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MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah
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Manajemen IKM merupakan Jurnal Pengembangan Manajemen Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Industri Kecil Menengah (MPI) Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB sejak September 2006, memuat kegiatan dunia usaha kecil menengah (UKM), khususnya IKM beserta instansi yang terkait seperti perbankan, departemen teknis dan usaha swasta besar dan petani/nelayan. Manajemen IKM terbit setiap 6 bulan sekali (Februari dan September) dan ditujukan sebagai wadah untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dari kajian tugas akhir mahasiswa MPI, khususnya yang terkait dengan pembinaan dan pengembangan IKM. Namun demikian, tulisan yang diterima Manajemen IKM terbuka bagi berbagai kalangan yang memiliki ketertarikan dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan IKM, baik itu peneliti, penyuluh, maupun pengusaha. Dengan diterbitkannya jurnal ini, maka kedepannya diharapkan lebih dipahami potensi, kendala dan pengembangan IKM melalui pendekatan holistik dan sinergi yang dilihat dari faktor-faktor ekonomi, manajerial dan faktor-faktor lainnya seperti kemitraan. Perintisan jurnal sebagai berkala ilmiah berwawasan nasional dimulai sejak Februari 2006 dengan nama Jurnal MPI dengan No. ISSN 1907-3127 yang memuat 9 judul artikel pada setiap edisi. Mulai terbitan edisi September 2009, judulnya dirubah menjadi Jurnal Manajemen IKM dengan No. ISSN 2085-8418. Jurnal Manajemen IKM selama ini mampu menjadi sarana penyebarluasan informasi ilmiah kepada para dosen atau peneliti lainnya, maupun masyarakat pengguna, serta sarana pengembangan.
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Articles 250 Documents
Perbaikan dan Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu pada Industri Pengolahan Tahu (Studi Kasus di UD Cinta Sari, DIY) Sapta Raharja; S. Joni Munarso; Dian Puspitasari
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.778 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.28-36


Regarded as a tool for improving quality and potentially other performance related outcomes, quality management system (QMS) ISO 9000:2000 and Hazard Analyzis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach are held as a key way of achieving competitive advantages in the today’s global work context, especially for tofu industry. QMS is designed for use in all segments of the food industry from procurement and handling raw material, controlling operator competency, operasionalize of technology, process documentation. HACCP requires the development of strategies to prevent the inclusion or reduction of these hazard until acceptable level in a food. Research methodology empyoyed in these research comprises of 5 steps i.e: (1) Tofu manufacturing inventarization; (2) Composing of Manual of Quality dan Work Instruction are main prerequire for QMS implementation; (3) Implementation of Quality Escort which is part in QMS; (4) Comparison study before and after QMS Implementation; (5) Consistency observation quality product with statistical analysis dan quality control chart; include: moisture, ash, protein content, compactcity of tofu structure. The result  is quality of product more consistence after QMS Implementation. Neverless, it needed recontruction and monitoring contineously better way to create integrated agroindustry which is QMS implementation. 
Swa-Periksa Pengelolaan Budaya Perusahaan Menggunakan Sistem Audit Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Model General System Audit Willy Susilo; - Eriyatno; Joko Affandi; D Agoes Goenawan
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.243 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.37-43


This article is about self assessment of corporate culture management, using system of audit for Human Resource Management  (HRM) GSA model.  The  assessment  process was  done in two stages. The first stage  was  developing a customized assessment questionaire (tool), using semantic differential scale, involving  some senior staff through Focus Group Discussion (FGD).  The second stage was application of the developed devices (questionaire) to assess corporate culture management, involving a group of  30 respondents. Data obtained from the  questionaire was analysed using  the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and the result was plotted into the Cartesius diagram for interpretation. The output of the assessment was  an audit report, which was prepared using the formula: True, Valua, Attractive, Policy, Location, Activity, Clauses, Evidences, Scale of Criticality, Recommendation and Time schedule (TVA PLACES ART)  as a guide in the report writing. The audit report was the output of the self assessment and  to be used as reference in improving HRM policy and its implementation in general and corporate culture in particular. Finally, an opinion survey was conducted to verify if the audit model  was perceived to be important, beneficial, practical, feasible, and recommendable for application in the company.  The  result of the survey indicated that 14,2% of respondents disagree, 25,5 neutral, and 59,3 agree.  These statistic figures indicate  that the audit model was agreed  to be important, useful, practical, feasible and recommendable for application  in companies.  Key words: audit report/model,corporate culture, self assessment
Keunggulan Kompetitif UKM Sentra Pengolahan Kerupuk Ikan dan Udang di Indramayu Berbasis Sumber Daya Trisna Ningsih; Sugeng Hari Wisudo; Martani Huseini; Achmad Poernomo; Tri Wiji Nurani
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.923 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.44-53


