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Core Subject : Social,
Journal Sains Komunikata57 (the Scientific Journal of KOM57) is a bilingual journal of communication studies which publish particularly articles on Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing Communication, Media and Political Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Organizational Communication. This journal is run by The communication studies program of the Institute of Business and Information KOSGORO 1957. The Institute is a member of Indonesian Association of Communication Studies Managers (APJIKI), since 2020.
Articles 54 Documents
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 1 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.169 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i1.114


The main problem of this research is, how to know the hidden meaning of photo essay from social and psychological aspects. The purpose of this research itself is to find out the hidden meanings in the essay photo, apart from what is visible. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, which is a method that aims to provide as accurate a picture as possible of the characteristics of an individual, the characteristics of a group or individual society as well as to find out and examine the characteristics of interest. With the data analysis technique, namely the semiotic analysis model used by Roland Barthes (1990), namely, analyzing the sign. In this model, the main idea is focused on the two-stage significance (two order signification). Data collection was obtained through literature study accompanied by interviews with a photography. The results of this study indicate that in the photo essay there is a hidden meaning from a social and psychological perspective.
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 1 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.745 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i1.116


Television was one of mainstream mass media which people still uses for their information needs. People will follow and gives reference to act learning from television conten. Gender was a social context to descripe compare man and women in information consumption behaviour for television. The purpose of this research is to look at the level of gender differences in the behavior of consuming mass media, especially talk shows Hotman Paris Show on iNews television. This research uses the uses and gratification theory from Palmgreen and Rosengreen (1985) model. The research method with a quantitative approach, with chi square test hypotesis. The sample used was 80 students at a campus in Jakarta with simple random sampling. The results showed no difference in behavior after consuming information talk shows Hotman Paris Show on iNews television between men and women. The element most seen in talk shows on television is education. Dominant behavior that arises after watching a talk show on television shows is cognitive or shows only affect the minds of the people.
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 1 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.49 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i1.117


The aims of study are to find out the historical relations of tutura Siotapina, the implementation process, the meaning behind it, the transcendental communication in it, and the potential of tourist destination. The subject is the traditional community of Wasuamba as the main.By using descriptive qualitative method and participatory observation data in the ethnographic paradigm of communication, the conclusions are obtained:The meanings of tutura Siotapina are the harmonization with God, others and nature. The core message is forest conservation with all its historical values.Transcendental communication is from the message of ancestral spirit, a message to continue in preserving the forest as the key to prosperity. Transcendental communication is a human consciousness as a real self (full of limitations), symbolic (cultural) and imaginary (imagination of the Almighty).
PEMBENTUKAN KONSEP DIRI SISWA SMA MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM Ricky Zikrillah Pratama; Bambang Mudjiyanto; Sitinah Sitinah; Joshua Fernando; Fitriana Sandi
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 1 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.643 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i1.118


The development of social media, especially Instagram, is increasingly favored by young people. The resulting content seems to represent the self-concept of its users. This study aims to analyze the formation of self-concept of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta students through social media Instagram. This study uses the theory of Uses and Gratifications and qualitative descriptive methods using observation, interviews, and collecting documentation as secondary data. The results of this study indicate that there are two reasons for self-concept formation in students of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta in fulfilling their needs in using media, namely social integrity needs, and cognitive needs. Furthermore, the informants also have three characteristics of self-concept, namely: self-conclusive, self-protective, and real and ideal, true, and false selves. The things that can shape their self-concept are likes, comments, and the content they share, for the followers are not too important. Informants are more confident in interacting on the Instagram application than directly because Instagram users do not meet face to face dir
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 1 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.676 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i1.119


The development of the coffee business is currently one of the businesses that are in great demand. The large number of coffee shop businesses cause market competition. This market competition is also experienced by Kedai Kopi Kaman which almost resembles menus at other coffee shops in Depok and the same target consumers. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach to the type of qualitative descriptive research and uses a constructivism paradigm. This research uses data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and literature study. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique is data triangulation. This research uses the concept of PENCILS and Four Step. The results showed that the Kedai Kopi Kaman marketing communication strategy was considered effective and supported by social media, through observation and supporting data which stated that the increase in the number of consumers was quite significant, using word of mouth and Instagram social media.
Komunikasi Pemasaran Ketok Tular Langsung (Direct Word of Mouth Marketing) Dalam Industri Restoran Rafiuddin Akil
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 2 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.601 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i2.163


