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Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan
ISSN : 02164981     EISSN : 26139944     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology), with registered number ISSN 0216-4981 (print) and 2613-9944 (online), is a scientific journal published by Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. The journal is registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.29238. Its Journal covers a lot of common problems or issues related to the health sciences. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of health sciences. Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of Health sciences areas. It covers the Medical Laboratory Technology area, nursing area, midwifery area, dental nursing area, nutrition area, environmental health, and any sciences that cover the health sciences area.
Articles 85 Documents
Penerapan Kursi Ergonomis Dan Peregangan Untuk Mengurangi Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Pada Pekerja Di Industri PT. “X” Kebumen Jawa Tengah Yuliana Yuliana; Yamtana Yamtana; Achmad Husein
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Juni

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Ergonomics plays an important role in improving occupational safety and health factors. Workers knitting in the Prembun false eyelash industrydo the work manually in a sitting position on an elongated chair without a backrest so that the buttocks don't hurt when sitting too long, bending forward and repetitive hand movements. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ergonomic chairs and stretches to reduce complaints of back pain in workers at PT X.Thistype of research is quasi-experimental (quasi experiment) with the approach pretest posttest group design. The sample of this study was 23 workers, taken by purposive sampling technique.The measurement method used the questionaire Nordic Body Map to find out the number of complaints of back pain. Test the normality of the data using the Shapiro-Wilk test then followed the bound t-test, at ? = 0.05.The average decrease in back pain complaints was 10.39 or 37.11%,11.89 or 33.23%, and 4.91 or 17.54%. Data were analyzed using t-test bound obtained p-value =0.000 or p<0.05 indicates there is a significant effect on the reduction of back pain complaints of respondents in using ergonomic chair and stretching in the industry of false eyelashes PT X.
Pengaruh Penambahan Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Pada Pembuatan Pempek Ikan Tenggiri Ditinjau Dari Sifat Fisik, Sifat Organoleptik Dan Kadar Zat Besi (Fe) Sherly Asri Widyaningrum; Setyowati Setyowati; Silvia Dewi
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Juni

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Pempek is a typical delicacy from Palembang, which is already accepted as a favorite dish by many people from different strata in Indonesia. Pempek contains animal protein, which is beneficial because it is made of spanish mackerel fish. The pempek which has been added with red spinach is expected to offer an alternative for highly nutritious food, which at the same time serves as the good source of iron (Fe) intake.To determine the influence of adding red spinach of pempek spanish mackerel fish, as viewed from physical properties, organoleptic characteristics, and iron levels (Fe).This research used a pure experimental research with four treatments of red spinach addition (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). Physical features were observed subjectively and were analyzed using a descriptive method. Organoleptic characteristics were observed using a hedonic scale test, and were analyzed using Kruskall Wallis H test. Fe contents were observed using a spectrophotometry method, and were analyzed using an Anova test and continued with an LSD test.In terms of taste and aroma features, pempeks with 20% and 30% red spinach addition resemble those of spinach. In terms of color, pempeks with 10%, 20%, and 30% red spinach addition are red. In terms of texture, pempeks with 30% red spinach addition are hard. From organoleptic, color, aroma, taste and texture characteristics test, panelists expressed that they prefered pempeks with 10% red spinach addition. Highest Fe content was found in 30% red spinach addition formula.There is an influence of adding red spinach (amaranthus tricolor L.) to pempek spanish mackerel fish as viewed from physical properties and organoleptic characteristics and iron (Fe) levels.
Beban Kerja Perawat Berhubungan Dengan Kelengkapan Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Rawat Inap RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Dewi Khoirunnissa; Agus Sarwo Prayogi; Tri Arini
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Juni

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Complete documentation of the Deputy Secretary is very important for nurses' responsibilities and responsibilities for the tasks that have been carried out. The heavy workload of nurses can affect the documentation of health insurance.To determine the relationship of nurse workload with the completeness nursing documentation in the Inpatient Room of Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul Yogyakarta.Type of quantitative descriptive research with cross sectional approach. The population of nurses in the inpatient room of Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, the samples was 47 educated nurses DIII Nursing, DIV Nursing and Nurses. The research instrument used the nurse's workload questionnaire and the observation checklist of documentary documents. The nurse workload questionnaire has been tested for validity with the results of count> 0.361, and the reliability test results of alpha cronbach's value of 0.945. Data analysis techniques using Kendall-Tau. Nurses workload with high category (25.5%), moderate (59.6%), and low (14.9%). The level of complete documentation of nursing care was in the good category (36.2%), sufficient (46.8%), and less (17.0%). The results of the statistical test show the magnitude of the Kendall-Tau correlation coefficient of -0.492 with a significance of 0.000. This shows that the value of p <0.05 means that there is a negative and significant relationship between the workload of nurses and the complete documentation of nursing care. The workload of nurses influences the complete documentation of nursing care. This is because workload is influenced by the number of procedures that must be carried out by nurses to patients according to their level of dependence and can affect the quality of performance nurses.
Diskripsi Status Balita Stunting Ega Santiago Firlita Dewi Imron; Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum; Dwiana Estiwidani
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Juni

