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SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan published by Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda. The research article submitted to this online journal will be double blind peer-reviewed (Both reviewer and author remain anonymous to each other) at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer-reviewing process. Language used in this journal is Bahasa Indonesia or English. The Sistema: Jurnal Pendidikan is a peer reviewed published two issues per year (June and December). EISSN: 2774-387X ( Focus and Scope This journal aimed to communicating the results of research by professors, teachers, researchers, practitioners, and scientists in the field of education which covers the fields of learning in primary, secondary, special education and higher education. Articles to be published on Sistema: Jurnal Pendidikan should follow the focus and scope of this journal. The scope of this journal are: Education research in all aspect Primary education research ICT based learning Curriculum development Instructional Media Management of education Teacher education Educational psychology Learning resources Special education Learning in community education setting
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 54 Documents
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.602


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning difficulties Mathematics experienced by students. This type of research is qualitative research with a subject of 16 students who have difficulty learning Mathematics. The results of this study showed that: 1) internal factors of mathematics learning difficulties experienced by students in VD grades are the interest factors of students' learning, motivational factors and attitudes of students, and student learning habits. An internal factor that does not affect VD students in math learning difficulties is sensing ability. 2) External factors of mathematics learning difficulties experienced by students in VD class are teaching methods of teachers, and learning facilities. External factors that do not affect students in VD class who have difficulty learning Mathematics is the teacher's relationship with the student.
Pengaruh Adiksi Permainan Daring terhadap Disiplin Belajar Siswa Kelas V SDN 002 Samarinda Utara Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020 Bekti Widodo; Ratna Khairunnisa
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.604


The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of effect of online game addiction on the learning discipline of fifth grade students of SDN 002 North Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020. This research was conducted at SDN 002 North Samarinda in September 2019. The sampling technique in this study was Saturated Sampling. The subjects in this study were students of class V SDN 002 North Samarinda. This study used questionnaire and documentation as data collection techniques. Data analysis techniques used inferential statistical analysis using the IBM SPSS 20. The normality test results concluded that the residual value was normally distributed by obtaining a significance value = 0.317> significance level = 0.05. Homogeneity test results concluded that the distribution of data is homogeneous, with a significance value = 0.819> significance level = 0.05. Mean test result was Fcount = 23.889>Ftable = 3.99, so, it can be concluded that there is an influence of online game addiction on students’ learning discipline. The amount of influence is determined by the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.274 or by 27.4%.
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.605


This study was to improve student learning outcomes when implementing the Talking StickLearning Modelt in Thematic Learning with the theme Types of Job on the subject of Social Sciences Discussion for students class IVB at SDN 010 North Samarinda 2019/2020. In this study, the subjects were students class IVB in the first semester of academic year 2019/2020 with a total of 30 students. The data were collected by interviews, observation and documentation towards the research subjects.Based on the research result, it coulds be concluded that using the talking stick model could improve the learning outcomes of students. The pre-cycle with an average value of learning outcomes in the cognitive aspect was 65.56 with a percentage of 40% completeness then slowly the student's score increases in the first cycle to 68.1 with a percentage of 53.33% completeness. Then in cycle II the average value of student learning outcomes increased again to 84.5 with a percentage of 100%. Likewise with students’ learning outcomes in the psychomotor aspect, in the first cycle the average score was 66.7 with a percentage of 33.33% completeness, then in the second cycle it increased to 80.5 with a percentage of 86.66% completeness. Keywords:Talking Stick Learning Model, Learning Outcomes.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model Problem Based Intruction (PBI) Tema 8 pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN 001 Samarinda Utara Uri’ Sinta Parende; Widi Syahtia Pane
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.606


This research is a Class Action Research (PTK) aimed at improving the learning outcomes of the theme of 8 Areas where I Live through the application of Problem Based Intruction (PBI) learning models in grade 4 students at SDN 001 Samarinda Utara in the 2018/2019 Learning Year. This research was conducted at SDN 001 Samarinda Utara with a research subject of grade IV B students, consisting of 30 students consisting of 12 female students and 18 male students. Each cycle is held 2 meetings, where each end of the learning is evaluated in the form of a written test to find out the student's learning results. Data collection techniques are carried out in the form of written tests, observations, documentation and interviews. The results showed that in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III there was an increase. The average learning result of cycle I is in Bahasa Indonesia 54.1, IPA 37.6, SBdP 60. In the second cycle the average learning result is on the Content of Bahasa Indonesia 72.5 IPA 66, SBdP 100. In the third cycle the average value is in Bahasa Indonesia content 86.2, IPA 79.6, SBdP 100. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Intruction (PBI) learning model can improve the learning outcomes in grade 4 students at SDN 001 North Samarinda.
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.607


This study aims to learning achievement of My Country's Diversity theme through STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model on Fourth Grade Students of SDN 001 North Samarinda in Academic Year 2018/2019. This is a CAR that is carried out in III cycles and each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The results show that (1) the implementation of the STAD type of cooperative learning model can improve cognitive learning achievement. It can be seen from the average value of the class in the first cycle of 72.96 with a percentage of completeness of 40.74%, in the second cycle increased to 75 with a percentage of completeness of 70.37%, in the third cycle, it increase to 81.11 with a percentage of completeness of 92.59% . (2) Improve students’ activity. It is proven by the results of observations of the students’ activities in the first cycle that obtained the spirit aspect was 63%, attention was 64%, cooperation was 66%, activity was 65%. In the second cycle, there was 73% enthusiasm, 76% attention, 72% cooperation, 75% activity. In the third cycle, there was 87% enthusiasm, 81% attention, 84% cooperation, 86% activity.
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Lembaga PAUD (Studi Kualitatif) Di Kota Samarinda Mahkamah Brantasari; Hanita Hanita
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.618


