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Aris Nurohman
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UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof K H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto Jl Jend A Yani No 40A Purwokerto
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Al Ma mun Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi
ISSN : 27233596     EISSN : 27460509     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Al Ma mun Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi is a periodical scientific journal that focuses on the study of librarianship and information published by Library of UIN Prof K H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto published twice a year every January and July Scientific work or articles published are the results of studies or research that can be sourced from literature studies field studies experiments implementation of concepts theories and models in the field of library and information Every scientific work or article published in this journal goes through an editorial and peer-review process
Articles 30 Documents
Website sebagai Sarana Promosi Perpustakaan di SMA N 1 Jogjakarta Nisa-Un Naja
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.01 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v1i1.4048


This study aims to determine the extent to which the website is used in library promotion efforts. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, documentation and through a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the website as a promotional tool in the library of SMA N 1 Jogjakarta was categorized well with an average value of 3.5. The researchers obtained these results through 11 indicators divided by 7 indicators from the theory of effectiveness and 4 indicators from promotion. First, production with an average value of 3.65. Second, quality with an average of 3.67. Third, efficiency with an average of 3.58. The fourth is satisfaction with an average score of 3.59. Fifth competition with an average of 3.51. The six developments with an average of 3.42. The seven continued with a mean of 3.71. The eighth is through library promotion indicators, which can introduce library functions with an average of 3.53. Ninth, increasing reading interest by an average of 3.46. Ten, namely introducing library services and services with an average value of 3.53. Eleventh, developing understanding of the library with an average value of 3.49. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penggunaan website dalam upaya promosi perpustakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan interview, observasi, dokumentasi serta melalui angket. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa website sebagai sarana promosi di perpustakaan SMA N 1 Jogjakarta dikategorikan baik dengan nilai rata-rata 3,5. Hasil tersebut peneliti peroleh melalui 11 indikator dengan pembagian 7 indikator dari teori efektivitas dan 4 indikator dari promosi. Pertama, produksi dengan nilai rata-rata 3,65. Kedua, mutu dengan rata-rata 3,67. Ketiga, efisiensi dengan rata-rata 3,58. Keempat kepuasan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,59. Kelima persaingan dengan rata-rata 3,51. Keenam pengembangan dengan rata-rata 3,42. Ketujuh kelangsungan dengan rata-rata 3,71. Kedelapan yaitu melalui indikator promosi perpustakaan yakni dapat mengenalkan fungsi perpustakaan dengan rata-rata 3,53. Kesembilan, meningkatkan minat baca dengan rata-rata 3,46. Sepuluh yaitu mengenalkan jasa dan layanan perpustakaan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,53. Kesebelas, mengembangkan pengertian perpustakaan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,49.
Layanan Penelusuran Kompleks Berbasis Teknologi Informasi di Perpustakaan Indah Wijaya Antasari
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.231 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v1i1.4049


The purpose of this research is to describe complex search services at the IAIN Purwokerto Library related to information technology, where search uses a search tool in the form of computers and networks. Based on several studies of users in the IAIN Purwokerto library, the library developed its services. Using descriptive method, with a source of complex search service form data in 2017-2019. As a result, the development of information technology is coloring the provision of new services, such as bookless library services, e-library services that can be installed via playstore on android devices, international journal services by subscribing to proquest, etc. Librarians are also required to master technology by providing information technology-based services, in this case complex search services. IT-based complex search services are carried out by integrating all digital services in the library to provide answers to the information needs of users.Keywords: service development, complex search service, digital services, information technology, online search
Optimalisasi Layanan Perpustakaan di Era New Normal Ulfah Rulli Hastuti
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.456 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v1i1.4050


Government policy in implementing the New Normal Era is a hope for people to rise from adversity in facing the Covid-19 pandemic. The enthusiasm and hope in welcoming the new life order provides an opportunity for the community to start carrying out activities that were previously restricted or stopped. The application of new normal is welcomed with a positive attitude in various sectors. In the library education sector welcomed positively with the new order of life that began to be applied gradually. How is the preparation done by the library to open services for users in this New Normal Era? The normal concept in library services must be really prepared, both in terms of human resources and collections. Three important things that must be considered to prepare library services are 1. Services must prioritize the health of librarians and users 2. Design services and facilities in the library 3. Make policy access to the library.
Implementasi Teknologi Informasi untuk Meningkatan Mutu Layanan Perpustakaan Muslina Muslina
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.553 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v1i1.4051