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The percentage of nutritional status of stunting toddlers (short and very short) in Indonesia in 2013 is 37.2%. One of stunting effects is the growth disorder that will have an impact on the decline in the quality of human resources in the future. Kulon Progo Regency is one of districts included in the 100 districts in stunting prevention. This study aims at recognizing the developmental status of stunting toddlers in the Working Areas of Pengasih II Health Center in Kulon Progo Regency. Cross sectional approach is used for this research. The populations were 90 stunting toddlers who lived in Karangsari Village. The data were taken from Public Health Office in Kulon Progo, and the measurement directly used KPSP from 5 to 17 January 2019. The resuly of this study describes that most toddlers are male in 55.6%, economical status < UMK in 77.8%, exclusive breadfeeding status of 94.4%, middle school’s last education in 73.3%, mothers who did not work in 78.9%. The development status of the toddler is short, 53.3% of the development is appropriate, 36.7% is dubious and 1.1% is deviant. Toddlers are very short, 6.7% development is appropriate, 1.1% development is doubtful, and 1.1% development deviates. The conclusion of this study discovers that the developmental status of stunting toddlers in the Working Areas of Pengasih II Health Center in Kulon Progo Regency is appropriate if people pay attention on the other aspects such as giving exclusive breastfeeding, giving the stimulation by parents and participation in PAUD, and taking the last education for mothers.
Perbandingan Reduksi Glukosa Pada Urin Menggunakan Pemanasan Api Spirtus Dan Waterbath 100oC Dengan Metode Benedict Anita Kurniyawati; Fitri Fadhilah; Anggi Nopiani
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Juni

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The high prevalence of DM is a global problem that must be handled by health workers around the world. The number of DM patients in the world in all age groups was 382 million people in 2013 and is estimated to increase 55% to 592 million sufferers in 2035. In Indonesia, provinces with the highest prevalence of DM are D.I. Yogyakarta with 2.6%, both Jakarta 2.5%, and third North Sulawesi with 2.4%. The prevalence of DM in South Kalimantan was ranked 13th at 1.4%. This study aims to determine the differences in the results of urine reduction examination benedict method using spirtus flame with waterbath 100° C. This research method is a laboratory experiment. The results of this study indicate that the urine reduction examination by heating flame flame and waterbath 100oC shows the same results from negative (-) until positive (+4). Examination of urine reduction by heating the flame of spirits and waterbath 100oC does not affect the results. But there is a difference in the process with heating flame methylate a longer time is 3-5 minutes, when boiling the solution in the tube explodes and can only work one by one sample, while the heating of 100oC waterbath the time required is relatively faster, 2 minutes, not explode when boiling, and can work 6-8 samples (depending on the tube rack you have). If the number of patients is much better the urine reduction examination benedict method uses a 100oC waterbath heating.
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): November

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The government attempted to address the issue of sanitation, especially Clean and Healthy Behavior and healthy latrine ownership with the efforts is the National Strategy community-led total sanitation (CLTS) which is expected to prevent or minimize the morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study to assess the success of the triggers of Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) First Pillar in Somodaran Village, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman 2019. The research method with the type and design of a study conducted using a qualitative approach to the type of research and survey methods cross observational sectional descriptive. The population in this study were residents in the Somodaran Village, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, which has been following CLTS triggering the First Pillar of 50 respondents using Total Sampling. According to the research level of success on the First Pillar of CLTS triggered open defecation free in getting in this study before and after triggering an increase of behaviour change. Where prior to the detonation there are 56% who still behave open defecation free but after the detonation to 80% of respondents has changed the behaviour with no defecation Gratuitous. Availability latrines of 50 respondents prior to detonation only 30% availability of latrines increased 10%, subsequent to the triggering ie to 40% already have private latrines in every home and the condition of the respondents latrines in every home prior to the detonation of 86.7% and after the detonation of 90% , The conclusion of this study an increase though not so many before and after triggering the respondents.
Ketersediaan Makanan Di Sekolah Dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Rekomendasi Konsumsi Gula, Garam, Lemak Nisrina Sabrina; Tjarono Sari; Noor Tifauzah
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): November

