process with the WhatsApp group carried out regarding the profile of students' mathematical communication skills can be described accurately. Keywords:Communication Skills, Online Learning
The Analysis of Text to Text from Reading Comprehension Made by Junior High School Students Nasih Jadid Al Fithoni; Endah Nur Tjendani; Dyah Ayu Nughraheni
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This study is designed to analyze descriptive texts of junior high school. This research was conducted using discourse analysis method. By means of the researcher giving a descriptive text, then students are asked to read the text, then students are asked to write with their own language. The researchers analyzed the results of the student's writing on the language features and generic structure of the descriptive text. This study reveals the problems of students in writing descriptive text again in their own language. Where students have difficulty in the process of rewriting what they have read before, starting from word structure, grammar, and vocabulary. The findings of this study are to improve the data in the basic material of writing descriptive texts, especially in the fields of language and education. Keywords: descriptive text, generic structure, language features.
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Online terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis pada Siswa SMA Hariyanto
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This study aims to test and compare the effectiveness of online and offline learning on students' critical thinking skills. The sample selected as many as 252 students, who were selected based on the distribution of the balance of the number of students based on online and offline class learning. The sample was obtained from 8 schools in 2 cities, namely Situbondo and Probolinggo. The critical thinking skills rubric adapted from Zane (2013), which was developed by Facione (1990), consists of 6 indicators, namely (1) Interpretation, (2) Analysis, (3) Evaluation, (4) Conclusion, (5) Explanation, and (6 ) Metacognitive. ANOVA analysis was used to test the effect of online and offline learning on students' critical thinking skills by starting with the prerequisite test, namely the homogeneity test and normality test. The analysis showed that students who were given offline learning showed higher critical thinking skills compared to those who were given online learning. Hands-on activities and classroom activities have a significant influence on the development of student's critical thinking skills. Keyword: online learning, offline learning, critical thinking skill
Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis dalam Problem Solving Ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient Syaifur Rohman; Atikurrahman Atikurrahman; Saiful
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This qualitative descriptive study aims to analyze mathematical creative thinking skills in problem-solving in terms of the adversity quotient. The study was conducted on 23 third-semester students of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Ibrahim University. Collecting data using questionnaires, tests, interviews, and documentation. Questionnaire to determine the Adversity Quotient scale. A test to measure mathematical creative thinking skills. Data analysis in the form of induction and reduction theory. The results of the questionnaire showed 6 students (26%) quitters, 14 students (61%) campers, and 3 students (13%) climbers. The test results showed that 8 students (35%) were highly capable, 11 (48%) were moderate, and 4 (17%) were low. The results of the analysis show that the fluency criteria of students with the quitter type meet three problem-solving indicators. Flexibility criteria students with the camper type met all indicators but lacked detail, and originality criteria students with the climber type were able to fulfill all problem-solving indicators in detail. Keywords: mathematical creative thinking, problem-solving, adversity quotient
Persepsi Lingkungan Kerja dan Stress Kerja Karyawan di Pabrik Gula Jember Wahyuni
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This study involved 140 respondents. The results of the study show the coefficient value (r) of F = 9,654, with P = 0.000 (p < 0.01). This means that the hypothesis proposed by the researcher is accepted. Perceptions of the conditions of the work environment in this study are classified as positive, this was indicated by the empirical mean of 128.00 which was in the positive category, while the level of work stress in this study was relatively low, this was indicated by the results of the Z test of 75.8 which was located in the low category. The effective contribution of perceptions of the conditions of the work environment is 42.1% to the level of work stress in employees, which is indicated by an r2 of 0.421. This means that there are still 57.9% of other factors that affect the level of work stress of employees in the production division outside the variable perception of the conditions of the work environment. Keywords: work stress, perception, work environment
Upaya Meningkatkan Empati Kultural pada Siswa SMA Melalui Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Role Playing Dian Triana
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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Humans are social creatures who need the presence of other humans, in carrying out their roles on earth, humans will not be able to achieve what they want without the help of other humans. Role playing techniques introduce various important principles in social life, hone creativity and improve empathy and language skills. The purpose of this study was to increase cultural empathy between peers and help solve the problem of students' lack of empathy for other students of different cultures. The type of research used in this research was classroom action research which was carried out in two cycles. Every cycle consisting of planning , the act of , observation , and reflection .A subject of study consisting of student of class xii amounting to 12 students .This research result indicates that empathy students has increased significantly each siklusnya .So that it can be concluded that guidance role playing the technique can increase its cultural empathy at the different cultural. Keywords: group guidance, role playing method, empathy

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