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Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
ISSN : 27148319     EISSN : 27147452     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Jumper aim is to promote scientific articles that focus on accounting and management. Manuscript articles can come from researchers, academics, practitioners, lecturers, students and other observers who are interested in research in the field of accounting or management. JUMPER invites manuscripts in the various topics include Financial Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Finance, Accounting Information System, Auditing, Behavioral Accounting, Management Accounting, Taxation, Public Sector Accounting, Operational Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, And other relevan on accounting and management
Articles 7 Documents
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Pengaruh Kecerdasan Intelektual terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Pangandaran Arga Sutrisna; Ari Arisman
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.206


The purpose of this study first is to know how the intellectual intelligence, second is to know how performance, third is to find the influence of intellectual intelligence to the employee performance. Methodology in this research is explanatory research, the researcher does not only describe empirical facts found in the field, but also intends to analyze and explain the influence between variables. This research was conducted on Civil Servants in the Agriculture Service of Pangandaran Regency, which amounted to 47 people within eight months. The result in this research is Intellectual intelligence in the Agriculture Service of Pangandaran Regency includes a good classification. In this way the Pangandaran District Agricultural Service communicates intellectual intelligence through good numerical intelligence and deductive reasoning. The performance of Civil Servants in the Agriculture Service of Pangandaran Regency includes a good classification. The performance of Civil Servants is closely related to Intellectual intelligence. The results of the analysis show that Intellectual intelligence has a significant effect on the Performance of Civil Servants in the Agriculture Service of Pangandaran Regency, so that the hypothesis is acceptable.
Mengukur Loyalitas Pelanggan Berdasarkan Pemasaran Relasional dan Kebijakan Harga Pada Bidang Usaha Retail Berbasis B2B di Kota Tasikmalaya Ari Arisman; Depy Muhamad Pauzy
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.207


The purpose of this study is to find the effect of relational marketing and pricing policies on customer loyalty in the B2B-based retail business in the City of Tasikmalaya. This research is descriptive and empirical. Descriptive research was conducted to obtain an overview of the attributes of online stores, consumer satisfaction and trust. While empirical research is conducted to determine the relationship between variables through statistical calculations. The technique of collecting data through questionnaires to 100 respondents who were consumers of sandal craft material stores based on Business to Business (B2B) using judgment sampling or purposive sampling techniques. As well as the analytical tool used in this study is path analysis (path analysis) where the attributes of relational marketing and price policies become exogenous variables and customer loyalty becomes variable. The results of this study indicate that relational marketing and pricing policies have an important role in creating customer loyalty. The better relational marketing and pricing policies, the more customer loyalty will increase.
Pengaruh Merek dan Desain Kemasan terhadap Proses Keputusan Pembelian Kelom Sheny di Kota Tasikmalaya Depy Muhamad Pauzy; Kusuma Agdhi Rahwana
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.208


This study aims to determine the effect of brand and packaging design on the process of purchasing Kelom Sheny products. The purpose of the study was based on the fact that in the past year (2016) there had been a decline in sales of Kelom Sheny products. It is suspected that the cause of the decline was influenced by various factors, including the provision of incomplete products and rare price cuts, as well as declining consumer purchasing power. This research is descriptive and empirical. Descriptive research is conducted to obtain an overview of product attributes and the process of purchasing decisions. While empirical research is conducted to determine the relationship between variables through statistical calculations. Data collection techniques through questionnaires to 90 respondents. The objects in this study are all consumers who are around the Tasikmalaya City area. The study used a survey method with sampling techniques using random sampling techniques. The research data will be analyzed using multiple regression. In hypothesis testing on brand variables, it shows that the brand variables have a significant effect on the process of purchasing decisions, and the results of the recapitulation of respondents' questionnaires in the brand variables are obtained with agreed criteria. The magnitude of the effect of packaging design on the process of purchasing the Kelom Sheny product, where the hypothesis testing of the packaging design variables shows that there is no significant effect on the process of purchasing decisions. Simultaneously the influence of brand and packaging design on the purchasing decision process of Kelom Sheny can be concluded that the model is good, and is used to show the influence of brand and packaging design on the process of purchasing decisions.
Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Beton Elemen Persada Hani Fitria Rahmani
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.209


A manufacturing company is a company that produces itself, which is then finished with goods which are then sold. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the information system of human resources and work discipline influences the performance of employees at PT Beton Elemen Persada. The method used in this research is descriptive and associative methods. Supported by related theories to draw conclusions that apply in general with a population of 71 people and then proceed with path analysis / path analysis. The results of this study show a significant effect between human resource information systems (X1) and work discipline (X2) on the performance of employees (Y) together (simultaneous) of 73.7%. While the remaining 26.3% was influenced by other things outside the variables examined in this study.
Pengaruh Konflik Peran Ganda dan Stress terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Rina Nurlinawaty
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.210


The objectives of this research are to find out the influence of dual role conflict and stress, both simultaneously and partially, to organizational commitment of female employees Echelon IV at Tasikmalaya’s government. The method used in this research was survey method. 117 respondens from 21 institutions located at Tasikmalaya were chosen. The way of data collecting used questionnaire. Data was then analyzed using Path Analysis. The results of this research showed that there was a significant influence of dual role conflict to stress. There was a significant influence of dual role conflict, partially, to female employees’s organizational commitment. Stress has a significant influence, partially, to female employees’s organizational commitment. The dual role conflict and stress, simultaneously, have significant influences to female employees’s organizational commitment.
Pengaruh Tunjangan Kesejahteraan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Samsu Hendriatna
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.211


The objectives of this research are to determine and analyze the influence of welfare benefits, education and training on work productivity at Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya. The used method in this research is survey methods and technique of data collection is done by 1) interview and questionnaires to obtain primary data, and 2) Study the documentation to obtain secondary data. Data analyses in this research use the multiple linier regression analyses by using SPSS software. The results of this research show that there is a significant influence of welfare benefits, education and training, simultaneously, to work productivity at Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya. There is a significant influence of welfare benefits, partially, to work productivity at Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya. There is a significant influence of education, partially, to work productivity at Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya. There is a significant influence of training, partially, to work productivity at Rumah Sakit Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya.
Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja pada Karyawan CV. Tirta Bening AMDK Kabupaten Cianjur Wala Erpurini
JURNAL EKONOMI PERJUANGAN Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Perjuangan (JUMPER)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/jumper.v1i1.212


This research aims to determine the information system of human resources, work motivation and performance, and to determine the magnitude of the influence of human resource information systems and work motivation both partially and simultaneously on the performance of employees. CV Tirta Bening AMDK Cianjur Regency. This research uses descriptive methods and associative methods. The unit of observation of this research is all permanent employees of CV. Tirta Benk AMDK. The sample takes 100% of the population in the CV. Tirta Bening AMDK of Cianjur Regency is as many as 35 respondents, taken from all permanent employees. To see the relationship between 2 variables, the analysis used is path analysis. This study resulted in the influence of the human resource information system on performance partially by 53.1%. The effect of work motivation on performance partially is 30.6%, so work motivation has a significant effect on performance. The influence of the human resource information system and work motivation simultaneous of 83.9% has a significant effect on performance.

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