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The age of school children has the freedom to choose foods that they like. Criteria for foods that they like usually contain lots of sugar, salt, fat, and MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate). Apart from the consumption of school children's snacks, the sugar, salt and fat content in giving a child's lunch should also not be ignored. Less or excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and fat is not good for the body, so consumption of foods high in sugar, salt, and fat that need to be controlled.Analyzing the contribution of food in schools and its contribution to the contribution of consumption of sugar, salt, and fat.This type of research is an observational study with a cross-sectional research design. The research was conducted in January 2019. The study population was all students at SD Muhammadiyah Kauman Yogyakarta with a sample of 52 students.Communicate food from lunch and snacks. The average contribution of lunch intake for sugar is 3.47% (± 0.92), salt is 30.35% (± 5.44), and fat is 18.67% (± 3.07). While the average contribution of snacks for sugar is 15.25% (± 7.54), salt is 24.66% (± 13.53), and fat is 12.23% (± 5.05).Food intake while in school have contribute to the intake of sugar, salt, and fat.
Perilaku makan pelengkap pada ibu balita usia 6-24 bulan (belajar di Pingit, Bumijo, Yogyakarta) Lili Indah Nurcahyani; Nanik Setiawati; Sabar Santoso
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): November

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Malnutrition situation happened as the result of receiving less breast milk and diet on complementary feeding for toddlers. It is known that the practice of complementary feeding for age 6th month until 2 years has not been implemented properly. The purpose of this study is to reveal complementary feeding behavior on toddler’s mother age 6-24 months in Pingit, Bumijo, Jetis, Yogyakarta. The types of this study is descriptive study using cross sectional design. Population for this study are mother who have toddler in age of 6-24 months. The total for respondents for the sample is 78 respondents. Data collection techniques used in this study is questionnaire. Data Analysis for this study is using univariate. As for the result of this study, parity of multi-parent respondents represented in 51.3%, with medium education represented in 46.2%, doesn’t have job represented in 73.1%, and family income under minimum wage regional city of Yogyakarta represented in 51.3%. As for the complementary feeding behavior: first, the time accuracy is done by 67.9% respondents. Second, the frequency accuracy is done by 84.9% respondents. Third, the quantity accuracy is done by 47.4% respondents. Fourth, the texture accuracy is done by 17.9% respondents. Fifth, the variation accuracy is done by 53.8% respondents. The conclusion in this study is the complementary feeding behavior done based on time, frequency and variation and not exactly based on the quantity and texture.
Efektifitas Suhu Dan Lama Penyimpanan Pada Preparasi Sampel Darah Terhadap Volume Serum Pada Pemeriksaan Kadar Glukosa Puasa, Kolesterol Total Dan Trigliserida Fitri Fadhilah; Ani Riyani; Anggi Nopiani
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): November

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This research is aimed to determine whether any differences between the volume of serum and the result of fasting glucose level test, total cholesterol, and triglycerides on the serum achieved by temperature variation and storage duration. This is an experimental research that has been done on October 2012 at Clinical Laboratory. From the research, there are average storage amounts of serum volume for 10 until 30 minutes on 80C raised to 93,4%, on 250C from the storage in 10 until 30 minutes raised to 138,8%, and on 370C from the storage 10 until 30 minutes raised to 30%. Based on statistical calculations derived Sig. (2-tailed) of <1.000, for the Sig. > 0.05 showed no significant correlation to storage time 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes. ANOVA’s test result indicated that grade F achieved is less from grade F critical, that means there are no differences or meaningful effects from temperature and storage duration treatments to the result of fasting glucose level test, total cholesterol, and triglycerides . There is the increasing of serum volume after the temperature treatment is given and the storage duration on blood samples preparation. Moreover, there are no significant differences for the result of fasting glucose test, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Pengaruh Media Video Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Hamil Tentang Anemia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Nanggulan Kabupaten Kulon Progo Ridwan Febrianta; I Made Alit Gunawan; Almira Sitasari
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): November

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Anemia in pregnancy can have a negative impact on mortality and morbidity of mother and fetus. The results of pregnancy with anemia among intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), preterm birth, low birth weight (LBW), and an increased risk of neonatal death. Effect of pregnancy on maternal anemia among shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations, sleep disturbances, increased risk of bleeding during labor, pre-eclampsia, and sepsis.To determine the effect of video media to the knowledge and attitude in preventing anemia among pregnant mothers.Quasi-experimental research design with pre-post test with control group design. The research was conducted from April to May 2019 in Puskesmas Posyandu Nanggulan. The sample collection with purposive sampling, wherein each a group treatment minimum of 18 samples. The independent variable was nutrition counseling media used video and powerpoint. The dependent variable is the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women. The analysis by paired sample and independent sample t test.From the test results free sample there are significant differences in the results of knowledge with p = 0.001 and attitudes with p = 0.006. Then the sample is bound to increase in knowledge and attitudes are significant in the treatment group in the form of video media compared with the control group in the form of powerpoint with p = 0.000.There was an increase in knowledge and attitude of pregnant women significantly after being consulted using video media about anemia problem.