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Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
ISSN : 28085604     EISSN : 28085078     DOI : 10.54373
Core Subject : Education,
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal is a fully refereed (double-blind peer review) and an open-access online journal for academics, researchers, graduate students, early-career researchers and students, published by Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku. IMEIJ is a periodical publication (two times a year, in March and September) with the primary objective to disseminate scientific articles in the fields of mathematics education. IMEIJ is indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database, Google Scholar, and several others including Crossref,
Articles 174 Documents
English Learning Activities in Heavy Equipment Engineering Study Program at Olat Maras Community Academy Musmulyadin Musmulyadin; Pipit Puspitasari
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.319


Language learning activities are carried out by language educators so that students acquire appropriate language skills after engaging in a learning experience. The nature of English language learning in the Olat Maras Community Academy Heavy Equipment Engineering Study Program is not only focused on delivering the material contained in the semester learning plan but also paying attention to creative aspects, student enthusiasm, and paying attention to the needs of students humanely and democratically. The lack of learning experience for students in general is not only triggered by the difficulty of the content of the subject matter that cannot be understood by students, but also driven by the teaching approach to a learning activity that creates little learning experience for students during learning. The type of research used is qualitative. The instrument of this research is observation and direct interview. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of data analysis show that creating a learning atmosphere full of student activity must involve cognitive, affective, and psychographic students, such as inviting students to listen, practice, argue, and use learning media sourced from students' own ideas in following their study program.
Meningkatkan Jiwa Wirausaha Melalui Pengembangan Pembelajaran Berbasis Produk Pada Siswa SMK Sihwadi Sihwadi; Budi Santoso; Tri Kuat; Fitri Nur Mahmudah
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.320


This research and development aim to evaluate the learning of creative products and entrepreneurship at Muhammadiyah 1 Vocational High School in Surakarta, develop product-based learning, and assess its suitability in fostering entrepreneurial spirit. The development method used is ADDIE, with 30 students from Class XII A as the experimental group, and 25 students from Class XII B as the control group. The research design adopts a quasi-experimental design known as the non-equivalent control group design. Data were collected through validation, observation, and questionnaires. The study results indicate that the current learning approach in this school is teacher-centered. However, the implementation of product-based learning using the ADDIE model effectively enhances students' entrepreneurial spirit. The T-test shows a significant difference in average scores between the experimental group (27.22) and the control group (2.944). Additionally, the N-Gain test indicates higher effectiveness (64.7450) for product-based learning compared to traditional methods (7.0428). Overall, this research proposes a highly suitable model for the development of product-based learning at Muhammadiyah 1 Vocational High School in Surakarta, with an emphasis on fostering entrepreneurial spirit
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah pada Mata Pelajaran Produk Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan Noviatun Hasanah; Muhammad Sayuti; Tri Kuat; Fitri Nur Mahmudah
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.321


This study aims to develop a feasible and effective problem-based learning module. This research is a type of research and development with the stages of preliminary research, model development, and model testing. The number of samples in this study consisted of 10 teachers of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship (PKK), one material expert, one media expert, and 182 students. The instruments used are interview guides, questionnaires, and pretest and post-test questions. The data analysis technique in this study used a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results show that the learning model for PKK subjects used in Vocational High Schools is quite varied; learning activities use learning models oriented to student activities. However, teachers still experience several obstacles, such as teaching materials or textbooks that are still limited to support active learning activities, so it is necessary to develop problem-based learning module (PBL). The results of the module assessment carried out by experts, vocational teachers, and students were categorized as "feasible." Testing the module by acquiring an average N-Gain score for pretest and post-test shows that the problem-based module is quite effective in use with an effective contribution in the "strong effect" category
Inovasi Pengelolaan Pembiayaan di Pondok Pesantren Muhammad Al Fatih: Pendekatan Keuangan Berbasis Teknologi Aplikasi Akun.Biz Muhammad Adi Susilo
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.322


This research aims to analyze the implementation of a technology-based financial approach using the application at the Muhammad Al Fatih Islamic Boarding School and its impact on efficiency and transparency in financing management. Through case study methods with in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis, we explore how this technology changes how Islamic boarding schools manage their funds. The research results show that the use of the application provides significant innovation in Islamic boarding school financing management. This system has increased efficiency by reducing errors that can occur due to manual recording. In addition, this approach also increases transparency by providing stakeholders with direct access to financial information. However, the research also identified several obstacles, such as limited infrastructure and technological understanding among Islamic boarding school administrators. Therefore, recommendations are made to improve data security and provide training on application use to administrators. In a broader context, this research contributes to developing more effective and transparent financing management in Islamic boarding schools. This will not only provide benefits for the Muhammad Al Fatih Islamic Boarding School but can also be a guide for other Islamic boarding schools who wish to adopt similar technology in managing funds.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif “Guru 3D” pada Mata Pelajaran Animasi 3 Dimensi Afifuddin Afifuddin; Budi Santosa; Tri Kuat; Fitri Nur Mahmudah
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.323


This study aims to analyze, develop, and test the effectiveness of interactive learning media in 3D Animation subjects. This research uses research and development methods using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman Yogyakarta. The subjects in this study were class XI students of Multimedia SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman. This research design uses data collection techniques using questionnaires to analyze product needs, using validity tests to test the feasibility of the developed products and using Quasy experiment pretest-posttest to test effectiveness. This research uses validators of design experts, material experts, linguists and media experts to validate interactive learning media to be developed. The validity results that have been given by experts in the product validity test show an average percentage of 96% which shows very good and valid qualification. Analysis of research data was carried out by using the validity of questionnaires and T-tests to compare achievement results in classes before being applied to experimental and control classes. The significant difference is evidenced by the results of the T-test calculation which explains that equal variances assumed sig values. (2-tailled) of 0.012 < 0.05, so the data shows significant. These results show the effectiveness of the "3D Teacher" learning media in improving learning in 3D Animation subjects at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman
Ketentuan Hukum Shalat Jumat dalam Risalah Cahaya Suluh: Perspektif Ulama Kontemporer dan Pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Umum dan Madrasah Nijo Nijo; Erwin Mahrus
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.326


