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Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
ISSN : 25024825     EISSN : 25029495     DOI : 10.30604/jika
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (JIKA), with registered number ISSN 2502-4825 (Print) and ISSN 2502-9495 (Online), is an international peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June and December) by Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu (UAP) Lampung. JIKA is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Health Science field especially Nursing and Midwifery, as well as with their development through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the blind peer review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.
Articles 31 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 2: December 2020" : 31 Documents clear
The Relationship Between Workload and Work Stress With Caring Behavior Of Nurses in Inpatient Rooms Rizkianti, Intan; Haryani, Ani
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.329 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.338


The workload experienced by nurses in the inpatient room needs to be known so, the hospital management can determine the quality and quantity needs. Therefore, there is no excessive workload and will eventually result in work stress. If job stress is not handled, it will affect physical, psychological, and emotional health so that it can affect the caring behavior of nurses. This study aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between workload and work stress with nurse caring behavior. This study used a correlation design with a cross-sectional approach. A sample of 63 nurses and 126 patients was selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The results of the univariate analysis showed that the average value of caring behavior was 73.47 (SD = 9.004), workload 33.60 (SD = 2.797) and work stress 28.87 (SD = 6.399). Bivariate analysis using the Pearson correlation test. The test results showed that there was no significant relationship between workload and nurse caring behavior (p = 0.067, more than 0.005). Then, there is no significant relationship between work stress and caring behavior (p = 0.545 more than 0.005). The efforts are needed to improve caring behavior through in-house training which includes soft skills and hard skills training. Abstrak: Beban kerja yang dialami oleh perawat di ruang rawat inap perlu diketahui agar pihak manajemen rumah sakit dapat menententukan kebutuhan kualitas dan kuantiatasnya sehingga tidak terjadi beban kerja yang berlebih dan pada akhirnya akan mengakibatkan stres kerja. Bila stres kerja tidak ditangani maka akan mempengaruhi terhadap kesehatan fisik, psikologis, dan emosional sehingga dapat mempengaruhi perilaku caring perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara beban kerja dan stres kerja dengan perilaku caring perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 63 perawat dan 126 pasien dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik simpel random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Hasil analisa univariat didapatkan nilai rata-rata perilaku caring yaitu 73,47 (SD=9,004), beban kerja 33,60 (SD=2,797) dan stres kerja 28,87 (SD=6,399). Analisa bivariat menggunakan uji pearson korelasi. Hasil uji menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara beban kerja dengan perilaku caring perawat (p=0,067 lebih dari 0,05). Dan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara stres kerja dengan perilaku caring (p=0,545 lebih dari 0,05). Perlu upaya dalam meningkatkan perilaku caring melalui in house training yang meliputi pelatihan soft skills dan hard skills.
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Accelerated Wound Healing Process in Diabetes mellitus (DM) Patients With Diabetic Ulcer in dr. Rasidin Hospital, Padang, Indonesia Dafriani, Putri; Nur, Siti Aisyah; Morika, Honesty Diana; Marlinda, Roza
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.564 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.375


DM ulcer is one of the complications of DM that resulted in amputation even death. A DM ulcer usually a chronic wound which difficult to heal with antibiotics because of the presence of the Staphylococcus bacteria resulting in an antibiotic-resistant ulcer, requiring an alternative as the solution. VCO, one of the natural materials that are easily acquired have benefits for wounds and often used by the community. VCO contains lauric acid and flavonoids compounds work as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. The purpose of this study is to determine the benefits of VCO on the healing of DM ulcers. This was a quasi-experiment study recruited 16 DM patients with ulcers treated at the Dr. Rasidin Hospital, Padang, Indonesia. The study participants are divided into 2 groups, 8 patients in the control group, and another 8 in the intervention group. The control group is given wound care using NaCl 0.9% and the intervention group carried out wound care with NaCl 0.9% plus VCO. VCO is produced using a stimulation technique. Wound care is performed for 4 days in both groups and the surface area of the wound is calculated after 4 days then the data precede using independent t-test. The results of the study showed a meaningful difference in surface wound between the control group and the intervention group with the value P = 0,033. VCO helps wound healing by reducing the surface area of the wound.
Utilization of Patin Bone Flour (Pangasius hypopthalmus Sp.) As an Additional Biscuit For Stunting Children Siagian, Dewi Sartika; Sidoretno, Wahyu Margi; Kartini, Sri
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.183 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.367


