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Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
ISSN : 25024825     EISSN : 25029495     DOI : 10.30604/jika
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (JIKA), with registered number ISSN 2502-4825 (Print) and ISSN 2502-9495 (Online), is an international peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June and December) by Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu (UAP) Lampung. JIKA is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Health Science field especially Nursing and Midwifery, as well as with their development through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the blind peer review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.
Articles 28 Documents
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The length of day and type of media in reducing pollutant on laundry wastewater Muliyadi, M; Abdullah, Ikramudin
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.547 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.235


Total Suspended Solids and Total Dissolved Solid can be used as the indicator of sediment in the media, which usually consists of silt, fine sand and microorganisms. The high concentration of TSS in the water column can be used as the indication that the process of sedimentation in the reservoir is also high. The purpose of this study was to determine The influence of day duration and type of media in reducing pollutants on laundry liquid waste. The method used in this study is a pure experiment for 7 days, the total sample used was 15 liters of laundry wastewater. The independent T-test results on the TDS and TSS variables using two different types of treatments showed that there were significant differences between the two types of treatments with p values of TDS and TSS respectively were 0,001 and 0.003 less than 0.5. Meanwhile, the test of the effect of the types of treatments on the decrease in TDS and TSS has p-value 0,001 and 0.023 more than 0.005 which means that there is an effect of types of treatments on the decrease in the value of TDS and TSS. test the effect of the length of day on the decrease in TDS and TSS have p values of 0.001 and 0.034 more than 0.005 which means that there is an effect of the length of the day on decreasing the value of TDS and TSS. Lama hari dan jenis media dalam mengurangi polutan pada limbah laundryAbstrak: Total Suspended Solid dan Total Dissolved Solid dapat digunakan sebagai indikator endapan di media, yang biasanya terdiri dari lumpur, pasir halus dan mikroorganisme. Tingginya konsentrasi TSS di kolom air dapat digunakan sebagai indikasi bahwa proses sedimentasi di reservoir juga tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh durasi hari dan jenis media dalam mengurangi polutan pada limbah cair laundry. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen murni selama 7 hari, total sampel yang digunakan adalah 15 liter air limbah laundry. Hasil uji independen T pada variabel TDS dan TSS dengan menggunakan dua jenis perlakuan yang berbeda menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua jenis perlakuan dengan nilai p TDS dan TSS masing-masing sebesar 0,001 dan 0,003 kurang dari 0,5. Sementara itu uji pengaruh jenis perlakuan terhadap penurunan TDS dan TSS memiliki nilai p 0,001 dan 0,023 lebih dari 0,005 yang berarti bahwa ada pengaruh jenis perlakuan terhadap penurunan nilai TDS dan TSS. uji pengaruh durasi hari terhadap penurunan TDS dan TSS memiliki nilai p 0,001 dan 0,034 lebih dari 0,005 yang berarti bahwa ada pengaruh durasi hari terhadap penurunan nilai TDS dan TSS.
Precautionary complications on hypertension with Health Belief Model (HBM) approach: A descriptive study of health center community in The Garut Region of Indonesia Nurhandiya, Vina; Yani, Desy Indra; Shalahuddin, Iwan
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.143 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v0i0.274


