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JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering)
ISSN : -     EISSN : 25796216     DOI :
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JAREE is an Open Access Journal published by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya – Indonesia. Published twice a year every April and October, JAREE welcomes research papers with topics including power and energy systems, telecommunications and signal processing, electronics, biomedical engineering, control systems engineering, as well as computing and information technology.
Articles 11 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April" : 11 Documents clear
Simulation Water Level Control in The Steam Drum of Steam Power Plant's Boiler System Using A Robust Self-Tuning Scheme for PID-Type Fuzzy Ali Fatoni; Imam Arifin; Mughny Indra Darmawan
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.73


The water level in the steam drum needs to be kept constant at a certain point. Therefore, control is needed for the flow rate of incoming water feedwater to adjust to the disruption of the steam flow rate that comes out. The size of the steam flow rate that comes out depends on the load demand. If the demand for loads is high and fluctuations, then the water level in the steam drum will be more difficult. The PID type fuzzy logic controller with a robust self-tuning scheme will be implemented in the water level regulation system in the steam drum. In the three-element control scheme, when given a high load of 700 MW the system produces an error deviation of 15.69 mm peak against the set point. This value is smaller than the single-element control scheme by producing an error deviation of 18.5 mm against the set point. However, when given a set point change of 40 mm the three-element control scheme produced a response of 16.82 mm peak error error to the set point. This value is greater than the system response with the single-element control scheme which only produces an error deviation of 3.91 mm peak against the set point.Keywords: fuzzy-PID, robust self-tuning scheme, steam drum.
Breakdown Voltage Using Bond Energy Calculation for CF3CHCl2/CO2 Mixture as Insulation Applied Tedy Juliandhy; T. Haryono; Eka Firmansyah; Indra Perdana
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.68


Sulfur hexafluoride gas according to the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto protocol needs to be limited and gradually reduced because it causes global warming, the greenhouse effect and acid rain on the environment. The Kyoto protocol recommends the use of dichlorotrifluoroethane gas as one of the alternatives to substitute sulfur hexafluoride gas. This research discusses the use of dichlorotrifluoroethane gas mixed with CO2 gas which was known to be able to withstand the breakdown voltage of 592-870 kV. Comparing to breakdown voltage predictions using methods based on bond energy, Paschen's law and high voltage tests. Breakdown voltage deviations using bond energy were better than Paschen's law. The dichlorotrifluoroethane gas economy has a price of 5.18 times cheaper than hexafluoride sulfur gas. The ability of dichlorotrifluoroethane gas to insulation gas in gas insulated switchgear needs to be applied as a real potential substitute for sulfur hexafluoride gas.Keywords- bond energy, dichlorotrifluoroethane, gas insulated switchgear, Paschen’s law, sulfur hexafluoride, techno-economy.
Dissolved Oxygen Regulatory System Using Fuzzy Logic Method Based on Teensy Board Microcontroller Fajar Budiman; Muhammad Rivai; Luthfi Riadhi; Devy Kuswidiastuti
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.74


Dissolved oxygen in water becomes a critical factor in the cultivation of fish hatcheries that determines the success/failure rate in the process of improving the quality and quantity of fish hatcheries. Low dissolved oxygen levels cause deficient to the process of decomposition, reproduction, and growth of fish. In this study, a system that can regulate the levels of dissolved oxygen in water is designed and built by utilizing the Dissolved Oxygen Meter of AZ-8403 as a sensor. The percentage of oxygen in water is controlled by Fuzzy Logic implemented in the Teensy board microcontroller. When the oxygen level is below the setting point, the aerator is then activated to produce dissolved oxygen in the water. The test results conducted on the aquarium containing fish obtained error for the reading of dissolved oxygen sensor of 0.075%. The system response requires 1 minute to reach the setting point.Keywords: dissolved oxygen, fuzzy logic control, teensy board.
Electromagnetic Field Analysis on Asymmetrical Three Phase Transformer Arief Budi Ksatria; I Made Yulistya Negara; Dimas Anton Asfani; I Gusti Ngurah Satriyadi Hernanda; Daniar Fahmi; Muhammad Sulthon Novera Rega
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.69


