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Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3)
ISSN : 2774650X     EISSN : 27988619     DOI : -
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021" : 7 Documents clear
Potential of Curcumin in Turmeric as a Preventive Modality from Covid-19 in Pregnant Women Fayola Issalillah
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a state of health emergency and global concern. Unfortunately, there is no effective therapeutic strategy available in dealing with Covid-19 infection. This can endanger risk groups, especially pregnant women. Various studies are competing to develop the therapeutic potential of Covid-19 from herbal compounds, one of which is curcumin. This study aims to determine the potential of curcumin in turmeric as a preventive modality from Covid-19 in pregnant women. This paper uses literature study. Based on the results obtained, the anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-coagulant effects in curcumin play an important role in preventing the development of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in humans based on various mechanisms. Low doses of curcumin have also been proven safe for consumption by pregnant women. Therefore, routine and low-dose curcumin supplementation can prevent Covid-19 infection in pregnant women.
The Effectiveness of the Work From Home (WFH) Program during the Covid-19 Pandemic Vatosoa Mendrika; Didit Darmawan; Tri Seno Anjanarko; Jahroni Jahroni; Mochamad Shaleh; Budi Handayani
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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The direct impact of Covid-19 is the weakening of economic growth or even the economy experiencing negative growth. Gross domestic product has decreased drastically. Covid-19 has forced all of us to migrate from places of work in offices, places to study at schools, places to shop at malls, even places of worship in places of worship to all being done at home. The readiness of workers to adapt due to changes in the work environment and different conditions in general is also a challenge for both workers and companies. Therefore, researchers conducted research on the implementation of employee WFH. This research is a quantitative research. The data collection technique is through literature study which aims to describe, explain and analyze facts that can support the research topic. The results show that remote work can be an answer to urban issues and emergency conditions in the short and long term. However, remote work has not yet become mainstream in modern human life.
Study on The Relationship Between Social Support and Entrepreneurship Intention Experienced by Adolescents Rafadi Khan Khayru; Nichen Nichen; Arnadi Chairunnas; Safaruddin Safaruddin; Muhammad Tahir
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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Entrepreneurship is very important for the community because with entrepreneurship people are no longer dependent on jobs, and create job opportunities for others. Entrepreneurial activities in the community have a very important role to help overcome the problem of unemployment and increase people's income. The cause of the large number of unemployed because most people do not have an entrepreneurial spirit. The social environment has an important role in shaping the desire for entrepreneurship. The purpose of this correlational study is to determine the relationship between social support and entrepreneurial intentions. Respondents in this study were taken from the group of teenagers aged 15-20 years. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique based on characteristics focused on groups of teenagers who had not worked and were not married. In addition, they also have no entrepreneurial experience. There are 46 teenagers who are respondents in this study. All of them came from Padusan Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. The data analysis technique used to fulfil the study objectives is product moment correlation analysis assisted by the SPSS 26 program. The research findings state that social support has a positive and significant relationship with entrepreneurial intentions. The higher the level of social support received by adolescents, the higher the level of entrepreneurial intentions possessed by adolescents
Youth Empowerment to Grow Creative Business Interest Mohammad Djaelani; Arif Rachman Putra
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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The era of globalization has hit almost all areas of human life around the world. Progress and change occur in tandem with the swift currents of globalization. The development of a very fast era like today requires human resources to have high quality to achieve a more prosperous life. Youth has extra potential compared to other community groups. The existence of youth is very necessary in the midst of society for community empowerment efforts, especially youth. However, the success of youth in youth empowerment efforts has not been explored optimally and more deeply, so that it makes the attraction itself to dig deeper into youth empowerment to cultivate creative business interests. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach because this research presents, describes or describes descriptive data about youth empowerment to foster creative business interest. the results obtained by the youth have an interest in doing creative business. however, this was hindered by the existing training and capital. for some people, the training that has been done so far has had an impact on their desire to open a business compared to applying for jobs elsewhere.
Organizational Culture and Impact on Improving Employee Performance Misbachul Munir; Samsul Arifin
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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The policy of the management in the organization is to introduce organizational culture to its employees which will help employees to get to know the organizational system as a whole and integrated with work behavior. A proper understanding of organizational culture must lead to an increase in employee performance and is a contribution to the realization of organizational goals. Organizational culture needs to be developed in such a way as to improve employee performance and continuously develop quality awareness. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the influence of organizational culture on employee performance. The research was conducted in a small business that trades through online media and has 17 employees. The data analysis technique used a simple regression test. The results of this study mostly show a positive relationship between a strong culture and improved performance. Based on this research, it can be concluded that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Analysis of the Role of Experience, Ability and Motivation on Employee Performance Ella Anastasya Sinambela; Ernawati Ernawati
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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Human resource planning is directed so that each employee is able to provide work results in accordance with the standards set by the company. The company's ability to achieve goals is also determined by the work of employees to carry out their duties. This associative research aims to determine the effect of experience, ability, and work motivation on employee performance. The population of this study are employees of a distributor company in the city of Surabaya. The study took samples from all members of the population, amounting to 77 respondents. This study uses multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. From the results of data analysis, it was found that experience had a significant effect on employee performance. Work ability has a significant effect on employee performance. Motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Experience, ability, and motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance
Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix Didit Darmawan; Elodie Grenier
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) Vol 1, No 2 (2021): July 2021
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The marketing mix is one of the most important aspects of marketing activities and plays an important role in creating value and satisfaction to meet customer expectations. The concept of the marketing mix serves as a tool used by an organization to survive in a competitive environment. This concept is controlled by the organization and consists of four main components namely product, price, distribution and promotion. For bids in the form of services, the marketing mix develops into seven components according to the characteristics of the service offer. Three additional components are the service provider, process, physical evidence. The service marketing mix is a formulation of a competitive advantage strategy for organizations. The human factor directly involved in the exchange process makes human resources an important figure of strategic application. Customer-oriented competitive advantage should be implemented by service providers with the appropriate formulation of the marketing mix. Marketing mix and competitive advantage are strategic relationships that are very important for the survival of the company.

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