Hypertension is not a contagious disease that becomes health problems with high prevalence. Hypertension is at risk for complications. The application theory of the health belief model (HBM) is an effort to prevent hypertension by identifying the patient's perception. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the prevention of complications in hypertensive patients at the Tarogong Garut Health Center using the health belief model (HBM) approach. The research method used descriptive quantitative. The population of hypertension patients at Tarogong Public Health Center by 72 samples of patients. Data analysis used a percentage value of each domain presented in the form of a frequency distribution table to each variable studied. The results showed that from 5 dominant areas both were perception of barrier good (4.2 percent) and deficient  (95.8 percent),  deficient of susceptibility perception (100 percent), lacking severity perception  (100 percent), lacking benefits perception  (100 percent), and deficient of cues to action (100 percent). The conclusion of this study if somebody has a good perception of their illness, then they will focus on the prevention and control the condition of health problems. If the perception is not good, then somebody will tend to ignore health problems. Nurses should be able to provide knowledge about hypertension and the complications caused by the disease and can raise the awareness of patients to perform regular blood pressure checks. Karakteristik pasien stroke: Deskripsi analitis pada pasien rawat jalan di rumah sakit di Semarang IndonesiaAbstrak: Hipertensi penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi masalah kesehatan dengan prevalensi yang tinggi. Hipertensi beresiko terhadap komplikasi. Penerapan teori health belief model (HBM) digunakan sebagai upaya pencegahan hipertensi dengan mengidentifikasi persepsi pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran pencegahan komplikasi pada pasien hipertensi di Puskesmas Tarogong Garut menggunakan pendekatan health belief model (HBM). Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi pasien hipertensi di Puskesmas Tarogong dengan jumlah sampel 72 pasien. Analisa data menggunakan persentase nilai dari setiap domain,  yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi terhadap masing-masing variabel yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 5 domain yang dominan baik adalah persepsi hambatan baik (4,2 persen) dan kurang baik (95,8 persen), persepsi kerentanan kurang baik (100 persen), persepsi keparahan kurang baik (100%), persepsi manfaat kurang baik (100 persen), dan isyarat bertindak kurang baik (100 persen). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini jika persepsi seseorang baik terhadap penyakitnya maka seseorang akan terfokus pada pencegahan dan mengontrol kondisi gangguan kesehatannya, dan jika persepsinya kurang baik maka seseorang akan cenderung mengabaikan masalah kesehatannya. Perawat harus bisa memberikan pengetahuan mengenai penyakit hipertensi dan komplikasi yang ditimbulkan dari penyakitnya, serta bisa menumbuhkan kesadaran pasien untuk melakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah secara rutin.
The effect of self-management education on quality of life of clients with coronary heart disease Cahyaningrat, Divya; Lukmanulhakim, Lukmanulhakim
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.747 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v0i0.211


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is still the number one cause of death in the world with 17.3 million deaths each year. CHD provides an impact in the form of physical and psycho-emotional symptoms, it will affect the quality of life of the client and self-management is a controlling factor to increase client satisfaction in living life. This study aims to identify the influence of education about self- management on the quality of life of clients with coronary heart disease in the Poly Heart of RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara Serang. Quasi-experimental research with a one-group design pre-post test. The number of samples is 25 CHD  clients with the method of taking using purposive sampling. Data collection tool to measure the quality of life using the WHOQOL BREF instrument. Univariate analysis is presented in the form of mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis uses t-dependent test (paired sample t-test). Univariate analysis results obtained mean ± SD of quality of life before being given self-management education 38.52 ± 5.53. While the mean quality of life after being given education was 59.64 ± 3.067. The results of the bivariate analysis obtained the mean ± SD difference of 21.12 ± 6.26 with p value = 0,000. There is an influence of self-management education on quality of life for clients with coronary heart disease. Nursing staff should be able to apply health education to CHD clients as a medium for the development of interventions in the event of decreased quality of life experienced by CHD clients.Pengaruh Edukasi Tentang self Management Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Pasien Dengan Penyakit Jantung KoronerAbstrakPenyakit jantung koroner (PJK) masih menjadi penyebab kematian nomor satu di dunia dengan 17,3 juta kematian setiap tahun nya. PJK memberikan dampak berupa gejala fisik dan psikoemosional, hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup klien dan self management merupakan faktor pengendali untuk meningkatkan kepuasan klien dalam menjalani hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi adanya pengaruh edukasi tentang self management terhadap kualitas hidup pada klien dengan penyakit jantung koroner di Poli Jantung RSUD dr. Drajat Prawiranegara Serang. Penelitian berjenis quasi eksperiment dengan pre-post test one-group design. Jumlah Sampel sebanyak 25 klien PJK dengan metode pengambilan menggunakan purposive sampling. Alat pengumpulan data untuk mengukur kualitas hidup menggunakan instrumen WHOQOL BREF. Analisis univariat disajikan dalam mean, Standar deviasi, persentasi dan distribusi frekuensi, sementara, analisis bivariat menggunakan uji t-dependent (paired sample t-test). Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan nilai mean(SD) kualitas hidup sebelum diberikan edukasi self management 38,52(5,53). Sementara nilai mean kualitas hidup setelah diberikan edukasi didapatkan 59,64(3,067). Hasil analisis bivariat didapatkan nilai selisih mean(SD) sebesar 21,12(6,26) dengan p vaue=0,001. Ada pengaruh edukasi self management terhadap kualitas hidup pada klien dengan penyakit jantung koroner. Tenaga keperawatan sebaiknya dapat menerapkan edukasi kesehatan kepada klien PJK sebagai media untuk pengembangan intervensi pada kejadian penurunan kualitas hidup yang dialami oleh klien PJK.
Nurse competence in using the Glasgow Coma Scale in the emergency installation room of hospital Waluyo, Endrian Mulayady; Kusumawaty, Jajuk; Nurapandi, Adi
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.181 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.253


