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SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Published by STAI Al-Washliyah
ISSN : 27156400     EISSN : 27233286     DOI : -
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies is an interdisciplinary, open access and scholarly journal published by STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh incorporation with KOPERTAIS Wilayah 5 Aceh. Its establishment is aimed at communicating current issues on multidisiplinary study of Muslim societies. As a credible place for researchers, Shibghah warmly welcomes manuscripts on education, law, islamic economic, and finance, from scholars of related discipline to serve a wide range of interests of thoughtful readers.. This journal is published biannually in June and December. The journal is currently indexed and/or included by Google Scholar, etc. Office at Rukoh Kotamadya Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh. Email:
Articles 64 Documents
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The research aims to clarify the settings of the fatwa, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and Sheikh Wahba al-Zuhaili, as a model in the approach to moderation in the fatwa. It also explains  the features of each of these controlscriterias and reaches the recommendation of adopting the moderate approach in the fatwa, as it is the method of the scholars, piety and moderation, and these characteristics are necessary for the one who is subjected to the fatwa. The fatwa takes into account the condition of the mufti and the reality of coming down or emerging at the fatwa, where the mufti is moving toward the required medium in moderation, not excessive towards militancy and not neglecting it towards leniency, but rather according to the legal evidence and the principles of the fatwa. 
Risk Protection System In Sharia Banks In Indonesia Muslina Muslina
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Islamic banking is an institution engaged in the financial sector that is based on sharia principles. This institution operates with many systems not just buy and sell, renting, profit sharing, and other services. Consequently, the risks faced are also very diverse, including financing risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, compliance risk, legal risk, reputation risk, compliance risk, Rate and Return risk, and Equity Investment Risk. The complexity of the risks faced by Islamic banks makes this institution take a very strict policy in protecting its assets. The policy can consist of financing restructuring, dealing directly with the money market sector, conducting simple transactions, improving the quality of human resources and technology, completing written documents both SOP and others. All was done to maximize risk protection so that public confidence in Islamic banks is increasing. This will make Islamic banks more competitive in competing with conventional banks.
JIHAD IN ISLAM Kuntari Madchaini
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Understanding the truth of jihad in Islam through its concepts -illustrated in the Koran and Hadith, the books of interpretation, hadith, and fiqh- is the most objective way of getting to know jihad. This is because jihad is a term in Islam that should be judged by its own perspective, and  not in the eyes of other reviewers. Therefore, this research aims to uncover the truth of jihad from the Islamic references above to be more proportional in uncovering its nature.
ZINA CRIMINAL ACTION SYSTEM (Analysis of the Criminal Procedure Book and Law Qanun for Aceh Jinayah Procedure) Erha Saufan Hadana
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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The purpose of considering is to explain the proof of opinion in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Jinayat Procedural Qanun, the position of proof of the defendant's recognition, and the mechanism in the Jinayat Procedural Qanun. The method used is normative juridical, with secondary data as supported data. The results showed the strength of the proof of the statement in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Qanun of the Jinayat Procedural Law had several differences, including the number of elections in the Criminal Procedure Code of at least two witnesses while in the Jinayat Procedural Qanun, specifically for adultery of at least four witnesses. The position of the defendant's acceptance in proving that adultery is preferred because it must be approved to be removed from sin. The admission process is divided into two, namely outside and inside the trial, outside the trial begins at the examination process at the education level, the prosecution and in the Court of the panel of judges asking again about the recognition. While the permission was received by the defendant in the trial. The defendant requested and requested permission to be uqubat hudud.