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Journal of Law and Policy Transformation
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The published paper is the result of research, reflection, and criticism with respect to the themes of legal and policy issues contains full-length theoretical and empirical articles from national and international authorities which analises legal and policy development, reformation and transformation.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 239 Documents
Efektifitas Kewenangan dan Tanggung Jawab Pegawai Pencatat Nikah KUA Kota Tanjungpinang Elza Syarief; Utha Chuandra
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jlpt.v4i1.409


Submission of a marriage wish application is required to attach the requirements of the marriage document. Marriage Registration Officer who is given the authority of marriage registration attribution checks and examines the requirements that have been fulfilled according to the laws and regulations for marriage registration. But the reality is that after marriage registration, there are many marriages that are known to violate normative provisions and religious principles. This study uses a sociological juridical research method. As a result, there are still many types of marital law violations to be held accountable for these violations. In the event that there are known elements of marital law violations, there are 3 (three) forms of responsibility for Marriage Registrar, namely: administrative, criminal and civil liability.
Land Reform Melalui Pembatasan Penguasaan Tanah Febri Jaya
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Pembatasan penguasaan tanah untuk rumah tinggal bagi individu secara umum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria dan Undang-Undang Nomor 56 Prp Tahun 1960 Tentang Penetapan Luas Tanah Pertanian. Namun kedua regulasi tersebut belum memberikan ketentuan secara tegas mengenai pembatasan penguasaan tanah untuk rumah tinggal bagi individu. Kekosongan peraturan hukum mengenai pembatasan penguasaan tanah tersebut menyebabkan seseorang dapat secara bebas dan tanpa batas membeli rumah tinggal sehingga menyebabkan disparitas antara masyarakat yang berpenghasilan tinggi, menengah dan kecil. Guna menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan penelitian dengan jenis penelitian normatif melalui pendekatan undang-undang untuk mengisi kekosongan peraturan hukum yang ada di Indonesia karena secara yuridis obyek penelitian belum didapatkan pengaturan secara konkrit. Adapun jawaban atas permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah suatu tawaran pemikiran untuk mengisi kekosongan peraturan hukum melalui pendekatan kajian teori Negara Kesejahteraan (welfare state), teori keadilan yang dikemukan oleh John Rawls, dan teori hukum pembangunan yang dikemukakan oleh Mochtar Kusumaatmadja.
Kewenangan Badan Pengusahaan Batam pada Pengelolaan Lahan di Pulau Batam, Pulau Rempang dan Pulau Galang Khoirul Rosyadi
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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This research is to examine the literatures that can reveal the factors relating to the authority of BP Batam which is not effective in Rempang and Galang Island based on Law No. 44 of 2007 and the issuance of Government Regulation No. 46 Year 2007 on Free Trade and Free Port Island Batam. Based on various facts and data obtained, the researcher concludes that there is no obstacle relating to the implementation of the authority of BP Batam to immediately carry out its obligations in managing HPL in Rempang and Galang Island after the issuance of the certificate of HPL by the Land Agency (BPN). Penelitian ini berupaya menelaah literatur-literatur yang bisa mengungkapkan factor-faktor yang menyebabkan kewenangan BP Batam belum berjalan secara efektif di Pulau Rempang dan Pulau Galang sesuai, UU Nomor 44 Tahun 2007 dan diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2007 tentang Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Pulau Batam. Dari berbagai sumber literature dan juga fakta dan data yang diperoleh penulis berkeyakinan bahwa sebenarnya untuk saat ini sudah tidak ada kendala yang prinsipiil terkait dengan implementasi kewenangan BP Batam untuk segera menjalankan kewajibannya dalam mengelola HPL di Pulau Rempang dan Pulau Galang setelah diterbitkannya sertifikat HPL oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN).
Pemenuhan Hak Anak Atas Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi di Kota Batam Idilianti Idilianti
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jlpt.v5i1.811


Sexual growth on teenagers should be followed by sexual education. However, sexual education is still a polemic and a most debated topic among people. This research is a socio-legal research, thus it uses primary data supporte by secondary data. It was found that the implemention of children’s rights of sexual education based on the Government Decree Number 61 of 2014 on Reproduction Health at Batam City, particulaly in Public Health Center (PUSKESMAS) has not been effectively conducted. The obstacles faced by Public Health Center are limited resources, time, and budget. To overcome these obstacles, the research suggests that all relevant parties to get involved in implementing a comprehensive reproductive health education in accordance with the mandate of the Law and improving the skills of personnel resources, facilities and infrastructure relating to reproductive health education. In addition, an establishment of Regional Regulations and / or the decision of the Regional Head which requires a cross-agency coordination at the government so that the fulfillment of children's right to reproductive health education can be carried out in a comprehensive manner.