The Glasgow Coma Scale technique is used by nurses and health care professionals to facilitate assessment documentation of the consciousness scale. A consciousness assessment needed in patients with neurological problems and injuries. The Glasgow Coma Scale is also needed to determine clinical decisions in the hospital emergency unit. The purpose of this study is to assess the nurses' ability in the Emergency Installation room who already have an emergency training certificate and to analyze the factors that influence the emergency nurses' competence about the Glasgow Coma Scale at the Emergency Installation room of Government General Hospital.  The method used is descriptive-analytic with the chi-square relationship test approach and the samples were taken based on total sampling, namely all nurses in Emergency Installation as many as 73 people spread across three hospitals in West Java. The sample has nurses' inclusion criteria who have emergency department training certificates and served in the Emergency Installation. Exclusion criteria were nurses who served structurally (head of the room and deputy head of the room) and were not on duty. The results showed that nurse competence was influenced by nurses' age and years of service. In conclusion, the Glasgow Coma Scale instrument has an important role in the emergency room so, it needed the same benchmarks between the hospital and the training which was followed by nurses. The recommendations based on this research are the need for standard benchmarks and modification of the Glasgow Coma Scale Instrument to make it easier to use and remain accurate as a predictor of death.  Kompetensi perawat dalam menggunakan Glasgow Coma Scale di ruang instalasi darurat rumah sakitAbstrak: Teknik Glasgow Coma Scale digunakan oleh perawat dan tenaga medis kesehatan untuk memudahkan pendokumentasian penilaian skala kesadaran, penilaian kesadaran dibutuhkan pada pasien permasalahan neurologis dan cedera. Glasgow Coma Scale  juga diperlukan untuk menentukan keputusan klinis pada unit gawat darurat di rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian, yaitu menilai kemampuan perawat di ruangan Instalsi Gawat Darurat  yang sudah memiliki sertifikat pelatihan gawat darurat dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi perawat gawat darurat tentang Glasgow Coma Scale  di  Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan uji hubungan chi square dengan sampel  diambil berdasarkan total sampling yaitu seluruh perawat Instalsi Gawat Darurat  sebanyak 73 orang yang tersebar di tiga rumah sakit di Jawa Barat. Sampel memiliki kriteria inklusi perawat yang memiliki sertifikat pelatihan gawat darurat dan bertugas di Instalsi Gawat Darurat  Kriteria  eksklusi yaitu perawat yang menjabat struktural (kepala ruangan dan wakil kepala ruangan) dan sedang tidak bertugas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kompetensi perawat dipengaruhi oleh usia dan masa kerja perawat. Kesimpulan instrument Glasgow Coma Scale  memiliki peranan penting di ruang unit gawat darurat sehingga di perlukan tolak ukur yang sama antara rumah sakit dan pelatihan yang di ikuti oleh perawat. Rekomendasi berdasarkan penelitian ini yaitu perlu tolak ukur yang baku dan modifikasi Instrument Glasgow Coma Scale  agar lebih mudah di gunakan dan tetap akurat sebagai prediktor kematian.
Increased application of the 'six right' principle in the administration of drugs by nurses among the inpatient room through the supervision of the reflective model Nuryani, Eni; Dwiantoro, Lucky; Nurmalia, Devi
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.339 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.257