Stunting is one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia, the direct causes of stunting are infectious diseases and inadequate food intakes, such as protein and calcium deficiency. Calcium is a macromineral that is needed by humans and has an important role and function for the body, both in cells, tissues, organs and the whole body. Sources of calcium can be obtained from daily food or foods that are intentionally added calcium to increase its nutritional value. One of the easiest and cheapest food sources to obtain is fish, such as ikan patin (Pangasius hypothalamus Sp.). Ikan patin is a fish that is classified as delicious, delicious and tasty fish. In addition, ikan patin contains high protein and low cholesterol. The aim of this research is to produce biscuits made from ikan patin bone meal which has great potential to be used as raw material for a bone meal which is rich in calcium. This type of research is experimental. The procedure of this research was carried out in two stages, namely making fishbone meal from ikan patin and making biscuits with the addition of fishbone meal with various concentrations of 0 percent, 25 percent and 50 percent. The results showed that the levels of calcium in the biscuits with the addition of ikan patin bone meal with various concentrations were 1.3 percent, 5.39 percent, 5.95 percent, the biscuit protein content of each concentration was 2.59 percent, 4.74 percent and 4.71.  percent. The results of this study can be used as a reference in making food with the addition of ikan patin bone meal which is rich in calcium levels.Abstrak: Stunting adalah salah satu permasalahan gizi di Indonesia, penyebab langsung stunting adalah penyakit infeksi dan asupan makanan yang tidak memadai, seperti kekurangan protein dan kalsium. Kalsium merupakan makromineral yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia dan memiliki peran dan fungsi penting bagi tubuh, baik pada sel, jaringan, organ dan keseluruhan tubuh. Sumber kalsium dapat diperoleh dari makanan sehari-hari atau makanan yang sengaja ditambahkan kalsium untuk meningkatkan nilai gizinya. Salah satu sumber makanan yang paling mudah dan murah untuk didapatkan adalah ikan, seperti ikan patin (Pangasius hypopthalmus Sp.). Ikan patin merupakan ikan yang tergolong ikan enak, lezat dan gurih. Disamping itu, patin mengandung protein yang tinggi dan kolestrol yang rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan biskuit yang terbuat dari tepung tulang ikan patin yang memiliki potensi besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku tepung tulang yang kaya akan kalsium. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental. Prosedur penelitian ini dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu pembuatan tepung tulang ikan dari ikan patin  dan pembuatan biskuit dengan penambahan tepung tulang ikan dengan berbagai konsentrasi 0 persen, 25 persen dan 50 persen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar kalsium pada biskuit dengan tambahan tepung tulang ikan patin dengan berbagai konsentrasi tersebut adalah 1,3 persen, 5,39 persen, 5,95 persen , kadar protein biskuit masing-masing konsentrasi adalah 2,59 persen, 4.74 persen dan 4.71 persen. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi dalam pembuatan makanan dengan tambahan tepung tulang ikan patin yang kaya akan kadar kalsium.
Concept analysis of emotion control among schizophrenia Rahman, Ainun Najib Febrya; Dwidiyanti, Meidiana; Wijayanti, Diyan Yuli; Rahmawati, Ashri Maulida
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.04 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.299


Emotional control in schizophrenia patients is closely related to the patient's ability to control his negative emotions. Negative emotions in question are feelings of anger, fear and sadness. In the United States about 1.5 million crime cases occur each year. These events are mostly carried out by schizophrenic patients due to their inability to control negative emotions. The purpose of this article is to describe the methodological analysis used to clarify the concept of emotional control in schizophrenia patients. The concept analysis procedure from Walker and Avant is used in this paper. Literature review is carried out using online databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, and EBSCHO with keywords of concept analysis, emotional control, and schizophrenia. Antecedents of the concept of emotional control in schizophrenia: self control, mental boundaries, and self determination. Concept attributes: situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change, and response modulation. The consequences of the concept: success in controlling emotions, happiness, positive results, and leadership effectiveness. Abstrak: Kontrol emosi pada pasien skizofrenia sangat berkaitan dengan kemampuan pasien dalam mengontrol emosi negatifnya. Emosi negatif yang dimaksud adalah perasaan marah, takut dan sedih. Di Amerika Serikat sekitar 1,5 juta kasus kejahatan terjadi setiap tahunnya. Kejadian tersebut banyak dilakukan oleh pasien skizofrenia akibat dari ketidakmampuan dalam mengontrol emosi negatifnya. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan analisis metodologi yang digunakan untuk memperjelas konsep kontrol emosi pada pasien skizofrenia. Prosedur analisis konsep Walker dan Avant digunakan dalam penulisan ini. Literature review dilakukan menggunakan database online seperti Google Scholar, Science Direct, dan EBSCHO dengan kata kunci analisis konsep, kontrol emosi, dan skizofrenia. Antecedent dari konsep kontrol emosi pada skizofrenia: pengendalian diri, batas mental, dan self determination. Atribut konsep: situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change, dan response modulation. Konsekuensi dari konsep: keberhasilan mengontrol emosi, kebahagiaan, hasil positif, dan efektifitas kepemimpinan.
Relationship on Knowledge Level of Nurses About Prevention of Decubitus Towards Stroke Patients in The Inpatient Room Herlina, Meriani
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.165 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.575