PAUD institutions as an organization engaged in early childhood education are an activity that aims to educate human life, especially students, so that in its implementation it is necessary not only to have a planning related to teaching and learning activities but also an integral process that involves several factors, namely: educational goals, educators, students, learning tools and the environment. PAUD institutions should pay attention to the human resources they have, in running their organizations it is certainly inseparable from human resources that must improve both in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities in managing PAUD institutions. This study focuses on the process of educational human resource management, namely educators and education personnel, maintaining human resources who are serious in their work, can provide enthusiasm for inspiration, resulting in productive employees towards the organization, and managerial strategies. In this study the authors conducted a qualitative study by conducting semi-structured interviews in which the authors collected data with a focus on the institution under study, the research was carried out at PAUD institutions in the city of Samarinda.
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i1.637


The background of this research was the methods and strategies in conveying the materials. Besides, teacher used visual-based learning media in the teaching learning process adjusted to the material delivered by teacher. The data collection techniques used in this research was interview, and documentation. The data analysis used in this study was data collection, reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. To check the validity of data, it used source triangulation. The research found that the use of visual-based learning media for students class VA could improve the learning outcomes, it was seen from materials given by the teachers such as map in Social Science (IPS) lessons, Science (IPA) lessons on human body, human and animal digestive systems, human and animal respiratory systems, animal breeding system. For Civics lessons, it used Pancasila image for the basic material about Republic of Indonesia, and the cultures that existed in Indonesia. It was chosen because visual media could trigger students’ motivation and attracted their attention. The conclusion of this research was that the use of visual-based had been well-implemented.
Analisis Media Pembelajaran Daring DI Era Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Kelas III SD Negeri 027 Samarinda Ulu Jepri Ding; Desi Hermawati
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i2.639


This study aims to determine the analysis of online learning in period Pandemic covid-19 in class III C SD Negeri 027 Samarinda Ulu. This research was a type of qualitative research. The subjects were teachers of class III C, headmaster, students class III C, and parents of class III C. Then, the data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The instruments used were teacher interview sheets, headmaster interview sheets, student interview sheets, parents interview sheets, and documentation. Furthermore, all the data that had been collected were then analyzed using descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it could be concluded that the online learning becomes effective learning for teachers and students during the learning process from home using handheld electronic media, even though there were many challenges that teachers, students, and parents had to face when participating in online learning through Whatsapp.
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i2.641


This research is a qualitative research which aims to analyze the teaching skills of teachers in the Mathematics content of class IVC students at SDN 024 North Samarinda. This research was conducted in June 2020 at SDN 024 Samarinda Utara. The resource persons in this study were the principal, class IVC teachers and class IVC students. The research results were collected through interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, data collection, and conclusion. The validity of the data is in the form of triangulation of sources, the results of the study prove that the teaching skills of teachers in Mathematics subject matter have a strategy when learning Mathematics, namely skills to open learning, core activities, and activities to close learning. The activity opens the lesson to say greetings, pray, attendance, and convey learning objectives. The core activities of the teacher are explaining the material, conducting questions and answers to find out student understanding, providing practice questions, the final activity of the teacher and students making conclusions on the material being taught, giving time for students to express their opinions about the learning that has been followed, praying for the closing of learning activities.
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v1i2.659


This research was motivated by the analysis of student discipline through teacher's accuracy. The purpose of this study was to find out how students were disciplined through teacher training at SDN 007 Sungai Pinang. The subjects in this study were the principal, the IVE homeroom teacher and the IVE class students. The instruments in this study are the researchers themselves. Data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Data analysis conducted in this study there are three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Checking the validity of the data used is the triangulation of the source. The results of the research can be concluded that the discipline at SDN 007 Sungai Pinang can be said to be good, with the criteria of coming to school on time, diligently studying in school, obeying school rules and collecting assignments on time as well as the standard shown by teachers including attending school on time, entering learning hours on time, and arranging students who will enter the classroom regularly. In general, the discipline of students through teacher awareness at SDN 007 Sungai Pinang in terms of discipline is good, and the impersonation of examples of teacher's exemplary behavior is also quite good. The modifications made by the students are still in the stage of reviewing each teacher's behavior. Keywords: student discipline, teacher's accuracy Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh analisis kedisiplinan siswa melalui keteladanan guru. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedisiplinan siswa melalui keteladanan guru di SDN 007 Sungai Pinang. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru wali kelas IVE dan siswa kelas IVE. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti itu sendiri. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dalam penelitian ini ada tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedisiplinan yang ada di SDN 007 Sungai Pinang sudah dapat dikatakan baik, dengan kriteria datang ke sekolah tepat waktu, rajin belajar di sekolah, menaati aturan sekolah dan mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu serta keteladanan yang ditunjukan guru diantaranya hadir sekolah tepat waktu, masuk jam pembelajaran tepat waktu, dan mengatur siswa dengan yang akan masuk kelas secara teratur. Secara umum kedisiplinan siswa melalui keteladanan guru di SDN 007 Sungai Pinang dalam hal kediplinan sudah termasuk baik, dan peniruan contoh perilaku keteladanan guru juga terbilang baik. Modifikasi yang dilakukan siswa masih dalam tahap merefrensi dari setiap perilaku guru. Kata Kunci : kedisiplinan siswa, keteladanan guru