The Six Rights Of Medication Administration is a procedure and legality for nurses in the hospital. The results of the previous study indicate that nurses' compliance in applying Six right Of Medication Administration is still low. Reflective model supervision is needed to improve the correct application of six right on medication administration in a very interactive and active way of learning. This study was aimed to evaluate the influence of the reflective supervision model on the correct application of the six rights of medication administration by nurses. The study was conducted with a Quasi-experimental method pre-posttest control group design, intervention supervision of the reflective model was given to the intervention group for 2 weeks. The population of this study is all nurses in the inpatient room. The number of samples was 78 nurses, consisting of 39 nurses as an intervention group and 39 nurses as a control group. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique (non-probability sampling). Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney. The results showed that there were differences in the application accuracy of the six rights principles medication by nurses after being given an intervention (p = 0.001 less than 0.05). The Spearman Correlation test results that the Rho value = 0.657 can be concluded that there is a strongly significant influence of the reflective supervision model on the application accuracy of the six rights principles medication by nurses. It is recommended for the headroom to provide a reflective supervision model routinely to maintain and improve the application accuracy of the six rights principles medication by nurses. Peningkatan ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar obat oleh perawat di ruang rawat inap melalui supervisi model reflektifAbstrak: Prinsip enam benar  obat merupakan prosedur dan legalitas bagi perawat di rumah sakit. Hasil riset sebelumnya perawat dalam menerapkan prinsip enam benar obat masih rendah. Supervisi model reflektif diperlukan  untuk meningkatkan ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar  obat dengan cara yang sangat interaktif dan aktif belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh supervisi model reflektif terhadap ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar obat oleh perawat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Quasy experimental pre-post test control group design, intervensi supervisi model reflektif diberikan kepada kelompok intervensi selama 2 minggu. Populasi adalah perawat di ruang rawat inap. Jumlah sampel adalah 78 perawat terdiri atas kelompok intervensi 39 perawat dan kelompok kontrol 39 perawat.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling (non probability sampling). Analisa statistik menggunakan Wilcoxon dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar obat oleh perawat sesudah diberikan intervensi (p = 0,000 kurang dari 0,05). Hasil uji Korelasi Spearman bahwa nilai Rho = 0,657 dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kuat supervisi model reflektif terhadap ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar obat oleh perawat. Disarankan bagi kepala ruang untuk memberikan supervisi model reflektif secara rutin untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan ketepatan penerapan prinsip enam benar obat oleh perawat.
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Work Stress of Nurses who Work in an Emergency Department in a Hospital in Indonesia Dhevy Puswiartika; Bau Ratu
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.645 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.728


Being a nurse is a stressful profession due to the daily heavy and demanding work. Mindfulness can be effective to teach nursing personnel how to cope with such stress. The intervention “Don’t Worry, Be Mindful” was developed by the researchers for the Indonesian situation based on the concept of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). We explored its effect in an exploratory pre-post design with 15 experienced members from the nursing personnel at the Emergency Department of a peripheral hospital in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia. The results showed that after the “Don’t Worry, Be Mindful” intervention the participant’s stress level was significantly reduced. Each of the nurses showed less stress at the post-test than at the pretest. This outcome indicated that mindfulness-based intervention is a promising tool to reduce stress in nursing personnel in a peripheral hospital in the less developed part of South-East country like Indonesia.Profesi perawat merupakan profesi yang penuh tekanan karena tuntutan pekerjaan sehari-hari yang berat. Mindfulness terbukti efektif untuk membantu perawat dalam mengatasi stres kerja. Intervensi “Don’t Worry, Be Mindful” dikembangkan oleh peneliti untuk konteks Indonesia berdasarkan konsep Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Peneliti melakukan eksplorasi terhadap efek intervensi mindfulness terhadap stres kerja perawat dengan menggunakan desain pre-post test dengan partisipan 15 orang perawat pada Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) rumah sakit di Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah pemberian intervensi "Don’t Worry, Be Mindful" diketahui bahwa tingkat stres partisipan berkurang secara signifikan. Setiap perawat menunjukkan tingkat stres yang menurun pada saat post-test, apabila dibandingkan dengan tingkat stres perawat saat pretest. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi berbasis mindfulness merupakan salah satu teknik yang efektif untuk mengurangi stres pada perawat di rumah sakit di Indonesia.
Malnutrition Risk Factors In TBC: A Case Study In Medan, Indonesia Ritonga, Imelda Liana
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.765 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.539


