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Interdisciplinary Social Studies
ISSN : 28080467     EISSN : 28085051     DOI : 10.55324
nterdisciplinary Social Studies (ISS) is an interdisciplinary publication of social studies and writing which publishes papers to international audiences of social researchers. ISS aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of social studies and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills are transmitted from one generation to another; and making methods and contents of evaluation and research in social, available to socialist and research workers. The journal encompasses a variety of topics, including education, management, cultural studies, law, social health, psychology, and geography, to economics belonging to the social context. Papers accepted: 1) Report evaluation and original research; 2) Literature review; and 3) An extensive book reviews section on social materials and equipment.
Articles 274 Documents
Students’ Etiquette towards Teachers According to Syaikh Burhanuddin Az-Zarnuji Aep Pipin
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.367 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i1.1


A deterioration in students' morality and etiquette in the classroom is a result of Indonesian education virtually losing its status as the study idol of the students. As a result, education becomes purely goal-oriented, with a singular focus on receiving a diploma. In actuality, one must first show respect to their teacher in order to learn, and then the effects might become apparent later. This study aims to: (1) Discover the concepts of students’ etiquette to teachers according to Syaikh Burhanuddin Az-Zarnuji in the book of Ta'lim Muta'allim Tariq At-Ta'allum in Fashl Ta'dzimul Ilmi wa Ahlih (2) Discover the pattern in learning about students’ etiquette to their teachers according to Syaikh Burhanuddin in the book of Ta'lim Muta'allim Tariq At-Ta'allum in Fashl Ta'dzimul Ilmi wa Ahlih. This study used a qualitative approach. The method used was descriptive. The data collection implemented was library research. The object being researched, as well as the data source, was the book Ta'alim Muta'alim by Syaikh Burhanuddin Az-Zarnuzi. The data collection method uses descriptive methods and the author performed content analysis. The results showed that students' etiquette towards teachers are students must always respect the teacher and the teacher's family, protect the rights of the teacher, do not walk in front of the teacher, do not sit in the teacher's place, do not start a conversation without the teacher’s permission, do not ask something when the teacher is bored, be on time, do not knock on the door of the teacher's house but be patient waiting for the teacher to come out.
The Effect of Using the Demonstration Method on Students' Skills in Practicing Wudhu Ai Aisah
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.739 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i1.2


The material for Wudhu practice is not possible only with the lecture method for it causes students lack of understanding of the material. By using the demonstration method, students are expected to be able to practice Wudhu correctly. The condition of the second-grade students of DTA Al-Fauzaniyyah Solokan Jeruk Sub-District still incorrectly practice Wudhu. To discover the process of applying the demonstration method to learning Wudhu material for class II students of DTA Al-Fauzaniyyah in Solokan Jeruk Sub-District, the skills of the students in practicing Wudhu before and after the use of the demonstration method, and whether there was an effect of the demonstration method on students' skills in practicing Wudhu. This study uses descriptive quantitative research on 28 second-grade students of DTA Al-Fauzaniyyah. This research uses interview and test method. Based on the research, the use of the demonstration method in learning Wudhu material is considered very appropriate since can provide a direct learning experience to students. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the value of tcount = 13.21 > ttable = 2.052 at the 5% confidence level. Thus, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Hence, the results of the study prove that there is an effect of using the demonstration method on students' skills in practicing Wudhu.
The Application of Storytelling in Learning Aqidah Akhlak about Prophet Ibrahim AS Asep Komarudin
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.497 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i1.3


The application of the storytelling can be used as an alternative learning method used, especially in learning Aqidah Akhlak, with this method besides being able to quickly hit the hearts of students it is also not easy to get bored because through storytelling students can take ibrah from the stories of the Prophets, to be applied in everyday life. The problem is how the storytelling can be applied effectively so that the implementation of Aqidah Akhlak learning gets a positive response, attracts attention, can be developed and practiced in everyday life. The objectives of this research are to find out the application of the storytelling in learning Aqidah Akhlak material about the story of Prophet Ibrahim AS at MDTA Riyadlut Ta'limiyyah and the effectiveness of the Storytelling in learning Aqidah Akhlak the material for the story of the Prophet Ibrahim AS at MDTA Riyadlut Ta'limiyyah. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely research in which the data is in the form of words and the source comes from interviews, report notes, documents and others. The results showed that the application of the Storytelling in learning Aqidah Akhlak at MDTA Riyadlut Ta'limiyyah was relatively effective. As evidence that the learning process is effective, the enthusiasm of students during the learning process, student activity and evaluation results are increasing.
Student Response about the Mini Lecture (Cermin) Learning Program Relationship with Student's Learning Intensity in the Field of Islamic Religious Education Santi Rahayu
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Interdisciplinary Social Studies
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.845 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i1.4


