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Jurnal POPULIKA is an open access, and peer-reviewed journal. Our main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various contemporary social and political issues: gender politics and identity, digital society and disruption, civil society movement, community welfare, social development, citizenship and public management, public policy innovation, international politics & security, media, information & literacy, politics, governance & democracy, radicalism and terrorism.
Articles 107 Documents
POPULIKA Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v10i1.471


This study aims at analyzing the role of women movement in Europe and US in creating gender equality norm. Using qualitative approach and life cycle of norm theory developed by Finnemore & Sikkink, this study tries to explain the development of gender equality norm through three stages, they are norm emergence, norm cascade and norm institutionaization. The result shows that there is the strong involvement of women movement in each stage, starts from the aftermath era until the modern era, when the internatioal organization such as Nation Leagues and United Nations are started to emerge. Step by step shows the women movement’s startegies in promoting gender equality norm to be institutionalized through international organization.
Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Mengatasi Kemacetan di Kota Yogyakarta (Studi Penelitian di Jalan Malioboro di JalanTentara Pelajar) Fatimah, Siti; Syakdiah, Syakdiah; Kusumawiranti, Retno
POPULIKA Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v10i1.473


Kemacetan biasa dijumpai di Kota Yogyakarta, disebabkan pertumbuhan kota yang juga diiringi pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan jumlah kendaraan, tapi tidak didukung infrastruktur yang bisa mengimbanginya. Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta dalam hal ini Dinas Perhubungan Kota Yogyakarta dan Polantas selaku instansi terkait turun tangan untuk mengatasi kemacetan, ada beberapa upaya yang telah dilakukan, tapi belum bisa dikatakan baik karena masih ada beberapa masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penentuan informan, menggunakan teknik purposif sampling. Pengumpulan data digunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Upaya pemerintah mengatasi kemacetan di Jalan Malioboro dan Tentara Pelajar seperti diadakannya rekayasa lalu lintas dimana ruas jalan tertentu dijadikan jalan satu arah atau pelebaran dan normalisasi simpang, pengembangan teknologi ATCS ( Area Traffic Control System ) dan pengalokasian disediakan lahan parkir pada ruas Jalan Malioboro dan Tentara Pelajar. Namum dalam pelaksanaannya masih banyak menghadapi hambatan dan kendala, menggunakan pendekatan teknologi membutuhkan anggaran besar dalam penyedian dan perawatan teknologi ATCS dan kurangnya personil atau sumberdaya manusia untuk memproses pengaduan terhadap masalah yang terjadi dilapangan, dan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menyukseskan program-program.
Penguatan Kelembagaan Pokdarwis Sumber Edi Dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Adat Wonosadi, Beji, Desa Wonosadi, Kecamatan Ngawen Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Rosalia, Widhiastuti
POPULIKA Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v10i1.479


Hutan adat Wonosadi merupakan salah satu hutan adat di Indonesia yang berada di desa Beji, kecamatan Ngawen, kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hutan adat Wonosadi memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi hutan wisata. Potensi itulah yang memunculkan lembaga Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis) Sumber Edi dan lainnya dengan melibatkan elemen-eleman masyarakat desa Beji. Namun demikian dalam pengelolaannya pokdarwis mengalami banyak kendala yang berdampak pada kegagalan dalam mengembangkan hutan adat menjadi hutan wisata. Kondisi demikian dikarenakan model pengelolaan kelembagaan pokdarwis masih bersifat konvensional atau tradisional. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya penguatan kelembagaan pokdarwis yang lebih professional dengan melibatkan stakeholder dan para ahli (akademisi) serta lembaga pemerintahan untuk mendukung kinerja pokdarwis. Upaya penguatan lembaga pokdarwis diharapkan dapat mengembangkan hutan adat Wonosadi menjadi hutan wisata yang berkemajuan dan bermanfaat bagi kelestarian hutan dan lingkungannya, kesejahteraan masyarakat dan lembaga-lembaga terkait.
Solidaritas Sosial Pedagang Kaki Lima terhadap Tingkah Laku Konsumen di D.I Yogyakarta Djaja Hendra
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.23


The presence of street vendors in Indonesia sometimes quiet disturbing especially for pedestrian and the motorist. However, they are also needed by the housewives to buy to rather than going to the market, supermarket or mall just to buy few things or only for a walk. Usually the street vendors had actually had place by the policy of the local government, however, maybe because of the little people know or with some other reason, the available places sometimes are left unused. The research is done towards 20 respondents with qualitative study. The method used is the phenomethologist.  The result of the research gotten are as follow: First, most of the respondents come from Tegal city, approaching another big cities in Java, second, most of the local citizens search for additional income from that place; third, generally the things prepared are fast food; generally the sellers from outside of the region go with their own vehicle and using pushed carriage for the local citizen.
Pengembangan Nasionalisme Generasi Muda di Era Globalisasi S Widiyono
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.24


The sense of nationalism is very important for the young generation of Indonesia to be able to become a developed nation, a modern nation, a nation that is safe, and peaceful, just and prosperous in the midst of globalization that increasingly challenges the Indonesian state. As a nation and country in the midst of other nations in the world, it requires a high nationalism identity of citizens, especially among the young generation of Indonesia. The spirit of nationalism is still needed by the existence of the Indonesian nation and state. High nationalism from citizens or the younger generation will make positive and best behavior for the nation and state. In the current era of globalization there are several trends of depletion of the spirit of nationalism among the younger generation. This can be seen from a number of benchmarks, namely the lack of appreciation of the younger generation of Indonesian native culture, patterns and lifestyles of Westernized teenagers, and so on. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to have an intensive and continuous movement in the world of education related to the planting of a sense of nationalism towards students from elementary to tertiary levels that must be done by teachers and lecturers by respecting and being proud of indigenous Indonesian culture. In this paper the author tries to explain the circumstances and facts about the development of nationalism through library studies.
Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pendidikan Dasar di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Sleman Oktaria Vitri; Retno Kusumawiranti; Suwarjo Suwarjo
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.25


