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Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
ISSN : 26156148     EISSN : 26157330     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concerns the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction. Instruction, learning and teaching, learning environment, teacher education, educational technology, educational development.
Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July" : 20 Documents clear
Presenting Materials About Static Electricity with Video Based Demonstration: A Feasibility of Learning Media Nyoman Adi Sudhira; I Made Citra Wibawa; I Made Suarjana
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.47398


This study is motivated by the finding that there is a lack of learning media in the learning process. This study aims to develop a valid and practical demonstration-based learning video media on static electricity in the fourth grade of elementary school. This study applies 4D modeling, namely (1) define or define; (2) design or design; (3) develop or development; and (4) disseminate or spread. This study involved two material experts, two media experts, two practitioners, and five students. This study uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Data collection methods used are questionnaires or questionnaires and interviews. The average result of the validity of demonstration-based learning videos from material experts is 96.5% very good category, 96% of media experts in the very good category, 97.5% of practitioners in are very good category, and 96.8% of student responses are very good category. These results align with the study's aim to obtain learning media that pass the validity test. It was concluded that demonstration-based learning video media on static electricity were valid and suitable for use in learning activities in fourth-grade elementary school.
Quizizz-Assisted Interactive Powerpoint Media on Human Respiratory Organ Material Ni Putu Dita Sri Cahyani; Ni Nyoman Ganing
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.47756


Student limitations related to cellphone devices make it difficult for students to follow the online learning process. The variety of learning media makes some students less interested in learning, and students lack understanding of the material being taught. This research is development research. This study aims to determine the design and test the validity of interactive Powerpoint media. This study used the ADDIE development model type. The types of data collected in this study are quantitative data and qualitative data. The subjects in this study included three experts and three students in individual trials, and nine students in small group trials. The data collection method uses the questionnaire method. The results of this study include (1) the design of this interactive Powerpoint media following the ADDIE model used with five stages of development. (2) Interactive Powerpoint media is declared feasible based on: (a) the results of expert reviews of learning content with excellent qualifications (90%), (b) the results of learning design reviews with excellent qualifications (90%), (c) the results of reviews of learning media with qualifications (90%), (d) the results of individual trials with excellent qualifications (96.66%), (e) the results of small group trials with excellent qualifications (95%). Based on the trial results, it can be concluded that this Quizizz-assisted interactive Powerpoint media is suitable for use in the science learning process of grade V elementary school.
Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Online Learning by Using Electronic Teaching Materials Gusti Ayu Made Lenni Arsita; I Gede Astawan
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.48067


The availability of teaching materials that can be used in distance or face-to-face learning causes teachers to rely only on one book in learning. It causes learning to be monotonous, and students have no interest in learning. This study aims to develop illustrated electronic teaching materials for fifth-grade elementary school classroom building materials that have been declared valid and feasible, and have effectiveness in the learning process. This research is development research with a research model using the ADDIE model. The subjects in this study were experts, three teachers, and 68 fifth-grade elementary school students. The data collection technique uses instruments such as an assessment sheet and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed in the validity phase using the Gregory formula, the validity of the tabulation calculation results was calculated to find the percentage, decision making related to the responses of students and teachers using a Likert scale with five alternative answers, and effectiveness using a normalized score showed the level of treatment effectiveness from the score or posttest. Obtained from content and media experts, the overall design is very good, for the response of teachers and students as a whole gets a very positive response, and the effectiveness gets high criteria. Based on these results, it can be said that the electronic teaching materials developed are valid and effective.
Interactive Powerpoint Learning Media on Science Content for Fifth Grade Elementary School I Made Tangkas Arya Wirawan; I Ketut Gading
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.48852


The absence of engaging learning resources impacts the effectiveness of student learning outcomes. This review aims to create a design and examine PowerPoint's viability, applicability, and efficacy for student learning outcomes in science subjects for fifth-grade Elementary School. Use the ADDIE Model for interactive learning ppt (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The subjects of this research investigation were 11 grade 5 primary school children. Observation, interviews, rating scales, and tests are all employed as data collection techniques. The data analysis types employed are the evaluation process, instrument validity analysis, content validity analysis, practicality analysis, and effectiveness analysis. Two material specialists and two media experts conducted the feasibility test. Material experts earn a score of 0.93 (high validity), and media experts and media professionals receive a 0.89 score (high validity). For the practicality test, it got a score of 4.0 (very good). The effectiveness test using the correlated sample t-test test formula showed that the significant (2-tailed) was 0.000 (p<0.05). Learning media PowerPoint can effectively improve student learning outcomes, especially in the science content of Grade V Elementary School.
Mesari (Melajah Aksara Bali): Interactive Multimedia Based on Local Wisdom for Seventh Grade in Junior High School I Gede Bayu Bramasta; I Kadek Suartama; I Komang Sudarma
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.48979


This development research is backgrounded by the absence of interactive multimedia in Balinese script learning. So it is deemed necessary to develop interactive multimedia in Balinese script learning. This study aims to describe the process of developing and validity of interactive multimedia Mesari (Melajah Aksara Bali) based on local wisdom for seventh grade. This development research uses the ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were content experts, design experts, media experts, three students in an individual trial, and nine students in a small group trial. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the learning content expert test were obtained by 93,33%, the learning design expert test by 80,00%, the learning media expert test by 94.66%, the individual trial by 95,33%, and the small group trial by 92,22%, whose overall score percentage was qualified very well. The implication of this study is to provide Balinese script learning media to students and motivate teachers to create learning media that increase student learning motivation in the classroom.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Video Pembelajaran Berbasis PBL Pada Tema 7 Kelas V SD Kadek Panji Yustisio; I Komang Sudarma; Gede Wira Bayu
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.49520


