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Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan ITB merupakan jurnal resmi yang dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Jurnal ini mencakup seluruh aspek ilmu Teknik Lingkungan sebagai berikut (namun tidak terbatas pada): pengelolaan dan pengolahan air bersih, pengelolaan dan pengolahan air limbah, pengelolaan dan pengolahan persampahan, teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan, pengelolaan dan pengolahan udara, kebijakan air, serta kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.
Articles 438 Documents
ANALISIS KEMAUAN MEMBAYAR TAP WATER DENGAN METODE CONTINGENT VALUATION METHOD (CVM) DI ITB KAMPUS GANESHA Aulia Fauziah Lu’ayi; Isna Nufussilma Tamas; Ulfah Anisah; Helmya Hilda P.F; Widyastuti Kusuma Wardhani
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Abstrak: Kampus ITB Ganesha sudah memiliki fasilitas tap water yang diresmikan pada tahun 2005. Adanya tap water diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap pengadaan dan pemanfaatan air bersih dan mengurangi timbulan sampah plastik kemasan air minum. Untuk menilai kesadaran mahasiswa terhadap pentingnya pemanfaatan dan pengadaan air bersih serta dampak lingkungan, perlu dilakukan studi valuasi terhadap public goods tersebut dengan menilai kesediaan membayar (Willingness to Pay). Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). Pelaksanaan studi dilakukan dengan melibatkan 7 Tim dengan metode kuesioner. Analisis statistika data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemodelan regresi logistik. Hasil studi menyatakan bahwa penentuan biaya air minum (tap water) yang dilakukan mencapai kriteria 90%-10% melalui bidding games adalah dengan pembagian layer menjadi 5, yaitu:  Layer 1 sebesar Rp 75.000,-; Layer 2 sebesar Rp 200.000,-; Layer 3 sebesar Rp 350.000,-; Layer 4 sebesar Rp 500.000,-; dan  Layer 5 sebesar Rp 650.000,-. Variabel independen signifikan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% yaitu: Pendapatan, Frekuensi membeli AMDK, Kesediaan minum dari TAP Water, dan Harga bidding yang ditawarkan. Nilai WTP yaitu sebesar Rp. 466.000,-/mahasiswa/semester. Contingency Value (CV) per semester sebesar Rp 9.905.762.000,00. Dengan asumsi penambahan mahasiswa baru ITB per tahun sebanyak 4500, maka penambahan CV per tahun diperoleh sebesar Rp,00. Kata kunci: Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), public goods, tap water, Willingness to Pay (WTP)  Abstract: The ITB Ganesha campus has a tap water facility that was inaugurated in 2005. Tap water is expected to provide a good impact on procurement and utilization of clean water and reduction of  the plastic bottle accumulation. To assess the awareness of students on the importance of utilization and procurement of clean water and environmental impacts, the study of valuation of the public goods should be evaluated by assessing the willingness to pay (WTP) of students. The method used in this study is the CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). The study was conducted by involving 7 teams and done by questionnaire. Statistical data analysis is done by logistic regression modeling. The results of the study stated that the determination of drinking water costs (tap water) through Bidding Games reached criteria of 90%-10% dividing in several layers, namely: Layer 1 by Rp 75,000,-; Layer 2 by Rp 200,000,-; Layer 3 by Rp 350,000,-; Layer 4 by Rp 500,000,-; and Layer 5 by Rp 650,000,-. In this study the significant independent variable with a confidence interval of 95% are: revenue, frequency of buying AMDK, the willingness to drink from TAP Water, and the bid price offered. The value of WTP is Rp. 466.000,-/student/semester. The value of Contingency Value (CV) per semester is Rp 9,905,762,000.00. Assuming the addition of the freshman of ITB per year as 4500 students, the addition of CV per year is obtained at Rp 2,097,000,000.00. Keywords: Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), public goods, tap water, Willingness to Pay (WTP)
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Abstrak. Air limbah domestik yang mengandung senyawa organik dapat berpotensi mencemari lingkungan dan menyebabkan eutrofikasi bila tidak diolah. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi kandungan organik dari air limbah adalah dengan menggunakan IPAL yang memanfaatkan proses biologi. Proses biologi dinilai baik karena kandungan organik dari air limbah dapat berguna untuk pertumbuhan mikroba, operasionalnya murah, dan tidak menghasilkan produk sampingan yang berbahaya. Teknologi pengolahan air limbah secara konvensional umunya menggunakan prinsip pertumbuhan mikroba tersuspensi, adapun perkembangan teknologi pengolahan dewasa ini mengarah pada prinsip pertumbuhan mikroba terlekat, termasuk diantaranya adalah teknologi imobilisasi mikroba. Penggunaan mikroba terimobilisasi ini dinilai memiliki kelebihan yaitu konsentrasi selnya yang tinggi dan mampu berinteraksi dengan lingkungan ekstrim. Pada penelitian ini dibuat imobilisasi mikroba dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan kadar organik dari air limbah domestik, dengan 3 macam