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MDJ (Makassar Dental Journal)
ISSN : 20898134     EISSN : 25485830     DOI : 10.35856/mdj
Core Subject : Health,
The journal receives a manuscript from the following area below Dentistry science and development with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach: Dental Public Health and Epidemiology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Conservation and Endodontics Preventive Dentistry Biomedical Dentistry Dental Radiology Pediatric Dentistry Oral Pathology Prosthodontics Traumatology Oral Biology Biomaterials Orthodontics Periodontics
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Content of Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022 MDJ
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.495


Comparison of design of removable partial denture with conventional technique and computer-aided system: Perbandingan pembuatan desain gigi tiruan sebagian lepas dengan teknik konvensional dan sistem computer-aided Melisa
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.496


In the last few decades, digital dentistry based on computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) has been increasingly discussed. The use of CAD/CAM for the manufacture of fixed dentures shows a high success rate. Currently, CAD/CAM for the manufacture of removable partial dentures (RPD) has also been used in several studies. Several studies have been conducted to determine the level of accuracy and suitability of the manufacture of RPD made conventionally and CAD/ CAM systems, but there are still differences in results. Therefore, in this literature review, it will be discussed the comparison of the accuracy and suitability of conventionally made RPD and CAD/CAM systems.
Antibacterial effectiveness of moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) nanoparticle paste with different concentration against Enterococcus faecalis: Efektivitas antibakteri pasta nanopartikel daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) dengan konsentrasi berbeda terhadap Enterococcus faecalis Juni Jekti Nugroho; Fanny Ayu Elfira
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.497


Background: Endodontic is a treatment that aims to eliminate bacteria from the root canal system. One of the bacteria that causes root canal treatment failure is Enterococcus faecalis. Chemomechanical preparation and root canal irrigation are not sufficient to eliminate bacteria completely, so root canal medication is necessary to make it more efficient. Moringa leaves contain tannins, flavonoids and saponins which have antibacterial properties. Objective: To determine whether moringa leaf nanoparticle paste had antibacterial effectiveness against the bacterium E.faecalis. Method: Experimental laboratory with posttest with control group design with Kirby-Bauer method. The sample consisted of moringa leaf nanoparticles with concentrations of 1% and 2.5%, calcium hydroxide and aquadest with each of them being repeated 3 times. The diameter of the inhibition zone was de-termined based on the inhibitory ability of the bacteria saturated on MHA agar media. Results: the result showed that the ave-rage diameter of the inhibition zone of moringa leaf nanoparticle paste with concentrations of 1% was 8.48 mm, 2.5% was 9.17 mm and calcium hydroxide was 10.2 mm. Data processing showed that the 2.5% moringa leaf nanoparticle paste group had the same antibacterial effect as the calcium hydroxide group. Conclusion: Moringa leaf nanoparticle paste (Moringa oleifera) with concentrations of 1% and 2.5% was quite effective in inhibiting the growth of E.faecalis.
Prevalence of impacted third maxillary molar tooth with skeletal malocclusion reviewed from cephalometric imaging in RSGM Kandea and Ladokgi Makassar year 2016-2019: Prevalensi impaksi gigi molar ketiga rahang atas disertai maloklusi skeletal ditinjau dari gambaran sefalometri di RSGM Unhas dan Ladokgi Makassar tahun 2016-2019 Barunawaty Yunus; Kenrico John Nursalim; Andi Sumidarti
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.498


Background: Radiography is an inseparable part of dentistry, one of which is cephalometric techniques. Impacted tooth is a con-dition of the tooth that cannot erupt completely; whereas malocclusion is a mismatch between the two jaws. Objective: To de-termine the prevalence of maxillary third molars with skeletal malocclusion at Hasanuddin University Hospital and Ladokgi Ma-kassar Hospital. Methods: This descriptive observational research used total sampling research design. The population are all cephalometric radiographic data of patients aged 17-30 years collected from medical record data years 2016-2019. The data are processed in tables. Results: A total of 45 (56.3%) samples were impacted and 35 (43.8%) samples were not impacted. Class I skeletal malocclusion is the most common in all impaction cases and women are more prevalence than men. The group of 20-22 years was the most affected sample. The most common angulation is distoangular. Conclusion: Maxillary third molar im-paction with skeletal malocclusion was more common in women, in the age group 20-22 years, with the most impacted angulati-on being distoangular. Class I skeletal malocclusions were the most common in the sample, followed by Class II, and Class III.
The effect of dental X-ray on the cells of the human body: Pengaruh radiasi kedokteran gigi terhadap sel tubuh manusia Sarianoferni; Eha Renwi Astuti
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.499


Diagnostic radiology supports the detection of diseases and disorders in the oral cavity, disease progression, and treatment plan-ning, which is indispensable in the field of dentistry. Improvements in imaging technology have consequently increased the use of radiography. The effective dose is relatively low, but the need for repeated radiographic examinations results in an increase in the total dose received. This repeated increases the reception of radiation doses for both patients and workers. This paper reviews the ability of X-rays to penetrate solid objects for diagnostic purposes and the biological effects they cause on human cells. Dental X-ray radiation has many benefits but also has the potential to interfere with the health of cells and tissues. Its use must be ma-naged properly and carefully. Radiation protection procedures for patients, radiographers, and the surrounding environment should be a major concern.
Comparison of calcium levels in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and the other type of vertigo: Perbandingan kadar kalsium pada penderita benign paroxysmal positional vertigo dan jenis vertigo lainnya Andi Kurnia Bintang; Marina Musyawwirina; Muhammad Iqbal Basri
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.500