Analisis Yuridis Kontradiksi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Tenaga Kerja Asing dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan Julianto Julianto
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 3 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers intended to increase investment has caused controversy in the community, the purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the contradictions that occur with the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers for Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. This research is a normative research, the method used in this study is the collection of secondary data using books, journals, research results, internet searches and related regulations. Government continues to implement the Presidential Regulation with consideration as a step in accelerating the national and regional development process by accelerating the transfer of science and technology and increasing foreign investment to support the national economy and expand employment opportunities through increased investment.
Monopoli Asuransi Kecelakaan Penumpang di Terminal Ferry Internasional Teluk Senimba Harry Maivi Azwar
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The purpose of this research is to analyze clearly the agreement regarding the establishment of Accident Insurance Travellers / Passengers in the International Port of Senimba Gulf that are undertaken by the KPU by virtue of Law No. 5 of 1999 due to the problems of concluding personal accident insurance for passengers at the International Port of Senimba Gulf. The data collection was obtained by interviews and study of documents, legislation and the KPPU decisions. The research used a socio-legal method. The research results showed that legal protection should align with the legislation that aims to achieve the welfare of community. All the activities carried out by government and society or corporate body should be in accordance with the legislation. and principle. In practice they prohibit a monopoly and unfair competition. The Batam Authority is authorized to directly manage industrial development of Batam through the Presidential Decision. The Decision permits the Batam Authority, PT. Senimba Bay Resort, PT Jasa Raharja and PT Asuransi Jasaraharja Putera to conclude insurance agreement for travelers/ passengers in the International Port of Senimba Gulf. This results in monopoly of market share services and discrimination against other insurance companies. Hence, the KPPU indicates that the Batam Authority has violated Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Ban of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. === Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dan menguraikan secara jelas tentang perjanjian yang dilakukan untuk penetapan Asuransi Kecelakaan Diri Wisatawan/Penumpang di Pelabuhan Inernasional Teluk Senimba, implikasi yang dilakukan oleh KPPU berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 terhadap permasalahan penutupan asuransi kecelakaan diri wisatawan/penumpang di Pelabuhan Internasional Teluk Senimba. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi dokumen, peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode Yuridis Sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlindungan hukum sangat penting dimana harus sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku bertujuan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat. Semua kegiatan yang dilakukan pemerintah maupun masyarakat atau badan usaha harus sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, prinsipnya, dalam hal ini melarang suatu praktik Monopoli dan persaingan yang tidak sehat. Otorita Batam yang diberi wewenang langsung mengelolah pengembangan industri Kota Batam yang melalui putusan presiden memberikan fasilitas Otorita Batam, PT. Senimba Bay Resort, PT Jasa Raharja dan juga PT Asuransi Jasaraharja Putera yang melakukan perjanjian Penutupan Jasa Asuransi Kecelakaan Wisatawan/Penumpang di Pelabuhan Internasional Teluk Senimba. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya penguasaan pasar jasa dan diskriminasi terhadap perusahaan asuransi lain. Oleh karena itu, KPPU mengindikasikan adanya pelanggaran Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.
Kajian Yuridis Pembentukan Badan Usaha Pelabuhan Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Teuku Irvan
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 3 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Kondisi wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau didominasi oleh perairan laut karena sekitar 408.205 kilometer persegi atau sekitar 96% dari luas wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau merupakan bentangan lautan. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembentukan Badan Usaha Pelabuhan, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pembentukan Badan Usaha Pelabuhan dan penyelesaian permasalahan terhadap kendala tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum sosiologis dengan menganalisis data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa Provinsi Kepulauan Riau telah mempunya Badan Usaha Pelabuhan dengan nama PT. Pelabuhan Kepri. Namun memiliki kendala terkait pembangunan pelabuhan dan lokasi. Penyelesaian terhadap masalah tersebut adalah meminta agar pemerintah pusat menghibahkan asestnya kepada pemerintah daerah (Provinsi Kepulauan Riau). Pemerintah daerah seharusnya membangun pelabuhan tersebut secara bertahap.