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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This study intends to analyze the role of Baitul Mal Aceh in managing public finances. Given its very significant role, the Baitul Mal Aceh has the opportunity to be able to re-implement the Baitul Malfunction as in the heyday of Islam. The research method used is the library method with descriptive analysis. The results showed that the Baitul Mal Aceh was given the authority to manage and develop zakat, endowments, religious assets to benefit the Ummah and to become trustees/guardians of orphans and/or their assets and to manage inheritance without inheritance based on shari'a at Islam. With the extent of authority granted, Baitul Mal Aceh can be used as a center for regional financial management as a whole without the need for special segregation for the management of religious assets. This institution is like being a special central bank of Aceh and this is a challenge for Baitul Mall, both regulatory readiness and other readiness.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 2 (2019): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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This study seeks to analyze the application of standard form contracts imposed on bankssharia. The existence of a standard form contract in professional interactions of sharia business has indeed caused pros and cons in society, especially among legal experts, although it could facilitate and save time, it is also against the sharia principle of wronging others. This research aims to find out how the practice of applying and reviewing Islamic law is implemented intostandard form contracts on musyarakah financing in BSM Banda Aceh branch, including the positive and negative sides from the application of the standard form contract. The research method used is the qualitative method through primary data obtained from the field. The results showed that the standard contract at musyarakah financing at BSM Banda Aceh Branch is final and cannot be revised by the customers. Making contracts without involving the customers and the room of negotiation causes that this standard form contract is contrary to the principle of contracting in Islam, namely the principal freedom of contract, the principle of benefit (not burdensome) and the principle of balance (justice). Nonetheless, the standard contract on musyarakah financing is legally valid because the fulfillment of the terms of harmony and the terms of contract in Islam are indicated by the signing of the standard contract by both parties as proof that both parties are equally pleased. The existence of a standard contract on musyarakah financing has a positive side, and negatives are comparable, because, on the one hand, it makes it easy and saves time, on the other hand, incriminating next party. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to negotiate or eliminate a clause which is burdensome to create a balanced, fair and mutual cooperation contract between the two parties.
Building Islamic Character Education In Online Learning BURHAN NUDIN; Nur Zaytun Hasanah; Ika Nur Lathifah
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 2 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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 This article describes how to build Islamic character education in online learning as the main goal in Islamic education is so that students have Islamic knowledge and master applied science and form students with Islamic personality (Aqliyah and Nafsiyah Islam). Talking about education is talking about generations. However, how about talking about education in Indonesia? Is education in Indonesia can be said to be fine, or just the opposite? The research method used by the author is a qualitative method, namely research methods relating to data in the form of narration, analysis and interpretation of the data found. At first glance the decision to study at home seems fun, but in fact there are many complaints everywhere. Especially come from students. The low morale of students who dare to shout at the teacher for being given an assignment to say something that is not appropriate to the teacher. How can this happen in Indonesia? Isn't that a big problem for education in Indonesia? Religious knowledge is only limited to knowledge, but is not practiced in everyday life. For this reason, the morals and morals of students gradually become low. Islam as a religion, does not limit students to only master the science of religion. Applied science is also important to master, because Islam will lead the world civilization (Islam). Keywords: Building Islamic Character Education
Pemamfaatan Barang Gadai Ditinjau Menurut Prinsip Ekonomi Syariah Safrizal Safrizal
