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Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management
ISSN : 26567032     EISSN : 26567032     DOI :
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management fokus menerbitkan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan Islam diberbagai jenis dan jenjang, termasuk di lembaga pendidikan umum yang memiliki visi keislaman. Bidang ini mencakup bidang ilmu manajemen perguruan tinggi Islam, pesantren, madrasah, sekolah Islam, diniyah, raudatul athfal, taman pendidikan al-Qur’an, ma’had aly, majelis taklim, baik yang berada dalam wewenang Kementerian Agama maupun Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia dan lembaga pendidikan Islam lainnya di seluruh dunia. Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management erat hubungannya dengan bidang ilmu manajemen pendidikan Islam akan tetapi juga menyambut baik naskah yang berhubungan dengan disiplin ilmu lain, khususnya menyangkut penggunaan dan pemanfaatan sistem dan teknologi informasi digital serta media sosial dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran Sains Kealaman, Kejuruan atau Vokasional, Matematika, Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, sepanjang proses diselenggarakan di lembaga pendidikan Islam. Kiriman naskah yang berhubungan dengan manajemen tetapi tidak ada relevansinya dengan pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan umum yang memiliki visi keislaman, tidak akan kami pertimbangkan untuk dipublikasikan. Para penulis yang masih ragu dan hendak menanyakan tentang kemungkinan naskahnya diterima silakan menghubungi pemimpin redaksi (Editor-in-Chief) sebelum mengirim naskah. Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management menerima dan menerbitkan jenis-jenis naskah atau artikel, sebagai berikut: Naskah penelitian empiris; Naskah ini merupakan ringkasan laporan penelitian empiris yang didukung oleh data yang akurat, berbasis pada teori dan literatur yang relevan serta dikaji secara kritis. Naskah harus mencakup penjelasan tentang metodologi dan prosedur penelitian yang digunakan, teknik analisis yang dilakukan dan simpulan yang dicapai, menarik implikasi bagi teori dan praktik pengelolaan pendidikan Islam, serta menunjukkan kemungkinan penelitian lanjutan bisa dilakukan di masa depan. Naskah yang termasuk dalam kategori akan kami prioritaskan untuk diterbitkan. Makalah kelungguhan; Makalah ini berupa esai analitis, interpretatif atau persuasif mengenai asal-usul, sifat dan kemungkinan menunjukkan cara mengidentifikasi masalah, tantangan atau peluang, baik yang sedang dihadapi atau mungkin akan dihadapi oleh praktik pengelolaan pendidikan Islam di seluruh dunia. Pembahasannya dapat berhubungan dengan masalah-masalah ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya dan agama yang sedang aktual (trending topic). Makalah yang masuk dalam kategori ini terutama berupaya mendialogkan dan mempromosikan secara informatif tentang situasi dan kondisi pengelolaan pendidikan Islam Indonesia kepada dunia. Makalah teoretis; Makalah ini membahas sifat-sifat dasar dan akademis teori-teori tentang pemikiran, penelitian dan praktik pengelolaan pendidikan Islam diberbagai belahan dunia. Makalah yang masuk dalam kategori ini dapat ditulis dari perspektif historis, teologis, sosiologis, antropologis, psikologis, atau filosofis tertentu. Ulasan yang kritis disertai dengan analisis literatur yang primer atau berbasis pada penelitian terdahulu mengenai tema tertentu yang relevan dengan pengelolaan pendidikan Islam secara universal masuk dalam kategori ini. Makalah yang ditulis secara cermat dan argumentatif ini meskipun memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan arus utama pemikiran dan praktik pendidikan Islam pada umumnya, akan kami sambut baik. Makalah Kritik; Tulisan ini dapat berupa artikel yang harus mengandung pendapat atau informasi yang berhubungan dengan naskah, makalah dan artikel yang diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau menginformasikan hal-hal yang amat penting bagi para pelaku dan pengelola profesional lembaga pendidikan Islam dan pendidikan umum yang memiliki visi dan misi keislaman. Artikel ini merupakan sebagian dari visi Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management agar para pembaca yang berprofesi sebagai penyelia dan pengelola/pimpinan/manajer pendidikan mendapat kesempatan mengungkapkan pandangannya secara rasional mengenai masalah-masalah yang relevan dengan pengelolaan pendidikan berperspektif Islam. Kiriman tulisan untuk kategori ini dibatasi hingga 2000 kata.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 1 (2019)" : 5 Documents clear
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.201 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.117