In the current era of globalization, education is very important. If the education of a society develops well, then it is undeniable that the community will be more "qualified" and able to compete against competition that is getting tighter and tighter in various aspects of life activities. In such situations and conditions, "quality" human resources can face competition in life activities. This study aims to find out student responses about Mini Lectures (Mirror) by class II Mekar Arum High School Bandung, knowing the learning intensity of class II SMA Mekar Arum Bandung in the field of Islamic Education studies, and knowing the relationship between class II responses to lectures Mini (Cemrin) with the intensity of their learning in the field of study of Islamic Education. This study used a qualitative approach. The method used was descriptive. The data collection implemented was library research. The object being researched, as well as the data source, was the book Ta'alim Muta'alim by Syaikh Burhanuddin Az-Zarnuzi. The data collection method uses descriptive methods and the author performed content analysis. The results showed that students' etiquette towards teachers are students must always respect the teacher and the teacher's family, protect the rights of the teacher, do not walk in front of the teacher, do not sit in the teacher's place, do not start a conversation without the teacher’s permission, do not ask something when the teacher is bored, be on time, do not knock on the door of the teacher's house but be patient waiting for the teacher to come out
Youth Perception of QS. Al Alaq Verse 1-5 Relationship with Interest in Learning the Qur'an Susan Sa’idah
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (532.545 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i1.5


Many adults do not want to care and understand them, or they have their own world that is difficult for parents to touch. Based on the phenomenon, researchers are interested in further researching what causes Muslim teenagers to be less attentive and less interested in learning the Qur'an. This study aims to determine the Perception of Adolescents towards the Qur'an Surat Al-Alaq verses 1-5 and its Relationship with Their Interest in Learning to Read and Write the Qur'an in Cibiuk Kidul Village, Cibiuk District, Kabupaaten Garut). This study used a qualitative approach. The method used was descriptive. The data collection implemented was library research. The data collection method uses descriptive methods and the author performed content analysis. Based on the correlation between variable X (Adolescent Perceptions of the Qur'an Surat Al-Alaq verses 1-5) and variable Y (Their Interest in Learning to Read and Write the Qur'an) a correlation coefficient of 0.95 with a very high qualification was obtained. This proves that the positive relationship of Adolescent Perceptions of the Qur'an Surat Al-Alaq verses 1-5 and its Relationship with Their Interest in Learning to Read and Write the Qur'an in Cibiuk Kidul Village, Cibiuk District, Kabupaaten Garut is very high.
The Application of Cleanliness, Health, Safety (CHS) on Homestay in the New Normal Era Tuwuh Adhistyo Wijoyo; Aletta Dewi Maria; Ray Octafian
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.988 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i2.19


One of the countries that has also been affected by this pandemic is Indonesia.  Having a large area, of course, makes the Indonesian government expected to move quickly in dealing with the pandemic that has caused turmoil in several sectors of the Indonesian economy, one of which is the tourism sector.  The policies implemented by the government brought the community into a period called the New Normal era.  Tourist villages are expected to be able to start opening tourism activities, one of which is homestays by implementing strict health protocol which are summarized in the Cleanliness, Health, and Safety (CHS) program, even by the CHS ministry this is used as a new competency in the hope of increasing public trust in the new normal era. This study aims to discover the implementation of CHS in homestays in Sikasur Tourism Village during the New Normal period. This study uses a naturalistic method. This method is used to research in a natural place. There is an answer finding in this study related to the application of CHS to homestays in this new normal period, namely the shadow of fear of the spread of covid must be eliminated through the readiness of each tourism actor, continue to obey the health protocols during the process of building tourism and eliminate first looking for as much profit as possible.  Which actually worsened the situation and harmed many parties.
The Impacts of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management: A Systematic Review Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto; I Nengah Sujaya
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.682 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i2.20