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2021): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Muamalah dalam bentuk transaksi gadai merupakan suatu hal yang sering terjadi di dalam masyarakat, pelaksanaa pinjam meminjam uang yang lebih mudah dan cepat dengan jalan gadai dibandingkan dengan meminjam uang di bank, maka dalam prinsip ekonomi syariah kita dianjurkan untuk saling tolong menolong dalam kebajikan, salah satu prinsip yang diatur di dalam ekonomi syariah yang berkaitan dengan transaksi gadai yaitu pemamfaatan barang gadai secara keseimbangan tidak mergikan salah satu diantara rahin dan murtahin, dalam penelitian ini penulis menjelaskan riil prinsip ekonomi syari’ah terhadap pemanfaatan barang gadai dan dampak dari pemanfaatan barang gadai yang diatur dalam prinsip ekonomi syariah dengan menganalisa beberapa teori dasar pijakan prinsip ekonomi syariah terhadap judul penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan menelaah konsep-konsep prinsip ekonomi syariah dalam berbagai literatur yang relevan. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Pemanfaatan barang gadai yang diatur dalam prinsip ekonomi syariah harus memberikan rasa tolong menolong antara rahin dengan murtahin, memberikan rasa kesejahteraan dan menpunyai rasa keadilan dengan tidak menzalimi salah satu pihak. Prinsip ta’awwun, maslahah dan keadilan dalam pemanfaata barang gadai yang diatur dalam ekonomi syariah lebih sesuai, bahwa barang jaminan hutang tersebut di manfaatkan oleh rahin karena dengan memberikan hak pemanfaatan lebih tertolong, terbantu dan juga lebih maslahaha untuk kesejahteraan kehidupan rahin. Dampak dari pemanfaatan barang gadai oleh si rahin sebagaimana diatur dalam prinsip ekonomi syariah dapat membantu pihak yang berhutang atau rahin dalam proses pembayaran hutang dengan cara memanfatkan barang jaminan hutang tesebut untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi, bagi pihak pemberi hutang atau murtahin juga tidak dirugikan sedikitpun ketika barang gadai dimanfaatkan oleh pihak yang berhutang karena pihak yang memberi hutang boleh menjualnya jika sudah jatuh tempo pembayaran hutang dan belum di tuanaikan hutang tersebut.
Pemasaran Saham-Saham Syari’ah oleh Broker Saham di Kota Banda Aceh Zikri Mahyar Ray
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 2, No 2 (2020): SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Stock brokers are instrumental in marketing stocks especially in increasing their promotion of Shariah stocks so that investors want to trade in Shariah stocks. Understanding of Shari'ah shares should continue to be disseminated within the community, so that the public understands the differences of conventional stock and Shari'ah shares. The purpose of this research is to know how the stock broker strategy in Banda Aceh City in promoting syari'ah shares as well as its influence in purchasing syari'ah stocks and to know the barriers and challenges of stock brokers when promoting the shares of sharia in the company securities in the city of Banda Aceh. This research method is qualitative with descriptive analysis. This research type is descriptive with qualitative approach, using instrument of observation data and interview. While data analysis by way of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study found that stock brokers in Banda Aceh City in marketing Shariah stocks using education and socialization to the public by holding seminars on syari'ah capital market. The effect of the broker's promotion on the purchase of Shari'ah shares is the increasing number of people who know about the syariah capital market. In marketing sharia stocks there are obstacles and challenges because in transacting shares in the capital market stock brokers in the city of Banda Aceh there are two points of view. First, brokers are considering the religious aspect when promoting stocks. Second, stock brokers who do not consider the religious aspect of promoting their shares. Then plus there are people who still consider the same between the shares of shari'ah with conventional shares.
SHIBGHAH: Journal of Muslim Societies Vol 3, No 1 (2021): SHIBGHAH: Journal Of Muslim Societies
Publisher : STAI Al-Washliyah Banda Aceh

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Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah kontribusi pengelola Zakat Ummat pada pengembangan usaha mikro di Kecamatan Kota Meulaboh, Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Sumber data adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari kantor Baitul Mal Kabupaten Aceh Barat dan Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis kontribusi untuk mengetahui kontribusi Baitul Mal terhadap pengembangan usaha mikro di kecamatan Kota Meulaboh Kabupaten Aceh Barat dari 2008 hingga 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi Baitul Mal pada pengembangan usaha mikro di Kecamatan Kota Meulaboh di 2008 hingga 2019 mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan antara 8,00 persen dan 12,04 persen, kontribusi terbesar terjadi di tahun 2017 sebesar 12.04 persen. sedangkan kontribusi terendah terjadi di tahun 2008 sebesar 8.00 persen. Kontribusi yang diberikan oleh Baitul Mal Kabupaten Aceh Barat periode 2008 sampai 2019 hanya sekitar 9,82 persen sehingga memperlihatkan adanya kontribusi Baitul Mal terhadap tingkat perkembangan usaha  mikro di Kecamatan Kota Meulaboh.