variasi penggunaan mikroba terimobilisasi sebanyak 3 g, 6 g, dan 9 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaktor dengan mikroba sebanyak 3 g, 6 g, dan 9 g mampu menurunkan kandungan organik COD dengan efisiensi sebesar 81,3%, 87,5%, dan 87,5%; BOD sebesar 83,96%, 93,75%, dan 93,34%; dan amonia sebesar 71,14%, 75,31%, dan 78,29%. Mikroba campuran yang terjerat dalam matriks alginate serta lama penyimpanan matriks tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah dan viabilitas sel mikroba. Kata kunci: alginat, imobilisasi, kultur campuran, limbah domestic, senyawa organik  Abstract. Domestic wastewater that contains organic compounds can potentially pollute the environment and cause eutrophication if not treated. One effort to reduce the organic content of wastewater is to use WWTP which utilizes biological processes. Biological processes are considered good because the organic content of wastewater can be useful for microbial growth, is inexpensive and does not produce harmful byproducts. Conventional wastewater treatment technology generally uses the principle of suspended microbial growth, while the development of treatment technology today leads to the principle of embedded microbial growth, including microbial immobilization technology. The use of immobilized microbes is considered to have advantages, namely high cell concentration and being able to interact with extreme environments. In this study microbial immobilisation was made with the aim of reducing organic content from domestic wastewater, with 3 variations of the use of immobilized microbes of 3 g, 6 g, and 9 g. The results showed that reactors with microbes of 3 g, 6 g and 9 g were able to reduce the organic content of COD with efficiencies of 81.3%, 87.5%, and 87.5%; BOD of 83.96%, 93.75% and 93.34%; and ammonia at 71.14%, 75.31% and 78.29%. Mixed microbes that are trapped in the alginate matrix and the length of storage of the matrix have no significant effect on the number and viability of microbial cells. Keywords: Alginate, domestic wastewater, immobilization, mixed culture, organic compound
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Abstrak: Dalam industri pertambangan mineral, smelter merupakan bagian dari proses produksi, mineral yang ditambang dari alam biasanya masih tercampur dengan material lainnya sehingga membutuhkan pengolahan lebih lanjut. Studi kasus yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah salah satu perusahan pertambangan nikel di Sulawesi Selatan yang mempunyai fasilitas pengolahan smelter terpadu untuk memproduksi nikel matte memberikan banyak dampak bagi para stakeholder terutama untuk lingkungan. Dampak tersebut adalah emisi berupa debu/abu dan gas NOx, CO dan SOx sehingga memerlukan alat pengendalian emisi. Perusahaan telah melengkapi setiap prosesnya dengan berbagai alat pengendalian emisi terutama dengan jenis pengendalian partikulat dan gas. Analisis biaya manfaat digunakan untuk menghitung relevansi biaya dan manfaat yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas smelter pengolahan nikel terhadap para stakeholder yaitu Perusahaan, pemerintah, masyarakat serta lingkungan sekitar. Hasil valuasi ekonomi lingkungan terhadap daerah dampak smelter yaitu Kecamatan Nuha dan Danau Matano bernilai Rp 690,981,051,000.00 yang menjadi komponen manfaat eksternal dalam perhitungan rasio biaya manfaat. Didapatkan nilai manfaat total sebesar Rp 1,113,186,993,242.54 dan nilai biaya total Rp 1,040,441,890,033.89 dengan nilai rasio manfaat biaya sebesar 1.07 yang berarti smelter nikel Perusahaan tersebut mempunyai manfaat dan layak untuk diusahakan. Kata kunci: analisis biaya manfaat, smelter nikel, ekonomi lingkungan, valuasi ekonomi lingkungan.  Abstract: In the mineral mining industry, the smelter is part of the production process, a mineral mined from nature usually is mixed with other materials that require further processing. Case Study for the research is a nickel mining company in South Sulawesi which has an integrated smelter processing facility to produce nickel matte, leave much impact for stakeholders, especially to the environment. These impacts are emissions of dust/ash and gas NOx, CO and SOx that require emission control equipment. PT. Vale Indonesia has equipped each process with various emission control equipment, especially with the kind of control particulates and gas.Cost benefit analysis used to calculate the relevance of the costs and benefits generated by the activity of smelter processing of nickel to the stakeholders, namely the company itself, the government, society and the surrounding environment. The results of the economic valuation of the environmental impact of the smelter area the District Nuha and Lake Matano worth Rp 690,981,051,000.00 that are components of external benefits in the calculation of benefit cost ratio. Total benefit value obtained Rp 1,113,186,993,242.54 and value of the total cost of Rp 1,040,441,890,033.89 the cost benefit ratio of the value of 1.07, which means the nickel smelter of the company has benefits and worth to be efforted. Keywords: cost benefit analysis, nickel smelter, enviromental economic, enviromental economic valuation.