Library services in this case the library services include circulation services, reference services, journal / magazine services, multimedia services, internet services and computer stations. These services must follow technological developments in providing information in accordance with the needs of users. IT in libraries is often a benchmark of progress and modernization of a library. The goal of information technology in improving service quality is easy, fast and accurate access through telecommunications networks (LAN, WAN , and internet). This article tries to explain what and how the implementation of information technology to improve the quality of library services. The conclusion is the implementation of information technology in improving the quality of library services is the application of technology used in conveying and processing information to improve quality or standards that must be achieved in the main activities in each library. services such as application to circulation services, reference services, periodical journal or magazine services, multimedia or audio-visual services, internet and computer station services, security services and procurement services.
Perpustakaan Baitul Hikmah, Tonggak Kebangkitan Intelektual Muslim Aris Nurohman
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.444 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v1i1.4052


The Baitul Hikmah Library was recorded as a library owned by Muslims, which was established during the Abbasid Caliphate which was considered the first largest library to influence Muslim civilization in the field of science. The climax occurred during the caliph al-Ma'mun. Al Ma'mun is able to develop the Baitul Hikmah library with good management, and maximum one of them is through large financial support for research, paying professional librarians, paying for translation and even collaborating with experts from various fields regardless of religious background. As a result, Baitul Wisdom becomes a reference source of important information in various fields, ranging from the social, medical, mathematical, physical and philosophical fields. This is very interesting to be used as the knowledge of library managers at the moment, as well as being an important lesson material about the role of libraries in the development of intelligence and human civilization.
Implementasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Koleksi Di Perpustakaan STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong Desy Setiyawati
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.362 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v2i1.4466


This study aims to determine the extent of the implementation of the collection development policies in the STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong Library and the obstacle it faces. The existence of a collection in library is a crucial factor and can be used to determine the level of library utilization whether the library is being used properly or not by users. In order for the collection to be efficient and can be used optimally, library need to plan to develop collections, namely by formulating collection development policies and implementing them in library management. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques through interviews and literatur study. The results showed that the collection development policy that had been carried out in the STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong Library was by selecting, acquiring, evaluating, and weeding the collections. This type of collection consists of print and non-print. Meanwhile, collections are procured through purchases, subscriptions, and gifts/donations/grants. The obstacles faced are that suggestions from users have not been able to meet the needs of planned collection, there is no clear standard regarding the comparison of the number of collections in terms of form and language, there are no rules if in the future there is an urgent need in collection development.
Studi Bibliometrik Menganalisis Produktivitas Pengarang dan Keusangan pada Jurnal Iklim Rhoni Rodin; Nurul Choirunnisa
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.279 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v2i1.4500


Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Keusangan dan Produktifitas Pengarang dengan menggunakan Hukum Lotka. Adapun jurnal yang diteliti merupakan jurnal dengan subjek yang sama yaitu subjek Psikologi. Penulis mengambil sampel secara acak yaitu dari tahun 2015-2019 dari portal jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, terdapat 10 Jurnal Iklim yang dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian ini Tingkat keusangan literatur tertinggi pada tahun 2018 yaitu berjumlah 7 sitiran tahun atau 87,5% artinya bahwa artikel tersebut sudah tua dalam hal tahun sitirannya disebabkan adaya informasi baru dalam suatu dokumen sehingga informasi yang lama akan mengalami penurunan dan akhirnya suatu saat tidak digunakan lagi. Dari hasil perhitungan di atas dapat di cari nilai rata-rata keseluruhan tingkat keusangan literature tahun 2015-2019 dengan nilai rata-rata adalah 62,32%. Dan jumlah pengarang pada penelitian ini sebanyak 148 orang dalam pemilhan acak pada tahun 2015-2019. Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan hukum Lotka maka ditemukan bahwa produktivitas pengarang untuk setiap 1 artikel adalah 83,78% dengan sebanyak 124 pengarang, pengarang yang menghasilkan 2 artikel sebanyak 12,83% dengan 19 pengarang, pengarang yang menghasilkan 3 artikel sebanyak 2,03% dengan 3 pengarang, pengarang yang menghasilkan 4 artikel sebanyak 0,68% dengan 1 pengarang, dan pengarang yang menghasilkan 5 artikel sebanyak 0,68% dengan 1 pengarang.
Development of "Litera-Preneur" in Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir South Purwokerto-Banyumas Regency Endah Kusumaningrum
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.227 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v2i1.4564