The purpose of the study was to discuss the causes of malnutrition in TB patients: A case study in Medan Indonesia, this research method is a case study from Luck, Jackson and Usher (2005), the results of this study are the factors that cause malnutrition in TB patients found from this study. are (1) elderly and pre-elderly TB patients, (2) TB patients with Diabetes Mellitus, (3) TB patients with HIV, (4) TB patients with treatment failure. The data from this study indicate the need for an assessment of the nutritional status of patients when TB is diagnosed. This is to increase awareness of the nutritional status of the patient since the patient was diagnosed with TB. In accordance with the results of this study, the assessment really needs to be emphasized in cases of TB with the elderly, TB with HIV, TB with Diabetes Mellitus and TB with treatment failure.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian untuk membahas penyebab malnutrisi pada pasien TB: Studi kasus di Medan Indonesia, metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dari Luck, Jackson and Usher (2005), hasil penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor penyebab malnutrisi pada pasien TB ditemukan dari penelitian ini. adalah (1) pasien TB lansia dan pra-lansia, (2) pasien TB dengan Diabetes Mellitus, (3) pasien TB dengan HIV, (4) pasien TB dengan kegagalan pengobatan. Data dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya penilaian status gizi pasien saat didiagnosis TB. Hal ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan status gizi pasien sejak pasien terdiagnosis TB. Sesuai dengan hasil penelitian ini, pengkajian sangat perlu ditekankan pada kasus TB dengan usia lanjut, TB dengan HIV, TB dengan Diabetes Mellitus dan TB dengan kegagalan pengobatan.
Effect of Classical Music Therapy on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertension Patients at Hospital Manurung, Sarida Surya; Herlina, Meriani; Silalahi, Bernita; Noradina, Noradina; Pertiwi, Adinda Kusuma
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.835 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.530


Hypertension is a common disease in patients due to a decrease in the physiological system, especially in the cardiovascular system. At the moment there is one non-pharmacological method that can lower blood pressure by listening to classical music. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of classical music. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of classical music therapy on blood pressure reduction in patients with hypertense. This research is an experimental research with cross sectional design conducted in December-February 2019 at Imelda General Hospital Medan, East Medan District. The sample in this study was hypertension patients as many as 31 people collected by concesutive sampling. Heipertensi obtained by blood pressure examination and interview history of consumption of antihypertensive drugs. The results of the study obtained a sample of 31 people, namely 15 men and 16 women, and then the sample was given classical music therapy. With the result that as many as 16 samples experienced a decrease in blood pressure and 15 samples did not experience a decrease in blood pressure. Based on the results of the analysis of T-test and Chi-Square obtained the influence of classical music on the decrease in blood pressure of patients with hypertension (p value= 0.000). Then the decrease in blood pressure in patients with hypertension.Abstrak: Hipertensi adalah penyakityang sering terjadi pada pasien dikarenakan terjadi penurunan dari sistem fisiologis terutama pada sistem kardiovaskular. Pada saat ini ada satu metode non-farmakologi yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah yaitu dengan mendengarkan musik klasik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh musik klasik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik klasik terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pasien penderita hipertensa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian experimental dengan rancangan cross sectional yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember-Februari 2019 di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Medan, Kecamatan Medan Timur. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah pasien Hipertensi sebanyak 31 orang yang dikumpulkan dengan concesutive sampling. Heipertensi diperoleh dengan pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan wawancara riwayat konsumsi obat anti hipertensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sampel berjumlah 31 orang yaitu 15 orang laki-laki dan 16 orang perempuan, dan kemudian sampel tersebut diberikan terapi musik klasik. Dengan hasil yaitu sebanyak 16 sampel mengalami penurunan tekanan darah dan 15 sampel tidak mengalami penurunan tekanan darah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis t-test  dan Chi-Square didapatkan pengaruh musik klasik terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pasien penderita hipertensi (p value= 0,000). Maka penurunan tekanan darah pada pasien penderita hipertensi.
Syndicate Group Discussion Combination with Brain Gym on Anxiety in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Quasy Experiment Study Putri Santoso, Shelfi Dwi Retnani; Sasmito, Nanang Bagus
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (155.783 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.385


