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Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Published by CV. Creative Tugu Pena
ISSN : 26856085     EISSN : 26856085     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Attractive ; Innovative Education Journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Education, which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of Islamic Education, Educational Technology, Education Management, and Learning Strategy as well as the examination of contemporary issues in the field Education.
Articles 49 Documents
The Effective School Strategic Plan Implementation: A Best Practice of School Improvement Nugraha, Dera; Reftyawati, Dian; Sari, Yeasy Agustina
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i2.44


Schools face the social changes quickly that was caused by the global village phenomenon. It makes schools’ strategic plans and their implementation strategies becoming important topics to be discussed. This study aimed to know how the implementation of State of Junior High School (SMP) Islam Cendekia Cianjur strategic plan during academic year 2018/2019. A school in West Java addresses religious and globally competed graduation. The research used qualitative-descriptive. Collecting data used observation, interview, and document analysis instruments. The finding showed that SMP Islam Cendekia Cianjur achieved maximum result in implementing annual work plan. Almost all program objectives were realized, some even exceeded the annual targets set due to their well-organized of strategic plan and the accuracy of its implementation strategy. The collaboration of principal’s managerial and social competencies and participative leadership approach have proven effectively in embodying school annual work plan. The principal succeed in improving educators’ competencies and their working performances, as well as in collaboration with various potential parties. The challenges were related to school human resources. Keywords: Effective School. Strategic Plan Implementation
Peningkatan Motivasi Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Melalui Model Pembelajaran Student Centered Learning Mastufah, Mastufah
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

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In the process of learning Economics (Accounting) required a certain strategy and strong motivation. Teachers play a very important role, especially in terms of designing learning scenarios. Teachers should be able to choose a learning model that can increase the motivation of learners, in accordance with the characteristics of subjects, and characteristics of learners so that learning can take place optimally. The aim of this classroom action research is to improve the learning of learners using the student centered learning model. This research was conducted in class XI IPS1, MAN 1 Cilegon semester 1, material Posting from Juku Kebuku Besar Journals, post to a subsidiary "using cycles, in this study the author tries to 2 cycles. The results show that in each cycle of understanding the accounting, cycle of a merchandising company on post material from a special journal to the ledger, posting to the auxiliary book, gained increased motivation and learning outcomes. In general it can be concluded that the use of student centered learning model can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of learners. Keywords: Student Centered Learning Model, Learn Economics Accounting
Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar Irianisyah, Srie; Harapan, Edi; Houtman, Houtman
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i3.71


This study illustrated the implementation of supervision by school principals, particularly in the use of instructional media during the teaching and learning process in 90 Seberang Ulu II Palembang Primary Schools. This research method uses qualitative research methods and data collection is done by direct observation techniques in the field, documentation and interviews with teachers and school officials. The results showed that the implementation of academic supervision of the use of instructional media in Palembang 90 Primary School uses different techniques. To find out the use of instructional media objectively during the teaching and learning process, the Principal of State Elementary School 90 conducted a class visit supervision technique and also an individual meeting technique with a direct approach in accordance with a predetermined plan. There are factors that inhibit the implementation of academic supervision. The two factors influence the implementation of media use supervision learning in Palembang 90 Primary School. Nevertheless, all problems can be overcome until the supervision of the use of instructional media is carried out properly. Keywords: Supervision of the Pprincipals, Learning Media
Identifikasi Sikap Implikasi Sosial dari Fisika, Normalitas Ilmuwan, dan Adopsi Sikap Ilmiah Ependi, Radias; Puspitasari, Tari Okta; Sandi Pratiwi, Nur Ika
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i1.32


The purpose of this study was to find out how the attitude of students of SMAN 8 Jambi City towards Physics subjects. This type of research is a quantitative study with a survey research design. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire or questionnaire and used a 5-point Likert scale. This research involved 174 students of SMAN 8 Kota Jambi. Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistics. Indicators used in this study are the Social Implications of Physics, Scientific Normality and Adoption of Scientific Attitudes. The analysis results obtained on indicators of the social implications of physics are good with 54.6% presentation. Indicator of attitude toward scientific normality is sufficient with 61.5% presentation, and indicator of scientific attitude adoption is good with presentation of 49.4%. Keywords: Attitude, Social Implications Of Physics, Scientific Normality, Adoption Of Scientific Attitudes.
Peningkatan Motivasi Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Melalui Model Pembelajaran Student Centered Learning Mastufah, Mastufah
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In the process of learning Economics (Accounting) required a certain strategy and strong motivation. Teachers play a very important role, especially in terms of designing learning scenarios. Teachers should be able to choose a learning model that can increase the motivation of learners, in accordance with the characteristics of subjects, and characteristics of learners so that learning can take place optimally. The aim of this classroom action research is to improve the learning of learners using the student centered learning model. This research was conducted in class XI IPS1, MAN 1 Cilegon semester 1, material Posting from Juku Kebuku Besar Journals, post to a subsidiary "using cycles, in this study the author tries to 2 cycles. The results show that in each cycle of understanding the accounting, cycle of a merchandising company on post material from a special journal to the ledger, posting to the auxiliary book, gained increased motivation and learning outcomes. In general it can be concluded that the use of student centered learning model can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of learners. Key words: Student Centered Learning Model, Learn Economics Accounting
Pemberian Insentif dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan PT MNC Skyvision Sahidah, Ahmad; Anwar, Ahmad Kasiful
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i2.53