Penerapan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak pada Kapal Ferry Internasional di Kota Batam Yenny Yenny
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 1 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The Porth Health Office Class I of Batam , a technical unit of the Ministry of Health is responsible to the Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Sanitation in carrying out their duties, has an obligation to implement the Government Regulation Number 21 of 2013 concerning The Type and Rate of The Non Tax Revenue that is applied in the Ministry of Health. In the application of the Government Regulation, which became effective since June 2013, there was resistance from the international ferry companies in Batam, as the object of the Regulation. This resulted in the failure to pay obligations of non tax revenue by the object state revenues, so that the financial records of the Porth Health Office Class I Batam are categorized as non tax revenue. In this research, the researcher conducted a sosiological research to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of a rule of law, in particular linking it to the effectiveness of the theory of law and progressive legal theory. The Researcher found and concluded that the application of the Government Regulation is not effective. It is suggested to revise the Regulation by involving the participation of ferry service users and Porth Health Office Class I Batam as a regulator. === Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas I Batam (KKP Kelas I Batam) sebagai unit pelaksana teknis di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan yang berada di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan, dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, juga mempunyai kewajiban untuk melaksanakan peraturan pemerintah 21 Tahun 2013 Tentang Jenis Dan Tarif Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Yang berlaku Pada Kementerian Kesehatan. Akan tetapi, dalam penerapan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 tahun 2013, yang efektif diberlakukan sejak Juni 2013, beberapa penolakan terjadi dari pengguna jasa. Penolakan khususnya terjadi dari operator ferry Internasional di Batam, sebagai objek dari Peraturan Pemerintah ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya gagal bayar kewajiban PNBP oleh objek PNBP, sehingga dalam catatan pembukuan keuangan KKP Kelas I Batam, terdapat Piutang PNBP. Dalam tulisan ini, peneliti melakukan penelitian hukum sosiologis terhadap efektifitas penerapan sebuah aturan perundang-undangan, khususnya dihubungkan dengan teori Efektifitas Hukum dan Teori Hukum Progressif. Peneliti menemukan dan menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21 tahun 2013 di pelabuhan ferry internasional tidak efektif. Peneliti merekomendasikan dilakukannya revisi atas Peraturan Pemerintah ini dengan melibatkan peran serta penguna jasa dan KKP sebagai regulator.
Implementasi Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kapal Kapal yang Berlabuh (Drop Anchor) di Wilayah Perairan Batam Awang Sasongko
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 4 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jlpt.v4i2.680


The main purpose of this research is to understand the role of Syahbandar in the execution of shipping activities in sea freight in territorial waters according to "Act Number 17 of 2008" about shipping in Indonesia. The formulation of the problem consists of: (1) What is the minimum operating standard that must be owned by a ship that is anchored ? ; (2) Who has the highest authority in maintaining the safety and security of anchored ship ? ; (3) Has "Act Number 17 of 2008" been implemented correctly ? The method used in the research is juridical-sociological approach in the form of field survey and direct interviews with Stakeholder. The type of data used in the research is descriptive analysis method to solve the problem at hand.
Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima oleh Kewenangan Pemko Batam Rufinus Hotmaulana Hutauruk; Jepri Medi
Journal of Law and Policy Transformation Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The purpose of this research was to determine the authority of Batam City government in policing street vendors which stand on the land rights of exploitation of Batam Concession Entity. It is also to determine what factors impede the Batam City Government in policing street vendors which stand on the land rights of exploitation of Batam Concession Entity. The results of this research concludes that the Batam City Government has a mandatory authority in policing street vendors which stand on the land rights of the land management exploitation Batam. The factors impede the Batam City Government in policing street vendors arise from the duality of authority on the tenure rights to land. The solutions suggested is that the Batam Government City should take action to streamline the implementation eventually make an act of synergy between the parties government took office with government officials. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kewenangan Pemko Batam dalam penertiban pedagang kaki lima yang berdiri di atas lahan hak pengelolaan BP Batam, untuk mengetahui Faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi Hambatan Bagi Pemko Batam dalam penertiban pedagang kaki lima yang berdiri di atas lahan hak pengelolaan Lahan Badan Pengusahaan Batam Batam dan untuk mengetahui solusi apa yang dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Batam dalam Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima yang Berdiri di Atas Lahan Hak Pengelolaan Lahan Badan Pengusahaan Batam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Kewenangan Pemko Batam dalam Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Atas Lahan Hak Pengelolaan Badan Pengusahaan Batam menjadi kewenangan wajib yang harus dilakukan.