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Jurnal Kerugma
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KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristien merupakan wadah publikasi hasil penelitian para dosen di lingkungan Sekolah Tinggi Tehologia Injili Indonesia, Medan, dan STT lain di seluruh nusantara. KERUGMA diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Medan, dengan Focus dan Scope penelitian pada bidang: 1. Teologi Biblikal (Perjanjian Lama dan Baru) 2. Teologi Sistematika 3. Teologi Pastoral 4. Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020" : 7 Documents clear
Mengenal Kaum Pentakosta Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.39


Abstract: This article was created to increase understanding of the Pentecostal group. The research was conducted with literature research that talked about the Pentecostals. This article discusses the history of the development of the Pentecostal group, how this group developed with the house church, the fundamentalist label given to Pentecostals, and how this group uses the Bible as a guide for their daily life.Keywords:  Pentecost ; Fundamentalist ; House Church; Bible Abstrak:Artikel ini dibuat agar pemahaman akan kelompok Pentakosta semakin meningkat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan riset literatur yang membicarakan kaum Pentakosta. Artikel ini membicarakan bagaimana sejarah perkembangan kelompok Pentakosta, bagaimana kelompok ini berkembang dengan gereja rumah, label fundamentalis yang diberikan kepada kaum Pentakosta, dan bagaimana kelompok ini mempergunakan Alkitab sebagai pedoman hidup keseharian. Kata Kunci: Pentakosta ; Fundamentalis ; Gereja Rumah; Alkitab
Tujuan Disertakannya Nama Perempuan dalam Silsilah Yesus Berdasarkan Injil Matius 1:1-17 Theresia Endang Sulistyawati
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.15


This paper aims to explain the genealogy of the birth of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew 1:1-17 which writes about foreign women and explain why Jesus also comes from the descendants of his father and his mother's.  For Christians Mary is a holy virgin from the tribe of Jehuda. Jehuda the son of the king of David and ancestor of Jesus Christ humanly. The method used is text analysis with literature review. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the inclusion of the list name of foreign women Matthew wants to make clear that God's work of salvation cannot be limited by human sin. God can use sinners to complete His work of salvation.
Studi Kristologi Berdasarkan Mazmur 110 Ryan Renaldy Madunde
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.24


AbstractThe doctrine of Christology is a central doctrine in the Christian faith, the belief in His divine and human nature is a doctrine that can no longer be negotiated. And from the time of the Apostles, the Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers to this day the whole church agrees and there is no difference as to this confession of faith. But the teaching of the double quadrant of Jesus Christ is not as easy to say, in the course of history it has proved to be a serious debate that needs to be given extra attention by every church of God today in its study. Added to the question of how as evangelical theologians can prove whether the Old Testament prophesied the person of Jesus and was truly fulfilled in Him, as in Psalm 110: 1-7, how the psalmist reveals the person of Jesus in his writings while the Psalms have a poetic genre where the background of the writing was not disclosed. That is why the study of Christianity based on Psalm 110: 1-7 needs to be done carefully to establish a correct and responsible Doctrine of Critology.Keywords: Jesus, Doctrine of Christology, Book of Psalms
Guru PAK Sebagai Desainer Pendidikan Tiur Imeldawati
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.14


Abstract: Management of education cannot be separated from the element of teachers as educators and teachers. The teacher designs a lesson and seeks to implement the ongoing curriculum in order to achieve educational goals. Teachers have an important role in the development of education, and in a special context, namely as teachers of Christian Religious Education. As a designer, the teacher makes patterns and prepares classroom management according to the planned pattern. In the task of designing, it takes creativity and innovation. Teachers need to equip themselves with various competencies so that they can become effective and professional teachers. The teacher is an educational designer that is very much needed by this country.Keywords: teacher; designer; christian religious education AbstrakPengelolaan pendidikan tidak mungkin terlepas dari unsur guru sebagai pendidik dan pengajar. Guru mendesain sebuah pembelajaran dan berupaya mengimplementasikan kurikulum yang sedang berlangsung demi mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Guru memiliki peran yang penting dalam pengembangan pendidikan, dan dalam konteks khusus yakni sebagai guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Sebagai seorang desainer, guru membuat pola dan mempersiapkan pengelolaan kelas sesuai dengan pola yang telah direncanakan. Dalam tugas mendesain, dibutuhkan kreatifitas dan inovasi. Guru perlu memperlengkapi diri dengan berbagai kompetensi sehingga bisa menjadi guru yang efektif dan profesional. Guru merupakan seorang desainer pendidikan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh negeri ini.Kata kunci: guru, disainer; pendidikan agama kristen
Jemaat Di Efesus Sebagai Peringatan Kepada Gereja Di Era 4.0 Lenny Susi R. Panggabean
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.32


