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Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research
ISSN : 27229688     EISSN : 27229696     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
This journal publishes research articles on various innovation education that are interesting and have an impact on the development of education. The journal publishes articles on interdisciplinary content and cross-field dimensions related to education from various cultural perspectives. The journal includes, but is not limited to the following fields: Education Method Innovation Education Technology Innovation Cultural History Cultural Studies Innovation Learning Innovation Training Innovation Teaching Innovation
Articles 230 Documents
Effect of Dao Jiang Ping (DJP) Model Based Module on Learning Result of XI Class Students Suciati Suciati; Maridi Maridi; Nurul Kusuma Dewi; Dedy Subandowo; Anggit Sasmito
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.076 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i1.6


Learning outcomes are an evaluation mechanism in the curriculum to achieve graduates competency standards. Student learning outcomes include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of DJP Model based module to student learning result of class XI. The research used experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. The research population is all of the XI MIA class of SMA Negeri 1 Geger with a total number of 192 students scattered into six classes. The sample which is taken by using simple random sampling technique resulted in two classes, namely XI MIA 3 class (experimental class using DJP Model module) which consist of 34 students and XI MIA 6 (control class using teaching material in school) which consist of 34 students. Data collection techniques are done through test (measuring cognitive learning outcomes) and non-tests (measuring affective and psychomotor learning outcomes). The research instruments used in this research were multiple choice questions, observation sheets, and documentation. The data were analyzed using SPSS 18 t-test with significance level of 0.05. The result of the analysis showed the experimental cognitive learning result of experimental class is higher (75,29 with 76,47% completeness) than control class (59,12 with 8,82% completeness) with significance level 0,000. The affective learning outcomes of experimental class were higher (89.78) than the control class (23.43) with significance level of 0.000. The experimental psychomotor learning outcomes of experimental class were higher (90.72) than control class (9,84) with a significance level of 0.000. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that the DJP Model-based Module gives positive effect on student learning outcomes of XI graders.
Multi-Dimensional Values on Customers' Intention to Revisit Green Resorts: The Cultural Case in Malaysia Nor Rabiatul Adawiyah Nor Azam; Basri Rashid; Noor Azimin Zainol; Maliani Mohamad
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.312 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i2.8


This study investigates the concept of perceived value on the customers' intention to revisit Malaysian green resorts. It is a cultural case that happened in Malaysia. The perceived value would be assessed in a formative manner based on a multi-dimensional scale, which includes the dimensions of functional, social, emotional, and epistemic. This research was applied to a survey method. The unit of analysis is the resort customers, with distributed questionnaires to customers who have stayed in one of the selected green resorts and have consumed the products and services at these resorts for at least two days. This study provides significant insights and pertinent recommendations to the hospitality industry and extends the existing body of knowledge by assessing perceived value as an integrated formative construct and examining customers' overall perceived value towards green resorts. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of green resorts associated with the communities, groups, and individuals from one generation to the next. Also, this study can be a benchmark, provide guidance, and the basis for future directions of future studies that are similar. It can contribute to providing a broader perspective on the issue. This study also addresses what academicians can do to teach students in the field of hospitality and tourism, create awareness among individual consumers and finally, to promote sustainability for tourists, travelers, as well participants in the field of hospitality. Next, attention is also given to the teaching of the hospitality and tourism areas in the lodging, meetings and events, and foodservice segments of the industry. Sustainability education in lodging operations includes ensuring that students understand that "green" lodging professionals participate. The paper estimates the demand for customers' intention to revisit the green resort in Malaysia. The originality of this paper comes out to the need to identify the application of green initiatives in the hospitality industry continues to rise in their contribution to preserve the environment as well as meeting the demands of environmentally-conscious customers.
The Effectiveness of Scientific Argumentation Strategy towards the Various Learning Outcomes and Educational Levels Five Over the Years in Science Education Indah Juwita Sari; R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1993.58 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i2.17