The aim of this research is to find out and examine the implementation of basic minimum service standard (SPM) policies in the Sleman District Education Office. The type of research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data with qualitative analysis. The implementation of policies related to the fulfillment of the Basic Education SPM which is the authority of the Sleman Regency Government has not yet reached 100%. In the indicator of basic education quality services from the side of access distance has been fulfilled while the indicators of study groups (rombel) have not been fulfilled. In the indicators of basic education quality services in terms of laboratory availability has not been fulfilled while the availability of teacher rooms already meets SPM standards. In basic education quality services in terms of teacher education qualifications, principals and supervisors have been fulfilled, but in terms of teacher qualifications the educator certified has not been fulfilled. Whereas the indicators for the realization of visits by supervisors to educational units are carried out once every month and each visit is carried out for 3 hours to carry out supervision and guidance not fulfilled. Therefore, in order to fulfill SPM Dikdas, it is best to: give sanctions to schools whose number of classes exceeds SPM, allocate funds with the SPM fulfillment priority scale, provide (support to teachers of PPG trainers) and optimize school supervisor performance.
Pengaruh Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah terhadap Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Rote Ndao Matheus Gratiano Mali
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.26


This Research aims to  analyze the effect of implementation of Indonesia‟s Governmental Internal Control System called SPIP (Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah) based on the COSO Internal Control-fremawork, on the accountability of Local Government Financial Statements in Rote Ndao Distric. This Research aims to  described the very potential factors are affecting the implementation of Indonesia‟s Governmental Internal Control System, that causes desclaimer opinion on local government financial statements In Rote Ndao Distric, from Supreme Audit Board  Representatives of East Nusa Tenggara, since 2009 until 2013 and adverse opinion since 2014 until 2017. This is because the quality of the Local Government Financial Statements submitted does not meet the criteria for reliable, relevant, comparable and understandable. The Method of research uses a type of descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interview, documentation and questionnaires. This research was conduct at Departmen Of Financial and Asset Management as report entity, The Inspektorat as Internal Control Apparatus Of Government.Findings of this research show that inhibiting factor in the application of this Government Internal Control System islack of commitment by the Regional Head and Leader of Department, and the lack of readiness of human resources of government apparatus, which needs serious attention both in quantity and quality of human resource management. Based on these findings it is recommended that the head of the government office is expected to increase awareness of the importance of internal control systems. It should also be constructed ongoing monitoring of the implementation of Governmental Internal Control System with enhancements to the audit, review, evaluation and other oversight activities
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Dusun Plempoh, Desa Bokoharjo, Kecamatan Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta Bilal Ma’arif; Syakdiah Syakdiah; Oktiva Anggraini
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.27


Community empowerment is basically an effort to make people able to actualize themselves in managing the cultural environment that is around them and fulfill their needs independently without dependence on other parties. In relation to cultural heritage, empowerment activities depart from the basic concept that the management of a cultural heritage needs to pay attention to its important value or social significance. In other words, the extent to which a cultural preservation is socially meaningful for its people. The process of empowering the Tourism Village in Plempoh Hamlet, Bokoharjo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. At the beginning of the program, the community awareness stage was carried out by pioneers of village empowerment with makeshift funds and there was no guidance from government agencies. Before Pokdarwis was formed, it was previously called Plempoh Tourism Village in 2010. Only in 2015 did Pokdarwis Plempoh be formed. Efforts made in utilizing the potential and skills possessed for the initial pilot. To identify potential as well as constraints on community empowerment related to the availability of regional cultural resources. Mapping the needs and forms of empowerment programs tailored to the needs of the community and the availability of supporting resources. The initial approach taken was a community-oriented approach in its implementation realized through empowering the community around the site. Broadly speaking, there are four types of technical training held, namely batik training, souvenir making training, culinary training and tour guide training and the development of cultural tourism travel businesses.
Community Based Tourism dalam Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Giriloyo, Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul Suwarjo Suwarjo
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.28


The results of study showed that community-based community in Giriloyo Tourism Village can be used for all community of batik artisans community who joined in paguyuban batik. Community agility from the stages of planning, evaporation, to activities. Forum meetings from hamlet level, batik community to tourist village become a forum for the community to convey aspirations and campaigns-inspiring activities.  To motivate the community in Giriloyo Tourism Village, the following suggestions are offered: 1) the need for optimization of community meeting vessels to explore the potentials of interest for batik. Special tours special outbound and traditional culinary; 2) to increase the interest of the young generation of batik handicrafts in Giriloyo Tourism Village, can organize annual event with batik and staining pattern creations. Competition can be done in groups and there is no relationship that can be established relationships and close cooperation between adolescents.
Belenggu Patriarki pada Peran Laki-Laki Bangsawan Jawa dalam Film Kartini Karya Hanung Bramantyo Ulmi Marsya; Johan Faladhin
POPULIKA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Populika
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/populika.v7i1.29


The struggle of Raden Ayu Kartini to gain freedom for Javanese women who were hindered by the great walls of culture and tradition, often associated with patriarchal culture which was said to give more privileges to men than women. But in fact the privileges possessed by men instead of giving freedom, it also binds his mind to the true roles and behavior of men who have been established in the patriarchal culture itself.

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