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HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies
ISSN : 27767736     EISSN : 27767744     DOI : 10.26858/human
The aim of our journal is to promote a principled approach to research on the area of social sciences and humanities in general, which may include, but not limited to Linguistics and Literature, Arts, Cultural Studies, Law, Economics and business, Tourism, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, and Education. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students and policy makers.
Articles 59 Documents
Makna Simbolik Tradisi Ménréq Bola Baru Masyarakat Bugis di Desa Tinco Berdasarkan Teori Semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce Firdayani Firdayani; Syamsuddha Syamsudduha; Hajrah Hajrah
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49130


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to describe the symbolic meaning of the Ménréq Bola Baru tradition of the Bugis community in Tinco village, Citta sub-district, Soppeng district using Pierce's Semiotics theory. In Pierce's Semiotics theory there are representamen, interpretants and objects. The data in this study are oral data obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The results showed that objects and foods contained in the Ménréq Bola Baru tradition are representatives of symbolic meanings in the Ménréq Bola Baru tradition (1) mappasili, (2) mapputara mattulili bola bekka pitu, (3) mabbeqda bola, (4) mappénréq tau. Interpretation (1) mappasili, (2) mapputara mattulili bola bekka pitu (3) mabbeqda bola 4) mappénréq tau, (5) when burning incense there are embers, (6) when sprinkling incense on incense that has smoke and fire (7) coconut, (8) banana bunches, (9) jackfruit bunches, (10) pabberesseng and rice, (11) water, (12) tampi, (13) pumpkin, (14) layer cake, (15) apang, (16) ondé-ondé, and (17) indo béppa. Objects (1) bunched coconut, (2) bunched banana, (3) bunched jackfruit, (4) pabberesseng, (5) water, (6) winnow, (7) pumpkin, (8) layer cake, (9) apang, (10) ondé-ondé, and (11) indo béppa.Keywords: Meaning, Symbolic, Ménréq bola baru
Pengaruh Kelekatan Terhadap Kecenderungan Melakukan Kekerasan dalam Pacaran Fitriah Gita Maharani Hasanuddin; Muh. Nur Hidayat Nurdin; Wilda Ansar
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49139


Abstrak. Kekerasan dalam pacaran adalah perilaku mendominasi, mengendalikan, memaksa, dan menghancurkan baik secara fisik, psikologis dan seksual. Individu dengan gaya kelekatan yang tidak aman berisiko tinggi menjadi pelaku kekerasan dalam pacaran terutama bagi pria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kelekatan terhadap kecenderungan melakukan kekerasan dalam pacaran pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 34 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri dan Swasta yang ada di Makassar, berusia 18-25 tahun, berjenis kelamin laki-laki, dan pernah melakukan perilaku kekerasan dalam pacaran. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan alat ukur berupa skala kekerasan dalam pacaran dan skala kelekatan yang dimodifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kelekatan terhadap kecenderungan melaukan kekerasan dalam pacaran pada mahasiswa.Kata Kunci: Kekerasan dalam Pacaran, Kelekatan, Mahasiswa
Nilai Budaya Dalam Nyanyian Ucapan Syukur Pada Tradisi Padungku di Poso Sulawesi Tengah (Suatu Kajian Antropologi Sastra) Andi Ika Mutmainnah; Nensilianti Nensilianti; Faisal Faisal
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49133


Abstract. This study describes the cultural values contained in the thanksgiving song in the Padungku tradition in Poso, Central Sulawesi and is used as a source of data to be analyzed. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by describing the data obtained based on the theory used. Sources of data used in this study are various information and information obtained directly from several informants. The data used in this study is a thanksgiving song for the Padungku tradition in Poso, Central Sulawesi. The results of this study indicate that there are four levels in finding the meaning contained in the thanksgiving song in the Padungku tradition, the four levels are: 1) the geographical level, namely the level related to circumstances, 2) the techno-economic level, namely the level related to livelihoods, 3) the sociological level, which explains the relationship between society and 4) the cosmological level, which explains the relationship between humans and the Creator. Meanwhile, the cultural values contained in the thanksgiving songs in the Padungku tradition in Poso, Central Sulawesi, are religious, philosophical and sociological values. The singing also has several functions which include ritual, entertainment and educational functions..Keywords: Literary Anthropology, Cultural Values, Folk Songs.
Kekerasan Struktural dalam Novel Siri’ Karya Asmayani Kusrini: Perspektif Teori Kekerasan Johan Galtung Siti Anisya; Aslan Abidin; Suarni Syam Saguni
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49140


