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International Journal of Healthcare Research
ISSN : 26205521     EISSN : 26205521     DOI : Prefix 10.12928/ijhr
Core Subject : Health,
The Journal invites original articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The area of research focuses on particular issues related to public health, health economic, health policy, healthcare quality, health insurance, hospital management, health system and other issues related with healthcare management and policy.
Articles 47 Documents
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Service is an effort made by the employee to fulfill his customers' wishes with the services to be provided. Satisfaction is one indicator of the quality of service that we provided and patient satisfaction is a capital to get more patients and to get loyal patients. Customer loyalty is determined by the quality of service that shapes the patient's satisfaction resulting in an impact on hospital image and patient confidence. This research aims to. Objective: find out the relationship between service decision and customer loyalty in Muhammadiyah PKU hospital in DIY Methodology: This research type included quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted at three PKU hospitals in Yogyakarta. The number of samples in this research amounted to 300 respondents who are patients at the hospital PKU Muhammadiyah in Yogyakarta. The data analysis is used uni-variate and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. Result: The results showed that out of 300 respondents studied, respondents who were less satisfied with the services of PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta were 193 (64.3%) and respondents who were satisfied with the service of PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta were 107 (35.7%), respondents who were not loyal to the service of PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta were 98 (32.7%) and respondents who were loyal to the service of PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta were 202 (67.3%). The results of bivariate analysis showed that p-value α (0.001 <0.05), so it can be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected which meant that there was a relationship between patient satisfaction and patient loyalty in PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in DIY. Conclusion:The level of satisfaction of PKU hospital patients showed that more patients are less satisfied with the higher service compared to patients who are satisfied with the Service, the level of patients who are loyal to the higher service than patients who are not loyal. There is a relationship of patient satisfaction with patient loyalty.
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background of Study: Patient Safety of hospital is a system where the hospital makes patient adoption safer. In giving a quality of guarantee provide health and patient safety, this hospital is applying patient safety program. The result of our acknowledgements show SOP that has not been working as accurately. At this incident should be told 2x24 hours maximal, sometime there is exceeding the line and it is not reported. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the step of patient's safety that has been applied at the inpatient installation in the regional hospital of Yogyakarta.Research Method : this research is  a qualitative research with case approach to 6 informan that used an interview guidance and check list which is refering to the minister of health on Patient’s Safety. Analysis data used data reduction, data display and conclusion.The results of study: the result of this research showed six of seven steps of patient safety has been working with the rule of minister of health about of patient safety, althought in progressing need an increasing . However, your leaders and proponents  has not been working with the rule of minister of health about of patient safety.Conclusion : this research is one of seven steps of patient safety, 6 steps has been working with the rule of minister of health about of patient safety.
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Contributing factors to maternal and infant mortality rates are caused by delays in decision making, late referral and late handling at health facilities or referral sites. One of the efforts to reduce maternal, infant and under-five mortality rates is the provision of comprehensive emergency neonatal obstetric service facilities (PONEK= Program Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Komprehensif) in hospitals. The key to the success of PONEK is the availability of appropriate healthcare personnel competence, infrastructure, facilities and reliable management. Objective: Evaluate the PONEK program at General Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta City (RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta City) Methodology: This research used qualitative approach, case study designed at RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in September 2017. The subjects were 5 employees of PONEK Team and 3 patients, and using Purposive Sampling technique. Data collection by in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis consisted of the stages of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and source triangulation. Result: Input program of PONEK in RSU PKU Yogyakarta is good in terms of quantity of good availability of human resources, funds, and infrastructure facilities. The process of planning, organizing and supervision is good, while in the implementation process has not run well, because one of the activities that support the PONEK of education and training has not been 100% running. Output of PONEK that has not been achieved such as training that cannot be implemented in accordance with a predetermined schedule. The service quality of the PONEK program in terms of patients is quite good and satisfied with the services provided. Conclusion: The implementation of comprehensive emergency neonatal obstetric service program in PKU Muhammadiyah General Hospital as a whole has been going well even though it is not perfect, because there are some parts that are carried out optimally.