ABSTRAK Literasi yang menjadi salah satu wacana populer dan digaungkan oleh berbagai pihak dikembangkan oleh sebuah komunitas di Purwokerto bernama RKWK. Selain berfokus pada pengembangan literasi masyarakat, RKWK juga membidik industry kreatif berbasis literasi yang disebut dengan konsep “litera-preneur”. Tulisan ini fokus membahas tentang upaya-upaya yang dilakukan di RKWK dalam mengelola dan menerap-kembangkan konsep “litera-preneur” dalam kehidupan komunitas mereka hingga mampu memberi dampak bagi lini kehidupan kognisi sekaligus kehidupan ekonomi para pelakunya. Kegiatan pengembangan litera-preneur di RKWK dilakukan dengan beberapa poin penting di antaranya meningkatkan kompetensi keilmuan (kognisi) serta pengembangan kreativitas melalui kegiatan-kegaiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan, kegiatan komunitas berfokus pada pengembangan komunitas berbasis kreativitas dan literasi, dan program-program yang dilaksanakan di RKWK dibuat sesuai dengan potensi dan minat para anggotanya. ABSTRACT Literacy, which has become a popular discourse and echoed by various parties, was developed by a community in Purwokerto called RKWK. Apart from focusing on the development of community literacy, RKWK also targets literacy-based creative industries which are called the concept of "literature-preneur". This paper focuses on discussing the efforts made at RKWK in managing and implementing the concept of "literature-preneur" in their community life so that it can have an impact on the line of cognitive life as well as the economic life of the actors. Literature development activities at RKWK are carried out with several important points including increasing scientific competence (cognition) and developing creativity through training and mentoring activities, community activities focused on community development based on creativity and literacy, and programs implemented at RKWK made according to the potential and interests of its members.
Managemen Kepemimpinan Partisifatif Di Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Rahmat Iqbal
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.817 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v2i1.4582


Abstrak Setiap organisasi dibutuhkan sebuah kepemimpinan yang efektif, sehingga tujuan dari organisasi tersebut tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam melakukan pengambilan keputusan atau tindakan, bila kita mencoba membuka kembali ingatan tentang makna kepemimpinan. Kepemimpinan yang efektif sangatlah tergantung dari landasan manajerial yang kokoh.Kepemimpinan (leadership) yang ditetapkan oleh seorang manajer dalam organisasi dapat menciptakan integrasi yang serasi dan mendorong semangat kerja karyawan untuk mencapai sasaran yang maksimal. Kepemimpinan adalah kata benda dari pemimpin (leader). Pemimpin (leader=head) adalah seseorang yang mempergunakan wewenang dan kepemimpinannya, mengarahkan bawahan untuk mengerjakan sebagian pekerjaannya dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Leader adalah seorang pemimpin yang memiliki sifat-sifat kepemimpinan dan kewibawaan (personality authority). Falsafah kepemimpinannya bahwa pemimpin adalah untuk bawahan dan milik bawahan. Pelaksanaan kepemimpinannya cenderung menumbuhkan kepercayaan, partisipasi, loyalitas dan internal motivasi para bawahan dengan cara persuasive. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang ditinjau melalui metode penelitian kepustakaan (Library Reserch), maknanya metode penelitian kepustakaan merupakan penelitian yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan literature (kepustakaan) baik berupa buku, catatan maupun laporan hasil penelitian dari penelitian terdahulu. Gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif sangat cocok apabila diterapkan di Indonesia, karena Indonesia merupakan Negara yang ramah, taman dan jiwa kebersamaan dan jiwa soladiritas sangat kuat dinegera Indonesia. Oleh karena itu keputusan yang diambil akan bener-bener dipikirkan demi kebaikan bersama tanpa mengutamakan nilai ego atau kepentingan pribadi atau golongan.
Peran Pustakawan dalam Pendampingan Penggunaan Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja di Masyarakat Maniso Mustar
Al-Ma'mun: Jurnal Kajian Kepustakawanan dan Informasi Vol 2 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : UPT Perpustakaan UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.8 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jkki.v2i1.4729


Introduction. Information and communication technology develops very rapidly. Without exception, social media thrives in all circles including teenagers. Social media gives benefits in life and able to provide positive impacts in economic, social and cultural. However, in the midst of the widespread use of social media, sometimes users are not aware of the negative impacts such as social media influences towards teenagers behaviours. This article aims to assist teenagers in controlling behavior due to the influence of social media in society. Methodology. This research use descriptive method. Data collection and analysis was done with literature review from various references. Results and Discussion. This research show that social media influences teenagers’ behavior by bridging activites and friendship which may bring positive and negative impacts. Librarians may have roles in social media by giving positive values through providing constructive information which has value economically, culturally and socially among teenagers and wider community. Conclusion. Librarians can help the community by giving accompaniment in social media usage and shaping teenagers characters through attitudes, patriotic behavior, upholding democracy and towards civil society that applies knowledge responsibly towards humanity through planned programs.

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