Abstract. Structural violence in the novel Siri' by Asmayani Kusrini: the perspective of Johan Galtung's theory of violence. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data in this study are in the form of phrases, words or sentences that represent the structural violence contained in the novel Siri' by Asmayani Kusrini with an emphasis on Johan Galtung's theory of violence. The data source for this research is the novel Siri' by Asmayani Kusrini. The rise of cases of violence that occur in public makes this research important to do, that violence is not just physically injuring someone, but a form of violence that is more than that. Violence can also occur in a structure, both social, political, economic and so on. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to find out and understand what structural violence is experienced by the characters in the novel Siri' by Asmayani Kusrini based on the perspective of Johan Galtung's theory of violence. The results of this study indicate that there are two types of structural violence contained in the data sources analyzed, namely structural violence in the form of mediation violence and repressive violence. Mediation violence consists of four data quotations while repressive violence consists of three data quotations.Keywords: Structural Violence, Novel Siri', Johan Galtung
Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Buku Puisi Pakrimpungang Sanjak Mangkasarak Borik Malabbiritta Karya Kembong Daeng Nurul Hikmah Syahrul; Kembong Daeng; Hajrah Hajrah
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49119


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam buku puisi "Pakrimpungang Sanjak Mangkasarak Borik Malabbirik" karya Kembong Daeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa larik-larik puisi dalam buku puisi Pakrimpungang Sanjak Mangkasarak Borik Malabbirik karya Kembong Daeng tahun 2022. Tekik analisis data melalui teknik baca dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Pembacaan heuristik merupakan pembacaan tingkat pertama untuk memahami makna secara linguistik. Dalam pembacaan heuristik buku puisi Pakrimpungang Sanjak Mangksarak Borik Malabbirik karya Kembong ini ditemukan banyak makna yang terkandung dan dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam menanamkan nilai pendidikan karakter. (2) Pembacaan hermeneutik merupakan pembacaan tingkat kedua untuk menginterpretasikan makna. Dalam pembacaan hermeneutik buku puisi Pakrimpungang Sanjak Mangksarak Borik Malabbirik karya Kembong ini ditemukan banyak makna yang terkandung dan dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam menanamkan nilai pendidikan karakter. (3) adapun nilai pendidikan karakternya yaitu (1) nilai religius yang meliputi nilai religius, nilai toleransi, dan nilai peduli sosial, (2) nilai nasionalis yang meliputi nilai cinta tanah air dan nilai disiplin, (3) nilai mandiri yang meliputi nilai kerja keras, nilai mandiri, nilai rasa ingin tahu, dan nilai menghargai prestasi, (4) nilai gotong royong yang meliputi nilai peduli lingkungan, nilai bersahabat/komunikatif, nilai cinta damai, dan nilai demokratis, (5) nilai integritas yang meliputi nilai jujur dan nilai tanggung jawab.                            Kata Kunci: Nilai Pendidikan Karakter, Puisi, Sajak, Mangkasarak
Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Flywheel Marketing pada Penjualan Produk Kesehatan Tiens di Kabupaten Maros Andi Agussalim Aj; Asia Asia; Nur Hikmah
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49136


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud alih kode dan campur kode serta faktor penyebab terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode dalam Flywheel Marketing pada Penjualan Produk Kesehatan Tiens di Kabupaten Maros. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu data lisan berupa kata, klausa, frasa dan kalimat yang mengandung alih kode dan campur kode bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Bugis yang bersumber dari narasumber yaitu penjual dan pembeli dalam Flywheel Marketing pada Penjualan Produk Kesehatan Tiens di Kabupaten Maros yang diambil saat proses percakapan sedang berlangsung antara penjual dan pembeli. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik rekam, simak, catat dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alih kode dalam Flywheel Marketing pada Penjualan Produk Kesehatan Tiens di Kabupaten Maros ada tiga yaitu alih kode antarkalimat, intrakalimat dan tag. Wujud alih kode ada dua yaitu penyisipan berupa unsur berwujud kata dan frasa. Faktor penyebab terjadinya alih kode dan campur kode yaitu faktor tutur, lingkungan, sikap penutur, latar belakang, kebahasaan.Kata Kunci: Alih Kode, Campur kode, Flywheel Marketing, Tiens, Bahasa Bugis, Bahasa Indonesia
Makna Doangang Kasalamakkang Dalam Masyarakat Makassar Annisa Asywa Fahrani; Johar Amir; Hajrah Hajrah
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49141