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Rapid increase in Indonesia health development lead to increase in life expectancy. This demographical shift implicated in altering disease pattern to dominate be degenerative diseases, such as hypertension. Hypertension affected morbidity and mortality rate significantly. Hypertension also known to correlated with increasing risk in cerebrovascular diseases that continue to cognitive function disorders such as vascular dementia. Objective: To know the relationship between hypertension and cognitive function.Methods: Using cross-sectional design with comparative study. Blood pressure measured by using sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, while cognitive function measured by using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM). This research was held in M. Djamil Hospital, Puskesmas Nanggalo Siteba, Puskesmas Padang Pasir, Puskesmas Alai, Puskesmas Andalas, Puskesmas Seberang Padang dan Puskesmas Pauh with consecutive sampling techniqueResult: There is no significant differentiation based on age and gender in hypertension and normotensive sample. There is significant differentiation in cognitive function in hypertension and norm tension sample (p-value< 0,05). Hypertension sample will have 7,8 times risk to had cognitive function disorders than normotensive sample (measured using MMSE; OR: 7,8). Hypertension sample will have 3,3  times risk to had cognitive function disorders than normotensive sample (measured using RPM; OR: 3,3).Conclusion: There is significant differentiation in cognitive function in hypertension and normotensive sample. Hypertension subject will have 3,3 to 7,8 times risk to had cognitive function disorders than normotensive
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Dental and oral disease attacks almost everyone in the world. Nevertheless, majority of people pay less attention to look after their dental and oral health. Therefore, that case gave rise the severe level. The main cause of severity of dental disease is the disobedience of the patients to the determined medical service standards. Objective: The purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of the service quality and knowledge of the patients with regards to the treatment awareness behavior and to the re-visit of dental patients at community health center (Puskesmas) Situ Udik, Bogor district, west Java, Indonesia 2018. Method: The research design used in this research is quantitative analytics. As for the analysis test, the path analysis is used. The activities were carried out in Dental Polyclinic of Puskesmas Situ Udik in February 2018 where sampling was done by using random sampling system with 143 respondents. Result: The statistic test shows that the factors that influence the patient's re-visit are quality of service (p value = 0.011, contribution 22,5%) and behavior of the patients (p value = 0,045, contribution 17,4%). While the factors that influence the behavior of the patients is quality (p value = 0.000, contribution 45.6%). In addition, simultaneously the quality of services, knowledge as well as behavior affect the re-visit (p value = 0.000 and contribution of 11.6%) Conclusion: 1) to improve the quality of service at Puskesmas Situ Udik and; 2) to provide the patients with education or health promotion in order to improve their knowledge as well as behavior with regards to dental diseases. 
Health Counseling to Enhance Maternal Knowledge about Nutrition in Toddlers Liena - Sofiana; Arfiani Nur Khusna
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: The level of maternal knowledge about high nutrition can affect the diet of baby and will certainly affect nutritional status of toddlers. The knowledge can be generated from several ways, one of them is counseling. Counseling is one method can be used easily to provide the knowledge about the nutrition of toddlers to mothers.Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of health counseling about nutrition of toddlers on mothers in the posyandu Kauman Yogyakarta.Methodology: This study used quasy experimental with pretest and posttest. The populations in this study include all mothers of children who came to the posyandu Kauman Yogyakarta with the sampling technique with total sample are 26 respondents. The processing data used the Wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed.Results: The results shows that there is an effect of health counseling in increasing maternal knowledge about nutrition of baby in Kauman Yogyakarta posyandu (p = 0.000).Conclusion: there is an effect of health counseling in increasing maternal knowledge about nutrition of children in posyandu Kauman Yogyakarta.
Prevalence Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Umbulharjo Sub-District Yogaykarta 2014-2016 Desi Nurfita; Fatma Nurasyiah; Atikah Rahayu
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease coused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most of Mycobacterium tuberculosis attacks lungs, but it can also attack other body organs (Depkes RI, 2007). Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year more than 8 million new cases of tuberculosis occur and approximately 3 million persons die from the disease. The result of Riskesdas in 2007, prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis increases with age and highest prevalence is over 65 years. The prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in men is 20 % higher than woman. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis is three times higher in low education compared to higher education (Riskesdas, 2007).Method : This type of study was quantitative descriptive research. Respondents were tuberculosis program holders at Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 1 and Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 2. This reseach used tuberculosis register in Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 1 and Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 2. Data analysis was performed by descriptive. Data analysis used frequency distribution analysis.Result : Suspected tuberculosis has increased from 2014 to 2016 in Umbulharjo District. Percentage of tuberculosis patients among the suspects in 2014 was 26.1%. Percentage of TB patients among the suspects in 2015 was 22.3%. Percentage of TB patients among the suspects in 2016 was 25.1%. the result of study found  pulmonary tuberculosis primer, pulmonary tuberculosis secondary, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and tuberculosis in children. Treatment success rates reached 89% in 2014, 92% in 2015, and 78% in 2016.Conclusion : Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis fluctuate every year. Increased in 2016, which was 46 cases, compared to the year 2015 as many as 26 cases and in 2014 as many as 28 cases.