Abstract: Abstract: since the birth of the church at Pentecost, the church has been through world history for 2000 years, but it still has to learn from all that experience. The purpose of this writing was emphasized to a reflection or reflection of what had been at the church in Ephesus in the book (Revelation 2:1-7), where the Lord Jesus himself denounced the Ephesians for having abandoned the original love (Revelation 2:4). History experiences brought the church to a closer look at what was happening and what was happening and what would happen to the church in the future. When the apostle Paul began his ministry in Ephesus, it expanded rapidly but after several generations the church of Ephesus had suffered setbacks, and it was not even there anymore. As for the research method used is the use of a literary approach, which leads to a conclusion in which the church in the 4.0 need to anticipate what will happen in the future, by learning from what happened to the Ephesian church, so strong as to guard doctrine and be hard on false doctrine and yet forget the spirit of Gospel preaching as had been done by their predecessors, Paul, Timothy and John. The church should not be caught with the establishment, there are still many souls to be saved, for this is the great commandment of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18:19-20). The church must give priority to preaching the Gospel as an assignment. Especially, The main one, because without  the gospel world would perished.Keyword: Church; Ephesus; 4.0 era; Gospel Abstrak:Sejak lahirnya gereja pada hari Pentakosta, gereja telah melewati sejarah dunia selama 2000 tahun, namun gereja masih harus belajar dari semua pengalaman yang dialaminya. Tujuan penulisan ini lebih ditekankan kepada sebuah refleksi atau perenungan dari apa yang telah terjadi pada gereja di Efesus dalam kitab Wahyu 2:1-7), dimana Tuhan Yesus sendiri mencela jemaat di Efesus karena mereka telah meninggalkan kasih semula (Wahyu 2:4). Pengalaman sejarah membawa gereja untuk melihat lebih jelas apa yang sudah terjadi dan yang sedang terjadi dan akan terjadi pada gereja di masa depan. Ketika rasul Paulus memulai pelayanan di Efesus, gereja itu berkembang pesat namun setelah beberapa generasi berikutnya gereja Efesus mengalami kemunduran, bahkan gereja itu tidak ada lagi. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan pendekatan literatur, sehingga menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan dimana  gereja di era 4.0 perlu mengantisipasi apa yang akan terjadi di kemudian hari, dengan belajar dari apa yang sudah terjadi dengan gereja Efesus, yang begitu kuat menjaga doktrin dan keras terhadap ajaran palsu namun lupa kepada semangat pemberitaan Injil seperti yang sudah dilakukan oleh para pendahulu mereka, yaitu Paulus, Timotius dan Yohanes. Gereja jangan terjebak dengan kemapanan, masih banyak jiwa yang harus diselamatkan, karena inilah perintah agung Tuhan Yesus (Matius 18:19-20). Gereja harus memprioritaskan pemberitaan Injil sebagai tugas  yang utama, karena tanpa Injil dunia akan binasa.Kata Kunci : Gereja; Efesus; Era 4.0, Injil
Penggenapan Nubuatan Nabi Yesaya Tentang Immanuel (Studi Intertekstuality Yesaya 7:14 dan Matius 1:23) Hulman Simanungkalit
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.42