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of scientific argumentation strategy towards various learning outcomes and educational levels five over the years in science education. This study was used systematic review and meta-analysis using R application. Selected ten articles from the Web of Science database during 2016-2020 were used in this study. The results showed that scientific reasoning is more effective for improving through scientific argumentation in the higher education level than other learning outcomes and other educational levels with an effect size 1.39 and standard error 0.2478.  So, we can conclude that there is evidence to suggest using a scientific argumentation strategy in improving scientific reasoning in higher education levels both in the teaching process and the research.
The Effectiveness of Development Results of Pro-show Media Based on Solar System Poem and Song on Student Learning Outcomes Yeni Kurniawanti; Budiyono Saputro; Sakshi Bahuguna
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.477 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i1.1


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the results of the development of poem and song-based proshow media on MI Al-Falah Soropadan District of Pringsurat students' learning outcomes in the solar system material. The research method used is quantitative with One-Group Pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the study were sixth graders of MI AL-Falah Soropadan and teachers in Pringsurat District. The research instruments were pretest and posttest of solar material. T-test results obtained t -73.676, p = 0.00 0.05, which means that the poem and song-based proshow media development results are effective on MI Al-Falah Soropadan Pringsurat District students' learning outcomes in solar system material. Poem and song-based proshow media provide solutions for teachers and students in increasing mastery of science subjects.
The Trend in Using Online Meeting Applications for Learning During the Period of Pandemic COVID-19: A Literature Review Hendri Pratama; Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman; Gulzhaina K. Kassymova; Shakizat S. Duisenbayeva
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (781.865 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i2.15


The pandemic COVID-19 has given a very significant impact on the lives of the world community, especially in the field of education. The existence of remote learning is an alternative for the community to reduce the impact of outbreaks. This alternative changes the direction of physical learning into online and virtual learning. The use of online meeting applications is an option that provides many conveniences for students and teachers to achieve learning goals without being in class. Various types of applications can be used by the needs and interests of the people. This study is carried out to examine the trend in using online meeting applications to learn during the outbreak period. This study was conducted using qualitative methods through descriptive analysis of the results of observations and documentation. This scenario shows the increment of the usage of these applications in the teaching and learning process (PP). The use of this application is very helpful in the teaching and learning process between teachers and students. Overall, there is an increasing trend and give the effect towards usage of online meeting applications in solving learning problems in the future.
The Effect of 'Fish Diversity' Book in Kampar District on the Learning Motivation and Obstacles of Kampar High School Students through Online Learning during the COVID-19 Period Yustina Yustina; Lilia Halim; Imam Mahadi
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.018 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i1.2


The study aims to analyze the effect of the fish diversity book in Kampar District on the learning motivation and obstacles of Kampar High School students through online learning during the COVID-19 period. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with research subjects in class XI SMA Kampar (Kampar High School). In its implementation, students were given a motivational questionnaire in the beginning, after that they were given the task of studying the types of fish in Kampar through the book files of fish diversity in Kampar District through online learning. After online learning, the post-test was given using a questionnaire evaluation of the motivation and online learning obstacles questionnaire. Parameters: learning motivation with five indicators, ten indicators of online obstacles. Motivation data collection using pre-test and post-test. Data is presented and analyzed descriptively. The results obtained an average score of post-test student learning motivation (77.7) increased compared to before studying diversity book (65.9) with an N-gain index of 0.34, 74% of respondents said online learning was more effective, 50% of respondents stated the ordinary school is better than online learning. The implementation of fish species diversity books through online learning is effective in increasing student learning motivation, but it is less effective in motivating desires, appreciation, and not being attractive enough. The obstacles of online learning at Kampar High School include internet network facilities and field practicum during the COVID-19 period. 
Analysis of Religious Characters and Logical Thinking Skills After Using Solar System Teaching Material Integrated with Islamic Science Eka Yulida Fitriani; Fidia Fibriana
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.947 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i2.7