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 26 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Abstrak: Pencemaran udara merupakan salah satu permasalahan kota metropolitan seperti DKI Jakarta. Pemantauan kualitas udara DKI Jakarta sepanjang tahun 2018 - 2019 oleh AirVisual dengan parameter kritis PM2,5 menunjukkan kondisi tidak sehat. Debu partikulat berukuran lebih kecil 2,5 mikron (PM2,5) sebagai salah satu polutan dari emisi yang dapat masuk dan menembus sistem saluran pernapasan manusia dan terikat darah melalui pertukaran gas pada alveolus paru sehingga dapat menyebabkan deposit pada alveolus dan mengakibatkan kerusakan sel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis risiko kesehatan pada pedagang kaki lima karena adanya PM2,5 pada kondisi realtime. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah observasi dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan. Pengukuran berat badan, waktu pajanan harian, frekuensi pajanan dan lama pajanan diukur dari 60 pedagang kaki lima berjenis kelamin pria yang bekerja di bawah Flyover Pasar Pagi Asemka Jakarta Barat. Pasar Pagi Asemka Jakarta Barat merupakan sebuah area perdagangan yang berdekatan dengan jalan yang ramai.  Konsentrasi polutan PM2,5 di udara ambien diperoleh dari data pemantauan AirVisual di Mangga Besar yang berlangsung selama 24 jam selama 7 hari. Estimasi risiko kesehatan dinyatakan dalam Risk Quotient (RQ) berdasarkan intake risk agent dan dosis referensinya (RfC). Pemantauan konsentrasi PM2,5 sebesar 35,1 µg/Nm3 pada kondisi minimum, 116 µg/Nm3 pada kondisi maksimum, dan dengan rata-rata 56,71 µg/Nm3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan RQ<1 dalam pajanan realtime dapat diterima. Namun harus diwaspadai adanya perubahan iklim, kondisi alam dan peningkatan aktivitas lalulintas. Oleh karena itu upaya pemantauan, pengawasan, maupun pembinaan oleh pihak pemerintah akan sangat dibutuhkan untuk meminimalisir adanya gangguan kesehatan serta menanam pohon-pohon yang dapat menyerap polutan udara di sekitar jalan raya. Kata kunci: polusi udara; efek kesehatan; Asemka; pedagang; PM2,5 Abstract: Air pollution is one of the problems of metropolitan cities like DKI Jakarta. During 2018-2019, air quality monitoring of DKI Jakarta by AirVisual with critical parameters PM2.5 showed an unhealthy condition. Particulate matter sized less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) as one of the pollutants from emissions could enter and penetrate the human respiratory system and bound to blood by the gas exchange, caused deposits in the pulmonary alveoli and cell damage. The purpose of this study was to analyze the health risks of street vendors due to the presence of PM2.5 in real-time conditions. This research was an observation using the Health Risk Analysis method. Researchers collected data by measuring body weight, daily exposure time, frequency of exposure and duration of exposure of 60 male street vendors who worked under the Pasar Pagi Asemka Flyover in West Jakarta. Pasar Pagi Asemka is a trading area located near a busy road. PM2.5 concentrations in ambient air were obtained from AirVisual monitoring data in Mangga Besar, which lasts 24 hours for seven days. Health risk estimation was stated in Risk Quotient (RQ) based on the intake of risk agent and the reference dose (RfC). PM2.5 concentration monitoring showed 35.1 µg/m3 at minimum conditions and 116 µg/m3 at maximum conditions with an average of 56.71 µg/m3. The results showed that RQ<1 in real-time exposure was acceptable. However, we must be aware of climate change, natural conditions and increased traffic activity. Therefore, efforts to monitor, supervise, and provide guidance by the government will be urgently needed to minimize health problems and to plant trees that can absorb air pollutants around the highway. Keywords: air pollution; health effect; Asemka; street vendors; PM2.5
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Control Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) In CV C-Maxi Alloycast Dewi Masri -
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 28 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