The decubitus is damage to the integrity of the skin or can be said to be a wound due to trauma and surgery as well as a chronic disease caused by prolonged pressure on the skin which causes irritation. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of nurses in preventing pressure sores on stroke patients in the inpatient room. By conducting a study entitled the relationship between the level of knowledge of nurses about prevention of pressure sores on stroke patients in the inpatient room at RSU Imelda Workers Indonesia Medan in 2020. This research is a quantitative study using a descriptive correlation design with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were nurses who served in the inpatient room as many as 133 nurses and the sample in this study was 57 nurses based on sampling technique. While the incidence at Imelda Hospital Medan based on the level of knowledge of nurses based on the majority of respondents whose age interval is 20-25 years as many as 25 people (44%), while the minority of respondents whose age interval is 41-45 years are 5 people (9%). Based on the majority of respondents whose last education interval was D3 as many as 35 people (61%), while the minority of respondents whose last education interval was Nurses were 4 people (7%). Based on the majority of respondents whose gender interval is female as many as 34 people (60%), while the minority of respondents whose gender interval is male as many as 23 people (40%). And the majority of respondents whose working period interval is less than 1 year are 19 people (33%), while the minority of respondents whose working period is 7-8 years are 23 people (40%). ), while as many as 16 people (28%), and less than 10 people (18%). Conclusions were obtained based on the research. The level of knowledge of nurses about decubitus in the Imelda Hospital inpatient room, Medan, was that most nurses already understood. And the suggestion from the researcher is that it is highly expected to be able to further improve the right service for stroke patients in the Imelda Hospital inpatient room, Medan.
Providing Online Education to Improve Health and Nutrition Knowledge in Security Units during the Pandemic (Covid-19) Tsani, A. Fahmy Arif; Nugroho, Teddy Wahyu; Ayustaningwarno, Fitriyono; Dieny, Fillah Fithra; Kristiana, Ida
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.371 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.355


Security Unit (SATPAM) is a profession that demands good endurance. During a pandemic, online education is one way that can be done to provide information about health and nutrition that can improve work performance and body resistance of security guards. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing online education to increase knowledge of health and nutrition in a security unit during a pandemic. This research is a quantitative study with a pretest-posttest design which was carried out on 68 security guards at the Diponegoro University campus. Online educational media used via Whatsapp. This research was in the form of providing a nutritional knowledge pretest, nutritional education and nutritional knowledge posttest to see the level of knowledge of the security unit. The pretest and posttest knowledge data analysis used paired t-test if the data distribution was normal and if the data distribution was not normal will use Wilcoxon. The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in pretest and posttest nutritional knowledge (p = 0.002), with the median and average value of the Undip security guards’ nutritional knowledge from a median of 72.5 (45-85) to 80 (50-95) with the average of 70.96 before education and after education increased to 75.88. There is an effect of providing online nutrition education on increasing security knowledge of health and nutrition.  Abstrak: Satuan Pengaman (SATPAM) adalah salah satu profesi yang menuntut daya tahan tubuh yang baik. Di masa pandemi, edukasi online merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai kesehatan dan gizi yang dapat meningkatkan performa kerja dan daya tahan tubuh satpam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian edukasi online untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan dan gizi pada satuan pengamanan (satpam) di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan pretest posttest design yang dilakukan pada 68 satpam kampus Universitas Diponegoro. Media edukasi online yang digunakan melalui Whatsapp. Penelitian ini berupa pemberian pretest pengetahuan gizi, edukasi gizi dan posttest pengetahuan gizi untuk melihat tingkat pengetahuan satpam. Analisis data pengetahuan pre dan posttest menggunakan paired t-test apabila distribusi data normal dan wilcoxon apabila distribusi data tidak normal.  Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan pengetahuan gizi pre dan posttest (p=0,002), dengan nilai median dan rata-rata terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan gizi satpam Undip dari median  72,5 (45-85) menjadi 80 (50-95) dengan rata-rata 70,96 sebelum edukasi dan setelah edukasi naik menjadi 75,88. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian edukasi gizi online terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan dan gizi satpam.
The Effect of Infant Massage on The Quality of Sleep of Infants Aged 0–12 Months Manurung, Rostinah
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.545 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.594