East Java is the province in Indonesia with the 2nd most BTA+ lung TB in 2018. The Programs that have been developed and carried out by the government have no programs that are able to overcome the psychological problems of people with TB. Intervention is needed to address the anxiety problems of pulmonary TB clients so that the treatment and therapy that must be undergone by the sufferer can run effectively. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of syndicate group discussion combination with brain gym on anxiety in pulmonary TB. In a quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design, 60 participants (30 in the treatment group and 30 in the control group) were selected by convenience sampling. The instrument used HARS. Data analysis used is the Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. The mean scores about anxiety before and after the intervention of the treatment group (30,63 to 9,97)) and control group (31,03 to 20,73). Wilcoxon test result showed that this intervention significantly decreases anxiety (p=0,001). And Mann Whitney result showed a difference in anxiety between the treatment and control group (p=0,001). This combination can be applied to decrease the anxiety of clients with lung TB. Further research is needed on the same intervention, but the addition of a cortisol hormone assessment in assessing anxiety in clients as one of the variables. Abstrak: Jawa Timur merupakan provinsi di Indonesia dengan posisi ke-2 kejadian BTA+ kasus TB paru di Tahun 2018. Program-program yang dikembangkan dan dilakukan oleh pemerintah belum ada mengenai penatalaksanaan tentang masalah psikologis penderita TB paru. DIperlukan intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah kecemasan klien TB, supaya pengobatan dan terapi yang wajib dijalani klien TB dapat berjalan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh syndicate group discussion kombinasi brain gym terhadap kecemasan pada klien TB paru. Penelitian Quasi experiment dengan rancangan pre dan post design, 60 responden (30 kelompok intervensi dan 30 kelompok kontrol) dipilih dengan teknik convenience sampling. Instrumen menggunakan HARS. Analisa data menggunakan Mann Whitney dan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Nilai rata-rata kecemasan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi kelompok perlakuan (30,63 ke 9,97) dan kelompok kontrol (31,03 ke 20,73). Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan intervensi ini secara signifikan menurunkan kecemasan (p=0,001). Dan Hasil uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan ada perbedaan kecemasan antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Kombinasi ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk menurunkan kecemasan pada klien dengan TB paru. Penelitian selanjutnya, dengan intervensi yang sama, dapat menambahkan nilai hormone kortisol sebagai salah satu variabel penilaian kecemasan.
Factors Associated with The Risk of Eye Injury on Industrial Welding Workers in the Informal Sector in Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency Octavariny, Raisha
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1: June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.371 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i1.833


Eye injury is an infection or inflammation caused by the entry of objects, substances or other particles into the eye, and can also be caused by continuous exposure to radiation to the eye. One of the jobs that have a potential risk of eye injury is working in welding workshops in the informal sector. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. Using purposive sampling technique with a population of 44 workers and a sample of 30 workers. Collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. The statistical test in this study used the chi-square which aims to determine the factors associated with the risk of eye injury. The results showed that there was a relationship between the variables of working period and the risk of blindness (0.009) (0.005), there was a relationship between the variable length of exposure and the risk of eye injury (0.001) (0.05), there was no relationship between the variable level of knowledge and the risk eye injury (1,000) (0.05), and there is a relationship between the use of PPE and the risk of eye injury (0.001) (0.05). And it can be concluded that of the 4 (four) variables there are 3 variables that have a potential risk of eye injury to welding workers, and it is hoped that the welding workshop manager will pay more attention to his workers in terms of the use of PPE at work, especially when doing the welding process to minimize the risk. unwanted injury.

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