Teachers who do not package appropriate learning models and media for science learning so that students find it challenging to learn. This study aimed to develop a PBL-based video. This type of research is developed using the ADDIE model. The research subjects were one content expert, one learning design expert, and one learning media expert. The test subjects were 3rd-grade students for individual trials, nine small group trials, and 27 people for field trials. Methods of data collection using questionnaires or questionnaires. The data collection instrument used a rating scale instrument. Data analysis techniques are qualitative descriptive statistical analysis, quantitative descriptive statistical analysis, and inferential statistics. The results of the analysis, namely the validation of media experts, obtained a percentage of 93.33% (very good), material experts 98.68% (very good), and design experts 89.70% (very good). The individual test results were 93.33% (very good), the small group trial was 95% (very good), and the field test was 94.35%. Based on the results of the analysis shows that the significance level is less than 0.05 (p<0.05). Thus, it can be seen that there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes for science content before using PBL-based learning videos. It is concluded that PBL-based learning videos improve student learning outcomes.
The Difference between Problem Based Learning Model and Discovery Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Ability Andrian Arifianto; Henny Dewi Koeswanti
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.49744


The success of teachers in carrying out the learning process is influenced by several factors, one of which is the accuracy in the selection of learning models. This study aims to analyze the differences between the PBL model and the discovery learning model in improving students' critical thinking skills. The sample of this research is 27 students. This research is an experimental study using a non-equivalent control group design. The instrument used to measure critical thinking skills is a questionnaire. Prerequisite test using normality test and homogeneity test. Data analysis used t-test (t-test for independent samples). The results showed that there were significant differences in students' critical thinking skills using the PBL model and the discovery learning model in fourth grade students. The difference in the average score of critical thinking skills in the PBL model gets an average score of 68.44, and the discovery learning model gets an average score of 57.09. Therefore, the PBL model can be interpreted as superior to the discovery learning model in terms of critical thinking skills. This is supported by the results of the t-test which has a sig (two-sided) value of 0.000 < 0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that the critical thinking ability of the PBL model is significantly more effective than the discovery learning model.
Pengaruh Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (PMR) Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Kelas IV SDN Sunter Agung 03 Pagi Jakarta Utara Wahyu Oktavianingsih; Puri Pramudiani
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.49842


Creative thingking ability is one of the important abilities possessed by students. However, the facts on the ground show that students' creative thinking skills are still low. One of the causes of these problems is the use of less innovative learning approaches. This study aims to analyze the effect of realistic mathematics approach on the creative thinking ability of fourth grade elementary school students. This type of research is a quasi experiment using the Randomize Control Group Post Test Only design. The population of this study amounted to 74 people. The sample of this study was 52 people who were determined using the Randome Sampling technique. Data was collected using an instrument in the form of a creative thinking ability test. Data were analyzed quantitatively by using t-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between students' creative thinking abilities in the experimental class and the control class. This is indicated by the t-value of 2.537 and p-values ​​of 0.014 (<0.05). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the realistic mathematics approach has an influence on the creative thinking skills of fourth grade elementary school students.
Media Augmented Reality untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains dan Kemampuan Metakognitif Kelas V SD I Putu Gilang Leo Agusta
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.50531


Student activity is still very lacking, and the application of literacy only relies on textbooks. This research aims to develop Augmented Reality media to improve scientific and metacognitive literacy for fifth-grade elementary school students. This type of research is the development of the ADDIE model. The research subjects are two media experts and two learning content experts. The test subjects were 25 and 2 teachers—collecting data using interviews, questionnaires, tests, and observations. The data collection instrument uses a rating scale. The analysis technique uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods and inferential statistical analysis. The study results are the assessments made by material experts get 4.85 (very good) and media experts 4.83 (very good). The teacher's response validation results are 4.62, and the student's response is 4.7, so it is very good. The hypothesis test results are obtained with a significance of 0.000, tested together and separately, so there is a significant difference between scientific literacy and metacognitive ability. It was concluded that Augmented Reality could improve scientific and metacognitive literacy.
Buku Digital Berbasis Scrapbook Terhadap Literasi Baca Tulis Siswa Kelas III SD Kadek Mita Lasmini; Ni Ketut Suarni; I Wayan Widiana
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.50869


In understanding a reading, students have not been able to capture and pour ideas into good writing. The purpose of this study is to analyze scrapbook-based digital books on literacy. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research using a nonequivalent post-test only control group design. The population of this study amounted to 105 third grade elementary school students. The sample of this research is 58 students. The method used to collect data is a test. The data collection instrument used test questions. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. The result of the analysis is that the calculated F value for the Levenge test is 1.227 with a probability of 0.273 because the probability is > 0.05, so H1 is rejected. The t-value is 6.340 and the significant value is 0.000 <0.05. So there is a significant difference between the average post test scores in the experimental class and the control class. It was concluded that scrapbook-based digital books could improve students' reading and writing literacy.

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