Friday prayers have kaifiyah regarding the terms and pillars where scholars have similar opinions, there are also those who differ in certain matters. The discussion of this paper discusses the Friday prayer in the Treatise of Light Suluh which is conferred by his contemporaries with Islamic Religious Education Lessons in Madrasas. Motede discusses studies in the analysis of journals and books that make related to Friday prayers. After the process of discussion and study, the first conclusion was obtained, that the Treatise of Light Suluh Maharaja Imam Basiuni Imran was written to provide solutions to the problem of dissent and the practice of Friday prayers and dhuhur prayers on Friday in Sambas and its surroundings. Second, Maharaja Imam Basiuni Imran in deciding the law of worship is always based on the arguments and opinions of scholars in the matter of Friday prayers Basiuni Imran is very moderate and flexible even though he is a Shafi'i school because Sambas conditions require a fatwa on the validity of Friday prayers carried out by less than 40 people including no longer performing dhuhur prayers on Friday if they have performed Friday prayers. Third, Islamic religious education learning in schools that discuss Friday prayers for the MTs / Junior High School level is quite adequate, but for high school / vocational / MA it is necessary to deepen the material
Analisis Kemampuan Mendidik Guru dalam Perkembangan Psikologi Anak di MIN 2 Palembang Mardiah Astuti; Mutyati Mutyati; Tria Septiani; Maja Nurfadillah; Aliyah Rahmawati; Chania Mega Cantika; Ibrahim Ibrahim
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.327


The way teachers educate children in educational institutions is of utmost importance as it involves the psychological development of children. Teachers also have the responsibility to meet the needs of students, including their spiritual, intellectual, moral, ethical, and physical needs. This research examines how teachers educate children in their psychological development, conducted at MIN 2 Palembang. This study is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection methods used were through interviews and observations. The data analysis technique includes data reduction, data presentation, and verification of research data results. The research results show that the way teachers educate children is crucial for the psychological development of students because a teacher's role is not only to impart knowledge but also to instill good morals in students. This way, students will hopefully be good both physically and mentally. The teaching methods of teachers in the psychological development of children at MIN 2 Palembang have been implemented. The teacher's approach to child development is crucial in helping children grow and develop optimally. Here are some steps and principles that can help teachers in dealing with the psychological development of children, including understanding the stages of child development, creating a safe and supportive learning environment, understanding the diversity of students, implementing active learning approaches, and involving all stakeholders, and fostering collaboration between parents, students, and educational institutions
Analisis Nilai-Nilai Moral dalam Novel “Nias: Penyelamat Berkalung Matahari” Karya Ghyna Amanda Putri Supriaman Lahagu; Imansudi Zega
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v3i2.228


This article discusses the development of learning outcomes and child psychology at MI Al-Awwal Palembang, focusing on first-grade students. This research is a field study with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection methods used in this study included interviews, documentation, and observations. Data analysis techniques involved data collection, data presentation, and data verification stages. The research results indicate that the development of learning outcomes and child psychology is influenced by various factors, including parents, the student's personal characteristics, and the child's environment, both formal and informal. These factors are interconnected and can impact the well-being and success of teaching and child psychology. The role of educational institutions, parents, the community, and teachers in supporting the success of teaching and child psychology is crucial. The importance of collaboration between schools and families in creating an environment that supports the holistic development of children's learning outcomes and psychology is emphasized
Implementation of Digital Tools in Classroom Management: a Study of Student’s Engagement in Merauke Musamus University Najdah Thalib; Prima Lestari Situmorang; Juli Arianti; Mutiya Oktariani; Damayanti Damayanti
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v4i2.265


The implementation of digital technology in management is expected to bring positive impacts on learning. This research aims to investigate the use of digital tools in classroom management and its effect on student engagement at Merauke Musamus University. A mixed-method quantitative-qualitative approach is employed, with a quasi-experimental research design that involves test, survey, and interview. This research involved 100 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business: Class A and Class C from the Management department and Class C from the Accounting department. The data were collected thought pre-test & post-test, and questionnaires. The result of the test reveals the average score of experimental groups are higher 84.20 compared to the control groups’ 77.40, t-value (5.665) is greater than the critical t-value (1.660) at a significance level of 5%. The data from the observation and interview show the students positive attitudes towards the implementation of digital tools in learning.  The findings indicate that the implementation of digital tools in classroom management positively impacted student engagement in both the experimental and control groups. However, the experimental group, which received the intervention of digital tools, demonstrated higher engagement compared to the control group, which did not receive the intervention
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Power Point Interaktif pada Materi Menganalisis Isi Debat Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi Dediputrajaya Lahagu; Imansudi Zega
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v3i2.272


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of interactive powerpoint media on material analyzing the content of class X debate of SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi. The method used in this research is research and development. The procedures used in the development process are ADDIE, namely the analysis stage, Design stage, Development stage, Implementation stage, evaluation stage. The subjects that have been determined are students of class X-OTKP SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi as well as test subjects for the use of the developed products. The instruments used are validation sheets and questionnaires. The results of data analysis showed that the effectiveness of interactive powerpoint learning media in the material analyzing the content of the debate in class X of SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi had been evaluated and obtained a percentage of classical completeness in individual trials reaching 100% with very effective criteria, small group tests reaching 100% very effective criteria, and in field tests reaching 86.7% with very effective criteria so that they were suitable for use in the learning process