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of denotation and the meaning of connotation in doangang kasalamakang in Makassar society using Roland Barthes' theory of Semiotics in the theory of denotation meaning and connotation meaning. The data in this study used interview, record, document, and record research techniques. The results of this study show that (1) The meaning of the denotation obtained from doangang kasalamakkang as a whole has a meaning about a situation, when a person wants to realize his desires, prosper his life, and can strengthen his stance. Through this desire, it can be blessed and protected by Allah SWT. Then, the meaning of connotation (2) obtained refers to a person's request, namely the user of doangang kasalamakkang as a person who wants his request to come true. Doangang kasalamakkang users also describe that he has always prayed in his daily life, so users hope that his wishes will come true. Hoping that he will always be under the protection of Allah Almighty. Doangang Kasalamakkang users also want to tell readers that Doangang is a guide on how to live and protect themselves, and how to establish relationships between humans and creators.Keywords: Meaning, Doangang Kasalamakkang, Roland Barthes Semiotics
Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Baru dalam Bahasa Makassar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Takalar Nur Annisa Maulina Natsir; Kemong Daeng; Hajrah Hajrah; Andi Agussalim; Aswati Asri
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49120


Abstract.This study aims to describe the ability to write new poetry in Makassar language through audiovisual media for class VIII students of SMPN 1 Takalar. The population in this study were all 256 grade VIII students of SMPN 1 Takalar, Takalar Regency, spread across 8 classes. The sample was determined as many as 33 students of SMPN 1 Takalar, Takalar Regency. The type of sampling used is cluster random sampling. This research was conducted twice with research subjects namely class VIII-A students, totaling 33 people, carried out in an odd semester, on March 13 and March 20 2023 to be precise using data collection techniques in the form of performance tests (writing poetry, while analysis techniques the data used is descriptive statistics. The results of the research on the ability to write new poetry in Makassar have reached the criterion of 75%. which shows that the sample that got a score of 75-100 totaled 26 students (78.8%) and the sample that got a score of 0-74 totaled 7 students (21.2%) This shows that the ability to write new poetry in Makassar class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Takalar Takalar Regency were declared capable.Keywords: New Poetry, Writing Skill, Makassar Language, Local Language
Analisis Sinkretisme Agama dan Adat Istiadat Tradisi Appanaung pannganreang pada Masyarakat Di Bontolangkasa Kecamatan Bontonompo Kabupaten Gowa Sri Wahyuni; Hajrah Hajrah; Andi Fatimah
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i1.49137


Abstract. This study aims to reveal the syncretism that occurs in the process of the pangnganreang appanaung tradition in the Bontolangkasa community, Kec. Bontonompo Kab. Gowa seen from religion. This study uses qualitative research methods with analysis of syncretism theory. Data in this study were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data was obtained from the angulated process using the angulated data source technique and the triangulation technique to assess the credibility of the data by checking the data to the same source using observation and interview techniques. The results of this study are the syncretism that occurs in the process of the appanaung pannganreang tradition in the Bontolangkasa community, Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency from a religious perspective. This study shows that the appanaung pannganreang procession is carried out on the seventh day, the tenth day, the fortieth day, or the hundredth day. If you look at the relationship between this tradition and the Islamic religion, it is actually not contradictory because in Islam we are ordered to give alms, while the appanaung pannganreang tradition is an activity carried out to give alms to people.Keywords: Appanaung pannganreang, Syncretisme.
Ungkapan Penolakan Bahasa Bugis Pada Interaksi Masyarakat di Kelurahan Botto Kecamatan Lalabata Kabupaten Soppeng Nurhikma Nurhikma; Syamsudduha Syamsudduha; Andi Fatimah Junus
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2023): HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/human.v3i2.51804


Abstract. This study aims to describe the forms and strategies of expressing rejection in the Bugis language in community interaction in Botto sub-district, Lalabata District, Soppeng Regency. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive research design. The data in this study are oral data in the form of words, clauses, phrases and sentences containing rejection in community interactions in Soppeng district Data collection is carried out by recording, listening, recording and documentation techniques. Based on the results of research and data analysis, forms and strategies of rejection expressions were found. (1) The form of direct rejection expression and the form of indirect refusal expression using command sentences and news sentences. (2) The strategy of expressing rejection found in the study is the strategy of expressing rejection using suggestions, the strategy of expressing rejection with a delay in time, reasons, and the strategy of expressing rejection with apologies Keywords: Rejection expression, form and strategy, bugis language