Looking at the environmental and health problems caused by the irregular disposal of hazardous and toxic waste, it is important to manage B3 waste to prevent and overcome environmental pollution or damage caused by B3 waste and to restore the quality of the polluted environment so that it is following function back. In this case, every activity related to B3 must pay attention to environmental aspects and maintain environmental quality in its original condition and prevent disease. The main objective of this review is to identify and understand the impact of hazardous and toxic waste management. his review was conducted based on sources from Google Scholar, Pubmed, Emerald Insight, DOAJ with the types of journals published such as ELSEVIER, IJSDGE, PROCEEDINGS, ICCEM, HINDAWI, JPHE, JSTFT, JET, AJEST, JCH, WMR, BMC Health Services research and two reports from WHO (World Health Organization). Furthermore, screening of titles, abstracts, and content selection or content according to inclusion and exclusion was carried out which obtained 14 articles that were analyzed further. B3 waste management that enables sorting, storage, transportation, and processing at the final waste disposal site is one of the important strategies in B3 waste management.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Life in Different Countries: A Systematic Review Aniceto da Conceição Pacheco; Levi Anatolia S.M. Exposto
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.074 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i2.21


Currently, the challenge for WHO and many countries are finding effective drugs to defeat the virus or vaccines that can be used in healthy individuals to prevent them from becoming infected. As there is no effective drug or vaccine, the best procedures currently are control of the source of infection, early diagnosis, isolation, and supportive care. For individuals, good personal hygiene and avoiding crowded places will help to prevent Coronavirus infection. The main purpose of conducting this study is to provide information, descriptions, ideas/ideas about the impact of COVID-19 on people's lives in various countries based on reference sources, both international journals, novels, textbooks, and reports. The writing of this Systematic Review uses the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) method which is carried out systematically by following the stages or procedures of the Systematic Review. The impact of the pandemic in Asia is more sensitive than in countries in the Australia/Oceania region or the European region. Middle-income and low-income countries need to be more prudent in managing the COVID-19 pandemic to have better or equal effectiveness with developed or high-income countries.
The Effectiveness of HERO Training to Improve the Engagement of Disaster Volunteers Neka Erlyani; Rika Vira Zwagery; Marina Dwi Mayangsari
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.174 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i2.22


The future development of CCeU ULM needs to consider the nature of volunteers who do not want to continue to be in the organization. Therefore, retaining volunteers to continue to be actively involved and contribute to the organization is a challenge in itself. This study aims to empirically test the "HERO" training (Hope, Efficacy, Resiliency, Optimism) to increase the engagement of disaster volunteers. The instrument used to measure psychological capital is adapted from Cetin and Basim (2012), namely Psychological Capital Scale (R= 0.941). The scale used to measure the Work Engagement of Crisis Center Unit ULM volunteers was (R= 0.935). The respondents of this study were 53 members of the ULM Crisis Center Unit, divided into men and women, with criteria for 18-25 years. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a non-randomized one-group pre-test post-test design. Statistical analysis showed 0.699 >, 0.699 < 0.05, so it can conclude that there is no significant effect of HERO training on the work engagement of CCU FK ULM members. It means that other antecedents can lead to one's work engagement.
Management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Attractions Tino Asprilla Anthon; R Widodo Triputro; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Reguler Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.908 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v1i2.23


The management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall which is managed by the Tourism Village Business Unit under the Village-Owned Enterprise "Sejahtera" Bleberan Village is quite successful because it has an impact on the number of visitors which increased significantly from 2011-2015 impacting on Village Original Income (PADesa) of Bleberan tourism village. This study aims to unveil the management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall tourism object. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, which means exposure of situations and events, describing in detail and in depth the conditions that actually occur according to what is in the field which in this case is about the management activities of Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera in Bleberan Village. Management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Tourism Object by Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera starting from the bottom up planning stage of development . Village-Owned Enterprise should continue to encourage changes in terms of planning, especially the management of business units also needs good management. Push management system through one door. This will make access easier and speed up the service.

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