This study deals with the effect of core lamination thickness on asymmetrical three-phase transformer to hysteresis curve. The asymmetrical three-phase transformer is a transformer that has different leg-length. The used transformer in this research has 5-kVA rating, and E-I core-cutting topology, and a larger leg size on center compared to the the side-legs of the transformer. Research on the effect of transformer core lamination thickness was done using finite-element method (FEM) to find out the magnetic field density (B) distribution and magnetic field intensity (H) at some points which the flux distribution flows. Variables of thicknesses used in the study were either intact or non-laminated-core transformer, 2.5 cm-laminated transformer core, and 0.03 cm-laminated transformer core. Each transformer has 39 monitor points to obtain the maximum value of B and H. Based on the simulation results, the highest magnetic field density value is in the transformer with 0.03 cm-laminated core, which is 2.174 Vs/m2 and the magnetic field density with the highest absolute average is in a transformer with a non-laminated-core, which is 1.837 Vs/m2. At the branching point of the core-cutting of the transformer with 0.03 cm-laminated transformer core have the highest magnetic field intensity value compared to the non-laminated-core transformer and 2.5 cm-laminated.Keywords: asymetrical leg, electromagnetic field, finite element method, hysteresis curve, three phase transformer.
Implementation of Ichiro Teen-Size Humanoid Robots For Supporting Autism Therapy Muhammad Attamimi; Muhtadin Muhtadin
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.75


The humanoid robot is a robot which has humanlikeshapes and/or functions. For instance, a humanoid robot hasa neck that connect the head to the body, two legs to supportthe body, and has two arms on the right- and left-side of itsbody. According to the RoboCup competition, the humanoid robotcan be classified into several types based on their sizes, i.e.,kid-size, teen-size, and adult-size. In this study, we developeda teen-size humanoid robot with the aim of approaching thesize of children’s bodies with autism to facilitate the interactionsbetween the robot and the children. In general, the autism personis difficult to communicate with a normal person because there isa virtual wall that limits the world of the autism with the normalperson. As long as the wall is standing upright, communicationwill be difficult, so that inconvenience occurred on both sides.Especially in children, the process learning will be hampered ifcommunication is blocked. In many cases, the autism childrenmore actively interact and/or communicate with objects such asbooks, toys, and so forth. This motivated us to use a humanoidrobot as a mediator of interactions and/or communication withthe autism to support their therapy. Of course the choice ofhumanoid robots must also be considered both financially andfunctionally. At present there are many commercial humanoidrobots such as: NAO, Darwin-OP, and so forth. However, theprice offered is relatively expensive and also inflexible capabilitiesbecause existing hardware and software can no longer be freelydeveloped. Flexibility in hardware and software is very importantfor the implementation of a system that can be used in supportingthe therapy for autism. These facts motivated us to develop theIchiro teen-size robot. In this study, we developed a therapy forautism in the form of movement by humanoid robots such asa gymnastic movement. The movement is expected to be ableto be followed by the autism and has a positive impact ontherapy. One of the advantages of this study is being able toadd robot movement flexibly, so that the movements suggestedby psychiatrists should be able to be implemented and help tosupport the autism.Keywords: humanoid robots, RoboCup, robot's movements, therapy for children autisms.
A comparison study of radio protocol AX.25 with Interchangeable data in VmeS (Vessel Messeging System) data communication and AIS (Automatic Identification System) Ila Nur Mawati
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.70