The concept of resource based focus on modifying organizational capabilities into company's competitive advantage, which is the achievements of the unique, rare, cannot be duplicated and cannot be replaced combination between company's resources and assets. The purpose of this research is to identify the resources, capabilities, and core competencies owned by the SMEs of fish and shrimp crackers in the Indramayu processing center, and their development strategies. The competitive advantage of the SMEs of fish and shrimp crackers in the Indramayu processing center was analyzed using network analysis, while its dynamic capabilities was analyzed using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). After the core competencies were identified, the next step was formulating the strategic routing for the SMEs of fish and shrimp crackers in Indramayu processing center. The research shows the time required to produce 3.550 kgs of fish crackers with 100 labour are 2.070 minutes, so the level of efficiency was 33.5 kgs/20,7 minutes/person. Some alternative development strategies required for the SMEs of fish and shrimp crackers in the Indramayu processing center to realize the strategic routing are (1) organizational restructuring, (2) business reengineering, and (3) business revitalizing.   Key words: competitive advantage; SMEs processing center; fish and shrimp crackers; resource based
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Pedaging dengan Pola Kemitraan di Kecamatan Ciampea Kabupaten Bogor Hasan Subkhie; - Suryahadi; Amiruddin Saleh
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.388 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.54-63


Poultry commodities have a good prospect of market, because it is supported by its character that easily accepted by Indonesian people. People of Indonesia that nearly 220 million people and can be growth 1,4 percent per year are potential market of chicken ranch business. The aims of this study are: (a) identify the system of chicken management ranch business by plasma partnership system with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, (b) analyz feasibility of chicken ranch business by plasma partnership system with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, (c) arrange the strategies that should be done by plasma farmer in Ciampea Bogor, which are doing partnerships with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia.  Data collecting was conducted through direct observation of four plasma chicken ranch business through interview with the owner of plasma chicken ranch. The data consisted of primary and secondary data were used to identify and evaluate system of management of chicken ranch business by plasma partnership system with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. The data were also used to analyze feasibility of chicken ranch business by plasma partnership system with PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia and to know  the good strategies that had to be developed generally in four locations of study through SWOT analysis. The good chicken ranch business should use hencoop with stage system which made by permanent materials with monitoring system roof made by genteng. By doing good practice  management on starter, grower and finisher period and also pressing the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) value until 1,5, so that the chicken ranch business can give much benefits. Feasibility analysis of financial aspect with population scale 22.000 chickens, 14.000 chickens, 8.000 chickens and 4.000 chickens with interest rate 16%, shows that chicken ranch business is feasible to be implemented and developed if can reach FCR value 1,5. Based on the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies for plasma chicken ranch business development are improving productivity to increase benefits, increasing efficiency of using production factors, being proactive to solve the techniques problem, increasing the knowledge of handling disease problem, being optimal in using production factors, increasing practice management according to standard and increasing farmer’s knowledge about the good practice management.
Prospek Usaha Bagi Hasil Penanaman Jati Unggul Nusantara (Studi Kasus Pada Koperasi Perumahan Wanabhakti Nusantara di Kabupaten Bogor) Muhammad Noor Efansyah; M Hasjim Bintoro; W H Limbong
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.404 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.64-73


Planting crops clones Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) in the area of Bogor Regency is a business model that was developed for the Koperasi Perumahan Wanabhakti Nusantara (UBH-KPWN), involving investors, landowners, community manager of the plant (farmers) and the village officials. The activity aims to distribute capital to the community, land use has not been productive, providing a source of teak wood supply for industry and as a provider of employment for the community. JUN investment in Cogreg Village, Parung District, Bogor regency, has been carried out since three years ago (starting in 2007). Offsetting JUN plants will be harvested in the fifth year (year 2012), promising to five parties, will receive revenue sharing from the sales value of timber harvest JUN. JUN three years old plant in Bogor regency, totaling 6.075 trees, potential measurements in a sampling plant 2.5% of the total population. The result of the potential crop average diameter of 0.11 m/tree and average branch free height 4.74 m/tree, calculate the average volume of 0.044 m3/tree or 44 m3/ha, bringing the total potential of the plant three years 266.28 m3. Appropriate considering the growth potential and risk of death of plants, the projected average volume increment 0.021 m3/year or 21 m3/ha/year. Harvest prospects in the fifth year calculated in the range 86 up to 100 m3/ha, or an average of 91 m3/ha. Base on projection teak wood basic sale prices (sortiment A1 tipe D quality P - M), in the fifth year from Rp2,135,000 up to Rp2,408,000. So the prospect of selling the timber JUN between Rp988.630.584 up to Rp1.462.925.329, or an average selling of Rp1.279.294.179. Based on the prospect for timber harvest and JUN timber sale values, then the appropriate financial analysis (NPV, IRR, and B/C) is very reasonable business activities are managed. Calculated value for the outcome of each the party, according to the average revenue outlook; (1) Investors Rp591.376.022, (2) Land Owners Rp147.844.005, (3) Farmers Rp270.-037.076, (4) UBH KPWN Rp162.022.246, (5) Village Officials Rp108.014.830.
Kajian Pengembangan Usaha IKM Pangan Komoditas Roti dan Kue di Kota Bogor (Studi Kasus Brownies Elsari, Bogor) Ade Hendar Purnawan; Wilson H Limbong; Sri Hartoyo
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.275 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.74-84


