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JURNAL EDUCAZIONE : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling
ISSN : 23546263     EISSN : 26544814     DOI :
Jurnal ini dikelolah oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Jember. Jurnal ini menerbitkan hasil-hasil karya inovasi dosen guru di Indonesia dalam mempublikasikan produk ilmu pengetahuan, pembelajran dan bimbingan dan konseling bagi masyarakat luas membutuhkan kemajuan kehidupan melalui sharing knowledge antara para akademisi. Jurnal educazione dilengkapi dengan ISSN: 2354-6263.
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Articles 7 Documents
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The Application of Multimedia Based Zello Walkie Talkie in Improving First Grade Students’ Speaking Skill at SMK Kesehatan Medika Farma Fahrur Roji; Dihliza Basya; Fatih Al - Fauzi
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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The objective of this research is to develop the application of multimedia based Zello Walkie Talkie as strategy to improve students’ speaking ability of first grade A students of SMK Kesehatan Medika Farma . The research design used is action research. The data of the study are in the forms of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process and interviewing the students of class XA. The procedures of the research were done through planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Based on the qualitative data, applying Zello Walkie Talkie media gave the students more chances to speak in English. These findings were also supported by the result of the students’ speaking scores. The mean improved to 79.6.  It indicates that they made a considerable improvement in some aspects of speaking skills such as pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. Keywords: zello walkie talkie, speaking ability
Peningkatan Pembelajaran Inquiri Berbantuan Mind Mapping untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar pada Pokok Bahasan Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel Di Kelas VIII MTs Miftahul Ulum Bawean Zubaidah Zubaidah; Sholahudin Al'ayubi
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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Learning activity in education, especially in formal education that takes place in school, is an active interaction between teachers and students. Based on research in class VIII MTs Miftahul Ulum, student learning activity is still relatively low, students always be neutral toward student achievement that is achieved and also less than maximum. Mastery of learning and absorption in class VIII, respectively were: 58,83, 56,83% and 58,83%. This study used inquiri instruction model with the help of mind mapping on the subject of SPLDV Purpose to improve learning achievement. This research used classroom action research (PTK) with cycle models. Based on the results of the study, the classical mastery reached 77.50% ≥ 75%. While in cycle II, there were 20 students that had been completed individually and 6 students who had not achieved complete individually. Moreover, generally the total mean of the class reached 87.50≥75%. Implementation of research on cycle II was also completed. Keywords : Inquiry learning assisted mind mapping, learning achievement
Aplikasi Dominating Set untuk Irigasi Sawah Muhlisatul Mahmudah
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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One of the theories developed in graph theory is the dominating set. Dominating set is a concept of determining the minimum point on the graph with the provision of a point as dominating set to reach the point that is around it. The smallest cardinality of the dominating set is called the domination number denoted by (G). Given graph G with point V and E side, let D be a subset of V. If each point of VD is adjacent at least one point from D, then D is said dominating set in graph G. Currently a lot of applications from dominating set, one of which is making irrigation fields. Wetland irrigation is needed to irrigate the rice fields so that the rice field is not short of water and can irrigate sufficiently, but it takes as little as possible for irrigation making in order to irrigate the rice field well. The research focuses on application of dominating set to rice field irrigation. Keywords: dominating sets, rice field irrigation
Pengaruh Penggunaan Internet Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di MA Ma’arif Ambulu Pada Kingdom Animalia Agung Budi Prasetyo; Siti Roudlotul Hikamah; Diah Sudiarti