This study aims to reveal the application of the functions of management in managing libraries in madrasas. The location of the research was Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya, West Java. This study uses a qualitative approach. The type of qualitative research used a case study. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documents analysis. The results of the study show that the functions of management applied in managing the madrasah library include (1) preparation of the program; (2) implementation which is essentially service; (3) supervision carried out by Madrasah Heads and Library Heads, and; 4) evaluation. The functions of management that were applied in madrasah library management are relatively the same as the implementation of school library management functions in general. There was nothing typical of madrasa library management. It means that theoretically and practically there are no distinguishing factors in the application of the functions of management in managing madrasa libraries with library management in public schools. So, there are needs to be a reconstruction of the management theory of Islamic education that is completely different from the management theory of education in general.
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.896 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.44


This paper aims to uncover the implementation of the policy of vocational madrasah aliyah (MAK) in Indonesia. The research method used in the study was qualitative. Data was collected through interviews, observations and documentation studies. The results showed that the existence of MAK was considered legal. This was marked by the issuance of the Minister of Religion Affair (PMA) Republic of Indonesia No. 60 of 2015. In its implementation, the establishment of MAK focused on MAK as public school which is outside of Java Island such as North Sulawesi and Riau. The implementation of the pilot project was implemented in 2019, because until 2018 the building of MAKN as national pilot project was just completed. Some foundations or private parties tried to set up MAK but failed due to lack of funds. So they lacked interest. Therefore, the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Madrasah Director needs to product regulations that the community or foundation does not rush to establish MAK. There are needs to be strategic planning to establish MAK.
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.234 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.91


Academic supervision carried out by the headmaster is done only once in a semester. The lack of implementation of guidance of school principals on educators in the preparation of design of learning implementation, mastery and delivery of teaching materials. This study aims to uncover the processes of planning, implementing, and evaluating the academic supervision at Al-Aqsha Jatinangor Junior High School plus, West Java, Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative. The results of the study show that (1) Academic supervision in Al-Aqsa Junior High School plus is planned using individual and group techniques carried out within one year; (2) implementation of academic supervision with individual techniques monitored through surveillance cameras that have been installed in each class. Individual supervision of 46 educators involved 4 senior teachers namely Apit Miftahudin, Oih Baihaqi, Apip Hadi Susanto, and Saidiman; (3) supervision evaluation is carried out at the end of semester meeting together with the entire academic community of the Al-Aqsa Junior High School plus. Focus on follow-up training on academic supervision results at the Al-Aqsa Junior High School plus regarding instrument learning devices;
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.023 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.217


Based on the results of the Competency Knowledge Test (UPK) specifically regarding writing skills in class XI religious (IIK)-1 state madrasa aliyah (MAN) 2 Sumedang, it turns out that from the total of 34 students only 15 people or 42.86% whose value exceeds the specified Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) value limit that is 78. This shows that learning achievement in English, especially writing skills in class IIK-1 is still low. The facts above show that students' learning achievement in English subjects is still low. One way out is to change the learning model by applying the Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy learning model to English subjects. This study aims to describe the application of the Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy in improving learning activities and Educator Performance and learning outcomes of English Class XI Religious (IIK) -1 MAN 2 Sumedang Students Even Semester Academic Year 2016/2017. From the results of the research conducted in March, May 2017 with 2 cycles there are the following findings: The increase in the performance value of educators from cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased by 10 points while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 8 points. Furthermore, in terms of categories also increased from C in cycle 1, B to cycle 2 and A in cycle 3. The increase in this activity value from cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased by 9.99 points while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 7.53 points . Furthermore, in terms of categories also increased from C in cycle 1, B in cycles 2 and A in cycle 384 to 82.54 on average cycle 2 learning achievement. An increase in learning achievement from cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased by 9.99 points while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 7.53 points. Furthermore, in terms of categories also increased from C in cycle 1, B in cycles 2 and A to cycle 3. Based on the findings in the research above, it can be concluded that: the increase in learning achievement from cycle 1 to cycle 2 increased by 9.99 point while from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 7.53 points. Furthermore, in terms of categories also increased from C in cycle 1, B in cycles 2 and A in cycle 317
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.542 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.111


Some programs of Junior High School (SMP Muslimin 5 Kota bandung) were not implemented optimally because the position of teachers qualifications and competencies were not suitable for the mandate. In addition, double positions was unavoidable. This article aims to uncover the staffing process and the raising of double position phenomena in SMP Muslimini 5 Kota Bandung, West Java. The results showed that staffing had an impact on the raising of double positions. Double positions cannot be avoided because of the demands of fulfilling teaching hours, avoiding job vacancies and learning, inequality of competencies and potential teachers and the need for promotion and regeneration. Double or multiple positions have not optimized the potential SMP Muslimin 5 Bandung as an Islamic education institution (Islamic school). Positions related to the implementation of Islamic religious education have not attracted the interest of the teachers who wish to promote such as being the supervisor of the Madrasah Science Competition and Islamic religious extracurricular coaches.

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