41 Documents
Application of the C4.5 Algorithm for Early Cervical Cancer Classification
Taftazani Ghazi Pratama;
Achmad Ridwan;
Agung Prihandono
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.4
Cervical cancer is one of the cancers that is of global concern because of the high mortality rate in women. Preventive measures such as early detection are needed so that patients can get treatment more quickly. Fortunately, this disease can be prevented with the role of technology to help doctors in early detection of various types of cancer. The technology developed by the researchers is using machine learning algorithms. Therefore, in this study using the C4.5 algorithm to classify cervical cancer. This algorithm aims to classify 2 classes: people who have cervical cancer, people who are healthy. The results of the experiment obtained from the C4.5 algorithm are getting an accuracy of 98.61%, precision of 98.08%, and recall of 95.24% ROC curve shows 0.982%.
The Effect of Wind Speed on the Thermal Sensation in the Siti Walidah Building (Non-AC Area)
Muhammad Unggul Muhajiri Rahimi;
Nur Rahmawati Syamsiyah;
Muhammad Siam Priyono Nugroho
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.6
Thermal comfort is a necessity for an activity in a room, one of the parameters is wind speed. Wind speed is the speed of air flowing horizontally and vertically at an altitude above the ground. Wind speed is influenced by differences in temperature and air pressure as well as the characteristics of the surface on which it passes. Meanwhile, air that does not move in a closed room will cause the room user to feel uncomfortable. In this study, the object used is the Siti Walidah building, which is the main building, and is one of the service buildings belonging to the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The object selection is based on the circular mosque shape, which is thought to affect the wind movement pattern. The purpose of this study was to determine the wind speed and the level of comfort of building users to the wind speed on each floor, especially in non-ac areas. The research method used is a quantitative approach with measurement and qualitative descriptive analysis, namely the interpretation of data because of observations, analysis with the surfer mapping program and interviews. This study also uses the SNI 03-6572-2001 reference. The results showed that the maximum comfort for users was felt only on the second floor with an average wind speed of 0.630 m/s in the morning and 1.139 m/s during the day. While the other floors have an average wind speed of below 0.25 m/s, which indicates that the wind category cannot be felt by the user.
Improvement of Program Machining Efficiency by Eliminating One Cutter Ball Nose to Lower Dies Manufacturing Costs
Lilik Suwito;
Eko Muh Widodo;
Tuessi Ari Purnomo
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.8
The tooling department is a department that is engaged in manufacturing dies, namely the manufacture of printing equipment to make a component / pressed part which is made according to the desired design and processed on a press machine, dies are ordered from the customer, namely the sole agent of the brand (ATPM). Manufacturing dies including project work, one of the dies manufacturing projects is the 640A dies drawing part number 53711/12 project with the current machining program time being efficient at 47.29%, but to improve service to the sole agent of the brand holder and to reduce the cost of manufacturing dies, it is necessary to increase efficiency by eliminating one ball nose cutter. This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining a more efficient machining program by conducting technical analysis on the machining program dies drawing 53711/12. Technical analysis was carried out on the 12 mm ball nose cutter and 10 mm ball nose cutter by calculating the path length, cutter load and cutter life so as to obtain elimination results on the 10 mm ball nose cutter because the cutter was less effective. The result of the elimination of one cutter is that the percentage of machining program efficiency increases to 48.72% and affects the efficiency of purchasing cutters by 4.15% and efficiency in manufacturing costs for dies drawing part number 53711/12 increased from 5.44% to 5.71%, an increase of 0.27% or Rp 1,833. 893.06
Design and Implementation of Temperature Detection Gates and Hand Sterilization for Covid-19 Prevention
Agus Ulinuha;
Muhammad ‘Alim Alfaridzi
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.9
One of the efforts to reduce the transmission of Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) is by detecting body temperature and disinfection. Detection of body temperature is carried out as an effort to identify sufferers of Covid-19 so it is necessary to prevent them to get together with other people. Manual temperature measurement may cause burnout of staff doing this task and reduced accuracy. Therefore it is necessary to develop an automatic temperature measurement system and display the data be easily observed. Apart from measuring body temperature, another effort to prevent Covid-19 infection is to disinfect the hands. The disinfection process can be done by automatically spraying the disinfectant gel on the hands. The two processes are carried out sequentially, after the body temperature is measured and does not exceed the limit, then the disinfection process is carried out. This procedure is implemented in a gate equipped with two blades with the first blade opening when the body temperature does not exceed the limit, followed by the opening of the second blade after the automatic disinfection of the hand. The procedures are done automatically without touch to minimize physical contact. For the development of the system, an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller is needed, 3 MLX90614, 3 HC-SR04 sensors, 3 e18-d80nk, 1 relay, 1 DC motor pump and 2 DC blade actuator motors. The allowable body temperature limit can be determined by manual setting. Operationally this system has been tested and demonstrated the ability to work as desired, including spraying disinfectant gel. For verification of temperature measurements, there was an average deviation of 0.018% from the measurement by the sensor to the temperature measured with thermogun.