CV C-Maxi Alloycast is a company engaged in the casting of household appliances and manufacture of precision products made from aluminum. So it is possible in every activity there is a potential danger. The objectives of this study were to identify potential hazards and assess safety and health risks and to evaluate risk control techniques. This research was conducted on 4 divisions ie warehouse division, casting division, technician division and finishing division. Thus, it can reduce the number of work accident. This research refers to AZ / NZS 4360: 2004 standard using descriptive study method with qualitative analysis based on observation and research form which then analyzed and evaluated for control effort. From the results of the study concluded that the potential danger and risk always exist in every activity, so it is necessary to identify and assess as an effort to create a safe and safe working environment. The results of the identification obtained are 126 risk level, among which 8 low risk level (6%), 57 moderate risk level (45%), and 60 high risk level (48%). Evaluation of risk controls found in the field can be said to have been running quite well just that control should be supported by awareness of workers to OHS in order to create a safe and productive production conditions. Keywords: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Control, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Pemanfaatan Sistem Penyaringan Air Buangan Air Conditioning (AC) Sebagai Suplai Pengairan Pada Tanaman: Pemanfaatan Sistem Penyaringan Air Buangan Air Conditioning (AC) Sebagai Suplai Pengairan Pada Tanaman Latifa Mirzatika Al-Rosyid; Dwi Dita Wahyuning Tiyas; Nur Diana Rofiqoh; Roby Naufal Abiyyi
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 28 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Air Conditioning (AC) waste water has quite a lot of quantity, but usually AC waste water is directly discharged into the surrounding environment through AC waste water pipes. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the discharge of AC waste water produced within 30 minutes and (2) to determine the effectiveness of the filter in reducing the pollutant content of AC waste water so that it is good for plant irrigation. The research was conducted by analyzing the quantity and quality of AC waste water in the CC Building, Muhammadiyah University of Jember. Parameters analyzed include hardness, pH and ammonia. One solution to sterilize AC wastewater is by using a sponge that is able to capture solids in the water before the water enters the container and activated charcoal which is considered to be able to reduce NH4 levels. One of the ingredients for making charcoal comes from coconut shells, which are relatively cheap. In addition to using coconut shell charcoal, exposure to UV rays is felt to reduce the bacteria contained in the AC water. UV light can function as a destroyer of bacteria and microorganisms so it is safe to use, both for living things and the environment. This study uses a descriptive qualitative    research with an evaluation approach which aims to determine the amount of air conditioning waste water within 30 minutes and to determine the physical and microbiological quality of AC waste water by analyzing the data and comparing it with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 of 2017 concerning Health Quality Standards for Sanitation, Swimming Pools, Solus Per Aqua and Public Baths. Data was collected by measuring the discharge of air conditioning, observation, interviews and documentation. The instrumentation used is a measuring cup, TDS meter, thermometer, turbidity meter, timer, sample bottle, Bunsen, alcohol and ice box. Based on the results of the examination of the quality of the AC wastewater with specifications of AC 1 PK, the results of the examination of physical and microbiological parameters that meet the requirements in accordance with the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 of 2017 concerning Health Quality Standards for Sanitation, Swimming Pools, Solus Per Aqua and Public Baths.
Organic Pollutant Biodegradation by an Immobilized Mixed Bacterial Culture : Biodegradasi Polutan Organik oleh Kultur Bakteri Campuran Amobil Edwan K; Qomarudin Helmy
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 28 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Pollution of organic compounds in rivers is generally contributed by wastewater discharge from human activities e.g. untreated black- & greywater, livestock farming, and industry. Without proper control of this waste generation, the river ecosystem will suffer if just rely on its self-purification and dilution by natural runoff to reduce the downstream effect. This research aimed to treat organic wastewater with an immobilized mixed bacterial culture. Immobilization was carried out using calcium alginate in a form of macrocapsule/beads, allowing the degrader microbe to be entrapped in its matrix thus preventing it from washout from the system.  3% (w/v) sodium alginate was mixed with 5 mg (dry) mixed culture and dropwise on 4% (w/v) calcium chloride solution. The results showed that immobilized microbes were still able to grow despite being entangled in a calcium alginate matrix with an initial growth of 6.1 x 105 to 7.4 x 107 colonies/grams and reduced COD content up to 68.3%. Degrader microbe immobilization offers considerable advantages compared to free/ suspended cell system due to the influence of river water flow.