The various companies, organizations, and institutions certainly want to get good employee performance in each of their respective fields. In the maintenance and management of human resources, they must receive more attention. A person's performance was influenced by the level of employee education, motivation and work experience. The aim of this artilce was to describe the assessment and measurement of employee performance, the benefits of employee performance appraisal, and the factors that influence the performance of employees of PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION). This research was a descriptive analysis, which was done through collecting data, compiling or it’s grouping, and then interpreting the data. The results showed that the provision of incentives had a contribution to change employee attitudes and behavior towards better performance. Employee performance was a very important role and its meaning in the decision making process in the future such as identification of all organizational program needs, program introduction, training, selection, recruitment, placement, reward systems,and promotions. Keywords: Incentives of Employee, Improving of Employee Performance
Kebijakan Kepala Madrasah Dalam Mendukung Pendidikan Kepramukaan di MTS NU Aswaja Tengaran Kab. Semarang Suroya, Lu’luk; Yasin, Ahmad
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i1.26


This research is an effort to find out the madrasa head's policy in supporting Scouting education in MTs NU Aswaja Tengaran. To explore and collect data in this study, researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach with observation, interview and documentation studies as well as data reduction techniques. In this study shows that the scout extracurricular has existed since the inception of the NTS Aswaja Tengaran MTS as an effort in shaping the character of students who have noble character. In addition, there is a new regulation in the form of Permendikbud No. 63 of 2014 concerning Scouting Education which is one of the reasons for Scout extracurricular activities at MTs NU Aswaja Tengaran. With this regulation, the school can perform Scout extracurricular activities better. In addition, school principals supporting scouting education activities have a positive influence and also aligning scouting education and Islamic religious education, which has a role in the character education of students. Keywords: Policy, Head/Madrasa, Scouting Education.
Kepemimpinan Kiai dalam Mengembangkan Pondok Pesantren Umam, Wafiqul
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i3.60


Pondok Pesantren is one of the oldest educational institutions in Indonesia. The significance of the kiai's role in the boarding school is directly proportional to his leadership in managing and directing the entire community in his cottage, especially the students and their influence in society. While the model in leading his Islamic boarding school, each kiai has his own method for advancing his pesantren. This happened because of the kiai's focus on developing his boarding school and the environmental conditions of the surrounding community. This article was describe how the leadership role of kiai in Islamic boarding schools in developing the institutions. This research was descriptive research methods with a qualitative research approach. The main finding in the researcher was the figure of a kiai with his charismatic character that able to have a positive effect in the development of the Islamic boarding schools. Hence bringing the boarding school into the main choice for the community and parents in particular. Keywords: The Leadership of Kiai, The development of Pesantren
Sistem Zonasi Sebagai Solusi Bagi Orang Tua untuk Mendapatkan Pendidikan Anak Yang Bermutu Di Kota Kupang Datuk, Amirulah
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i2.40


Pendidikan adalah sesuatu yang dinamis, kedininamisasian itu membutuhkan agenda-agenda yang matang dalam menghadapi setiap perubahan yang akan datang. Topik permasalahan yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini dikarenakan setiap awal-awal tahun ajaran baru pemerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB) sering dijumpai perdebatan, pro dan kontra dari orang tua terkait sistem zonasi. Penerapan sistem zonasi sebagai solusi bagi masyarakat menegah ke bawah sebagai konsesus dalam dunia pendidikan untuk mendapat pendidikan yang bermutu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana melihat peran pemerintah dengan segala bentuk otoritas kekuasannya hadir untuk memenuhi hak setiap warga negara dalam memperoleh layanan pendidikan guna meningkatkan kualitas hidup bangsa Indonesia. Metode Penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme. Temuan dasar dalam kajian penulis soal analisis kebijakan sistem zonasi masih terdapat kesenjangan anatara negeri maupun swasta. Kurang sinergi pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam menyiapkan tenaga pendidik yang professional yang tersebar di sekolah-sekolah yang ada di Kota Kupang, penyedian fasilitas pembelajaran dan ruang bermain di sekolah yang belum memadahi, serta proses pelayanan dalam dunia pendidikan harus dipermudah. Keywords: Sistem Zonasi, Mutu Pendidikan, PPDB Sistem Zonasi
Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Geografi Materi Bumi Sebagai Ruang Kehidupan Imanuddin, Nikmat
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

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Kegiatan pembelajaran abad saat ini menuntut pendidik dalam melakukan evalausi secara mendalam tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan di sekolah. Kegiatan belajar mengajar sudah seharusnya dilaksanakan lebih mempertimbangkan kepentingan peserta didik dan berorientasi pada keberhasislan pembelajaran. Mata Pelajaran geografi merupakan rumpun pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS). Pada mata pelajaran ini banyak yang menganggap bahwa belajar IPS dalam hal ini termasuk geografi identik terhadap pembelajaran yang monoton terhadap hapalan, sehingga membosankan bagi siswa, apalagi dewasa ini siswa hanya menganggap bahwa mata pelajaran rumpun IPS kurang penting dibandingkan dengan rumpun lainya yang lebih cendrung menyenangkan. Dengan diterapkannya Kurikulum 2013 dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah, menuntut guru untuk bisa mengembangkan model pembelajaran yang bisa membuat siswa untuk berpikir kritis, aktif dan mampu mendorong siswa untuk menemukan dan mengkonstruksi pikiran mereka berdasarkan materi yang diberikan. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang bisa diterapkan oleh guru untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah dengan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran, Cooperative Script, Hasil belajar