Introduction: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is commonly found in older women; caused by the presence of otoconia in semicircular canals, which will stimulate the ampulla. Degeneration of otoconia and abnormal calcium metabolism could contribute to BPPV. This study aims to find a difference in serum calcium levels between idiopathic BPPV and non-BPPV vertigo patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study was held in Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital in Makassar from August to October 2019. Subjects who fulfilled the criteria were divided into two groups (BPPV and non-BPPV). Venous blood was taken to obtain serum calcium levels. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 21. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used to determine the relationship between variables. Result: As many as 45 subjects were grouped into BPPV (n=30) and non-BPPV (n=15). Majority of subjects were female (n=30). Mean serum calcium level was significantly lower in BPPV group (8.51±0.67 vs 8.9±0.63; p=0.023). Area under curve of serum calcium level according to vertigo type was 22.4% (p<0.05). Optimal cut-off point for serum calcium level was 8.55 (p=0.024). Discussion: Majority of subjects in this study were females between 40-60 years old. Patients with BPPV tend to have lower serum calcium levels. Possible underlying me-chanisms include estrogen deficiency, otoconial degeneration, vitamin D deficiency, lack of sunlight, and abnormal calcium me-tabolism. Examination of serum calcium level and calcium supplementation could be considered for these patients. Some factors that affect serum calcium level were not considered in this study. It was concluded that examination of serum calcium level and calcium supplementation could be considered for patients with BPPV.
Xerostomia as a potential condition in patients Covid-19 with tetanus: A Case report: Serostomia sebagai kondisi potensial pada penderita Covid-19 disertai tetanus: Laporan kasus Alamsyah Piliang; Dewi Zakiawati; Nanan Nur'aeny
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.501


Introduction: Xerostomia is a dry mouth condition caused by many factors, including the potential of neuroinvasiveness and neurotropism from severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov-2). Tetanus causes muscle spasm, rigidity, and also as a risk factor for xerostomia. Objective: To discuss the pathogenesis of xerostomia in patients with coronavirus di-sease-2019 (Covid-19) and tetanus. Case: A 66-year-old male was referred to Oral Medicine Department from Neurology De-partment. Extraoral showed dry and exfoliative lips. Intraoral showed one finger mouth opening, a brownish plaque in dorsum of tongue, no saliva pooling in floor of mouth. Polymerase chain reaction SARS-Cov-2 was positive. Patient was diagnosed with xerostomia. Management: Cleaning the oral cavity with gauze moistened of 0.9% NaCl and 0.12% chlorhexidine diglu-conate, and applying the vaseline album on lips. Conclusion: The pathogenesis of xerostomia is an important factor as po-tential consequence of patients with Covid-19 and tetanus due to damage the angiotensin converting enzyme-2. Keywords: xerostomia, Covid-19, tetanus, angiotensin converting enzyme-2
Lifestyle potential against recurrent intraoral herpes recurrence rate: a case series: Potensi gaya hidup terhadap tingkat kekambuhan recurrent intraoral herpes: serial kasus Ani Megawati; Wahyu Hidayat
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.503


Introduction: Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) is the virus that most often infects the oral cavity. HSV-1 in the latent phase migrates to the trigeminal ganglion after primary infection and can reactivate to cause recurrent intraoral herpes (RIH). The recurrence of RIH is multifactorial and triggered by decreased immunity, fatigue, hypersensitivity, stress, and ultraviolet. Case: Three male patients came to the Oral Disease Clinic with ulcers in the oral cavity. The patients experienced prodromal symptoms and the characteristic features of RIH were multiple rounded ulcers spreading and surrounded by erythematous areas. Anti-HSV-1 IgG examination showed reactive results. Management: The therapy was acyclovir and trigger factor modifica-tion. The oral lesions of all patients recovered after therapy and there were no new lesions. Conclusion: Lifestyle and habits have a high potential to be a triggering factor for RIH recurrence, so comprehensive treatment is needed to prevent recurrence.
Impact of maloclusion on quality of life in adolescent: a literature review: Dampak maloklusi terhadap kualitas hidup anak usia remaja: sebuah kajian literatur Donald R. Nahusona; Rika Damayanti Syarif; Nurfadillah Panggalo
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.504


National Basic Health Research of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia in 2018 stated that 57.6% of the Indonesian population suffered from dental and oral health problems and only 10.2% of the population receives care and treatment from dental health personnel. One of the dental and oral health problems that are often encountered in the community is malocclu-sion. Malocclusion has a great impact on both individuals and society in terms of quality of life, anxiety, functional limits, and emotional conditions. Adolescence is an important stage in human life where appearance is an important and influential factor in social interaction. It is concluded that malocclusion has an impact on the quality of life in adolescent. The decrease in quality of life was more pronounced starting in malocclusion with severe criteria until more severe criteria Key words: adolescents, malocclusion, occlusion, oral health, quality of life
The caries pattern of tooth surface of children at SDN Mangaran 2 in Kebun Renteng, Jember Regency: Pola karies berdasarkan lokasi permukaan gigi anak SDN Mangaran di wilayah Kebun Renteng Kabupaten Jember Qatrin Yulia Safitri; Roedy Budirahardjo; Niken Probosari; Sulistiyani
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v11i1.505


Objective: To determine the caries pattern of tooth surface of children at SDN Mangaran 2 in Kebun Renteng Jember. Methods: Descriptive observational with a cross sectional approach. The sample were students of class I-III totaling 38 students with a total sampling technique. The data were discussed descriptively and presented in tabular form. Results: Caries in primary teeth was more common on the mesial surface and the least on the facial or buccal surface; whereas caries in permanent teeth was more common on the occlusal surface. Conclusion: The mesial surface is the most caries-prone surface in primary teeth, while in permanent teeth it is the occlusal surface

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