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This research investigates the effect of the internet use on students’ learning achievement in MA Ma’arif Ambulu in the kingdom animalia, with respondents by two classes out of the same three classes. The sample was taken using purposive sampling technique. This study used a quasi eksperimental with a model nonequivalent control group design. The data were analyzed using independent sample t-test on the software spss v. 16.0, and Anates v4. to know the level of difficulty. The subjects of this research have the same capabilities, the biology subject to be taught, and the number of students in classroom. Experimental class used the internet as a source of learning and control class used a conventional method. According to the data analysis, it can be drawn the conclusion that there is significant effect of the use of internet on X grade students’ learning achievement at MA Ma’arif Ambulu. According to the data analysis Tcalculation is 7.594 by the experiment hypothesis using sig 0,00 value. Thus, we can conclude that hypothesis ha was accepted, meaning that there is siginificant effect of internet use on X grade students’ learning achievement because the value of Tcalculation  is 7.594. Keywords: learning achievement, internet use, learning source
An Analysis of English Spelling Error Through Dictation Test Made by Seventh Grade Students of Mts Baniy Kholiel Arinda Eka Utaminingrum; Dihliza Basya; Ribut Sabartono
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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This research aims to investigate English written spelling ability of students, with understanding types of spelling error, and causes of spelling error to prevent students with such repetition of error. Dictation test is used to test students' spelling ability. The subject of this research is seventh grade students of MTs Baniy Kholiel. There were 23 participants and 6 students as sample. The research used descriptive qualitative and error analysis as the research design. The data were collected through dictation test, interview and content analysis. The results found eight types of spelling error, such as; letter add 4%, letter omit 18,05%, transposition letter 0,39%, doubling letter 2,50% , vowel substitution 18,70%, consonant substitution 19,36%, change of word 10%, and missing word 28%. Causes of spelling error are students' weakness on vocabulary mastery, influence of L1, weak in phonological knowledge in stressing letter, blending sound, deletion of sound, and identifying sound in word. Weak in morphological knowledge such as: singular and plural form, and article (a/an and the), and less appropriate instruction of spelling ability in English. Keywords: Spelling error, dictation test, error analysis
Pengaruh Teknik Role Playing Terhadap Penurunan Bullying Verbal Dikelas VIIIB MTs Al-Ma’arif Wuluhan Arifin Nur Budiono; Muhammad Nur Salim
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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Bullying is defined as repeated aggression carried out by one or more people who aim to harm or disturb others physically, verbally or psychologically. Verbal bullying is a desire to harm or disturb other people in a non-physical manner which includes: 1) calling names of ridicule, 2) extortion, 3) threatening, 4) swear words, 5) taunting friends. This research was conducted in class VIIIb of MTs. Al-Ma'arif Wuluhan. This research used quantitative approach of a pre-experimental with one group pretest design. The population in this study was all eighth grade students of MTs. Al - Ma'arif Wuluhan and the sample was taken using purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used in this study were observations, interviews, and questionnaires which were then analyzed using the Wilcoxom test. The results of research on verbal bullying behavior has decreased from the role playing technique to verbal bullying behavior of class VIIIb MTs AL-MA'ARIF students. It can be seen from Z count (0, 186)> Z table (0.05) which means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Keyword: role playing, verbal bullying
Peningkatan Prestasi Siswa pada Materi Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup Menggunakan Video Animasi dengan Model Discovery Learning Kelas VII SMP Al - Maufi Tempurejo Cici Ilma Arijanah; Diah Sudiarti
Jurnal Educazione : Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan dan konseling Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Islam Jember

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The learning model is a need for learning in order to achieve success in the education process. The researcher conducted observations in class VII A of Al – Maufi Tempurejo junior high school. The data obtained shows that 47% of students' scores were less equal than 70 (≤70). This study aims to determine student achievement in learning the characteristics of living creatures using animated videos with Discovery Learning models. The type of research used is classroom action research (CAR) with cycle model. Based on the result of the study, the percentage of students’ achievement in the first and second cycles was 88,23%. While the students daily test result on the cycle I and II obtained an average of 89. This proves that using animated videos with discovery learning models can improve student achievement. Animated videos with discovery learning models are used to reduce saturation in the learning process. Keywords: Discovery learning model, learning achievement, animated video

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