This research is aimed to analyze the prospect of small-medium bakery industry, especially that is located in Bogor. The small industries generally still have the same problem when they need credit from the bank for their investment. This research will analyzed these small industries by doing a case study in Elsari Brownies and Bakery Bogor. There are four investment criteria to be calculated or analyzed. They are NPV, IRR, B/C ratio and PBP. The results show that the values of four investment criteria are positive i.e. NPV value and IRR value respectively is Rp113.236.973 and 66.81%, meanwhile B/C ratio value is 1.45 times and Payback Period is 31.69 months. But at normal/liquid condition which there is no wasted product causing by sales return, the analyses result show that to invest in this industry is very reasonable. At that condition the value of NPV is Rp267,157,761, IRR value’s is 132.35%, PBP is 18.4 months and B/C ratio is 2.21 times. As the results of sensitivity analyses, the decreasing of brownies sales factor has significant effect rather than the influence of the increasing of brownies raw materials price factor. But if both factors are happened at the same time, it will cause worst effect than if each factors occurred. The research is also to analyze the problems faced by the Elsari Brownies & Bakery industry. Firstly, the questionnaires are given to Elsari brownies customers. The result shows that 60% of respondents feel to be satisfied enough with this product (Elsari brownies) and 36% of respondents are satisfied with this product. 74% of respondents said that the brownies price is cheap enough and 50% of respondents say that this product is delicious enough. Finally, the SWOT analyzed is to be done. The Internal-External Matrix shows that this industry is in fifth cell. The result recommends the Elsari industry to do the hold and maintain strategy. The appropriate strategies for fifth cell are market penetration and product development. Elsari should do the following strategy for market penetration: widening market network into well known-food restaurant and tourism places that located at outside Bogor as marketing main target, by making relationship with existing counters at those places or build a new branch. The appropriate strategy for product development is making more ‘broker’ product.  Key words: investment criteria, sensitivity analyses, strategy
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Agroindustri Tepung Gandum di Gapoktan Gandum, Kabupaten Bandung Jenny Laura Ulina Panjaitan; Wilson H Limbong; Ani Suryani
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 1 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.025 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.1.85-93


Development of domestic wheat is expected to be an alternative food availability in the country. Processing of wheat into flour in Bandung regency done by small-scale agro-industry business unit that still uses fairly simple processing technologies. Wheat flour agro-industry business unit is expected to develop into independent business units and professional and professionally managed with sound business-oriented features, both technical, economic, social, feasible, profitable and sustainable. Research objectives, including to (1) know the strategic factors affecting wheat flour agro industry business, (2) determine the feasibility of wheat flour agro-industry, (3) to formulate appropriate strategies in order to develop future business wheat flour agroindustry. Data collection methods used are primary data collection through field surveys and interviews. Questionnaire was spreaded to the farmers to obtain supporting data with a purposive sampling method. Secondary data collection was done through literature, documents and reports related agencies. Results of the feasibility analysis showed that from the calculation feasibility study, with an investment cost Rp105.000.000 Net Present Value (NPV): discount factor (DF) 14% USD 47,294,561; Internal Rate Return (IRR) 35,24%; Pay Back Period (PBP) 2,17 years, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1,84 and breakeven production of 19,648.37 kg. These values indicate that the business wheat flour of Agroindustry unit is feasible managed by wheat Gapoktan. Total value of the internal strategic matrix 2,802; show business wheat flour of Agroindustry unit at wheat Gapoktan has high internal factors, and total external strategic matrix of 3,013 shows the response given by wheat agroindustry flour wheat Gapoktan business unit to the external environment is high and agroindustry unit position is in second quadrant. Based on the best strategic, alternative analysis obtained by six is the most effective strategic business units conducted by the wheat flour of Agro-Industry unit (1) Conducting Fulfillment Services and Infrastructure Business Unit Agro Wheat Flour, (2) Building partnerships with the food industry while maintaining product quality, (3) increase production and productivity in the face of increasing demands wheat, (4) enhance the role of managers in developing agroindustries business unit of wheat flour, (5) Develop institutional wheat Gapoktan in the agribusiness community to address the changing culture (6). Active to build partnership with the stakeholder to solve of the wheat flour problems.
Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Beras Cimanuk Melalui Peningkatan Mutu Oleh PD Jaya Saputra Kecamatan Cimanuk Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten . Nasir; Mochamad Hasjim Bintoro; Wilson Halomoan Limbong
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 2 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.246 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.2.102-110