Indonesia is maritime country, inhabitant of Indonesia is fisherman large enough. Fishship makes up constribution widely, in general, Communication in the sea on a ship uses a satellite communication system, but the system requires a relatively large cost. For solving it, Vessel Messaging System (VmeS) is used as basis radio communication to send between ship terminal in the sea with gateway Vmes in the land, in addition with wide enough territorial water, it needs reliable keeping of maritime region of country. One of system at this time can be used to support all activities is Automatic Identification System (AIS). AIS is a system that can be used to help in tracking ship position which has used in all ports automatically to obeserve ship condition and to prevent crashing between ships. In this study a data format is suitable for VMeS will be designed so that the interchangeable process can be carried out to AIS so it can be read by AIS receivers intended for vessels below 30 GT (Gross Tonnage) using the AX.25 protocol.Keywords: AIS, AX:25, interchangeable, VMeS.   
Robot Navigation Control System Using HMC5883L Asti Riani Putri; Putri Nurrahayu; Anwar Anas
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.76


In the development of technology, the increasingly rapid world of robotics is also very much needed in helping everyday life, for example to move goods, technology that is so rapid requires the world of education to carry out development in various fields of science. Where the nation's next generation enhances science and technology so as not to be left behind by other nations, this study was conducted in order to be able to obtain robotic navigation according to their needs, the purpose of this study is to make robots with autonomous navigation and not affected by temperature or obstacles in front of it because it is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor that functions as a proximity sensor so that it does not affect the obstacles in front while for HMC5883l it is used to determine the angle corresponding to the object, the method used in programming robots still uses logic control programs and combined with the formula used in sensor measurements HMC5883l. The results of the research conducted are that the robot can move according to predetermined data input.Keywords: HMC58831, navigation, robot.
Segmentation vessel in Fundus with Isotropic Undecimated Wavelet Transform (IUWT) and Fuzzy Hysteresis Thresholding (FHT) Putri Nur Rahayu; Asti Riani Putri
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.71


Segmentation of blood vessels in fundus can  used to detect diabetic retinopathy disease by looking at the characteristic of blood vessel characteristic of thin and thick blood vessels. In this research, the combination of isotropic undecimated wavelet transform (IUWT) and Fuzzy hysteresis thresholding (FHT) are used for blood vessel segmentation to segmented for thin and thick vessels . In this research Accuracy value 0.95, precision 0.88, TPR 0.62, FPR 0.008.Keywords: fuzzy, hysteresis thresholding, isotropic undecimated wavelet transform, segmentation vessel.
Implementation of Background Subtraction and Fuzzy Logic Control for Green-Timing Optimization on 3-Junction Traffic Light Dharmawan -; Rahmadwati Rahmadwati; Hadi Suyono
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.61


This study presents a green-timing optimization simulation on a 3-lane traffic light to reduce the density of the vehicle queue (density) in each lane. The method used in green-timing optimization is a combination of background subtraction and fuzzy logic control. Background subtraction functions as density extractor and fuzzy logic control as the green-timing controller itself. Green-timing optimization simulations in this study show a decrease in waiting time in each cycle of timing and a decrease in traffic-density of 44% -45% compared to a fixed-time timing system.Keywords: background substraction, fuzzy, green-timing, logic control, traffic light.
Design and Test of Lower Part Humanoid Dancer Robot to Do Foot Lifting Move of Remo Dance Muhammad Hilman Fatoni; Muchammad Ainur Fahd; Djoko Purwanto
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25796216.v3.i1.72


Development of robotic technology is advancing very rapidly, especially the development of humanoid robots. Humanoid robots have been used for various types of functions in various fields, including in the world of military, medical, industrial, and even in general use through commercial sales. Dancer Robot is one type of robot used to perform certain dances. The dance performed depends on the type of robot. There are dances performed by wheeled robots in groups, and there are also dances performed by humanoid robots. This  study carried out design and testing of humanoid dancer robot’s lower part to do foot lifting and other basic movements of dance. In foot lifting, the lower part of robot must be able to maintain balance and hold the load from the upper part so it does not fall. The distance of lifted foot also must have sufficient height from the floor. Based on robot design, the length of upper legs are 93.62 mm and lower legs are 93.00 mm. Robot able to make stance up to 8.5 cm wide from left to right leg and capable of lifting foot with height 6.5 cm from the floor without falling.Keywords: HMC58831, navigation, robot.

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