Tinjauan terhadap Alternatif Sistem Pengolahan Senyawa Aktif Farmasi pada Limbah Cair Medis Fauzan Razansyah; Mindriany Syafila
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 28 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Hospital wastewater contains various substances that are used for medical, laboratory, research purposes, feces from patients, and also including pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs). Environmental problems can arise due to the presence of PhAC in water bodies. The active pharmaceutical compounds themselves were originally designed to affect humans and animals physiologically even at low concentrations. These compounds remain in the environment for a long time and are not degraded biologically or naturally. Therefore, to design an WWTP system in hospitals that is able to treat medical liquid waste, research on PhACs is very much needed. This study aims to identify the pollutants contained in hospital wastewater effluent and to review the WWTP system that is able to process hospital wastewater effluent efficiently. Data on non-domestic liquid waste treatment processes were obtained based on research conducted by researchers, so this research was conducted based on literature studies. Indonesia does not yet have regulations governing PhACs in liquid waste, so hospitals in Indonesia have not been able to treat liquid waste that is free of PhACs. Variants of PhACs found in hospital wastewater are very diverse, and this makes it quite difficult to determine an efficient method to degrade PhACs levels in water. However, ozone-based AOPs have been widely used in the field of air remediation because of their low maintenance time, low cost, and high degradation efficiency.
The The Selection of Water Loss Reducing Strategy in PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja Kab. Tangerang: PEMILIHAN STRATEGI PENGENDALIAN KEHILANGAN AIR DI PDAM TIRTA KERTA RAHARJA KAB. TANGERANG Rima Wahyudyanti; Rofiq Iqbal
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 29 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja (TKR) adalah PDAM Kabupaten yang melayani seluruh Kabupaten Tangerang. Pada tahun 2017, tingkat kehilangan air secara keseluruhan adalah 14,8% dan tergolong baik (di bawah 35%). Namun pada Wilayah Dinas I, II dan III tahun 2017 nilai kehilangan air masih tinggi yaitu 34,30%. Pada penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa pemilihan strategi pengendalian kehilangan air dipengaruhi oleh multikriteria yang memiliki hubungan dengan implementasi yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dibandingkan dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengimplementasikan strategi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menentukan strategi pengendalian kehilangan air secara ekonomi dan non fisik yang dapat diterapkan di PDAM TKR dengan menggunakan metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) dan analisis finansial. Hasil tinjauan pustaka menunjukkan bahwa kriteria yang paling berpengaruh dalam memilih strategi pengendalian kehilangan air adalah keuangan, dengan sub-kriteria peningkatan pendapatan. Program pengendalian kehilangan air alternatif yang paling diprioritaskan berdasarkan sintesis menggunakan metode ANP dengan bantuan software superdecision 2.6.0 adalah peningkatan akurasi meter pelanggan. Pengendalian kebocoran aktif menjadi program kedua sedangkan pengendalian air buangan dari reservoir paling tidak diperhatikan.
Pollutant Index Method in Analyzing the Water Quality of the Cimeta River, West Bandung Regency Eka Wardani; Zulfikar Muhajir Falah Dinziad
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 29 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/


Abstract. The Cimeta River is a tributary of the Citarum River in West Bandung Regency, where at the outlet the river directly enters the Citarum River. The pollution of the Citarum River has harmed the health of the people living around the water body. Various diseases are suffered by people living in watersheds (DAS) such as nervous system disorders due to heavy metals, skin diseases, and infections. The Cimeta River Basin covers 29 villages, based on the number of villages that are passed will affect the increase in domestic land use along with the increase in population which can lead to an increase in domestic waste generated, to reduce the quality of the Cimeta River, thus water pollution caused in the Cimeta River will accumulate in the Citarum River. The purpose of this study was to analyze the water quality of the Cimeta River and determine its water quality using the Pollutant Index method. The results of the study are initial data to determine efforts to control pollution of the Cimeta and Citarum rivers. Based on the results of research, the quality of the Cimeta River is categorized as heavily polluted in the upstream, middle, and downstream parts. The 18 parameters measured are pH, Temperature, TDS, TSS, BOD, COD, DO, Nitrite, Nitrate, Cyanide, Sulfide, Phosphate, Free Chlorine, Oil and Fat, Phenol, Detergent as MBAS, Total Coliform, and Fecal Coliform, 8 parameters do not meet quality standards based on Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the implementation of environmental protection and management. Parameters that do not meet quality standards are TSS, BOD5, COD, Nitrite, Free Chlorine, Detergents such as MBAS, and Sulfide. The highest Cimeta River Pollutant Index is in the middle part, which is 14.1, the two downstream parts are 13.3, and the last part is 12.8 upstream. Based on the results of the study, it is necessary to control water pollution by determining the sector that contributes the most dominantly to the pollution that occurs in this river.