PD Jaya Saputra as a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), which produces Cimanuk rice, wants its product to become Pandeglang’s pride icon.  Cimanuk rice has a good quality, so it can penetrate not only the national but also the international market (export).  The objective of this study are (1) Identify and evaluate the condition of SMEs PD Jaya Saputra, (2)Analyze the feasibility of business development through quality improvement, and (3) Prepare alternative strategies appropriate for their business development through quality improvement.The data needed for this study originated from the primary and secondary data. The data analysis was performed  through adescriptive methods, namely SWOT, QSPM, and feasibility analysis  through assessment criteria the PBP, Net B/C, BEP, NPV, and IRR.  IFE matrix resulted in a score of 2.688,  EFE matrix of 2.758, and the IE matrix, all of which  are in quadrant V, namely growth/stabilization quadrant, which means that the firm must conduct strategies for market penetration and development.  The recommended strategies are applying rice production technology to obtain quality, improving and maintaining quality in accordance to the rice grades and quality regulation to maintain consumer’s loyalty, improving quality of human resources in production and marketing section through informal channels.  The results of the eligibility criteria analysis showed the BEP 84.866, PBP 32 months, Net B/C 1.044, a positive NPV 765.395, and IRR 17%. The quality improvement can be done through improvement of management and human resources, cultivation, harvesting and post-harvesting, including machine repair and proper packaging
Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Industri Kecil Tahu Di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat Nunung Nurhayati; Musa Hubeis; Sapta Raharja
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 2 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.817 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.2.111-121


Kuningan District where agriculture is the inhabitant main livelihood, has the potential for agro based industry sectors. One of Small Industries (SI) which sustain to grow since the 1960's in the Kuningan District is Tofu industry. The purpose of this study were to analyze business performance, to analyze the needs and feasibility of business development and to formulate a strategy in business development of Tofu SI. Data collection methods used were field surveys and in-depth interviews with related experts. Information obtained from the District Government and KOPTI. Data processing technique was using Friedman test and the AHP. Feasibility analysis of business development  of tofu small industry obtained NPV of Rp395.696.655, IRR of 38,72%, B/C ratio of 3.10, PBP of 1.19 years and BEP value of 260.304 units. All these criteria show that further business development  is feasible. Tofu business development strategy based on AHP analysis covers aspects of product manufacturing processes, waste management and business financing. Priority strategies to improve the quality of products is by training human resources such as scheduling techniques relating in utilization of raw materials, raw material selection, division of work, techniques for preparing SOP and also supervision and quality control of products. Priority strategies for waste water treatment efforts is the training of waste water treatment into biogas, producing nata de soya and biofilter. While the priority strategies in the business financing is working capital loans from supplier cooperatives which is the KOPTI
Kelayakan dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Makanan Ringan pada PD Sinar Berlian di Jakarta Barat Soesetyo Priharjanto; Ma'mun Sarma; Sri Hartoyo
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 7 No. 2 (2012): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.173 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.7.2.122-130


The food industry is generally growing with the increase of production capacity is the addition of engine capacity, the addition of human resources caused by the existing production capacity is not sufficient. The purpose of this study were to (1) analyze the feasibility of trading; (2) analyze and evaluate the factors that affect the internal and external business continuity trade; (3) Recommending priorities marketing strategies. The method of collecting the data in this study were collected through observations and interviews. Feasibility study with the financial ratio approach, such as PBP, B/C Ratio, NPV and IRR. The data obtained were analyzed by using the matrix IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT and QSPM. The result of the financial feasibility analysis shows that the PBP for 2.3 years (approximately 27 months), net B/C ratio of more than one (1.75), at a discount rate of 9.2% obtained a value of Rp747.79 millions positive NPV, IRR amounted to 33.60% higher discount rate as required by 9.2%. This indicates that PD snack business. Sinar Berlian financially feasible. Results of identification and evaluation of the factors of strategy, IFE values obtained at 2.776 and 2.677 for the value of EFE. The combination of these two values in the matrix indicates that the marketing strategy lies in the quadrant of the five, namely the growth and stability. The strategies that can be run, ie market penetration, product development and market. Based on calculations derived QSP matrix of the most attractive strategy to be applied is Marketing Aspect which is expanding market share in major Indonesian cities by utilizing the media campaign

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