Culinery industry comes from tourism sector and it will be one of interested factor for people visited in a country. Restourant industry would be serve any thing for original of Indonesian culinary for unique and real cuisine. This research talk about the impact of Direct Word of Mouth for visited people to restaurant. The theoretical studies of this research is Word of Mouth Marketing dan Hierarcry of effect, marketing communication, interpersonal communication, Promotion and Publicity. This research studies in one of Batavian restaurant in Kuningan – Jakarta, and use quantitative methods to 70 respondents. Hipotetis testing in linear regretions. Finding research show that there are strongest impact from Direct Word of Mouth for visited people to restaurant (84,6%). The degree of Attentions was the level of the highest in hierarchy of effect for people if Direct Word of Mouth was implemented.
Dinamika Komunikasi Humas Kementerian Komunikasi Dan Informatika Dalam Memberantas Hoax Dan Ujaran Kebencian Di Media Sosial Helen Olivia; Winda Leonita
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 2 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.239 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i2.164


This research discusses how the dynamics of public relations communication of the Ministry of Communication and informatics in eradicating hoaxes and speech on social media. The research objective was to determine the dynamics of communication, steps and obstacles in eradicating hoaxes and hate speech. This research uses Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) theory and action theory. The paradigm used is constructivism with a qualitative research approach. The method used is a case study. Research subjects in the study consisted of key informants and informants. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the dynamics of communication are carried out through face-to-face (direct) communication and media (indirect) communication. The steps taken in eradicating hoaxes and hate speech are by providing direction to the public through open seminars and on their way being hampered by time and location constraints. Obstacles found in the process of blocking websites or social media, Kominfo cannot directly block them but must wait for recommendations from other parties that are in accordance with their respective sectors
Pengelolaan Kesan Simbolik Presiden Jokowi Agus Hitopa Sukma
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 2 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.184 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i2.165


The purpose of research was to find out the management of President Jokowi's leadership communication in terms of managing the symbolic impression displayed in the one-year period of his governance with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. The research approach uses cultural studies, with the method of studying the literature of media content, especially political opinions. The results showed that during one government, judging by the management of symbolic impressions, President Jokowi more presents himself as an organizer and entrepreneur, so that it does not stand out too prominently the formal aspects of protocol presidency in his daily acts. The leadership challenge is urban geopolitics, namely the co-optation of the city area into a source of legitimacy opposition. This challenge developed into a latent issue of binary opposition that attacked the identity of the President. The post-truth era news phenomenon contributes to the threat of government legitimacy in cyberspace. In the field of education, the element of character building is still weak in the realm of implementation, so the course of government for one year is shown many breakthroughs, but often colored controversially.
Pengaruh Promosi Penjualan Harbolnas Marketplace Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Generasi Milenial Di UBSI Dina Andriana; I Ketut Martana; Angga Pradipta Baskoro
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 2 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.83 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i2.166


The phenomenon of Harbolnas sales promotion is the latest trend in online retail. All circles are tempted to participate in the Harbolnas sales promotion program which is held annually on 12 December. This study focuses on how much influence the Harbolnas advertising campaign through the smartphone marketplace application has on the consumptive behavior of the millennial generation. The research method is carried out quantitatively, is explanatory with purposive sampling technique on 400 respondents at Bina Sarana Informatika University. The results of the study found that 1% of the additional use of factors in the sales promotion variable had a positive effect on increasing 0.326 consumptive behavior with the regression equation Y = 30.610 + 0.326X.
Adjusted Individual Educational Report Sebagai Media Konstruksi Komunikasi Pihak Sekolah dan Stakeholders Misnan Misnan
KOMUNIKATA57 Vol 1 No 2 (2020): KOMUNIKATA57
Publisher : FISIP IBI-K57 Prodi Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.752 KB) | DOI: 10.55122/kom57.v1i2.167


The problem is the construction of social reality in formulating AIEP (Adjusted Individual Educational Program) and making AIEP as a more objective, adaptive and realistic representation of coordination as a communication media for schools, parents and stakeholders. The method is descriptive qualitative. The result showed that the application of the concept of AEIP is very useful because it can accommodate various needs of students. It is no longer appropriate to apply the same assessment tools to all students because they have different abilities and needs. On the other hand, there is urgency to the case of students with special needs who choose to study in public schools. These students need their own assessment tools because they have unique abilities and are not owned by the average normal student. One of the tools to assess students with special needs is to create an IEP program. Through IEP, teachers and other team members can create a special curriculum for these students, but still based on the school curriculum in general.