Development of a Local Sundial Based Chronotype Measurement Tool from the Google Prayer Times Application
Yusuf Alam Romadhon
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.10
Introduction: In previous studies a chronotype questionnaire has been compiled using a prayer time benchmark as a measure to determine whether a person's waking or sleeping behavior is categorized as early or late. The use of questionnaires based on patient answers regarding the question of how many hours from the evening prayer time (definitive night) and dawn time (the dawn twilight) does not rule out the possibility of recall bias. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a chronotype measuring tool based on the Google Prayer Schedule application, to calculate how long from the critical point the correspondence of a sundial with a person's waking time. Purpose: Develop a sundial based chronotype measuring tool from the google application for local prayer schedules. Method: Use of a questionnaire containing waking hours, hours of sleep on weekdays and holidays, to then calculate the difference from the critical time of the sun, namely the difference with the time of sunrise and the definitive hour of the night from the google application local prayer schedule where the respondent lives. Definitively, as in previous studies, 7 items were developed, relating to these habits. Respondents filled out via google form for questions from the questionnaire. Calculation of the difference between waking/sleeping hours and definitive sunrise/night hours by researchers. The research was conducted in the period November - December 2020. Results: There were 795 respondents who participated in this study. Analysis of the 6 questions, the results of the item-total correlation were sequentially with the value of r, 0.759; 0.690; 0.883; 0.761; 0.740; 0.908 with an overall p value of 0.000. Cronbach's alpha value = 0.877. Conclusion: the chronotype questionnaire based on the distance between the hours of sleep/wake up and the midpoint of sleep relative to the rising time, curfew, midnight point, is concluded to be valid and reliable.
Automatic Water Quality Monitoring System With Real-Time Data Type Based on Internet of Things (IOT) for Vannamei Shrimp Farming
Sobri Sobri;
Pungkas Prayitno;
Basino Basino;
Nurhayat Nurhayat
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August-Dec
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.64
Water quality is an important factor in supporting the success of vanname shrimp farming. The automatic water quality monitoring system is designed using two hardware, namely the DS18B290 temperature sensor to measure water temperature, the E-201 BNC pH meter kit sensor to measure water pH, and the TDS meter sensor. gravity Dfrobot to measure the salinity of the water, and the RED Turbidity MJKDZ sensor to measure the turbidity of the water, as the data sending hardware (transmitter). Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller, NodeMCU esp8266 as receiver and data processing hardware (reciver). The automatic water quality monitoring system is also designed using three software, namely Arduino IDE software as the main hardware program, ThingSpeak software as a database and MIT APP Inventor software as application development software. The test results for the level of accuracy and error of sensor measurements on water quality monitoring tools show that the sensor has a very good percentage of performance with the temperature sensor accuracy reaching 98.67%, the sensor reaching pH 99.35%, the salinity sensor reaching 99.28%. Meanwhile, the temperature sensor measurement error rate is only 1.32%, the pH sensor is only 0.64% and the salinity sensor is only 0.71%.
Analysis of Water Contaminated Engine Oil in Engine Generator Set
Wilarso Wilarso;
Firmansyah Azharul;
Che Wan Mohd Noor;
Dan Mugisidi
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August-Dec
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.66
This case study was conducted in a manufacturing company that experienced a breakdown in a power generator set. A standard investigation was carried out by opening the crankcase cover and checking the dipstick. The results of the visual inspection showed that the engine oil was contaminated with water. Therefore, this study was conducted to further analyze the causes of oil contaminated with water in the unit being handled using fault tree analysis (FTA). As a result, cracks were found in the cylinder liner due to pitting on the outer liner with a pitting depth of more than 2 mm. In our analysis, pitting is formed due to the presence of air bubbles in the cooling system. Based on FTA, the formation of air bubbles is caused by the quality of the coolant. We also found that the coolant used was not added with any additives.