This study aims to analyze the religious character and logical thinking skills of students after using solar systems teaching materials integrated with Islamic Science. The type of research used is descriptive analysis with a Post-Test-Only with Non-equivalent Groups research design. The research data were obtained from observation sheets, questionnaire sheets, and posttest. The religious character and students’ logical thinking skills of the experiment class students are better than the control class. Students in the experiment class were superior to the control class. The effect of the correlation of the use of teaching materials on the religious character of the students obtained 79.21%, while the effect of the correlation of the use of teaching materials on students’ logical thinking skills was 38.44%. The study concludes that students’ religious character after using solar system teaching materials integrated Islamic science is dominant in the “very good” category and students’ logical thinking skills after the use of solar system teaching materials integrated Islamic science is dominant in the high category.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Approach across Curriculum in Science Classrooms: Are the English Language Use and Learning Reveal? Nurhamsi Deswila; Martin Kustati; Besral Besral; Syayid Sandi Sukandi
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.694 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i1.4


The study aims to reveal the implementation CLIL approach in improving students’ English language use and learning in the science classroom.  A descriptive study was employed where data were collected using observation and interview to two classes at of Private Islamic Boarding in West Sumatera. The students for CLIL Strategy are the first grade of junior high school at science classrooms. The result of the research revealed that the use of the CLIL strategy across the curriculum is an effective strategy to develop English language use and learning. The pedagogical implications of the study for the EFL students in science classrooms include the need for teachers to consider underlying theories of teaching English in EFL context taking into account students’ constraints; a focus on the various types of students’ English ability and consider students’ interest in topic selection; teachers to be aware of the significance of the relationship between their attitude and background in classroom practice; teachers to be trained formally on the implementation of the CLIL Strategy.
An Analysis of Epistemological Learning Barriers on Newton’s Law Material in Engineering Class Antomi Saregar; Hani Mulyani; Yetri Yetri; Adyt Anugrah; Konstantinos Ravanis
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2988.538 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i2.14


Physics learning barriers have been studied quite a lot, one of which is epistemological learning barriers. This study aims to determine the epistemological learning barriers and what the percentage of epistemological learning barriers on Newton’s law material about motion in one of the engineering class at one of the vocational high school in Indonesia. Therefore, the researchers reported the results of research related to epistemological learning barriers. This research was qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 65 students with an age range of 14-15 years. The data was collected using tests and interviews, then analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validity was determined using technical triangulation. The results of this research indicated that high epistemological barriers were found in two indicators, namely the incorrect calculation and the difficulty to determine the right calculation units on the Newton’s First, Second, and Third Laws with the percentages of 88.75%, 6.87%, and 98.45% respectively. The average percentage epistemological learning barriers on the Newton’s First Law was 61.7% within the moderate category and the average percentages of epistemological learning barriers on Newton’s Second and Third Laws were 70.61% and 76.50% within the high categories. Based on these results, it can be concluded that students had difficulty calculating and determining Newton’s Laws’ unit of calculation. It indicated that the students experience epistemological learning barriers with a high category.
The Effect of Project-Based Learning Assisted by Electronic Media on Learning Motivation and Science Process Skills Safaruddin Safaruddin; Nurlaiha Ibrahim; Juhaeni Juhaeni; Harmilawati Harmilawati; Laeli Qadrianti
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.86 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v1i1.5


This study aims to analyze the effect of using Project Based Learning (PjBL) strategy assisted by Electronic Media in increasing learning motivation and Science Process Skills (KPS) on the material “Heat Transfer”. The study used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest experimental design with 59 students. The experimental group was taught using the PjBL strategy while the control group was taught with a conventional strategy that was teacher-centred. Learning motivation is measured using questionnaires distributed to students, and KPS is measured through observation using observation sheets. The results, average score of KPS with the PjBL strategy = 86.33, the conventional strategy = 74.52; the average score of learning motivation with PjBL strategy = 78.05, conventional strategy = 69.49. Conclude from this data that the use of the PjBL based on e-media strategy is effective and influences the improvement of KPS and learning motivation of elementary school students.

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