Baby massage is one of the non-pharmacological therapies given to help improve the quality of sleep-in infants by means of baby massage. Baby massage is better done by the baby's parents. Babies who are massaged for approximately 15 minutes will feel more relaxed, sleep more soundly, their development and growth will be better. This study aims to analyze the effect of giving baby massage to the sleep quality of infants aged 0-12 months at Imelda Indonesian Workers General Hospital Medan 2020. The type of research used is a pre-experimental design with the One Group Pre-Test – Post Test approach. The population in this study were all infants in the General Hospital Imelda Indonesian Workers Medan. The sampling used is non-probability sampling with the sampling technique in this study is Accidental Sampling with a total sample of 30 infants. The independent variable is infant massage, and the dependent variable is the sleep quality of infants aged 0 -12 months. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data processing using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the sleep quality of infants aged 0-12 months before the massage was mostly adequate for 17 respondents (56.7%) and after the massage, most of the respondents had good sleep quality as many as 20 respondents (66, 7%). Statistical test results show p-value is 0.000 0.05, so H1 is accepted. The conclusion of this study shows that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is an effect of giving baby massage to the sleep quality of infants aged 0-12 months at the Imelda general hospital for Indonesian workers in Medan in 2020.
Resistance Status of Dengue Virus Serotype in Aedes Aegypti on The Exposure of Insecticide Temefos and Cypermethrin Arimaswati, Arimaswati; Alifariki, La Ode; Siagian, Heriviyatno Julika; Tukatman, Tukatman; Rangki, La
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.344 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.374


The success of vector control is influenced by the resistance of Ae. aegypti against insecticides. The continued use of insecticides will leave a resistant population. The study aims to determine the resistance status of dengue virus serotype in Aedes Aegypti on the exposure of Insecticide Temefos and cypermethrin. Mosquitoes are taken directly from the tub and the home environment using the GAMA DOTIK. To determine the status of resistance to organophosphate insecticides in larvae and synthetic pyrethroids in adult mosquitoes, a biological test was carried out using the WHO 1992 method at a diagnostic dose (temefos 0.02 ppm and 0.05% cypermethrin), while the serotype of the dengue virus was determined by the Reverse Transcriptase method. -Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using Lanciotti-specific primers. Endemic areas (Gadingan, Wonosidi Lor and Dipan) are all still susceptible to temefos with 100% larval mortality. Sporadic areas such as Driyan were in a vulnerable status with Mortality Rate (AK) = 100%, Durungan and Kriyanan were in a tolerant status (AK = 88% and 97%). Potential areas such as Kauman and Janten were vulnerable (AK = 100% and 98%), Panjatan was intolerant status (AK = 84%). Endemic, sporadic and potential areas were all resistant with AK = less than 80% to the insecticide cypermethrin. Dengue virus serotypes in endemic areas are dengue 2 and dengue 3. In potential areas, dengue serotype 3 is found, while in sporadic areas there are no virus serotypes. Conclusion: The resistance status of Aedes aegypti in endemic, sporadic and potential areas to organophosphate insecticides (temefos) is in the susceptible to the tolerant range, while all areas status to synthetic pyrethroids (cypermethrin) are resistant. Abstrak: Keberhasilan pengendalian vektor dipengaruhi oleh hambatan Ae. aegypti melawan insektisida. Penggunaan insektisida secara terus menerus akan meninggalkan populasi yang resisten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status resistensi serotipe virus dengue Aedes Aegypti terhadap paparan Insektisida Temefos dan cypermethrin. Nyamuk diambil langsung dari bak mandi dan lingkungan rumah menggunakan GAMA DOTIK. Untuk mengetahui status resistensi insektisida organofosfat pada larva dan piretroid sintetik pada nyamuk dewasa, dilakukan uji biologis dengan metode WHO 1992 dengan dosis diagnostik (temefos 0,02 ppm dan 0,05% cypermethrin), sedangkan serotipe virus dengue ditentukan dengan metode Reverse Transcriptase. -Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) menggunakan primer khusus Lanciotti. Daerah endemik (Gadingan, Wonosidi Lor dan Dipan) semuanya masih rentan terhadap temefos dengan kematian larva 100%. Daerah sporadis seperti Driyan berada dalam status rawan dengan Angka Kematian (AK) = 100%, Durungan dan Kriyanan dalam status toleran (AK = 88% dan 97%). Wilayah potensial seperti Kauman dan Janten termasuk kategori rawan (AK = 100% dan 98%), Panjatan dalam status toleran (AK = 84%). Daerah endemik, sporadis dan potensial semuanya resisten dengan AK = kurang dari 80% terhadap insektisida cypermethrin. Serotipe virus Dengue di daerah endemis adalah Dengue 2 dan Dengue 3. Di daerah potensial ditemukan Dengue Serotipe 3, sedangkan di daerah sporadis tidak terdapat serotipe virus. Status resistensi nyamuk Aedes aegypti di daerah endemik, sporadis dan potensial terhadap insektisida organofosfat (temefos) berada pada rentang toleran, sedangkan semua status daerah terhadap piretroid sintetis (cypermethrin) resisten.
Factors that influence the participation among women in Inspection Visual Acetic acid (IVA) test Adyani, Kartika; Realita, Friska
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.286 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.289