Determinant of Stunting in Indonesia: A Review Article Indah Budiastutik; Sri Achadi Nugraheni
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Stunting prevalence data in Indonesia has sufficient number relatively similar with riskesdas result year 2007 (36.8%), 2010 (35.6%) until 2013 increase to 37.2% (1), although riskesdas 2018 result decline 6.4%. It becomes 30.8% (2), but the problem of stunting in Indonesia is still above prevalence globally, 22.2% (3). WHO determines definition of nutrition case is fewer than 20% (4), therefore Indonesia included to state which has public health problem, especially stunting case. Stunting has long risk such as PTM when going adult, though it can be prevented early.Objective: this article review aims to identify determinant factors which take a risk to stunting of Indonesian children.Methodology: We applies concept framework from WHO about stunting on children. By using designs of non-randomized control trials, observational studies, this article review applied through browsing the article using Google scholer, Proquest, Medline and several on line journals which published 10 years latest, then taking research subject of mother and child, Research applied in West Kalimantan.Result: From browsing finding obtained 2.435 relevant articles to conduct the citation, there are 2.122 completed the requirement after conducting the title and absract review, after carrying out the screening throuh full text review of articles obtained 360 titles, then 15 articles which completed the inclusive/ exclusive criteria. Based on literature finding of review consistently shows that giving inclusive mother‘s milk, low economic status of household, premature birthing, length of birthing and low education of mother, and also children live in the village, bad sanitation, and the culture is a determinant factor of children stunting in Indonesia.Conclusion: From the comprehensive synthesis concerning stunting on Indonesian children can be found out who is the most susceptible of stunting and the factors influence of stunting on children.
Behavioral Prevention of Sexual Transmitted Infections in Female Sexual Workers in Puncak, Bogor Munaya Fauziah; Nayla Nur Rabbany
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Case of HIV/AIDS in the Bogor district each year continues to rise. And one of them caused by free sex. District Cisarua is one of 14 districts highest number of cases of HIV/AIDS.Objective : This study aimed to analyze information about behaviors prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Bogor 2016.Methodology: This study which was implemented in July 2016, and used a qualitative approach with key informants is Female Sexual Workers and Security Guards Hotel. Data analysis was done by the content analysis method by transcribing interviews that comes from informants.Result:The results of this research note that informant is Female Sexual Workers due to economic factors. While on Sexually Transmitted Infections prevention behaviors, informants on Sexual Transmitted Infections prevention behaviors by using condoms protective. However, in the perception of the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, the informant use of antibiotics, betel leaves, antiseptic and cleaning themselves after sexual intercourse to maintain health and prevent sexually transmitted infections.Conclusion:In this study of Behavioral Prevention of Sexual Transmitted Infections in Women Sexual Workers by using condoms protective and use of antibiotics, betel leaves, antiseptic and cleaning themselves after sexual intercourse. And suggested to the health department to provide information about Sexually Transmitted Infections more intent, and have a strategy with exciting promotional media which easy to understand by Women Sexual Workers.
The Differences Between Hormonal Pills and Injection Contraception Adverse Effect: Pekanbaru Puskesmas Case Study Lasiah Susanti; Erick Caessarrani A
International Journal of Healthcare Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: In Indonesia majority contraception participant using hormonal methods, consist of pills and injection methods. Whereas, hormonal contraception methods causing various adverse effects. Menstrual cycle irregularity, metrorhagia, menorhagia, nausea, headache, breast tenderness, weight gain, negative mood changes, libido changes, acne, palpitation, hair loss Objectives: To acknowledge the adverse effect differences between pills and injections hormonal contraception Methodology: The design of this study is cross sectional, using sample from Puskesmas in Pekanbaru. Data was analyze with cross tabulation, and Independent T-test.  Results: Adverse effect that have been found according to its quantities: weight gain (74%), Menstrual cycle irregularity (53%) , mood changes (53%), libido changes (47%), hair loss (47%), headache (24%), nausea (21%), acne (21%), metrorhagia (21%), menorhagia (18%) palpitation (6%). Cross tabulation show that most adverse effect was found on injection hormonal contraception Discussions: Hormonal contraception adverse effect commonly explained by its effect on metabolic and cardiovascular system. Metabolically, hormonal contraception affecting many target organs with progestin as mostly substance in charge as cause for adverse effect Conclusions: There is significant differences adverse effect between hormonal injections progestin only contraception methods and hormonal pills estradiol levonorgestrel combination. All adverse effect occur more excessively (18%) on hormonal injection progestin only methods.