Abstract:The word “immanuel” is on of the greatest attributes given to the Baby Jesus mentioned by the Angel. The other attributes are Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. Eventhough these attributes are frequently used, the word “Immanuel” are mentioned only three times in the Bible (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8, Matthew 1:23). In the book of Isaiah 7:14 and the Gospel of Matthew 1:23, we find that there are a slight difference in giving name of “Immanuel”. In the book of Isaiah, it is written that a young virgin (single) named Him Immanuel, but in the Gospel of Matthew, it is written that Marry and Joseph (couple) named Him Immanuel. Does Matthew, known as a tax collector who worked very thoroughly, make a mistake? Who is actually the young virgin stated by Isaiah? Is she an ordinary virgin? Or does it refer to Mary??   Keywords: intertextuality, imannuel Abstrak:Kata Immanuel ini menjadi salah satu dari tujuh julukan terbesar bagi Bayi Yesus yang diungkapkan oleh malaikat, yakni: Penasehat Ajaib, Allah yang Perkasa, Immanuel, Raja Damai, Bapa yang Kekal, Juruselamat, dan Tuhan.  Meskipun istilah itu akrab dengan diri kita, namun kata Immanuel itu sendiri di dalam Alkitab hanya disebutkan sebanyak 3 kali (Yes. 7:14, 8:8; Mat. 1:23). Dalam Yesaya 7:14 dan Matius 1:23 maka disana kita menjumpai ada beberapa masalah, yaitu: Ada sedikit perbedaan dalam menamai bayi Yesus dengan sebutan Immanuel. Di kitab Yesaya dituliskan bahwa yang menamai Dia Immanuel adalah perempuan itu (tunggal) tetapi di Injil Matius, yang memberi nama adalah mereka (jamak), yaitu Maria dan Yusuf. Apakah Matius, seorang pemungut cukai yang dikenal sangat teliti itu melakukan kesalahan? Siapakah perempuan muda yang dimaksud oleh Yesaya? Apakah ia seorang perempuan biasa ataukah ini mengacu pada Maria? Misteri dari Immanuel itu sendiri.Kata Kunci: Intertekstuality; Immanuel
Pembimbingan Guru Untuk Karakter Siswa Di Era Digital Nurmiati Marbun; Lamtiur Pasaribu; Elia Yenny
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.28


Abstract:Guiding the character of students in modern times is not an easy thing, because the character of students in the digital era is very different from the character of students in the past. Students in the past were easy to manage and direct, but in the digital era students are very difficult to manage, direct and advise, because they have different lifestyles. Children in the digital era have been shaped and influenced by technological developments. Just look at the lifestyle of school children today, they can already enjoy super-fast mobile Internet services. Not only enjoying the sophistication of the technology, but being able to do anything via a smartphone, ranging from entertainment, study, work, and so on. One of the negative impacts of technological developments on the renewal of student character in the digital era is that the moral decline among the community, especially teenagers and students, is one of the serious socio-cultural challenges. So a teacher must really realize that their status is not only seen by people as a profession but teachers are also seen as people who are trusted to teach, educate and guide students to build character in this digital era.Keywords: Guidance; character; digital era. Abstrak:Membimbing karakter Siswa di zaman modern ini bukan hal yang mudah, karena karakter siswa di era digital sangat berbeda dengan karakter siswa di zaman dulu. Siswa di zaman dulu mudah diatur dan diarahkan, tetapi di era digital siswa sangat susah diatur, diarahkan dan dinasihati, karena mereka memiliki pola hidup yang berbeda-berbeda. Anak-anak di era digital telah terbentuk dan dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Lihat saja gaya hidup anak-anak sekolah di zaman sekarang, mereka sudah bisa menikmati layanan mobile Internet yang super cepet. Bukan hanya menikmati kecanggihan teknologi tersebut, namun bisa melakukan apapun lewat smartphone, mulai dari entertainment, belajar, kerja, dan sebagainya. Salah satu dampak negatif tentang perkembangan teknologi terhadap pembaharuan karakter siswa di era digital adalah kemerosotan moral di kalangan masyarakat khususnya remaja dan pelajar/siswa menjadi salah satu tantangan sosial budaya yang serius. Jadi seorang guru haruslah benar-benar menyadari bahwa status mereka bukan hanya dipandang orang sebagai sebuah profesi namun guru juga dipandang sebagai  orang yang dipercaya untuk mengajar, mendidik dan membimbing untuk membangun karakter siswa di era digital ini.Kata Kunci: Pembimbingan; karakter; era digital.

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