Cervical cancer is one of the main causes of death for women in the world, so an IVA examination is needed as an early detection to reduce the incidence. Low participation in IVA examinations is one of the causes of cervical cancer development and hinders early treatment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the participation of women of childbearing age in the IVA examination. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional design conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Cepiring Kendal (Public Health Center of Cepiring Kendal ). The subjects of this study are 236 women of childbearing age who were married for more than five years. The research instrument used is a questionnaire. The factors that were significantly associated with the exclusion of fertile women in the IVA examination were access to information (0.007), family support (0.001), support from medical officers (0.007), and support from relatives (0.066). The multivariable analysis shows that family support is a significant factor. Women of childbearing age who do not get family support have a 46.9 times risk of not taking IVA examinations. Abstrak: Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian wanita di dunia sehingga diperlukan pemeriksaan IVA sebagai deteksi dini untuk menurunkan angka kejadian kanker serviks pada wanita. Rendahnya keikutsertaan dalam pemeriksaan IVA menjadi salah satu penyebab berkembangnya kanker serviks dan menghambat pengobatan sejak dini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi keikutsertaan wanita usia subur dalam pemeriksaan IVA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitafif dengan desain cross-sectional yang dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cepiring Kendal. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 236 wanita usia subur yang sudah menikah lebih dari 5 tahun. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan ketidakikutsertaan Wanita Usia Subur dalam pemeriksaan IVA adalah akses informasi (0,007), dukungan keluarga (0,001), dukungan petugas (0,007), dan dukungan teman (0,066). Analisis multivariabel menunjukkan dukungan keluarga merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan. Wanita usia subur yang tidak mendapatkan dukungan keluarga memiliki risiko 46,9 kali untuk tidak ikut pemeriksaan IVA.
The Risk Factors in Pre-Eclampsi in Medan, Indonesia Ritonga, Imelda Liana
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.342 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v5i2.719


High maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is an indicator to be controlled.  The goal is to achieve less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030.  Preeclampsia is one problem induced the maternal deaths. It has been acknowledged there is some differences preeclampsia risk factors between regions. In this study, the reseracher want to identify the risk factors in preeclampsia cases in Medan, Indonesia. The study was restropective study using case study design.  The unit analysis was medical record patients with preeclampsia who admitted to one private hospital in Medan, fom January until June 2021. The risk factors found in this study did not support previous studies. The maternal age and maternal parity found not different between groups of patients with preeclampsia. However, the older age and more parity had more perinatal problems. Other conditions found in the patiens were anaemia, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis B, hypertension heart diseases with hypoalbumin, and HIV.  Mostly patients had severe preeclampsia, but no maternal death found.  There were neonati problems recorded, which were intrauterine fetal retardation, intrauterine fetal death and premature. It is recommended to give education to the pregnant women to do their antenatal care periodically, especially with previous hystory of preeclampsia or with hypertension problem and young girl about anemia especially with ferrous deficiency problem and the adequate nutrition to be consumed.  It also a good idea to have blood pressure monitoring device at home and know to use it in order to monitor the blood pressure more often in pregnancy period.

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