Application of The Rotary Dryer Machine in The Semi Modern Herbal Herbs Business Group in Nguter District, Sukoharjo Regency
Sartono Putro
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August-Dec
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.83
The purpose of this community service program is to apply the rotary dryer unit to the production of herbal herbs that do not require solar heat. Target on the management aspect, partners are able to manage business with standard business management. Partners have an entrepreneurial spirit and have a strong spirit. Activities are carried out with coordination and discussion with partners. A meeting to determine the capacity of the rotary dryer unit and the needs of electrical energy and heat sources. Whereas for the herbal medicine business entrepreneur group, coordination was carried out to determine the material and motivation management training to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. The rotary dryer unit consists of two main parts, namely: air heater and rotary dryer cylinder. Air heater is made from a range of 3/4 inch diameter mild steel pipes, while the shell wall is made of mild steel plates with 1.2 mm thickness. For air plants centrifugal blowers are used with a 2 inch pipe diameter. A heat source is used by a single burner with LPG fuel. The rotary dryer cylinder, is a concentric tube, from a perforated stainless steel plate used as a place for dried simplicia. While the outer tube is made of mild steel plates. The tube is rotated using a 200 Watt one pasha electric motor. Improved business management with standard management to improve marketing efficiency and development.
A Study of Land Function Conversion and Urban sprawl Patterns in Sokaraja Banyumas Regency
Rusfik Yulli Anur Wati;
Sakinah F. Shalihati
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August-Dec
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.103
Urban sprawl is a phenomenon of the unplanned physical appearance spread in the city due to the rapid development of the city. The limited availability of land triggers its development to extend to the suburbs which causes land conversion. This phenomenon occurs due to the development of the city which continues to grow but has limited space. This study aimed to spatially examine land-use conversion and urban sprawl patterns in Sokaraja as a WPU (peri-urban area) from Purwokerto and its close distance to Purbalingga City. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to analyze land-use conversion and urban sprawl patterns using built-up area indicators including settlements and places of activity, agricultural land, and road network. The study was conducted on land use spread over 18 urban villages. Remote sensing analysis with image interpretation of the ArcGIS 10.6 software application was used to review four-time series, namely 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2019. The results of the study found that in a span of 14 years there had been a land conversion in Sokaraja subdistrict. This is evidenced by the increase of the building area which includes settlements and places of activity by 261,991 Ha (8,901%) and followed by a decrease in the area of agricultural land by 261,991 Ha (8,901%). The urban sprawl pattern found is a combination of leapfrog development and ribbon development.
Design and Build Electrical Gamelan as a Cultural Tourism Supporting Object
Erna Alimudin;
Arif Sumardiono;
Saepul Rahmat;
Riyani Prima Dewi;
Hera Susanti
Urecol Journal. Part E: Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): August-Dec
Publisher : Konsorsium LPPM Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY
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DOI: 10.53017/uje.104
Widarapayung Wetan, Binangun District, Cilacap Regency is an innovation village entrusted by the Regional Planning, Development, Research and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) of Cilacap Regency to the Cilacap State Polytechnic. The current partner's problem is the difficulty in introducing cultural tourism to tourists visiting Widarapayung Wetan Village. One of the cultural tourism potentials in Widarapayung Wetan Village is a traditional Javanese musical instrument, namely the gamelan. Currently, gamelan cultural activities in Widarapayung Wetan Village have been actively carried out on a regular basis based on the existing schedule of activities. Therefore, in order for gamelan to become a unique attraction, it is combined with electronic technology to become an electric gamelan. The electric gamelan can be used by visitors freely to learn to play the gamelan, while the existing original gamelan can be well preserved for rehearsals and performances. The electric gamelan made are saron and demung instruments. The saron and demung blades use acrylic material. When the acrylic blade is hit/beaten with a hammer, the piezoelectric sensor will receive vibrations when the blade is hit. The vibrations will be converted into electrical energy. The electrical energy will go through the Zener diode and 1 M? resistor, and will enter into IC 4051. IC 4051 in the system functions as a multiplexer that will take only one input according to the tone of the saron or demung instrument blades that are hit. The input will be passed to Arduino for processing. Arduino will issue a sound output in the form of a tone according to the blade that is hit. The electric gamelan tone is the original tone recorded by the saron and demung instruments. The two electric gamelan instruments, saron and demung, were tested together with wiyaga and the head of the Padhang Bulan Widarapayung Wetan art studio. The next activity was socialization with members of the Padhang Bulan art studio and the village apparatus of Widarapayung Wetan.